Vikasol: Instructions for use, price

Vikasol: Instructions for use, price

Instructions for the drug Vikasol are given in this article.

Synthetic analog analogue soluble with water, the drug of vitamin K obtained by the artificial method. The main component is the Menadion of Sodium Bisulfite, it contributes to the production of prothrombins that improve blood coagulation. The lack of vitamin K in the human body leads to the formation of increased bleeding.

Vikasol: Pharmacological exposure

With intramuscular administration - the drug is rapidly absorbed by tissues, has a mild cumulative effect. As a result of metabolic transformation, the drug reaches the liver and enters into the oxidation stage to the diolic form. It is processed by the kidneys and bile and is excreted from the body along with excrement. The increased concentration of vitamin K in feces is determined by its combination with intestinal microflora. The effect of the drug is observed 8-24 hours after intramuscular administration.

Vikasol: Forms of release

The drug is made in the form of powder, tablets and ampoules with a solution for injection. In liquid form, it has a colorless transparent or yellowish, greenish tint.

The use of Vikasol

The drug is prescribed in such cases:

  1. The formation of bleeding with an ulcer of the duodenum or stomach.
  2. Radial disease and idiopathic thrombocytopenic purple.
  3. Violation of the gall outflow and acute hepatitis - during the development of jaundice.
  4. With capillary bleeding.
  5. To prevent the occurrence of bleeding at the time of operations.
  6. Chronic nasal or hemorrhoidal bleeding.
  7. With prolonged uterine bleeding during the period of menopause and during the puberty of girls.
  8. Prevention and treatment of the development of hemorrhagic pathology in infants.
  9. In case of illness of lung tuberculosis, septic condition with bleeding.
  10. The use of anticoagulant drugs. With an overdose of drugs weakening the assimilation of vitamin K.
  11. Pathologies in the work of the small intestine and pancreas. Prolonged diarrhea or dysentery.
A drug
A drug

The remedy is also prescribed in the premium period in order to eliminate the risk of bleeding.

Vikasol: Dosage of the drug

For adult injections with intramuscular administration, a disposable dose is up to 15 mg, maximum per day - 30 mg.

  • When consumed inside - from 15 mg to 30 mg during the day.
  • For children, a daily dose is calculated according to this scheme: babies - 4 mg each, to children up to one year old - from 2 mg to 5 mg, from two years old - 6 mg, to four years old - 8 mg, from five years of age - 10 mg, up to 14, up to 14. years - 15 mg.
  • The dose is distributed by 2-3 applications per day. Treatment is carried out in courses: 4 days taking the drug, 4 days a break - then the treatment is resumed.

In preparatory preoperative therapy, taking the drug is prescribed before surgery for three days. Rogers are given a one -time dose during hospitalization. If childbirth does not occur, the drug is performed after 12 hours and repeated after 24 hours.

Vikasol: Contraindications

The drug should not be taken with increased sensitivity to the component components. Do not use with thromboembolism and an increase in blood coagulation, as well as hemolytic deviations in infants. In the case of liver failure and pregnancy - to control the intake of the drug. The drug is ineffective for the disease of Verlgof and hemophilia.

Vikasol: side effects and overdose

Manifestations of allergic reactions are possible - skin rash, irritation.

  • Pathological conditions in the respiratory, nervous and cardiovascular system of the body: violation of taste receptors, dizziness, shortness of breath, decrease in blood pressure, tachycardia and weak pulsation.
  • When deviated in the liver and bile ducts, jaundice and nuclear jaundice in babies there is such a manifestation as hemolytic anemia.
  • Also, with a disease of the skin, it is likely to itching and an increase in the rush of blood to the vessels in the face area. In case of intramuscular administration, the manifestation of pain, redness of the skin and swelling in places of exposure are acceptable.
  • There are rare manifestations of bronchial spasm, hypertrombinemia and acute intoxication with convulsive attacks in infants.
  • An overdose of the drug can enhance the effect of side symptoms. In the case of negative reactions, treatment with the drug is canceled and palliative therapy is prescribed.
  • In exceptional episodes, anticoagulants are prescribed, the use of which is carried out in monitoring the blood coagulation level.

Vikasol: Special requirements

In the premium period - intramuscularly vitamin K is prescribed when intolerance to the tablet or powder form of taking the medicine or when the gall outflow occurs.

  • Due to the negative result of testing the drug on animals during the period of bearing the fetus, it is not recommended to be taken during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.
  • The drug is used only in the third trimester to avoid the risks of bleeding caused by labor.
  • When using the drug, limit control of means of movement and complex mechanisms requiring concentrated attention and quick reaction.
  • The drug should not be consumed without consulting a specialist.

Vikasol: Compatibility with other drugs

The tool has the ability to underestimate or completely block the effects of indirect anticoagulants. With the complex use of a wide spectrum of action with a group of antibiotics, sulfanilamide drugs, quinidine, quinine, salicylates and increasing their dose of administration, it is necessary to multiply the dosage of the drug Vitamin K. Synchronous use with drugs provoking hemolysis, the manifestation of side symptoms is increased.


The cost of the drug depends on the form of release. The average price in pharmacies today is from 24 to 69 rubles.

Video: Vikasol for menstruation

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