Funny scenarios on March 8. Corporate on March 8 in a women's and youth team: funny contests, script in the form of a fairy tale

Funny scenarios on March 8. Corporate on March 8 in a women's and youth team: funny contests, script in the form of a fairy tale

Several options for March 8 in the team. Festive scenarios and contests.

In the air, they feel at eating the perceptible aroma of spring, and the girls put on the skirts shorter. So, not around the mountains on March 8. This is an international women's day, on which men seek to give their chosen ones and employees happiness and a sea of \u200b\u200bgifts.

Conducting March 8 in the team: Scenario

If the team is mixed and men and women work in it, then representatives of the stronger sex should take on the organization of a festive corporate party. It is best if it is a surprise.

Instructions for the celebration:

  • Buy roses, their number should be equal to the number of workers. With the help of a satin tape, tie short predictions to each stem. These are good lines. For example, you will find an improvement in financial situation in the near future, or you will find your soul mate (if women are unmarried)
  • Find out the dates of the birth of women and prepare the perch calendar. Every month is a symbol of a woman who is born in it. You can order such a calendar in the printing house and hand over each employee
  • Prepare a few funny competitions. They can be accompanied by a cheerful melody
  • Prepare a small buffet with snacks and low alcohol drinks
  • Give gifts to the ladies

Of course, not a single celebration is complete without fun contests. On this day, they should be purely female. That is, about cosmetics, diets and body care.

Options for women's contests at the celebration of March 8

  • Female logic. This is a cheerful quiz, during which women are asked questions. The sentence has an extra word that is not connected with the rest in meaning. The participant must determine the extra subject. For example, cotton, polyester and flax. Excess is polyester, as this is artificial material. Or, henna, Supra and Basma. The extra word of the Supra is a chemical composition made in the laboratory, henna and basma are natural dyes
  • Makeup. For this contest, decorative cosmetics are laid out on the table. The presenter asks questions describing each tool. The task of a woman is to find a riddled object as soon as possible. For example, sting the eyes (eyeliner), make a manicure (varnish)
  • Vase. A fun contest for men and women. Teams are divided into heterogeneous pairs. Women with armpits clamp plastic bottles, and men without the help of their hands should insert a flower there

Conducting March 8 in a women's team: Scenario

If the team is female, do not be upset. In this case, the preparation of the festive program will have to engage in the ladies themselves. It is best to choose a presenter and presenter.

  • Leading: "We invite you to the scene of your beloved boss (name and patronymic)." The leader calls women and gives them gifts and a bouquet of flowers. If the team is small, and the relationship between colleagues is warm and friendly, you can distribute medals for various achievements. For example, “The longest legs”, “golden arms”.
  • When all the gifts were handed out, women sit at the tables. You can drink a little to quiet music. After that, the time comes.
  • After the competitions, the head of the department, the chief manager, is called on the stage. 2-3 people are enough, it should not be men. The leaders say beautiful toasts. They must be prepared in advance. The culprits of the celebration drink champagne.
  • Leading: "Let's determine who their employees are the best hostess." It is necessary for the participants to complete some kind of task. For example, prepare a salad, lay a drunk husband to sleep, make up your lips with your left hand.
  • Women drink champagne and eat. Nice music sounds.
  • Leading: “Let's invite all women to the stage. It is necessary for the competition to prepare two baskets with inscriptions in advance. ” In the first container we put the leaflets with the inscriptions: chicken, car, child, phone. In the second basket there will be inscriptions with the following text: I will cook soup, go to work, take it to the kindergarten. Those who coincide the answers receive prizes.
  • Women rest again. You can dance a little
  • Leading: “It is time to measure with those with whom it is difficult to find a common language” All participants are divided into several teams. In the hall, cigarettes are placed in a wave. Teams are blindfolded. Participants must pass obstacles with their eyes and do not hurt the keg.
  • The holiday ends with a disco.

Funny script for March 8

Scene "March 8 through the eyes of men and women"

Day through the eyes of a woman:

  • I woke up, on the table flowers and a note, do not go into the kitchen.
  • The husband himself prepared pancakes. Then I made me a surprise. He put a VIP card in the envelope. I ran away for the joy of shopping. Tired of horror, spent 5 hours in the fitting rooms.
  • I came home, he prepared vegetables with meat and dessert. I arranged a night of love to me.
  • What a well done he was, he tried.

