All the colors of the rainbow in order for children, schoolchildren: the correct sequence and the name of the colors. What color does the rainbow begin? How many cold and warm colors in the rainbow? How to quickly remember the colors of the rainbow?

All the colors of the rainbow in order for children, schoolchildren: the correct sequence and the name of the colors. What color does the rainbow begin? How many cold and warm colors in the rainbow? How to quickly remember the colors of the rainbow?

In this article we will consider a very bright and interesting topic for children. Namely, let's talk about the rainbow.

Children, these are small "Prochki", who, in principle, are interested in everything that surrounds them. Despite this, it is sometimes very difficult to convey to the baby any information, especially if it concerns the study of something. With the help of natural phenomena and surrounding objects, you can easily and quickly teach the child elementary things. Such, for example, as colors, an account.

All the colors of the rainbow in order for children, schoolchildren: the correct sequence and the name of the colors

The rainbow is something magical and unusual for all children. However, not all parents use this multi -colored beauty as an assistant in training. And very in vain. Interested in the baby with such beauty, you can easily learn the basic colors and at the same time have fun.

  • It is important to understand that it is you, adults, we understand what a rainbow is. For a child, this is something beautiful and unusual, that he rarely sees, and possibly for the first time. That is why initially you need to give the child an idea of \u200b\u200bthis phenomenon. Of course, you should not explain the 3-year-old crumbs what a rainbow is from the point of view of science, but it is worth telling the overall picture.
  • So, the rainbow is colorful arcs that we see, as a rule, in the sky due to the interaction of drops of water and sunlight. The sun's rays are refracted in drops of water (rain, fountain) and such multi -colored arcs in the sky are obtained.
  • By the way, the rainbow can be seen not only after the rain, it can be observed near the fountains, on the seashore and other ponds. That is, wherever a ray of sun can “pass” through droplets of water.

It is interesting that it is very difficult to consider all the colors of the rainbow with the naked eye, which is why in ancient times only a few colors were distinguished. Over time, almost everyone began to include to such an opinion that in the rainbow there are only 7 colors, however, there are also peoples that still have only 6.

About the rainbow for children
About the rainbow for children

So, it is generally accepted that a multi -colored beauty consists of 7 colors and they are located in the following sequence:

  • Red. This color is quite bright, in the rainbow it gradually fades and smoothly goes into orange
  • Orange. This color is smooth even lighter and warmer and goes into yellow
  • Yellow. At this stage, the yellow arc begins a little green, as a result of which we see a light green color
  • Green. Then blue tones are smoothly poured into green, and the arc acquires a pure blue color
  • Blue. Next, a more saturated blue color appears
  • Blue. After the blue arc, we see the last purple arc
  • Violet. This color completes the rainbow. The purple arc is always the smallest and shortest

From what color does the rainbow begin, what color is in the rainbow 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 in order?

To make it easier and more interesting to teach the rainbow and the colors of which it consists, be sure to tell something interesting about each color and call the objects with which he can be associated.

  • The 1st color that “opens” the rainbow is red. Red is attributed to the color of love, comfort, warmth, care. You can associate color with red berries (strawberries), vegetables (pepper)
  • The 2nd color of the rainbow is orange. This color symbolizes peace and energy, warmth. You can associate it with the sun, oranges, orange flowers, tangerines
  • The 3rd is yellow. This color symbolizes nothing more than warmth, peace, comfort, calm and, of course, the sun
  • 4th color green. This color is attributed to energetic, cheerful colors. It is associated primarily with grass, river and all nature, if we talk about it in general
  • The 5th color is blue. This is the color of peace, tranquility and friendship. It is associated with itself with the sky, the sea
  • 6th blue. This color is considered to be the color of kindness, understanding, fidelity. The first thing you might think about when you see a blue color is the sky, the sea
  • The 7th color of the rainbow is purple. This is a coloring color, often the purple color is endowed with mystical abilities. It is associated with flowers, some vegetables and berries (blackberries, blueberries, eggplant)
Rainbow in associations
Rainbow in associations

Not only telling the child about the colors of the rainbow, but also showing them, talking about objects that are the same color, you easily learn all the basic colors with the baby.

Rainbow colors in English: names with transcription

English is today the most popular in the world. Therefore, it is not surprising that they begin to teach him even from the kindergarten. Almost the first thing that the crumbs begin to teach is just colors. Since it is letters, count, color, etc. are the main basic knowledge.

