Intracranial pressure in the child: symptoms, causes, treatment. Intracranial hypertension in children

Intracranial pressure in the child: symptoms, causes, treatment. Intracranial hypertension in children

After the birth of a child, every mother has a constant trip to the doctors. If the baby is the first, then many terms for mom will be new and frightening. Intracranial pressure is one of the frequent diagnoses in children. We will analyze specifically what it is and what is dangerous.

Our brain inside is filled with a spar-brain fluid called cerebrospinal fluid. During circulation, it creates a pressure inside it, which is intracranial. The cerebrospinal fluid regulates respiratory activity, blood circulation, is involved in the excretion of certain metabolism products, protects the brain from mechanical damage, and performs a transport and immune function. During the day, it is formed from 40 ml, in a newborn healthy child, up to 1 liter of liquor, in an adult.

Important: intracranial pressure is not a diagnosis, it is inherent in everyone. But the increase or decrease in its norm serves as an indicator of the development of any disease.

Causes of intracranial pressure in a child

Causes of ICD
Causes of ICD

Causes of reduced intracranial pressure:
- damage to the bones of the skull or its brain membranes
- Avitaminosis
- brain damage
- poisoning of the body
- Endocrine diseases
- infections

Diseases in which increased pressure is observed:
- a brain tumor
- Encephalitis
- Meningitis
-Hodmo-brain injury
- Intracranial hemorrhage
- obesity
- Violation of metabolism

How to understand that the child has intracranial pressure?

When the child grabs his head and cries, many parents do not have any questions - he has a headache. With intracranial pressure, this is one of the main symptoms, both increased and low. The pain falls on the occipital part of the head, also in children there is lethargy, moodiness, lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting, low heart rate. In the case of increased pressure in children, strabismus and mental retardation are manifested.

How to measure intracranial pressure in children?

Pressure measurement in a child
Pressure measurement in a child

In order to reliably measure intracranial pressure, surgical intervention is necessary.

Important: it is impossible to determine the NChD on the "eye".

The measurement of the ICD is carried out in two ways:

  • Spinal puncture - The introduction of a needle into the spin -soot canal through which the cerebrospinal fluid flows into the pressure gauge, where the level of ICD is measured
  • Conducting a neurosurgical operation, during which in the skull, directly in the lateral ventricle of the brain, a hole is made, a catheter is inserted and using a subdural screw is determined

It is possible to detect academic system using indirect methods such as: neurosonography (ultrasound of the brain), MRI, CT, electroencephalography (EEG) and examination of an ophthalmologist.

Important: all other methods are imaginary, inaccurate and conditional.

Intracranial hypertension in children

Intracranial hypertension - an idiopathic disease that is established in connection with regular increased pressure. Pathology is due to an increase in cerebrospinal or tissue fluid, venous stagnation or brain tumor. It develops gradually.

In addition to the listed symptoms below, the manifestation of intracranial hypertension also includes: respiratory impairment, tachycardia, ears in the ears, bruises under the eyes and a decrease in the reaction of the pupils into light.

Symptoms of intracranial pressure in children up to a year

Measurement of the circumference of the head
Measurement of the circumference of the head

In newborns and infants, signs of intracranial pressure are manifested much “brighter” than in children after a year.

  • Firstly, this is due to the presence of a fontanel. Before reaching the one -year -old age, the bones of the skull are growing, so the sign of ICD is most noticeable. The child is observed swelling of the fontanel and the divergence of the sutures of the bones of the skull. Due to the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles of the brain, the frontal part of the head increases, thereby there is a disproportionate growth of the head. The last feature indicates the development of the disease hydrocephalus
  • Secondly, due to increased pressure in the baby, there are expanded heads of the head, In the area of \u200b\u200bthe temple and forehead, the most viewed
  • Thirdly, in connection with a violation of the ocular nerves, crashglazia develops

Signs of ICD in newborns also include: constant regurgitation, inhibitory, screaming with coughing or sneezing and constant lowering the head down.