The eyes of a man:

  • I woke up early in the morning, bought flowers. I thought that on the 7th they were sold very expensive, but it was only the beginning.
  • I prepared pancakes. A bunch of smoke fell, rushed into the kitchen no longer entered. Breakfast brought his wife to bed.
  • He transferred 20 bucks to the map, only mixed it up and his own. Instead of 20 bucks on the map, there was a salary for six months. He sent for shopping and said not to deny himself anything. After 20 SMS, I blocked the card, as I thought I would receive a heart attack from expenses.
  • In the evening he was going to a restaurant. After 20 SMS, I realized that there is not enough money for dinner. He called the nearest cafe and ordered some trembling garbage and vegetable mess for 20 bucks (those that remained on the map, which was supposed to give to his wife).
  • The wife came pleased, dinner, praised me (I prepared this). He asked if her head hurts or something else. Nothing hurt, unfortunately. I fell off my feet. But I had to fulfill marital duty until 4 in the morning.
  • In the morning she jumped to work, happy. I called the chef and asked for a rally, he gave it without question. Also, apparently, it was a hard day. The next March 8th I will not survive.

After the scene, you can spend several contests and not forget about prizes and flowers.

Corporate Script for March 8 in a team of employees

The holiday begins with the performance of the leadership. Leaders give ladies flowers and gifts. Further, the boss utters a toast.


Eastern wisdom says:

  • “If you want to know the fortress of steel - rub it on the donkey;
  • if you want to know the strength of the horse - load it;
  • if you want to know the man’s mind - listen to his speeches;
  • if you want to comprehend the heart of a woman -
  • you will never comprehend! "
  • Women drink, music plays.


Further, the time has come for a fairy tale. Characters:

  • Sea - Do not worry!
  • Seine - I work here alone.
  • Fisherman - The first guy in the village.
  • Fish - I will fulfill three any desires!
  • Young woman - All women are like women, and I am a goddess!
  • Trough - Samsung is resting.
  • Grass - And I dream of grass, grass at the house!
  • Flat - Come in - do not be afraid, come out - do not cry.

It is necessary that at the mention of the actor, he pronounces his words.

Fairy Tale Scenario:

The fisherman lived by the sea. Every day he came to the blue sea to go fishing. He threw a net into the sea and pulled out only the grass. The fisherman threw a blue net into the sea again. And again in the net there is only grass. For the third time, the fisherman was lucky, and a goldfish turned out to be in the net along with the grass. The fish turned into a beautiful girl. The fisherman married a girl, and they repaired a trough that was washing them. We bought an apartment where it was always satisfying and comfortable. And they lived in their apartment, made good. Here is the end of the fairy tale, and who listened, can go to a smoke break.

After a smoke break, employees gather, drink. Time of competitions:

  • Cinderella. Women take off their shoes and put them in a box. The task of men to find the housewives of the shoes. Who will do this, he will win
  • Body parts. A fun contest for which you need to print the letters on the sheets of A4. The task of the participants to keep the letter on the part of the body with which it begins. Who holds more cards receives a prize
  • Rolls. Bun or apples are suspended under the ceiling. The task of each pair, as soon as possible, eat pastries without the help of hands

Scenario and claws for celebration on March 8 for youth

For a holiday, you need a presenter. You can beat everything in fabulous topics. For example, a presenter with a presenter - Goblin and Baba Yaga. The holiday begins with the words:

Goblin: “It smells in the air in the spring, it's time to get up, something I overtaken. I’ll go, look for my girlfriend-Babu-Yagu. ” Returns with the heroine. They return and congratulate everyone on the holiday. Fun competitions are announced:

  • Forehead. The essence of the competition is the need to hold an apple in the forehead. That is, the fetus should be held by the foreheads of the participants. He who won the apple for the longest.
  • Songs. For this competition, participants are divided into two teams. It is necessary to sing a couple of lines from the song about spring. Who soon ends the lines, he lost
  • Fands. Old and familiar competition. It is necessary to prepare a box or hat. Put the leaves with desires in it. For example, sing a song, buy, talk in a parrot in a voice
  • Pump. For the competition, 2 participants are selected. It is necessary to put the pumps on the chairs and inflate the balls, pressing the booty pump. Who can cope faster, he won

Organize a sweet table if these are schoolchildren or a buffet for students. Be sure to finish the holiday with dancing.

The corporate party by March 8 is an opportunity to get to know his colleagues better and establish relationships. In addition, a good mood and fun is guaranteed to you.

Video: Corporate Script for March 8

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  1. Super, great, almost the entire script came in handy, thanks!

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