“Vibrocyl” - drops, spray, gel in the nose: Instructions for use

“Vibrocyl” - drops, spray, gel in the nose: Instructions for use

For rhinitis and other problems with the nose, Vibrocyl should be used. Read more from the article.

The nose is the first and most important natural filter, which is designed to prepare the air entering the body as much as possible, moisturizing, warming and cleansing it. Therefore, the health of the nose in babies is followed by much attention, because it is they, unfortunately, very often suffer from rhinitis - especially in the off -season period, when the pathogens of respiratory diseases are literally rushed around.

The use of "Vibrocil" to protect large and small nose

Not only does the “clogged” nose prevents the breath normally, but it can also serve as the beginning of more serious complications - sinusitis, sinusitis, allergies. It is very difficult to fight with them, so it is better to initially prevent such problems.

The modern pharmacological market is replete with all kinds of drugs that fight either allergic manifestations or with infection, and only Vibrocyl can cope with these two problems at the same time. For maximum convenience, it is released in the form of drops, gel and spray. Moreover, the first two positions are stored without prejudice to quality for three years, the last - two years. Store Vibrocil at a temperature of not higher than 25-30 ° C in a place inaccessible to children and sunlight.


Pediatricians prescribe “vibration” during the congestion of a nose (cold), for the treatment of all types of rhinitis (acute and chronic, as well as allergic) and sinusitis, for complex effects in acute otitis media, during preparation for surgical intervention, with pathological drying out of the mucous membrane.

"Vibration" in the form of drops

A medicine with a narrow localization - for instillation in the nose, designed to narrow the vessels and stop allergic reactions. This effect is achieved due to the content of dimetinden, which pacifies sneezing and itching, and phenylefrin, which relieves edema and relieves the nursery of the nose.

Manufacturers guarantee a mild therapeutic effect without prejudice to the mucosa, so doctors prescribe Vibrocyl drops even newborns. A few minutes after instillation, the runny nose subsides significantly, and this effect is maintained for about eight hours.

Drops "Vibrocil" are sold in the form of a yellow liquid with a slight smell of lavender. They are attached to them for the maximum convenience of use.


Before instillation, you need to thoroughly clean the nasal cavities of the baby using a traditional rubber pear or a special aspirator and, having thrown back the head, roll drops in the dosage that is calculated based on the age of the child:

  • one drop in the nostril - at the age of one year.
  • 1-2 droplets-up to six years.
  • 3-4 droplets-over the age of 6 years.

Please note: the amount of injection should not exceed four times a day, and the duration of treatment is one week!

"Vibration" in the form of a spray

If your baby has already celebrated his sixth birthday, then to treat his nose you can already use Vibrocil in the form of a spray-a light yellow liquid with a familiar lavender smell. Its undoubted plus is a uniform distribution of medicine across the entire nasal cavity.


For proper use of the spray, the child does not need to be thrown back. The spray can also be kept directly, upside down, which is neatly inserted into the nostril. Then you should inject the injecting (with a sharp coighing of the cylinder), and it must be released after extraction. It is recommended, if possible, to accompany the injection of the drug with a simultaneous superficial breath for maximum penetration.

The optimal dosage of the Vibrocyl spray is one or two spraying into the nostril up to 4 times for 24 hours.

"Vibration" in the form of a gel

Vibrocyl gel has a long moisturizing effect, so that the mucous membrane will not bother the child for several hours (If he was already six years old!). Doctors usually prescribe the drug in the treatment of nasal injuries or severe drying out of the mucous membrane.

Before the introduction of the drug, you need to clean the nasal cavity as much as possible, and place the product as deep as possible. It cannot be used more than four times a day, the best option is to lubricate the nose in the evening before bedtime.

Risks when using Vibrocyl

The instructions for the use of Vibrocyl states that the drug is almost harmless to small patients. Therefore, only the appearance of drug rhinitis can be a possible threat.

It cannot be used to treat those babies who have an individual intolerance to any of the active substances or atrophic rhinitis. And to those who have problems with the thyroid gland, heart pathology or hypertension, you need to be as careful as possible.

Different types of drugs
Different types of drugs

After analyzing the reviews of parents who tried to treat their kids with Vibrocil, we can conclude that this drug is really well suited for small nose. It acts for a long period, practically does not cause negative sensations, returns the ease of breathing and does not cause addiction. Not too sharp the therapeutic effect is compensated by the softness of exposure and ease of use.

Before using Vibrocyl, the parents of the sick baby must consult a qualified specialist. And if in the pharmacy analogues begin to offer you, then you cannot agree to this in any case. Keep in mind that at the moment, the pharmacists have not yet come up with adequate analogues for Vibrocil.

Video: Vibrocyl for children and adults

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