Wine from cherries at home: simple recipe. How to make homemade sweet, fortified and dry cherry wine from cherry juice, jam, fermented compote and fresh cherries?

Wine from cherries at home: simple recipe. How to make homemade sweet, fortified and dry cherry wine from cherry juice, jam, fermented compote and fresh cherries?

Recipes for cooking cherry wine with and without bones.

Cherry wine is a natural and healthy drink. It will have to be in handy if you have many cherry trees and berries disappear in vain.

Cherry wine at home: simple recipe

Preparing cherry wine is very simple. At the same time, it is not necessary to remove the bones, they will give a drink of piquancy.


  • 1 kg of sophisticated but unwashed berries crush and remove the bones. Pour a liter of water and pour 700 g of sugar.
  • Leave the pan open for several days, mixing with a slotted spoon daily. When the bubbles become much smaller and the fermentation process is loosened, leave the mixture alone for 3-5 days. This is done to enhance the processes of fermentation inside the container with the liquid.
  • During this time, the whole pulp will rise, it will need to be removed with a slotted spoon and squeezed out.
  • Pour the liquid into the bottles and put on a glove or water survey. After a week, the wine will stop foaming and a precipitate will appear at the bottom. Gently pour into the bottles through a rubber tube and leave for another 15 days.
  • Put on the cold for 40-60 days.

Cherry wine with bones at home: Recipe

Wine with bones has a piquant aroma and taste. It is a little tart and bitter.


  • A bucket of water and 3 kg of sugar requires a bucket of cherry.
  • Sort the berries, but do not remove the bones.
  • Press the berries and put them in a pan. Pour water and pour sugar. Do not cover the pan. Leave for 7 days, mixing daily. This is done so that the mixture does not acidify and is not covered with mold. Such a mass will have to be poured, it still will not wander normally.
  • Strain the mixture through gauze and squeeze the juice from cherries.
  • Pour into the bottle and put on the neck of the glove. Leave until the glove signs.
  • It will take 1 month. After that, strain the wine and pour into the bottles. Put in the cold for a month.

How to make wine out of a fermented cherry compote?

Often, the workpieces for the winter are acidic or tore off. The drink may start wandering, but do not be upset, you can make delicious wine from it.


  • On a three -liter compote jar you need 500 g of sugar and a handful of raisins
  • Strain the compote through gauze, giving the slurry. Pour sugar and 5 highlights
  • Put a glove with a hole on the bottle. Leave up to three pores until the glove is blown away
  • Pour the wine into bottles let me grow up for 1-2 months

Cherry wine at home: recipe without yeast

Almost all wine from fresh cherry berries is prepared without yeast. This is due to the presence of plaque on berries, it provokes fermentation.

Video: a recipe for cherry wine without yeast

Cherry wine with yeast: recipe

Typically, yeast is added if jam or frozen berries are used. Since there are no natural yeast on their surface.


  • For 3 kg of cherry you need 3 liters of water and 1 kg of sugar. Pass the cherries and remove the seeds, pour sugar and pour water.
  • Add 200 g of fresh pressed yeast. Leave in a container with a water plant. It will not allow the air bubbles inside the drink and will not spoil it.
  • Wait until the mixture is transferred, and there will no longer be gas bubbles. Strain the mixture and pour into the bottles. Leave in the cold for 20-60 days. You can tast the drink. To extend the shelf life, you can pour a little alcohol.

Cherry juice

Cherry juice is an excellent and already prepared raw material for making a hoppy drink. It has a rich taste and pleasant aftertaste.


  • Wine is prepared using yeast leaf. For the preparation of wine, 3 liters of juice, 500 g of sourdough, 0.5 kg of sugar and a little alcohol are required.
  • Pour cherry juice into a jar, add water and yeast leaf. You can use raisins instead of sourdough.
  • After 5-7 days of fermentation, strain the mixture from the sediment and pour in alcohol. Leave the liquid for 6 months in the cellar in tight-covered bottles.

Cherry jam

Cherry jam is one of the most beloved, it is quickly consumed, as they usually prepare pies, cakes or simply complement tea.


  • On a liter of jam without bones, take a liter of boiled and slightly warm water. Pour a handful of raisins.
  • Leave the mass for a week.
  • When everything rises up, strain the mixture.
  • Pour the liquid into the bottles and put on the glove. Put in the cellar and hold 40 days.
  • After that, gently drain the drink without touching the sediment. Put in the clogged bottles for 40 days in the cellar to ripen.

Fortified cherry wine: recipe

Wine is attached not only to increase the concentration of alcohol in it. This is a great way to extend the shelf life of wine.

For 10 liters of water, you need 10 kg of berries and 3000 g of sugar.
Usually sugar is added gradually.
The more sugar at the beginning of cooking, the stronger the drink will be.
To give meantness, sugar is added after preliminary fermentation and filtering.


  • There is no need to wash cherries. It is cleaned of seeds, poured with water and filled with sugar.
  • The mixture is poured into a large container and closed the lid with the water plant.
  • When the bubbles stop forming, strain the mixture through gauze and add a little sugar and a handful of raisins again.
  • Close a glove and wait for the end of the fermentation.
  • Pour 0.5 liters of vodka or alcohol.

Dry cherry wine

Classic dry wine from cherries is called cherry. It is quite strong and contains quite a bit of sugar.


  • For 10 kg of berries you need 4000 g of sugar.
  • Clean the berries from the seeds and pour sugar. Pour the mass into a bottle and tie up with gauze. Leave for 1-1.5 months in a warm place.
  • Wipe the pulp through the sieve and mix with the liquid. Leave for another 1 week, but already closing the water plant. After that, thoroughly strain the liquid and can tast it.
  • If the drink is too strong and tart, add a liter of water and a little sugar to taste.

Sweet cherry wine

For this wine, berry juice is used.


  • Take 7 liters of juice and 2 kg of sugar. As well as 2 liters of water.
  • Mix all the juice with 1 kg of sugar and water. Put for 7 days to ferment. After that, drain the drink so that the sediment remains at the bottom.
  • Add another 1 kg of sugar and a liter of vodka. Pour the bottles and put it up in a cool place for 40-60 days.

Cherry wine is one of the most beloved female drinks. It simply prepares and goes well with fruits and desserts.

Video: Cherry wine

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  1. Add 200 g of fresh pressed yeast. Leave in a container with a water plant. It will not allow the air bubbles inside the drink and will not spoil it.
    (((How do you imagine this???????????????

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