Spring garden processing from pests and diseases: spraying, terms, graph, drugs. How to treat fruit trees and shrubs in early spring before and after blooming, after flowering?

Spring garden processing from pests and diseases: spraying, terms, graph, drugs. How to treat fruit trees and shrubs in early spring before and after blooming, after flowering?

Time and means for spraying trees in the spring.

In each person, the garden is associated with delicious apples, pears, plums, peaches and cherries. But in order to grow such a garden, you need to work a lot and process trees in time. Let's take a closer look at the methods and means to care for the garden so that it generously delights us with its beauty and very tasty fruits.

When to spray trees and shrubs in the garden in the spring: terms, schedule

The responsible owner who takes care of the future crop begins to work in the garden immediately after the first snow melted. After all, there is a lot of work: before proceeding directly to spraying the garden, you need to carefully prepare everything.

In the first half or mid -Marchlook at whether there is a dry bark and a branch damaged after the winter, all this needs to be removed. Spring is a very troublesome time, nature awakens and you need not to miss the moment in order to protect it from various diseases and pests.

Processing of trees and shrubs
Processing of trees and shrubs

If you are just starting to do this business, and do not really understand the intricacies, it is better to invite an experienced specialist who will tell you what needs to be done first. 3 months of spring can conditionally be divided into 3 main stages in garden work:

  • Beginning and mid -March - Before the start of the process of kidney formation is a great time to take care of your favorite trees and shrubs. Gardeners protect trees from various malicious microorganisms, which overwhelmed in the cracks of the bark and with the first warmth began their active activity, which negatively affects the growth, formation of kidneys, flowering and further formation of fruits.
  • Beginning and mid -April - Dedicated to spraying buds and stimulating their growth. Responsible gardeners know that during this period various fungal diseases can appear massively on trees that require quick response and measures aimed at protecting the entire garden.
  • You also need to watch whether there are harmful bugs and other organisms that will infect growing trees nearby. For each specific type of parasites, there are their own means of struggle, which have positive characteristics and have established themselves in the market.
  • The first half of May, when everything has already faded - the period when the trees can get very sick, that is, after previously the measures taken should not relax, but constantly observe and take care of the garden. If the first 2 stages have passed without problems, then the stage 3 is very important, because further ripening of the fruits depends on it.
Terms and means of processing
Terms and means of processing

In order to better navigate in these stages, professionals in this case have developed special calendars and manuals, which provide accurate time for processing trees, depending on the problem.

Such detailed graphs are developed in order to know how to act in this or that situation. Be responsible masters of your garden and let him always thank you for your labors.

When in the garden in the garden to make the first spraying of fruit trees: apple trees, pears, drain?

In order for the garden to give the owners a plentiful harvest in the fall, you need to work properly in the spring. In summer, it is also possible to conduct preventive spraying as the diseases occur.

Now, let's take a closer look at when to spray in the spring. After all, it is then that you need to strengthen your departure after a winter break.

Gardeners, given all the recommendations, experience and climatic features, have developed the exact dates of consistent garden work for fruit trees.

Spraying trees
Spraying trees

Let's start with the apple trees beloved by all. You need to spray them in:

  • Period until the kidney formation (Often fruit trees are sprayed in order to protect the tree from various fungi and other insects that survived after the winter). Spraying must be carried out when the temperature reaches at least 6-7 degrees of heat on the street. Previously, this procedure does not make any sense, since its effectiveness will be reduced to zero.
  • The period when the kidneys begin to bloom (At this time, it is very important to ensure that they do not attack the steam or other insects that affect the number of fruits).
  • The period ‘’ pink bud ’’ You also need to look to ensure that the pests listed above do not infect the tree and do not lead to huge loss of crop.
  • Directly the flowering period (At this time, trees are very much at risk of infection with different types of ticks, caterpillars, aphids, etc.). The most important thing at this time is quick response and spraying as soon as you saw the first signs of infection. So the ability to protect other types of trees in the garden increases several times.
  • Spraying immediately after the apple trees have faded, to protect against moths, boys or on 14-21 days, if the perch and other insects-wreders attacked.

The procedure for spraying pears and drain is similar, the periods are the same. Plums are very prone to various fungal diseases, which, unfortunately, cannot be overcome without the use of chemicals.

