HIV infection and AIDS: what is the difference, what is the difference, what is worse, what occurs before? How to determine that HIV infection goes into AIDS: symptoms, consequences. What you need to know about AIDS and HIV infection: brief concepts, prevention

HIV infection and AIDS: what is the difference, what is the difference, what is worse, what occurs before? How to determine that HIV infection goes into AIDS: symptoms, consequences. What you need to know about AIDS and HIV infection: brief concepts, prevention

All you need to know about the routes of transmission, development, treatment and prevention of HIV infection and AIDS.

The world loses its colors, life seems to stop when a terrible diagnosis of HIV becomes a reality. Yesterday, “HIV” and “AIDS” were simply frightening words, “diseases of drug addicts”, and today with them it was necessary to enter into the fight for thousands of quite prosperous people.

To protect himself and loved ones from mortal danger, each person needs to know the possible ways of infection of HIV and AIDS, the stages and symptoms of their course, as well as observe measures of the prevention of these diseases.

Immunodeficiency virus
Immunodeficiency virus

What is an HIV infection and AIDS, how are they interconnected, how are they transmitted?

HIV - Reduced name "Human Immunodeficiency virus." He, gradually destroying, affects the immune system, making it defenseless to other different viruses and bacteria. As a result, the infected person can develop and pose a threat to his life even the most harmless diseases for a healthy person.

HIV carrier is called HIV-infected.

AIDS - Syndrome of acquired immunodeficiency:

  • FROM - Syndrome. Means a combination of several signs.
  • P - Acquired, that is, not innate. A person was born healthy, and the disease developed as a result of infection.
  • Id - Immunodeficiency. Weak, insufficient immunity.

It turns out that, against the background of HIV infection, a person’s work can be very weakened and several diseases proceed simultaneously. The combination of these symptoms indicates the development of AIDS.

A person can become infected with HIV (AIDS) from another person with:

  • overflow
  • introduction of drugs through one needle
  • bearing a child and childbirth (from a mother for a child)
  • unprotected sex (any of its types)
  • breastfeeding
  • other actions, when blood, sperm, discharge from the vagina or breast milk of the patient can enter the body of a healthy person.

At the same time, saliva, sputum, urine, sweat, feces, tears, vomiting of the patient are not dangerous if they do not have blood impurities or sprem.

HIV is transmitted through the blood
HIV is transmitted through the blood

HIV infection and AIDS: what is the difference, what is the difference, what is worse, what occurs before?

To understand the difference between HIV and AIDS, you need to understand the definitions of “HIV virus”, “HIV infection” and “AIDS”:

  • HIV virus - Just a carrier, pathogen, a virus that can provoke the development of the disease, being in the body of a healthy person.
  • HIV infection - This is already a destructive work that has fallen into the body of the virus. A few years after infection, a person feels absolutely healthy, no changes in the body seem to happen. But this sensation is deceptive. While immunity is still able to fight diseases, the virus actively multiplies, and a person is a carrier.
  • AIDS - The last stage of HIV. The time when the body surrendered. Severe lesions of systems and organs, oncology, and damage to fungi occur.

From this it follows that first of all the HIV virus penetrates the body, an HIV infection occurs, which eventually goes into AIDS. It is not necessary to say that AIDS is worse or better than HIV, because these are just different stages of one disease. Human well -being is much better with HIV than with AIDS.

Symptoms of HIV infection
Symptoms of HIV infection

How to determine that HIV infection goes into AIDS: symptoms, consequences

During the period of HIV transition to AIDS, symptoms of several serious diseases are simultaneously manifested, among which they can be:

  • tuberculosis
  • damage to the lungs of fungi
  • herpes
  • candidiasis
  • sarcoma
  • lymphoma.

This is due to fully destroyed immunity and the inability of the body to resist. Clinical manifestations do not depend on the age and gender of patients.

How to determine that HIV infection goes into AIDS: symptoms, consequences
How to determine that HIV infection goes into AIDS: symptoms, consequences

After what time does an HIV infection go into AIDS, what is the incubation period of an infectious disease of HIV?

In the complete absence of treatment, HIV necessarily goes into AIDS after about 10 years. Over the years, the HIV infection completely destroys immunity, kills the maximum number of cells of the immune system and pushes the body even closer to death.

Does HIV always go to AIDS?

When humanity was faced with the problem of the struggle against the deadly virus, there were no drugs that could support the weakening immunity. Therefore, all carriers of HIV infection after a certain period of time died from AIDS.

To date, the situation has completely changed. HIV status does not mean at all that the disease will go to AIDS. Compliance with the doctor’s recommendations and taking drugs to maintain immunity can guarantee a patient with a long life without serious illnesses.

According to statistics, the life expectancy of people infected with HIV and taking treatment reaches 70-75 years and ends naturally.