Important: only a doctor can establish a correct diagnosis, therefore, when the child’s symptoms appear, it is necessary to show a neuropathologist.

Intracranial pressure in a child at 3 years old

The manifestation of intracranial pressure in a 3-year-old child is determined by his hyperactivity, walking on “chicks”, a violation of physical and mental development, a deficiency of attention and irritability. This can be due to physical exertion, stress, crying, viral infections, or for example, overvoltage, and so on.

Intracranial pressure in a child at 5-7 years old

Intracraclepnfoe pressure of 7 years
Intracraclepnfoe pressure of 7 years

For children of 5 and 7 years of age, Sympatoes of ICD are: exacerbation of headaches at night or in the morning, fatigue, strabismus, nausea, vomiting, cramps, clouding in the eyes (flashes), pain behind the eye sockets, irritation, tearfulness and apathy. The occurrence of SCD is associated with the same factors as in a 3-year-old child.

How to treat intracranial pressure in a child medication?

Medication treatment of ICD
Medication treatment of ICD

For the treatment of high intracranial pressure, they use:

  • diuretics, such as diacarb
  • medicines containing potassium
  • reception of corticosteroids

For reduced pressure, they use:

  • nootropic drugs
  • amino acids
  • vitamins (glycine, magnesium B6)
  • and caffeinated means

Important: treatment depends on the degree of disease and age of the child.

Therapeutic measures are based on the use of medicines that:

  • they contribute to the improvement of cerebral circulation, such as cortexin, actovegin, somazin, coraxon, pantogam, cavinton, zinnarazine.
  • eliminate postpartum consequences - traumel
  • have a calming effect - nervous
  • normalize sleep - doormikind

Folk treatment of intracranial pressure in children

Folk treatment
Folk treatment

To reduce pressure and get rid of headaches in a child, in folk medicine there are decoctions and infusions of healing herbs.

  • A decoction of lavender. To do this, 1 tbsp. Dry flowers of lavender pour boiling water and boil for 3 minutes. Then the broth should insist for 30 minutes. Take the medicine for 30 days, with a break of 14 days. Before going to bed, you can rub the decoction into the skin of the child's head
  • A decoction of mulberries. A bunch of branches of mulberries, for 15 minutes, boils in 1 liter. distilled water. Then it is filtered and used. It is necessary to take only freshly prepared one cup before meals.
  • Lavender oil.Used when the first pains appear, rubbing it in whiskey hot
  • A mixture of lemon and garlic. For preparation, you need to take two lemon and one head of garlic and pass through a meat grinder. Use 30 ml before bedtime in a diluted form, so as not to injure the stomach
  • Birch juice. Drink 2-3 cups per day, or if the child is small, replace 1/2 of the daily norm of the fluid drunk with juice

Why is the child's intracranial pressure dangerous?

Untimely treatment of intracranial pressure in a child can lead to the following consequences:

  • Vegetes -vascular dystonia
  • Epilepsy
  • Violation of the psyche
  • Poor eyesight
  • Hyperactivity
  • Overwork

Important: in children, congenital hydrocephalia is separately distinguished, which was formed in the womb, as a result of genetic anomalies.

How to treat intracranial pressure in a child: reviews

The first thing you need to start treatment is to normalize the sleep and feeding the child, and spend more time in the fresh air.

To normalize pressure, a massage session of the collar zone, physiotherapy exercises, swimming and use of vitamins is also prescribed.

Important: with traumatic brain complications or hydrocephalus, the operation is possible

Important: it is necessary to treat SCD in conjunction with the underlying disease, because It is only a symptom.

Intracranial pressure is a “diagnosis” that should not scare its name when hearing it in the clinic. The first turn, it is important to monitor the development of your child and, if symptoms of ICD, immediately contact a neurologist. Secondly, follow all his recommendations for treatment. During measures taken, they will not deliver complications to the child.

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