You will get a wonderful crop
You will get a wonderful crop

If you love apples, pears and plums very much, then do everything possible to protect them. The main thing is to clearly follow the recommendations and adhere to the set deadlines.

You can also help fruit trees, dropping malicious beetles on the litter and wrapping with special belts that contribute to the capture of flower lines. These measures in the complex give a very good result, which costs all efforts. If you are just starting to care for a young garden, then these tips will help you navigate how and when to start garden work.

How to treat fruit trees and shrubs in early spring before the kidney bloom?

Now there are a huge amount of funds that can be used to combat different pests and diseases of garden crops. All of them have a different spectrum of action and effectiveness, but compliance with methods of application and the correct dosage will allow you to achieve high results when collecting the crop in the fall.

Remember that you need to choose a tool for processing the garden depending on the level of infection of trees and the expected occurrence of various diseases. We offer to familiarize yourself with the means that can be used until the kidneys begin to bloom:

  • inkstone - an effective tool that allows to accelerate the process of the growing season and prevent or, in the event of a disease, cure fruit trees from different types of insects and fungal diseases, which at the present time have appeared even more. The concentration of the finished mixture for spraying should not exceed 3%. The method of use can be read in detail on the package, where the dosage is also spelled out.
  • Nitrate, can also be used to combat different insects, it helps to fight with ticks, aphids, etc. For spraying fruit trees, 3% of the mixture is used, and for shrubs - 2%.
  • Copper sulfate - Promotes the disclosure of the kidneys and their growth, and also actively fights with different pathogens of diseases. The solution should be with a 1% concentration of this substance, it will be enough to process shrubs and large trees in the garden.
From plant diseases
From plant diseases
  • Drug number 30 It is often used by experienced gardeners to combat different types of shields and eggs of ticks, also perfectly removes aphids and caterpillar larvae. He has established himself for a long time and is still in great demand to combat these pests. It must be used just before the disclosure of the kidneys in 3% concentration.
  • Oleokuprite 4% - Fights with laid eggs of aphids, ticks and copperitsa, and also helps protect trees or shrubs from various types of spots, which affect the leaves and fruits. Its effectiveness has been proven by many gardeners.
High -quality care is required to obtain good fruits
High -quality care is required to obtain good fruits
  • When various spots appear on shrubs and black dots on overwilling shoots, they are usually treated urea. It removes spots and black dots and promotes the active growth of the kidneys.
  • Bordeaux liquid - Effectively fights many species of well -known fungal diseases of plants.

Until the discovery of the kidneys, you can also carefully moistening the branches to remove many insects that remained winter in the bark and at the first spring sun attacked a tree. Remember that when working with mixtures, you need to adhere to elementary safety rules - wear a protective suit, mask and gloves.

How to treat fruit trees and shrubs in early spring after blooming kidneys?

After the kidney bloom, the garden is best to break 1% solution of burgundy fluid, after all, the kidneys have already become very sensitive and if you increase concentration, then you can simply burn them. Such a liquid serves as an excellent protection of the plant from pests and will enable the kidneys to fully open.

It is best to use combined drugs, such as, for example, "Horus"who has proven himself perfectly and showed high results in the fight against different types of diseases of fruit trees and shrubs. It, combined with other drugs, increases the resistance of trees 2-3 times to various types of pathogens.

Salvation for the garden
Salvation for the garden

"Decis" It fights directly with various types of insects, which a huge number of trees appear without chemical products. Not always folk remedies can stop the activities of pests, "Decis" It will help you with this.

But remember, if you have various kinds of doubts, then it is better to consult with experienced gardeners before spraying, let them give their recommendations. Be sure that the result will not be long in coming, you can protect all your plants from the negative effects of harmful living organisms.

Spraying trees
Spraying trees

35 g of copper chloroxy per 10 liters of water is also a good means of protection during this period. The same can be said about Polykhom and Polycarbacin. What to choose, look at your discretion, they are all very effective if you adhere to the main methods of application and dosage.

How to treat fruit trees and shrubs in the spring after flowering?

Every person who has a plot with fruit trees and shrubs knows that after the winter there is a lot of work. The main thing is to do everything on time.

We previously described the main periods of spring processing. After the flowering period, it is important not to miss the moment in order to have time to protect all plants from the invasion of different insects, which at this time at the peak of their activity.

