Types of water filters - what is the best purification of drinking water? What water filters are the best: water filters rating

Types of water filters - what is the best purification of drinking water? What water filters are the best: water filters rating

Review of popular water filters.

Now on sale there are a huge number of filters for water purification. This is not a whim of people, but a forced measure. This is due to the fact that the quality of water in almost all regions of Russia leaves much to be desired. It may contain particles of mineral impurities, rust from water pipes, and biological components. In this article we will tell you what water filters are, and which is better to choose.

Types of water filters


  • Coal filter jugs
  • On the crane
  • Membranes
  • Reverse osmosis filters
Water filters
Water filters

How to choose a water jug \u200b\u200bfilter?

Users have long been loved by the so-called swimming filters. It is nothing more than a big jug with an interesting, unusual lid. This lid consists of a coal block that absorbs mineral, mechanical impurities, as well as some types of organic compounds. It is worth noting that the performance of such filters is quite low. You will get a liter of water in about 5-7 minutes.


  • At the same time, the filter cassettes, which are installed in the jug, is enough for about 300 liters of water. That is, if you use about 3 liters of water per day, it is advisable to change the filter once a month. From the negative sides, it is worth noting that with the untimely replacement of the filter and operation longer than the specified time, bacteria, mold can be collected on the coal block.
  • That is, thus, this filter instead of cleaning can additionally pollute water, saturating it with pathogens. Accordingly, in order to avoid this, it is often necessary to replace this filter. It is worth noting that it is best to use the filter if the water is relatively clean, it does not have additional chemicals, and organic components that can harm health.
  • Usually these are filters that are used with tap water. They do not purify from mineral salts, but help save water from large mechanical particles, rust, and sand is possible. Also, a bacterial microflora, which is possibly in water, is removed to a slight extent. They do not correct the stiffness of water. All minerals remain inside the water, and the scale after boiling water in the teapots, and pots will remain and collect as before. It is advisable to use if the water is relatively clean.
A jug filter
A jug filter

Characterization of a flow filter for water

Filter on the crane, or flow. It is an improved version of the previous filter. It also contains a certain adsorbent that absorbs and cleanses the water after it passes through the layer of the cleaner.


  • With its help, you can get rid of mechanical impurities, that is, rust, sand, particles of the Earth, and also remove a large amount of chlorine. This filter does not clean from microorganisms and some organic additives.
  • Its cost is higher than that of the jug, but at the same time it works much more convenient. The filter immediately cleanses the water that flows from the tap. It is worth noting that the replacement of the filter must be made once every 4-6 months.
  • Suitable if you have a rather large family. After this filter, it is necessary to additionally boil the liquid. This is due to the fact that cleaning is not carried out from microorganisms and bacteria.
  • If the city has an epidemic of hepatitis, or some other disease that can be transferred with water, then this filter will not save. It is also used in conditions of rather clean tap water. It does not cleanse the scale, so additional boiling is necessary.
Cleaning system
Cleaning system

Characterization of a membrane filter for water

A membrane filter is a device that is cleaned in several steps. Five or six -step cleaning is performed. Inside the filter contains standard polypropylene absorptions, a coal filter, as well as a membrane. Thanks to this device, it is possible to achieve a thinner cleaning. At the same time, the initial fluid completely eliminates mechanical impurities, iron, sand, as well as organic substances and oil products.

In addition, a thin membrane passes particles with a size of 0.1 μm. That is, it does not miss viruses, also bacteria. After cleaning, such water can be drunk without boiling. The main advantage is that a rather deep degree of cleaning is achieved. The disadvantage is that the filters are quite expensive, while not everyone can afford them.

The main disadvantage of this degree of cleaning is the presence of salts in water that gives hardness of water. These are potassium salts, calcium. Thus, the scale on the kettle will not go anywhere.

The filter for the sink
The filter for the sink

The best water filters with reverse osmosis

Reverse osmosis filters. At the moment, they are the most effective filters. Contain from 5 to 9 degrees of cleaning. Inside the filter contains a semi -permeable membrane, which stores particles in size 0.00001 microns. Thus, cleaning of bacteria, viruses, pathogenic microorganisms is carried out.


  • Thanks to such a low -permeable membrane, it is also possible to get rid of salts of dissolved metals. Water becomes almost distilled. There is no scale left on the kettle, it can be drunk without boiling.
  • As a result of this kind of process, 99 percent purification of water is carried out from additional impurities. That is, the water is as purified as possible. The main drawback is that there are no dissolved salts inside.
  • Thus, water is dead. Inside the body, some kind of exchange of electrolytes is needed. It is possible to supplement such a filter with a mineralizer that will saturate the liquid with useful trace elements and minerals that will allow the body to function normally.
  • This system is currently the most effective, but also the most expensive. At the same time, the membranes quickly fail. The filter maintenance is also not cheap pleasure, because the device consists of several degrees of cleaning and filters varied in design.
  • It may happen that one of the nodes will fail and not complete cleaning will be carried out. We will have to completely disassemble the device and replace the filter that failed.
Reverse osmosis
Reverse osmosis

How to choose a water filter: selection features

Features of choice:

  • In order to choose the most suitable filter for your home, you must take into account several factors. Among them, what water initially enters the house or apartment. If it is a centralized water supply, and water is relatively clean, that is, preliminary cleaning is carried out in water treatment facilities, as well as chlorination.
  • In such cases, there is no need to install filters that are cleaned of microorganisms. That is, in principle, the filter on the crane will be quite enough. This is due to the fact that microorganisms, also bacteria, at water treatment stations are destroyed using special reagents and chlorine.
  • In addition, before water is supplied to the city, a number of studies are being conducted in the laboratory, which is located at the station. If you still want the best for your children, then you should purchase the reverse osmosis filters.
  • At the same time, it is desirable that they are equipped with special mineralizers. The fact is that after the reverse osmosis, even metals salt remain on the adsorbent and the membrane. As a result, the water is completely cleaned. To saturate it with minerals, mineralizers are used.
  • As for the choice of a filter for a private house, if the water sways from the well, then without options you need to use filters with a maximum degree of cleaning. The fact is that the mechanical filter may not be enough.
  • Since the water from the well may contain impurities of petroleum products, hydrogen sulfide, as well as heavy metals. That is why we advise in private houses, as well as settlements where water from the well is used, to use reverse osmosis filters. They allow you to remove not only gross particles of sand, clay, but also rust, but also remove pathogenic microorganisms and oil products.  
Pure water
Pure water

Which water filter is better?

Before purchasing the device, ask the seller about consumables, and how simple it will be can be purchased. The fact is that some rather expensive models are practically not serviced in our country, respectively, it will be quite difficult to repair, as well as the replacement of consumables. Therefore, choose common models whose service centers are represented in our country.  

All these filters are created in order to purify drinking water, and contribute to it inward without additional boiling. At the moment, filters of the reverse osmosis, as well as membrane devices, are doing this task. Filters that are put on directly on the crane and jugs do not provide complete cleaning, that is, you may need additional boiling water in order to eliminate bacteria, as well as microorganisms.

Pure water
Pure water

Water filter rating for sink


  • Aquaphor Osmo 50
  • Geyser Prestige PM
  • Atoll A-550 STD
  • Expert Standard barrier
  • Geyser nanothek
  • Aquaphor Crystal Eco
  • Expert Hard barrier
  • New Water Expert Osmos Mo530
Water purification system
Water purification system

As you can see, water filters will help improve your family’s health status, as well as impede the development of many diseases. The choice of the filter depends on the area, also the original quality of the water.  

Video: Water filters


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