In addition, the treatment is so depressed by the virus that almost 90% reduces the risk of infection.

If HIV is negative, can there be AIDS, are HIV antibodies in the AIDS stage?

A person infected with an infection may have a negative analysis. To understand this, you need to trace the entire path of the virus in the body from the moment of infection:

  • HIV enters the body and begins to multiply.
  • The body in response to infection begins the production of antibodies (in 95% - in the first 3 months, in 4% - after 6 months, in 1% - after 6 months).
  • Antibodies neutralize the effect of the virus.
  • At some point, the body's resistance is reduced, the production of antibodies is suspended or significantly reduced.
  • The mutated virus strikes the remnants of antibodies, finally killing them.
  • Then there is a huge increase in HIV cells, antibodies are completely stopped, the last stage of AIDS occurs.

If the analysis is carried out at a time when the concentration of antibodies is minimal, the test will be negative. Symptoms of the disease are also not manifested, but a sick person can infect a partner.

If HIV is negative, can there be AIDS, are HIV antibodies in the AIDS stage?
If HIV is negative, can there be AIDS?

What tests are handed over for HIV infection and AIDS?

To identify HIV, a blood test taken from the vein is carried out. The analysis is carried out in two methods:

  1. Immunoformal analysis (ELISA) - determines the amount of virus in the blood. To detect the virus, blood is combined with HIV infected protein. If antibodies are produced at the same time, the test is considered positive. For reliability, the analysis is carried out several times in a row, if you get a positive result all the time, the patient is directed to the surrender of immune blotting, to confirm or refute the results. The reliability of ELISA is 98%. It can give false positive and false negative results.
  2. Immune blotting - Expensive, highly sensitive and the most accurate analysis. Its reliability is 99.7%.

Important: a combination of the same results of two tests means the probability of 99.9%.

What tests are handed over for HIV infection and AIDS?
What tests are handed over for HIV infection and AIDS?

Analysis for HIV infection and AIDS is positive and negative: which one is bad?

The results for HIV infection can be:

  • positive
  • negative
  • false positive
  • false negative
  • doubtful
  • uncertain

It's good when an analysis for HIV negative. This means that there is no infection in the body.

Positive analysis It means that all antibodies are present, and the HIV person is infected.

Important: do not trust the results of express tests. They are true only in 85%.

Analysis for HIV infection and AIDS is positive and negative: which one is bad?
Analysis for HIV infection and AIDS is positive and negative: which one is bad?

Diseases that affect HIV or AIDS: Names

The launched deadly mechanism called “HIV” quickly gains momentum, provoking the development of dangerous diseases. At a time when these diseases progress, the patient’s body weakens more and more, stops fighting and gradually surrenders. The most dangerous diseases that can develop on the background of HIV (AIDS) are:

  • Fungi (candidiasis) - At the initial stage, it is a harmless cottage cheese plaque on the tongue and genitals, but quickly captures the respiratory system and digestive system, and led to death eventually.
  • Herpes - With HIV and AIDS, it manifests itself in the form of large painful poorly healing wounds on the face and genitals.
  • Salmonellosis - With HIV and AIDS, it gives constant relapses, becomes chronic.
  • Bacterial infection - The defeat of the organs staphylococcus can lead to sepsis.
  • Toxoplasmosis - Brain damage. Causes attacks of epilepsy, speech impairment, decline in vision, paralysis. It can cause a coma.
  • Tuberculosis light and other organs.
  • Pneumonia - With HIV and AIDS, it is difficult to treat, causes severe pain, leads to a critical weight loss.
Diseases that affect HIV or AIDS: Names
Diseases that affect HIV or AIDS: Names

What you need to know about AIDS and HIV infection: brief concepts, prevention

Each person can protect himself from infection. To do this, it is enough to observe such rules:

  • Say solid “no” random sexual partners. You cannot hope for "maybe." No, it will not carry it. Even the most reliable, at first glance, partner, may turn out to be a bearer of a deadly virus. Sex should always be protected.
  • Refuse drugs. Sooner or later, the addict loses control of his actions. Then it does not care how the next dose will enter the body. Taking advantage of the same syringe with another drug addict, there is a real danger of getting HIV positive status.
  • Remember that it is impossible to infect with handshake, kiss, any household contact.

No need to be afraid of the tests for HIV infection. In addition, people who use drugs with random sexual intercourse (including homosexual ones) and those who have a permanent partner have a positive status, doctors strongly recommend taking tests once a quarter.

Video: About the most important: HIV/AIDS - difference, infection, HIV prevention

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Comments K. article

  1. HIV virus really exists, but it does not weaken the immunity and causes AIDS -

  2. There is little information - for beginners, so to speak. I have been sick since 2005, and I am interested in the question - in what Immunka HIV is considered to be transferred to AIDS?

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