All about paraffin masks for the face, arms, legs. When and how to make home masks from paraffin, how long to keep them?

All about paraffin masks for the face, arms, legs. When and how to make home masks from paraffin, how long to keep them?

Paraffin - a substance resembling wax - can retain heat for a long time and, when solidified, keeps a well. These qualities were evaluated by cosmetologists and is successfully used to care for the skin.

The substance of paraffin causes an association with industrial goods, however, it is actively used in the medical industry for the treatment of various diseases. In addition, paraffin took a strong position in cosmetology. It is used to care for the face and body both as part of cosmetic products and in its purest form.

Important: there are 2 types of paraffin - white and yellow. Yellow is used in medicine, and white (purified) in cosmetology.

White paraffin

Paraffin masks, indications

Paraffin masks have an anti -inflammatory and regenerative effect, improve blood circulation, open and purify pores.

Indications for the use of paraffin therapy:

  • Skin damage (cracks, mechanical damage)
  • The presence of ulcers, wounds, burns
  • Salt deposits
  • Joint diseases, arthritis
  • Inflammatory processes
  • Irritation, peeling or dry skin
  • Swelling
  • Scars and red spots after acne on the face

Contraindications for paraffin masks

Paraffin therapy, as a medical and cosmetological procedure, has a number of contraindications:

  • Allergy and individual intolerance
  • Diabetes
  • Circulatory disorders
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • The presence of open wounds
  • Increased skin sensitivity
  • Phlebeurysm
  • Pupil rash
  • Abundance of moles and warts
Indications for paraffin masks

Do paraffin masks help from wrinkles?

Paraffin during solidification perfectly retains heat, improving blood circulation under the mask. It enhances sweating, which contributes to the expansion and purification of pores. Moreover, when hardening, paraffin holds the form, decreasing in volume, which is successfully used by cosmetologists to combat wrinkles and for general rejuvenation of the face.

After the use of paraffin therapy, the skin is pulled, smoothing facial and age -related wrinkles, the skin becomes more elastic and silky.

You can make a bandage by moistening a bandage in paraffin. This method is suitable when it is not required to apply the mask to the whole face, but only to its individual parts (second chin, cheeks). Paraffin dressing is effective for combating wrinkles on the forehead:

  • Clean the skin of the forehead with a scrub
  • Heat 25g of paraffin in a water bath
  • Moisten a threefold piece of gauze or bandage in paraffin, put on the forehead
  • So that the bandage does not shift, you can fix it with a bandage
  • Hold the mask for 15-20 minutes, after removing it, moisturize your forehead with cream

Important: Avoid contact with a paraffin bandage, otherwise you risk losing it.

Paraffin therapy from wrinkles

How to make paraffin face masks?

To achieve the result, make paraffin masks about once a week. The effect of paraffin therapy will be noticeable after the first procedure and last 7-9 days.

Important: in winter, make a mask at least an hour before going out to avoid hypothermia.

Before carrying out the procedure for the face, it needs to be prepared:

  • Wash. Make sure that there is no moisture left on the face, when interacting with paraffin, this can lead to a burn
  • Wipe your face with a lotion, wait for drying
  • Try to remove the hair as much as possible, it is best to hide it under a scarf or a hat

IMPORTANT: Before the procedure, do not use means of alcohol content - you run the risk of getting a burn.

After these simple procedures are completed, proceed to prepare the mask:

  • For one procedure, heat the 50g of paraffin to 50-55 ° C in a water bath constantly stirring. Before application, make sure that paraffin is not too hot
  • Using a cotton swab, apply molten paraffin to the face in 2-3 layers
  • Apply a mask starting from the chin, gradually moving to the forehead
  • Cover the face with a towel or a dense cloth. For convenience, you can make slots for the eyes and mouth in it
  • Keep the mask for 15-25 minutes. It is advisable to lie down, relaxing. Do not speak.
  • Remove the mask, prying behind the edges
  • Moisten the skin of the face with a nourishing cream

Important: white paraffin can only be used once. For the next mask, take a new portion.

