Funny friendly jokes on April 1. How to play colleagues and classmates for April 1? SMS jokes

Funny friendly jokes on April 1. How to play colleagues and classmates for April 1? SMS jokes

Do not know how to play colleagues, relatives, friends and classmates on April 1? Then a selection of the most funny and harmless primary -freezes will help you spend an unforgettable day of the fool.

The first of April is during the day when it is officially allowed to make fun of and play others. But even on the day of the fool you need to be moderate and your comic tricks do not cross the framework of the permitted. The jokes should be appropriate, create temporary voltage and fun discharge.

In order to raise the first -a -April mood to others with the help of funny friendly jokes and draws, there are enough desires and everyday objects available at hand.

What draws can be invented for April 1? April Fir -in April jokes for colleagues, video

Colleagues, in the company of which they have to take a third part of their time, should be congratulated on April 1. But do not forget the subordination at work and think through your draws before using them.

Colleagues from April 1
Rice for colleagues on April 1

Choose jokes that will raise the degree of the Aprilian mood of colleagues at work, and not angry them to horror.

You should abandon the cruel rally, which will only spoil the mood and, perhaps, will affect relations with colleagues in the future.

Draw 1 "broken mouse"

The essence of the joke is simple - to make sure that the computer mouse on the PC stops responding to the user manipulation. To do this, you should seal with tape or paper a laser hole on it. For a boring effect, you can glue a funny image.

A draw with a computer mouse
A draw with a computer mouse

Another interesting version of the draw is to change the user mouse in places, connecting a computer attribute to the system unit of a colleague nearby. This joke is possible if the employees are nearby.

A harmless draw for colleagues
A harmless draw for colleagues

Pension 2 "Amazing Xorox"

This joke can be played by colleagues, who at work will have a lot of time standing at a photocopy. For a draw, you will need to print a funny picture and place it on the inside of the lid, fixing it with tape. It must be placed in such a way that when printing a sheet, an A5 format, an image of a fixed picture is placed in it.

Here is such a surprise with a photocopy can cheer up colleagues on April 1
Here is such a surprise with a photocopy can cheer up colleagues on April 1

Drawing 3 "Laddy"

In a company with a large number of visitors, on the doors of a certain department, stick an icon with the designation of the toilet. The surprise of employees and visitors is guaranteed when people who are eager to celebrate need to stand at the door, asking where you can go to the toilet.

Hello, can you go to the toilet?
"Hello, can you go to the toilet?"

Drawing 4 "Holiday at the workplace"

To “decorate” the workplace, you can use a newspaper or stretch film.

This is what a colleague for the first of April looks like a workplace
This is what a colleague for the first of April looks like a workplace

Beautifully wrap each attribute in the workplace in a kind of package. Can you imagine a colleague when he comes to work?

April Aprilian joke with a newspaper
April Aprilian joke with a newspaper

For a boring effect, you can use bright stickers by gluing the whole space with them.

If you try, you can write a few words-memoirs on each sticker
If you try, you can write a few words-memoirs on each sticker

For such a draw, ordinary toilet paper, napkins or foil will also come down.

Original decoration of the workplace toilet paper
Original First April "decoration» Workplace toilet paper
For high -ranking colleagues, you can choose a wrapper more expensive. foil, for example.
For high -ranking colleagues, you can choose a wrapper more expensive. Foil, for example.

Draw 5 "busy"

Another draw in the restroom, which is possible if the toilet cabin is fenced in the room with a wall where the legs of those present are visible. In this case, pre-prepared pants are located on the toilet, and shoes are set so that it seems that there is something in the booth. For a boring effect, pants C should “fill” a rag.

From the side of such a layout cannot be distinguished from a living person
From the side of such a layout cannot be distinguished from a living person

Pension 6 "Jelly Delight"

Fans of sophisticated draws, such a joke will probably appeal. You will need to purchase the finished jelly in bags, dissolve it with water, put a colleague in a working tool (stapler, keyboard keys, pens, pencils or something else) and send it to the refrigerator for several hours.

Here is such a jelly stapler will amuse all colleagues
Here is such a jelly stapler will amuse all colleagues

In the morning, leave the colleagues on the table, the prepared jelly surprise. The joy, surprise and indignation of this person is ensured.

This is a more sophisticated version of the Aprilic draw
This is a more sophisticated version of the Aprilic draw

Draw 7 "Today is the opposite"

The joke is quite funny and easy to execute. To do this, a colleague (if it is a stationary computer) follow the computer keyboard, change the order of the letters. Of course, it will not be difficult for an experienced user to recognize a draw, but in order to place the keys in the correct order, you will have to puff over the keyboard.