In English
In English

Not knowing English at a sufficient level, it is quite difficult to learn his words. Since incorrectly read words will be incorrectly learned. In this case, transcription comes to the rescue.

  • So, the first color of the rainbow red, in English is written red And has the following transcription - [red]. It must be said that Red is often translated not only as red, but also as scarlet, crimson
  • The second color - orange, written as orange and reads as [ˈɒrɪndʒ]
  • The third goes yellow - We write it how yellow, and we read as follows - [ˈjeləʊ]
  • The fourth color of the rainbow - green. In writing, the word has this kind - green, read as follows - [ɡriːn]
  • The fifth is coming blue. In English, the color has the following name and transcription - blue [Bluː]
  • The sixth rainbow color is blue. In English, it is written and read similarly to the blue. Sometimes you can find this option of writing blue - Dark Blue, in this case, the transcription will be the following [dɑːrk] [bluː]
  • And the final color is violet. In English, color is written as purple, with transcription [ˈpɜːpəl]. Or violet with transcription [ˈvaɪələt] - this color is darker and saturated

How many cold and warm colors in the rainbow?

First you need to understand what cold and warm colors are. After all, not everyone knows the fact that all colors can be divided according to this classification.

  • What type of color belongs to, depends on the length of the spectrum wave. The longer this wave will be, the warmer the color will be and, the shorter the wave will be, the colder the color will be. Moreover, information regarding such an indicator is freely available and anyone can recognize it.
  • Despite this, exclusively with the help of vision, we do not have the opportunity to find out this indicator, so often people determine what kind of color the color belongs, exclusively by subjective indicators.
  • Firstly, it is customary to attribute all the colors that prevail in the cold season-in winter. Those colors that are often found in the summer are considered warm.
  • Secondly, at the sight of a cold color or shade, that is, color with a short wave, a person relaxes, calms down, feels peace and peace, and a certain cold may feel. With warm colors, the opposite is true: seeing them, a person wakes up emotionally, feels a surge of strength, energy, visually the room in such colors seems brighter, warmer and more comfortable.
All the colors of the rainbow
All the colors of the rainbow

As for the colors of a multi -colored beauty, they are as follows:

  • Cold include blue, blue and purple. The length of their waves is the shortest.
  • The warm, yellow and orange colors are warm.
  • But with green color, not everything is so unambiguous. This color consists of 2 others: yellow-warm and blue-cold. In fact, this color can be called neutral, since it has warm and cold shades.

All of the above information concerns pure colors, which are extremely few in nature. In order to more accurately determine a one or another shade to cold or warm color, it is necessary to examine the colors and their components in detail. For example, if yellow is dominated in green, then it should be attributed to warm, if blue - to cold

How to quickly remember the colors of the rainbow?

The process of studying and memorizing colors, in principle, like any other information, each person happens differently. Someone grabs everything on the fly, and someone needs to make a lot of efforts to learn at least a few words.

  • It is much easier to remember the colors of the rainbow by associating them and the sequence itself with some expression. The statement has long been heard: "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting". The capital letter of each word is the letter on which the color that is present in the rainbow begins. At the same time, the sequence of colors is also preserved - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple. By remembering such a simple expression, you can very quickly and easily remember all the colors of the rainbow and the sequence in which we see them.
Remove the colors
Remove the colors
  • There are other options for such subscription expressions, for example: "The cat is oslu, girafa, a Blue Blue sewed fufikes". For small children, this option in principle can be even simpler and more interesting. By choosing this expression for a clue, do not forget to explain to the child what a fufaika is.
  • It is also important to engage in memory development. To do this, you need to learn different verses, read books.
  • Do not forget that it is unlikely that you can learn everything at a time. Therefore, constantly return to this topic, but try not to be too intrusive with the idea of \u200b\u200blearning, especially when it comes to a small child. Remember the colors periodically, repeat the associations to them.

The study of flowers and rainbow as a natural phenomenon can be turned into an interesting game, during which all colors and their sequence will learn quickly and easily.

Video: Rainbow: Learning Colors. Developing cartoon for children

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Comments K. article

  1. Everything is fine, but in the heading of the rainbow with the improper location of the flowers.

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