To enhance the action of the mask, you can add vitamins or essential oils to paraffin, for example:

  • With dry and peeling skin - add 1 t.l. bee wax and olive oil
  • To soften the skin - 1 tbsp. Aloe juice
  • For rejuvenation - 3 drops of vitamins A and E.
  • For regeneration-4-5 drops of the infusion of propolis
  • For cleansing-20g of olive oil and 10g of oil-kakao
Paraffin face masks

How to make paraffin hand masks?

To carry out the hand procedure, you will need 2-3kg of paraffin. You can purchase a special bath that maintains a constant temperature, but any dry container is suitable.

  • Prepare your hands: hold them in warm water and with the help of a scrub, remove dead cells
  • Apply a moisturizer in your hands, making massage movements
  • Heat paraffin in a water bath to 40-45 ° C. Make sure that water does not get into the container
  • Submerize your hands in the molten paraffin and hold for 10-15 seconds. Repeat the dive 4-5 times
  • Когда парафин начнет застывать на руках, заверните их в полотенце или наденьте теплые рукавицы, предварительно обернув пленкой
  • Hold the mask for about 30 minutes. After removing paraffin, grease your hands with a moisturizing cream

To achieve the result, spend 8-10 procedures with an interval of a week.

Paraffin hand masks
Paraffin hand masks

How to make paraffin foot masks?

The procedure technique is the same as for the hands. After several dives into the melted paraffin, wrap your feet with a cellophane (you can take ordinary bags) and wear warm socks. Hold the mask on the legs for 20-30 minutes.

Due to the constant wearing of shoes, the skin of the feet is rude. Paraffin therapy helps to get rid of corns, corns and cracks, softens the skin, relieve swelling and fatigue. Paraffin masks are extremely effective in the treatment of fungi and inflammatory processes. Moreover, they are the prevention of varicose veins.

You can combine this procedure with pedicure.

Paraffin foot masks
Paraffin foot masks

Paraffin mask for the eyes

The skin under the eyes needs to care and cleanse, but one must be careful, because the area around the eyes is extremely sensitive. Paraffin mask is an excellent means of caring for this area. It will help remove wrinkles, smooth and moisturize the skin.

  • Heat the paraffin, its temperature, unlike face masks, should be no more than 40-45 ° C
  • Apply paraffin in 1-2 layers
  • Put a thin layer of cotton wool on paraffin (cotton pad, for example) or cellophane film to maintain heat
  • After 15-20 minutes, remove the paraffin and apply a moisturizer to the area of \u200b\u200bthe mask.

Important: to achieve the result, conduct courses of 10 procedures 2-3 times a week.

Paraffin mask for the eyes
Paraffin mask for the eyes

How often can I do paraffin masks?

Make face masks with courses of 10-12 procedures once a week, after that you should take a break and carry out the procedure no more than once every two weeks for 3-5 months, then you can repeat the course.

For intensive exposure, paraffin therapy is allowed every other day for 1-2 weeks.

What does the skin look like after a paraffin mask? A photo

After a course of paraffin therapy, the skin acquires a well -groomed look, pulls up, wrinkles are significantly smoothed. Paraffin masks help clean pores, calm the inflammatory processes, moisturize the skin. In addition, paraffin has excellent regenerative properties and heals damage to the skin of the face.

Paraffin therapy: before and after
Paraffin therapy: before and after

Paraffin masks: tips

  • For the manufacture of paraffin masks at home, use white paraffin, which can be purchased at the pharmacy
  • Make sure that the container in which you melt paraffin is dry
  • Avoid falling water drops into paraffin or face - this is fraught with burns
  • During the procedure, it should relax as much as possible
  • The use of paraffin was appreciated by many representatives of the fair sex. Some note excellent results in skin rejuvenation and improve the general condition

Video: Paraffin therapy technique

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  1. Apparently not all these masks are suitable (I have unrealistically drying my face from many masks (now I try not to touch my face, I take the triple omega-3 Evalarovskaya, I try to drink a lot of water) my skin is less dry ... which is very happy)

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