Wine from apples at home: simple recipe. How to make delicious semi -sweet, dry and fortified apple wine from green and wild apples at home?

Wine from apples at home: simple recipe. How to make delicious semi -sweet, dry and fortified apple wine from green and wild apples at home?

Preparation of apple wine at home.

Of the apples that grow in your garden, you can cook excellent white homemade wine. Read more in the article, it will be interesting.

Apple wine: benefit

Apple wine, depending on your preferences, you can prepare sweet, semi -sweet, dry, dining room or be content with low -alcohol sidrum.
In the process of preparing wine, apples do not lose their beneficial properties. They also preserve vitamins A, B and Cas well as minerals and other beneficial substances.
The benefits of apple wine are multifaceted and for a person is expressed in:

  • Salvation from depression
  • Removing emotional stress and physical fatigue
  • Relaxation of muscles
  • Improving the digestive tract
  • Stimulating intestinal motility
  • Production of gastric juice
  • Stabilization of pressure and sugar level
  • Wine is used for cosmetic wraps and massages
  • A little wine added to the face mask improves the condition of the woman's skin
  • It is also advisable to add 2-3 tons of wine to the hair shampoo and then the hair will become stronger and silk
  • In hormonal failures, apple wine helps stabilize the hormonal background of a woman
  • To everyone who wants to lose weight, wine to help. Thanks to the drink, the metabolism is accelerated, and fat burning occurs
  • Apple wine can prevent the development of cells in the human body that can cause cancer
With moderate consumption, apple wine is extremely useful
With moderate consumption, apple wine is extremely useful

Therefore, in moderate amount, apple wine is an extremely useful drink. But we dare to remind you again, in moderate quantities.

How to make wine from apples at home: simple recipe

If you do not have grapes in the summer cottage, but an abundance of apple trees is growing, then you can cook very tasty apple wine. During heat treatment, the fruits do not lose their beneficial substances, so such a drink in moderate amount will be a kind of drug.
The strength of the drink is not more than 12 degrees, and the cooking method is very simple. To obtain apple wine, you need 20 kg of apples and 4 kg of sugar.
You can dilute the juice with water, but so the drink will not have a rich taste and smell. Here, see your taste preferences.
The recipe for apple wine is as follows:

  • Prepare apples - you should not wash apples to remain on the peel yeast necessary for fermentation. If the apples are not too clean, then wipe them with a dry cloth
  • Remove the seeds from apples to be finished the wine is not bitter
  • Skip the apples through the juicer or grate. You need to get mashed potatoes with juice, so use any means to grind apples that are at your disposal
  • Put the resulting mixture into a jar, and cover with gauze on top so that insects do not get into the wine. You need to stole the drink for 3 days, during this time the pulp (pulp) will separate from the juice and rise up
  • 4 r per day mix the drink with a wooden spoon. On the third day, collect the entire pulp with the help of a corsher or a large wooden spoon
  • Gradually add sugar to wine. The amount of sand will depend on the sweetness of the fruits. The maximum amount of sugar is 400 g per 1 liter of wine, the minimum is 150 g
    The first part of sugar, approximately 150 g per 1 liter, pour immediately after you remove the pulp out of the drink, mix
  • After 5 days, add the same portion again, mix and install the water seizure. Divide the next portion of sugar by 2 times and add every 5 days of fermentation
  • In order for the drink to wander well, it is necessary to pour it into a sealed container, such as a bottle, and make the right withdrawal. To do this, in the lid that closes the bottle, make a hole and insert a tube there
  • Near the bottle, put the glass and place the second end of the tube there. So the gases will leave the drink, but the air will not fall into the container and not spoil the fermentation process. You can also use a medical glove in which you need to make a hole in the finger, and put the glove itself on the bottle
  • Bring the drink in a warm room with a temperature of 22-25 ° C. Wait for the completion of fermentation you will need from 1 to 3 months
  • If you saw the sediment at the bottom, the wine has already been thrown out enough
  • Gently pour the wine into a clean container, the sediment should remain in the previous container and leave to ripen for another 3-4 months, but already in a cool and dark room. The temperature should not be above 15 ° C
  • If during this time a precipitate still appears, gently gently pour the drink into a clean bottle, and throw away the sediment
  • Wine is considered perfectly prepared when for 14 days a precipitate does not appear at the bottom

Recipe-Vina-IABPLEMO-VinoThe finished drink is a dark amber color with a rich apple smell. You can store such a drink for 3 years. But most likely, that in the company of good friends, wine will not be stored for so long.

