Inflammation of the salivary gland: symptoms, causes, development process, diagnosis, therapy, preventive measures

Inflammation of the salivary gland: symptoms, causes, development process, diagnosis, therapy, preventive measures

Sialadenitis is an extremely dangerous disease that requires qualified treatment. This will be discussed in the article.

The pathological process with an infectious or microbial origin, accompanied by inflammation of the salivary gland, is called sialadinitis in medicine. As a result of this, the salivary glands adjacent to the area of \u200b\u200bthe ears most often suffer, in rare cases - in the zone of the jaw and tongue.

The manifestation of pain can be manifested at any age. The course of sialadenitis depends on the root cause and source of inflammation. The disease can occur in both mild and acute form.

Salivary inflammation: symptoms, causes, development

The causative agent is an infection entering the hearth. The disease has a different nature of the course.

In medical practice, two main types are distinguished:

  1. SIALDENT VIRUARY. Due to the penetration of paramixovirus leading to a pig. The virus is localized in the salivary glands around the auricle, its propagation occurs. The inflammatory process has pronounced visual signs of a tumor on the face. The swelling of the gland most often occurs immediately from two sides. When restructuring infection to other organs, male genitals are at risk. Infectious damage to the testicles can lead to male infertility.
  2. SIAladenitis is bacterial.In this case, the source of infection is infections in the respiratory system or in the human blood. Microorganisms located in the oral cavity provoke the acute leakage of sialadenitis in the presence of the following reasons:
  • Surgical manipulations in the oral cavity.
  • Transferred infectious diseases of various nature.
  • Lack of proper oral cavity.
  • Purulent neoplasms in the tissues around the salivary glands.
  • Reducing salivation due to diseases such as diabetes and diet, gastrointestinal disease, nervous conditions.
  • The accumulation of saliva, creating favorable conditions for pathogenic organisms.
  • A mechanical obstacle in the form of a foreign body provoking the normal work of salivation.
There are a lot of reasons
There are a lot of reasons

Infection through blood is possible when streptococcal pathogens appear. The penetration of infection through lymph is possible with inflammation in the front area, oral mucosa or on the pharynx. Against the background of general diseases of the body, chronic sialadenites occur.

In the process of wear of organs, chronic sialadenitis occurs much more often. A disease such as atherosclerosis prevents normal blood circulation in salivary glands.

As primary symptom At the beginning of the disease, an increase in temperature is manifested.

  • Reducing salivation leads to dry mouth.
  • The skin swells and blushes.
  • Difficulties arise with the process of chewing and swallowing food.
  • The movement of the jaws is accompanied by pain.
  • In the area of \u200b\u200bthe inflamed area, pain spasms will be felt.
Painful sensations
Painful sensations

Without timely medical care, the disease is accompanied by serious complications.

In case of disease with parotid sialadenitis, three consistent stages are distinguished:

  1. At the initial stage there is serosa sialadenitis. Near the ear there is a swelling that lifts the earlobe. Due to the lack of saliva, an unpleasant taste and discomfort occur in the mouth. During meals, the first pain appears.
  2. In the process of developing the disease, occurs purulent ailment. The pain becomes constant and prevents normal quality sleep. The temperature rises. The cheeks, whiskey and the lower jaw swell. When pressed, the salivary gland emits pus.
  3. The advanced stage of the disease of the salivary glands is called gangrenous sialadenitis. The process is accompanied by unbearable pain and stable high temperature. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe gland, the process of tissue deformation begins. The salivary gland begins to decompose. The further spread of infection in the body leads to irreversible consequences.
Pain and swelling
Pain and swelling

With the inflammatory process of the salivary gland in the jaw area, swelling in the submandibular region. The iron increases in size, acquires a tuberosity and responds painfully to any touch. Language is clearly visible redness and swelling, sometimes purulent discharge.

There is pain when swallowing saliva. In most cases, the cause of such inflammation is a foreign body that prevents the normal channel of saliva. This is facilitated by frequent inflammation and the excess of the norm of calcium in the blood.

Inflammation of the sublingual gland is much less common. The disease can occur against the background of dental deviations or purulent inflammation of tissues in the mouth. The first symptom is a painful sensation of hyoid tissue.

