Is marriage possible between cousins \u200b\u200band second cousins \u200b\u200band sister: genetics, consequences. How does the Church and the state relate to marriages between relatives? The probability of the birth of sick children between relatives

Is marriage possible between cousins \u200b\u200band second cousins \u200b\u200band sister: genetics, consequences. How does the Church and the state relate to marriages between relatives? The probability of the birth of sick children between relatives

Possible consequences of marriage between cousin and sister.

Now there is a fairly decent amount of information regarding the marriage between close relatives. In Russian legislation, it is not allowed to marry only with relatives of the first knee: brother and sister, guardian and child. Regarding the relatives of the second knee, the law regulates and allows to marry. In this article we will talk about marriages between cousins \u200b\u200band second cousins.

Can cousin, second cousin and sister in Russia and other countries get married?

At the legislative level, no one will prohibit the alliance with his relative of the second and third knees. But there is a law according to which a brother and sister cannot sign. This is regulated at the legislative level, as it is associated with the possibility of the birth of children with injuries, as well as genetic diseases.

It was because of this that the alliances were banned between their native brothers and sisters. But the registry office does not require any documents. Accordingly, you can come to the registry office and conclude this kind of union. But if it turns out that you are really a brother and sister, then the marriage will be considered invalid.

Marriages between relatives
Marriages between relatives

In eastern countries, such a practice takes place, and quite often people from the same family, as well as close relatives, come into marriage with each other. This is due to the economy of the family budget. Because in the eastern countries it is necessary to pay a huge ransom for the bride. In order to save money, many organize weddings between cousins \u200b\u200bor second cousins.

In the United States, alliances are prohibited between cousins \u200b\u200band sister. However, here it is not at all a medical point of view associated with the risk of the birth of children with deformities, but rather social causes. In our country, there is no ban on unions between cousins, second cousins \u200b\u200band sisters.

Sister and brother
Sister and brother

Is marriage possible between cousins \u200b\u200band second cousins \u200b\u200band sister: genetics, consequences

As practice shows, the closer kinship, the higher the chance of the birth of unhealthy children, who subsequently cannot give offspring. According to studies, it was revealed that if there is a close relationship, then in 24% of cases a dead child can be born, in 34% of cases the baby dies at an early age, a very high risk of death, it is 48%. But this is only if a brother and sister come into marriage.

Research in this area is quite extensive, and the most interesting thing is that, according to scientific research, the risk of the birth of a sick child in a cousin and sister is only 2%higher than the risk of ugliness of offspring in people who are in no way connected by related bonds. Accordingly, the risk of the appearance of a sick baby in such a family is even lower than in women over 40 years of age, as well as in a family of people who regularly abuse alcohol.

If you are worried about the birth of an unhealthy child, we advise you to consult a genetics for a special examination. During the examination, blood is taken to analyze two relatives and general diseases are detected, as well as the risk of the birth of sick children.

Indeed, in some cases it is easier to prevent the birth of a sick child than to suffer all his life. Moreover, modern medicine makes all possible efforts in order to reduce the population of inferior children.


There is a special formula that allows you to calculate the risk coefficient of the birth of sick children. I agree to research, as well as this calculation, the probability of the appearance of healthy children is very high.


  • From the connection of the niece and uncle, the percentage of the appearance of a healthy baby is about 92%
  • If cousins \u200b\u200band sister join the Union, then in 93% of cases absolutely healthy children will be born
  • Between the second cousin, a sister, the percentage of the birth of a healthy child is 95%
  • It is such a percentage that the emergence of healthy children and in an ordinary family, which is in no way connected by family ties. Accordingly, if cousin, second cousin and sister are married, the risk of incomplete offspring is negligible.

According to these studies, worrying about genetics is absolutely groundless. If you want to calm your nerves, you can go to a genetic examination.

