Vodka from a cold with pepper, honey: folk recipes. Vodka from colds: benefits or harm?

Vodka from a cold with pepper, honey: folk recipes. Vodka from colds: benefits or harm?

A cold is a disease received by a person due to hypothermia. To treat more heat, sleep and rest. In this article we will talk about folk recipes for vodka from colds.

Vodka from colds: benefits or harm?

To begin with, it is worth noting that there is no consensus regarding the issue of vodka from the common cold. Some recommend the best of the funds, others claim that ethyl alcohol is pure evil, regardless of how it is used for humans.

If the vodka from colds is used as warming compresses, its benefit is still justified. But in the case of oral administration, it is worth considering two parameters:

  • Dosage. More than 100 g per day is harmful to the body;
  • As well as the harm of vodka, since it has a high content of ethyl alcohol, which causes irreparable harm to the body. As well as a number of chronic diseases in which alcohol is strictly contraindicated.

It is important to remember: the frequent use of alcohol destroys the mucous membrane of the internal organs, the cardiovascular system, as well as brain cells. In addition, poor -quality alcohol, or alcohol is above 40 degrees, can burn the mucous membrane and develop inflammatory processes, and even cancer tumors.

Folk methods of treating colds
Folk methods of treating colds

When is it worth drinking vodka from a cold?

And, despite all the above information, the vodka from the common cold is one of the most popular means, especially when the cold has just begun:

  • Hypothermia, as soon as they went into the room and warmed up;
  • Wet legs, attack and then take vodka;
  • A feeling of weakness throughout the body;
  • Sharp aching pain in various areas of the head;
  • Malaise that appears at the beginning of the cold;
  • The appearance of a runny nose;
  • Sore throat;
  • Feasts and pain in the ears.

It is also important to remember that vodka from colds is effective precisely after hypothermia, and not when the virus attacked you. Exactly drugs help from them, and folk remedies with ethyl alcohol opposite, worsen the situation.

Who is contraindicated in vodka from a cold?

We offer to get acquainted with contraindications of treating vodka from a cold:

  • Categorically, children under 18 years of age cannot be consumed. The risk of intoxication is great even from small doses. For children there are a lot of other proven medicinal and folk methods of treating colds;
  • During pregnancy. Alcohol kills the brain cells of a not born child. The kidneys, heart and nerve cells of the fetus also suffer;
  • During breastfeeding, it is strictly impossible to drink drinks with ethyl alcohol, as they destroy the baby's body through mother's milk;
  • People with chronic diseases of the liver, pancreas, ulcer, etc.

How to take vodka from colds?

In order for the vodka to help, and does not make it worse, it should be taken according to a certain scheme and not exceed the indicated dosages:

  • Accept as a prevention as soon as a person is a freezing or wet;
  • Accept as soon as it feels the first symptoms;
  • Take one dosage, no more than piles per day;
  • It is strictly forbidden to use bacterial diseases, as well as when taking antibiotics.

How to cook honey vodka from a cold (vodka with honey)?

Preparing classic honey vodka from a cold is easier, and takes only 15 minutes:

  • In a metal container, mix 50 g of vodka and 50 g of honey;
  • Heat in a water bath no higher than 40 0;
  • Drink in one gulp and lie down in bed, it is better to sleep.

Below a recipe for vodka with honey for a compress. It can be used if there is no high temperature (above 37.3).

Vodka with honey with colds
Vodka with honey with colds

Vodka from a cold with pepper:

  • Mix 0.5 vodka with 3 tablespoons of honey;
  • Wash the two pods of a bitter pepper and make a longitudinal incision;
  • Lower the pepper in the bottle and put in the refrigerator;
  • Shake once a day for 7 days;
  • In a week you can drink the first dose;
  • Store during the year.

How to cook vodka from a cold with horseradish?

We offer another recipe for vodka from a cold with horseradish, also called badly:

  • On a fine grater, rub the hell (3 roots of medium) and squeeze the liquid. We need shavings;
  • We fill up the chips into the bottle and add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice with pulp and 3 tablespoons of honey;
  • Pour vodka to the top, mix and put it to infuse for 3-4 days, shaking daily;
  • After that, you can use, or store during the year.

How to cook vodka from a cold with aloe?

Does your body tolerate aloe well? It is important to be attentive, since Aloe is a strong enough allergen for part of the planet's population. If you have a good friendship with scarlet friendship - it's time to prepare a tincture of vodka from a cold with scarlet:

  • 300 g of aloe foliage wash and cut longitudinally and pieces;
  • Pour 50 g of honey and 100 g of vodka;
  • Mix and let it brew for a day;
  • Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day, but not more than 5 days.

How to cook vodka from colds with radish and honey?

In this section, we will tell you how to cook vodka from a cold with radish and honey:

  • Take a large or medium black radish;
  • Wash, dry with a towel;
  • Cut the top and scrape the inside so that the walls remain no thinner than 1 cm;
  • Send the core on the salad, and pour 2 tbsp into the radish. tablespoons of honey and vodka to the top;
  • Close the upper cut of the radish and shake carefully the top into the cling film so that the vodka does not disappear;
  • After 5 hours, you can drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day until a complete recovery.
Recipe for colds
Recipe for colds

How to cook vodka from colds with sea buckthorn?

The sea buckthorn itself is one of the best remedies from a cold, and with vodka it completely works miracles. We offer to stock up in the winter with vodka from a cold with sea buckthorn:

  • Pour 0.5 liters into a bottle to half a sea buckthorn, tighten the bottle and shake several times with force so that the sea buckthorn swells and start the juice;
  • Add 150 g of honey and pour vodka to the top;
  • Shake and put in the refrigerator;
  • Shake it once a day so that the liquid mixes;
  • After a month, you can use 1 tbsp 3 times a day, until a complete recovery.

Cold vodka to reduce temperature

Now we will analyze how to use vodka out of a cold externally to knock down the temperature:

  • 200 g of vodka;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of honey;
  • 200 g of water;
  • Mix and rub with a damp rag of a stripped patient, in whose heat until the temperature is completely knocked down. The process is simple: slightly wet so that moisture evaporates from the body, cooling it.

Important: this is an auxiliary tool, the main one is paracetamol or other antipyretic.

Wiping the child with vodka at temperatures
Wiping the child with vodka at temperatures

Cold vodka: side effects

Using a cold vodka, take into account the side effects of alcohol. The debunking of myths from the use of alcohol read below.

Myths about alcohol
Myths about alcohol
Cold vodka: side effects
Cold vodka: side effects
Myths about alcohol
Myths about alcohol

Old vodka: tips and reviews

Maria: my favorite Bel recipe is transmitted from my grandfather - shit. Very tasty, invigorating and in the morning no signs of colds! It is only important to skip the stack, not a bottle. And then instead of colds there will be not only a hangover, but also poisoning.

Nikolai: on a business trip, they got wet with a colleague to the thread, I thought - I would get sick. But he had a medicine with him - vodka with honey and pepper. Despite the fact that in principle I do not drink, I missed a couple of glasses after a hot shower and beds. The next morning as cucumbers! Now I always have this drink in the refrigerator, in case of hypothermia.

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