Chronic inflammation of the salivary glands has different symptoms depending on the form of the disease:

  • At interstitial sialadinite The salivary glands in the hearing organs are at risk. This disease is more predisposed to old women. At the initial stage, inflammation is accompanied by mild symptoms. The first signs appear due to deformation of the ducts of the gland. Exacerbation is manifested in the form of sharp pain and a lack of moisture in the mouth.
  • With parenchymal sialadinitis The parotid iron also suffers. The disease is characteristic of women of different age categories. The course of the disease can last more than 10 years without serious complications. Exacerbation leads to acute sialadinitis. With mechanical effects on the gland, a brackish mucus is released. In the future, purulent discharge is added to the composition of saliva. This form of the disease is not accompanied by illnesses.
  • With partial sialadinitis There is a change in the structure of the ducts. The disease is characteristic of elderly people. As a result of the expansion of the patency of the ducts in a person, salivation increases markedly, especially in the conversation and in the process of absorption of food. The corners of the mouth are constantly inflamed and injured. The course of inflammation is accompanied by swelling of the gland and purulent secretions.
Other organs also suffer
Other organs also suffer

Diagnosis of salivary inflammation

In case of a disease of a sharp form of sialadenitis, the diagnosis is established on the basis of the examination and complaints of the patient. With severe pain, diagnostics using sialography enhances pain, so they try not to use it.

  • The chronic form of sialadenitis allows the patient to introduce a contrast agent with minimal discomfort. With the penetration of a contrast matter into the salivary glands, x -rays allow a comprehensive examination.
  • In the case of pathological narrowing of the ducts of the iron, only a third of the permissible norm of contrast agent will introduce. Based on a decrease in the possible volume, a diagnosis is established.

In case of a disease leading to the expansion and looseness of the walls of the ducts, the gland cavity increases in volume and allows you to introduce three times the fluid in excess of the established norm. Thus, a parenchymal form of pathology is established.

Therapy of inflammation of the salivary glands

Treatment of the disease should be carried out under the supervision of doctors. At the initial stages of the disease, drug treatment is prescribed. When suppuration is formed, surgical intervention is necessary.

In the case of an epidemic mumps, the most effective are interferon preparations. To relieve acute symptoms, antipyretic and painkillers are prescribed. In acute sialadenites, the main treatment is aimed at reducing inflammation and renewal of full salivation.

Treatment is important
Treatment is important

For effective treatment, a number of preventive measures must be carried out:

  • The use of products that contribute to active salivation. The patient needs to eat drying and crackers, lemon and cranberries, sour vegetables. To enhance the effect, the diet is supplemented with several drops of a solution of salt -acid pillarpine. The substance provokes an additional contraction of the muscle tissue of the ducts, which in turn helps to secrete secretion.
  • Inside the ducts antiseptics and antibiotics are administered.
  • To relieve swelling and reducing pain, it is necessary to apply lotions with a solution of dimexide to the inflammation section.
  • Conducted physiotherapeutic measures using electromagnetic fields and heat sources.
  • In case of exacerbation of the disease, the condition is facilitated by novocaine and penicillin.
  • Sprinkles antibiotic course.
  • Intravenous injections for stopping possible bleeding are made.
For salivation
For salivation

With chronic salivary inflammation, a similar course of treatment is carried out with a number of additional procedures:

  • Mechanical effect on the ducts in order to remove purulent masses.
  • Electrophoresis with galantamine is prescribed.
  • Daily effect on the ducts of electromagnetic radiation.
  • To relieve inflammation of the salivary glands, radiotherapy is used.
  • In case of exacerbation after a few months, iodolipol is recommended.
  • With frequent exacerbations, it is possible to remove the salivary gland.

Preventive measures for inflammation of the salivary gland

It is possible to prevent sialadenitis by vaccination only in the case of epidemic mumps. Such vaccination is prescribed for children after reaching one -year -old age. The protective function works with a probability of more than 90%.

As preventive measures, it is recommended to observe increased hygiene of the oral cavity and strengthen immunity from viral infections of the respiratory tract. It is useful to rinse with a solution of herbal tinctures and antiseptics as wellness procedures.

When the first symptoms appear, the patient seeks qualified help to the dentist or surgeon. For diseases with pigs, treatment begins with a doctor’s doctor.

Video: What to do with sialadinite?

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