Unusual wedding
Unusual wedding

Facts in the history of marriages between relatives

Yes, indeed, the risk of birth of a child with genetic pathologies, and also some serious diseases. But this risk is not so large, it is only slightly higher than among people who are not relatives.

Interesting Facts:

  • Pushkin is the son of his uncle and his second cousin.
  • Charles Darwin married his cousin. At the same time, this family had 10 children, three of them died at a small age. The rest of the children were absolutely normal and achieved great success in social activities.
  • Cleopatra was a daughter born in a marriage between his brother and sister. The most interesting thing is that in Egypt this kind of unions were not prohibited, and even welcomed. It was believed that such a race would be the most healthy, pure and in every possible way encouraged such unions. The queen was a very beautiful woman, and also preferred ties with her relatives.
  • Greta Skakki was a sex symbol of the 80s. She met her cousin Karl, and he could not resist the beauty of the girl. They entered into a legal marriage and their son was born. Later, the case caused a huge resonance among the public. Because of this, the career of Gretta is over. But the son in this family was born absolutely healthy.
  • The most interesting thing is that Einstein had a second cousin Elsa, who later became his wife. As practice shows, sore children really are born between their native brothers and sisters, and the risk of genetic uglies is very high. This is actually so, that is why many of the countries prohibit marriage to their native brothers and sisters, Russia was no exception.
Turkish wedding
Turkish wedding

How does the Church feel about family ties?

As for the attitude of the church, as well as society, everything is much more complicated here. The attitude of religion towards such unions is somewhat different, depending on religion.

The attitude of the church:

  • In our Orthodox Church, earlier the connection between the cousins \u200b\u200band sister was considered absolutely normal, and such couples really crowned. After coming to the power of communism, the situation has changed significantly. Now, for some reason, such unions consider sinful, lovers are not crowned. Accordingly, the Orthodox Church considers life and marriage between cousins \u200b\u200band sisters sin. Nobody in our church brings such a couple.
  • As for the Koran, the marriages between the uncle and the niece, cousins \u200b\u200band sisters, as well as aunt and nephew are really absolutely legitimate here.
  • In the Catholic Church, everything is ambiguous. Here they can be absolutely normal to rejoice cousins \u200b\u200band sister. In the Protestant Church, there are no restrictions on unions between cousins \u200b\u200band sisters, and weddings between uncles and niece, as well as aunt and nephew, are also allowed.
  • In Germany, the criminal-fake birth of a child between his brother and sister. But here there is a risk of a possible birth of sick children, payments on which is obliged to give the state.
Marriage between relatives
Marriage between relatives

Is a marriage possible between cousins \u200b\u200band second cousins \u200b\u200band sister: the attitude of society

A very large denial of such unions among the ordinary population. Society nevertheless negatively refers to such kinship and considers it something indecent or even incest. Although, in fact, from a medical point of view, the risk of the birth of sick children is very low, in the case of a marriage between cousins, second cousins. Of course, the situation is twofold, because the brother and sister can live near each other, give birth to healthy children who will communicate quite closely with each other.

Accordingly, in such a relationship between cousins \u200b\u200band sisters, really related ties arise. There can be no talk of any marriages. But there is such a situation that brother and sister live in different cities, and quite rarely communicate. Accordingly, in such cases, when cousins \u200b\u200band second cousins \u200b\u200bare found, the occurrence of feelings between them is possible. Because in fact, they communicated very little, and there are no related connections between them. They do not feel like relatives.

Marriage between relatives
Marriage between relatives

Indeed, in our time, so far people are not yet ready for same -sex marriages, or to the unions between brothers and sisters, even between cousins, second cousins. In any case, most of these families try not to disseminate information so as not to observe the negative attitude of acquaintances, as well as neighbors.

Video: Marriages between relatives

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  1. "After the communism came to power, the situation has changed significantly."
    What does the coming of communism have to change in church laws. Moreover, on the territory of the USSR, they only talked about his arrival, but did not reach?

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