After all, if only one, then there is a huge risk for further infection of other plants that are nearby. Without the use of specific measures, the entire crop can be abused and bring huge losses for the household.

During flowering, care is also important
During flowering, care is also important

This spraying is mandatory, a complex of drugs that are actively used to protect plants is also used. Buy in special stores to care for the garden and mix them together: “Horus”, “Skor” and “Aktara”.

You can also use, as with spraying after the kidney bloom, 1% solution of Bordeaux fluid, it will be very useful during this period. The chemical remedy for Karate insects has established itself in the market as an excellent means of protection from various environmental influences and living organisms. It is important to adhere to the system and not forget to spray.

During flowering, processing is necessary
During flowering, processing is necessary

If you miss one of the stages, then the risk of diseases increases, and this will further affect the amount of the crop. If you take care of the garden as a living person, then he will certainly reciprocate in the form of aromatic, very tasty, and most importantly, environmentally friendly fruits. There is nothing better than knowing that all this is grown with its own hands.

Drugs and drugs for spraying fruit trees and shrubs in the spring of diseases and pests

Domestic manufacturers of chemical products of protecting fruit trees and shrubs have developed a huge number of drugs, the effectiveness of which has been proven by many experienced gardeners. The existing liquids and powders have been described earlier, since they were used at certain stages, to combat various harmful living organisms or diseases.

Among insecticides that show high results in the fight against different types of insects, one can note:

  • Zone
  • Denok
  • Danim
It is necessary to spray trees several times a season
It is necessary to spray trees several times a season

They protect well from aphids, ticks, perchs and thyroids. Among the protection from fungal diseases, you can put in the first place:

  • copper coupor
  • Skor
  • Karatan
  • chloros of copper

All these drugs cope well with the causative agents of fungi and kill them in the first stages of manifestation. HOMs are often used against various diseases with funnon.

The period of the renal ripening is especially important
The period of the renal ripening is especially important

A complex tool, when interacting with each other, destroys all previously listed types of pests. Horus, Aktara and Kara Zeon are used in a complex to combat steam, rot, flowers and moths for different types of pears, apple trees, drain and other fruit trees.

Karbamide, copper and iron sulfate for spraying trees in early spring: how to breed?

Carbamide is useful in that it is a means that kills pests and helps to enrich plants with a complex of substances necessary for their growth. The garden should be processed in such a solution in early spring, until the trees began to dissolve the kidneys.

For thorough spraying all plants and soil around them is enough 700 g of substance dilute in 10 l of water. Getting everything necessary, the plants slow down in growth and thus begin to dissolve the kidneys later than the usual term. Therefore, different weather surprises are not afraid of them.

Means for spraying
Means for spraying

Copper sulfate is a very good antiseptic agent, it also helps to saturate with various useful substances and destroy harmful microorganisms. But you need to work with it very carefully, often it is diluted with lime (then a well -known Bordeaux mixture, the concentration of two substances: 100: 100).

The dosage of the product is designed for 10 liters of water. 100 g of the drug Enough to protect your garden from various insects that contribute to the development of various diseases. If the tree has a lot of wounds and it is very ill, then add 50 g of the drug, after a while you will see that the wounds began to drag on, and the tree actively entered the phase of growth and kidney formation.

Spray the trees with these means
Spray the trees with these means

Iron sulfate is characterized in that its you can not mix with lime. Before the appearance of the first leaves, treat the plants with this tool in order to prevent the possibility of various fungal infections that can infect all plants.

To do this, take it 300 g of the drug (3%) and pour 10 liters of water. If the branches are a little darkened, this is a consequence of the action of the drug. If you conducted such processing in the fall, then in the spring this is unnecessary, once enough.

Video: spraying trees in the spring

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  1. The author, as they say, "without a king in his head." At first she proposed an excellent systematization of the material: before the kidney is opening, during, after, and another ... If it also adhered to this systematization, and then: “then-yes-yes-yes, and therefore ...” In general, dick knows what! ”
    I suppose that the author was piled up the material to stretch the article?
    Well, having met an interesting mattress, I usually copy it, process it for the convenience of studying, and here ... the pictures are copied and not displayed, instead of them the download indicator, and the video at the end is not available.

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