Video: preparing apple wine at home

Dry wine from apples

The process of making dry wine from apples is identical to the prescription specified above. As you know, dry wine differs from others in a small amount of sugar.
Therefore, to prepare this wine, you will need 100-150 g of sugar per 1 liter of wine. In no case do not reduce the indicated norm, since the drink will not wander.
Fans of dry wines will certainly like such a delicious drink from ripe apples.

Fortified wine from apples at home

Fortified wine from apples is obtained by adding alcohol -containing products to the drink. In this case, it will be vodka.
Use: to obtain fortified wine:

  • 10 kg of apples
  • 2.5 kg of sugar
  • 100 g of dark raisins
  • 200 g of vodka

The resulting wine will have a fortress from 12 to 16 degrees by adding vodka. The preparation is as follows:

  • Rinse the apples slightly or wipe with a cloth, cut and remove the core with seeds
  • Apples crushed in a meat grinder must be mixed with sugar and raisins
  • Pour the mixture into the bottle and close the glove tightly
  • Move the bottle for fermentation to a warm room and leave for 21 days
  • After 3 weeks, you will see that a precipitate appeared at the bottom of the bottle. Pour the drink into a clean container and, adding a glass of sugar, mix
  • Leave the drink again in a hermetically closed container for 2 weeks
  • After 14 days, separate the drink from precipitation again and add vodka
  • Mix the drink and send it to a cool room
  • After 3 weeks, the drink is ready
Homemade wine from apples
Homemade wine from apples

Properly prepared wine will have amber color and rich apple smell. If the description corresponds, you can invite friends to tasting.

Semi -sweet wine from apples at home

Apple half a sour wine is prepared using the same simple technology as the previously indicated wine. For a half -sweet wine, the concentration of sugar will be about 300 g per 1 liter of liquid.
The stages of cooking are as follows:

  • Gently wipe the apples with a cloth and remove rot
  • Twist apples in a juicer, meat grinder or chop in any other convenient way
  • Put the mixture into a container and cover on top with gauze or other dense matter
  • The next day, a pulp will rise on top of the container, which should be regularly mixed with the main liquid
  • After 5 days, remove the pulp, leaving a small, about 5 mm layer of the film
  • It's time to add sugar. Divide sugar into 9 equal portions, and add 1 portion to the drink every 5 days, mixing thoroughly
  • After adding 1 portion, set the water seal to the container so that air does not get into the wine during fermentation
  • Store wine at a temperature of 20 ° C 45 days
  • After this time, pour the drink into a clean container, the young wine is already ready for use
  • In order for the wine to acquire a more noble taste, it should be stored in a cool room for another 3-6 months, pouring into a clean container of 2 r per month to get rid of the sediment
Half -sweet apple wine
Half -sweet apple wine

Keep wine in a cellar or another dark room and at any time enjoy the apple taste. Wine, prepared with your own hand, will be much tastier than purchased analogues.

Homemade wine from apple jam, recipe

If during the audit in home bins you found apple jam, which is already more than 2 years old, you should not decitively throw it away. Better prepare excellent homemade wine from it. For 1 liter of jam, you will need the same amount of water and 100 g of raisins without bones (it will play the role of yeast), as well as the implementation of the instructions:

  • Sustain the jar. This can be done with soda, steam or boiling water
  • Cool boiled water
  • If the jam is not sweet, prepare sugar syrup. To do this, mix water and granulated sugar in a ratio of 1: 2
  • Place the jam with sugar syrup in a jar, and pour raisins on top
  • Close the jar and leave for 10 days in a warm place
  • After the specified time, the pulp will come to the surface of the can, which should be removed
  • Prepare another clean jar, you will need to pour filled fluid from jam in it
  • In the index finger of a medical glove, make a small hole, and put on the glove on the neck of the jar. To create better tightness, tie the neck of the jar with a rope or elastic band. You can make a water seal with a tube, which was proposed in the first recipe
  • The process of fermentation of such wine will be about 40 days, after which the glove should be blown away or the bubbles will not be visible from the hydraulic surveillance
  • Pour transparent wine into bottles and transfer to a cool room for 60 days. Store the floor parallel.
  • Pour the wine into bottles, leaving the sediment at the bottom, close it tightly with a lid and send for storage
Apple jam
Apple jam

From old apple jam, you can get excellent natural wine of high quality. The fortress of such a drink reaches 13 degrees.

Wine from apple compote at home

If the compote prepared previously deteriorated or just costs for more than 2 years, it is advisable not to use such a drink. But you should not throw it away, you can cook excellent homemade wine.
To prepare a new drink, you need 3 liters of compote, 300 g of sugar and a handful of raisins.
Highlight your free time and follow the indicated path:

  • Pour the compote into a clean jar and add raisins with sugar, mix
  • Put on the neck of the glove and send the wine to wander in a dark room for 2 weeks
  • After 14 days, remove the pulp and strain the drink through gauze
  • Close the resulting drink with a thick lid and store in a dark room for 2 months
  • Regularly check the presence of sediment and pour the wine into a clean container
  • The finished wine will become transparent, homogeneous and very tasty
Apple compote wine
Apple compote wine


If you do not have raisins, you can replace with rice, only a few grains will be required. The cooking process is identical.

Follow these recommendations and you will get excellent homemade wine with a rich taste.

Green apples at home

From green apples you can make a very tasty dry wine. The resulting drink will have a slightly sour taste and will be a binder consistency.
To make the wine not too sour should add more sugar, an approximate ratio of 1: 3 and 50 g of cinnamon.

  • Rinse apples and remove the middle, cut into small slices
  • Fold apples in a pan and mix with cinnamon and sugar
  • Pour a mixture of 3 liters of water and cook until fruit softened, grind through a sieve
  • Leave apples in a warm place for fermentation for a week
  • Strain in any convenient way and, leave for another 3-4 weeks, regularly shake
  • After a month, gently drain the liquid, leaving the sediment in a clean jar and store in a cool place
Sour wine from green apples
Sour wine from green apples

We remind you that this drink will appeal to lovers of dry wines. If you do not belong to those, the wine will seem too sour.

Wine from wild apples at home

Wild apples have a bright acidic acid and rough taste. Therefore, it is best to prepare dining wines from them.
For 10 kg of apples, take 1 pack of yeast, 3 kg of sugar and the same amount of water, perform the following:

  • Wash and cut apples, mix them with 1 kg of sugar and 1 liter of water, cover with a lid and store 5 days in a warm room, stirring regularly
  • Next, remove the upbringing pulp and strain the juice
  • In the wort that turned out, add the remaining sugar and yeast
  • Cover the container with a glove or set the water selection and send it to a cool room for 45 days
  • Then drain the wine into a clean container, gently separating it from the sediment, and put it in the cold again
  • Repeat the previous procedure until a sediment is observed in the fault
  • Pour transparent wine into bottles and send for storage
Wine from wild apples
Wine from wild apples

To make the wine more fragrant, you can add dried raspberry or currant leaves during fermentation.

Apple juice

From apple juice you can make apple cider, which will not differ from store analogues. Take 6 kg of apples, twice as much water and 3.5 kg of sugar.
Sidr will turn out if you cook it according to the following recipe:

  • Put the chopped apples in a pan and press on top with the press. It can be a smaller cover, crushed by brick on top
  • Syrup from half sugar and water and pour apples to them
  • Place the pan in the cool room for 40 days
  • After the deadline, pour the fluid from the pan into another container, and add syrup to apples, identical with the first
  • Leave apples for the same period
  • Drain the liquid again and mix with the first, store 6 months in a dark and cool place
  • Six months later, divide the liquid with the sediment, and send the drink to the refrigerator for a month
Light apple cider
Light apple cider

A light and delicious drink made of apple juice is ready. The fortress of wine will be no more than 7 degrees.

Quick wine from apples at home

So that apple wine does not have to be a master of winemaking. It is important to just have a dexterity and fulfill everything exactly to the recommendations:

  • Grind the washed and cleaned apples in a juicer
  • Strain and mix with sugar in a ratio of 1: 2
  • Pour the juice into a bottle
  • Tie the neck of the bottle of gauze and leave to wander 10 days
  • After that, mix the resulting mixture well and close for 5 days
  • Interfere again and now the storage time is extended to 30 days
  • Pour the wine from the sediment and pour in a glass sample, for lovers of young wine the taste will be perfect. Those who use more sustained wines - the shelf life is extended to 6 months in a room with a temperature of not higher than 10 ° C
Farm apple wine
Farm apple wine

So to everyone who loves natural home wines, it's time to inspect their garden. Start the cooking process today and by the New Year you will ripen a delicious drink.

Video: a simple recipe for making apple wine at home

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Comments K. article

  1. if after the 21st day the wine still works, what to do?

  2. i liked the recipes, in the future I will use. Thank you so much.

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