April Foolship with a keyboard
April Foolship with a keyboard

Draw 8 "loud landing"

This is an old and popular joke, which can instantly raise the degree of the first-Aprilous mood not only among the grief of the Woe-employee, but also everyone around him. To do this, you need to equip a colleague with a craxon’s chair so that the lever rests on the seat and works only when a person is suggled. Loud landing on a chair is secured.

Loud joke with klaxon
Loud joke with klaxon

Drawing 9 "Parcel"

You should put the parcel on the table of the twisted colleague, in the form of a beautifully designed gift signed in his name. Such a gift can consist of several boxes, the last of which will be brick.


Rousing with a package
Rousing with a package

Draw 10 "substitution"

A joke with a substitution is to quietly change the same bedside tables of colleagues. And the more a person sits in the office, the louder the clarification of the location of his cabinet will be. Fun and noisy brawl is provided.

Draw 11 "Tuning"

The essence of this first -April joke is to “decorate” the car of a colleague. This can be done using a stretch film or self -adhesive stickers.

Aprilian tuning car colleagues Streich film
Aprilian tuning car colleagues Streich film
Caced Tuning Auto Colleagues with self -adhesive sticheses
Caced Tuning Auto Colleagues with self -adhesive sticheses
This is a car colleagues decorated with cotton wool
This is a car colleagues "decorated" with cotton wool

Video: Talking microwave joke

Pens on April 1 at school. Children's draws on April 1

To successfully play a trick on classmates on April 1, you will have to try hard. The peers are very fed and probably also armed several ideas for the draws. In order for any joke to take success, you should behave naturally.

April Fir -in April Men for Odnoklassniki
April Fir -in April Men for Odnoklassniki

No need to organize a draw to behave too seriously or frivolously giggling over every word spoken. Remember, naturalness is the right path to a successful draw.

Draw 1 "substitution"

This joke of a slow action. Its essence is that before the last lesson, and best at the end of the last lesson, change the notebooks, diaries or pencil case of classmates. The draw will be opened already at home, and the joker will remain non -manner.

The draw with a substitution is revealed by classmates at home
The draw with a substitution is revealed by classmates at home

Draw 2 "Notes"

A harmless joke that can cheer up the whole class. It is required to write an intriguing phrase on a small paper leaf, for example: “Cooked, mop on the ceiling” or “look up, only imperceptibly” and let it go through the class, observing the confusion and fun of classmates.

A draw with a note
A draw with a note

Draw 3 "Where is my clothes?"

For the April Fools, a girl and a guy will be required. The girl should bring men's clothes in advance in the package. In the middle of the lesson, a guy should burst, wrapped in a blanket and go to the young lady with the question: “Where is my clothes?” What will be the surprise of classmates and teacher when the girl takes out clothes from the bag.

Where are my clothes?
Draw "Where is my clothes?"

Draw 4 "Dunya"

During a lively conversation, ask the interlocutor: "By the way, but you know how the word Dunya is deciphered." A natural answer will follow: “No, but how?” "We have no fools." In 90% of cases, the interlocutor says: "And I?"

Dunnya draw
Dunya's draw

Drawing 5 "drawing"

Offer a friend for a dispute to draw an eagle in three seconds. Naturally, a friend will agree. Draw an egg. In response to the bewilderment of a comrade, say: "Wait until it hatches"

Pension 6 "Treat"

To do this, you need to prepare at home for classmates an Aprilian dish of cookies filled with toothpaste or garlic oil. Offer classmates of treats and observe the reaction.

Treat classmates with cookies filled with toothpaste
Treat classmates with cookies filled with toothpaste

Joke at work or at school

Take a pack from a popular washing powder, put a bag of a delicious children's mixture there and when all colleagues gather, take out a spoon and start eating, showing how delicious it is.
The reaction of the team will follow immediately!
The joke can be repeated several times.

Video: jokes at school! How to play friends and relatives?

Careless draws on April 1 - SMS draw from April 1. Rousing by phone for April 1

You can play a mobile or stationary phone for the first -April Features of friends, relatives, classmates and colleagues.

Rouses on the phone
Rouses on the phone

Draw 1 "Open the door"

It is required to send your friends SMS with this content: “Open the door. How much you can wait for you. I have already frozen. " Surely there will be true friends who will definitely run to open the front doors.

Draw 2 "Electric Call"

Call someone on a stationary phone, introducing yourself as a telephone operator, explain that work is underway on the telephone line and therefore it is advisable not to use the phone for about 10 minutes and respond to calls. After calling back in 5 minutes and in response to the pipe removed, shout in a heartbreaking voice, as if you were shocked.

Drawing an electrician call
Draw "Electric Call"

Draw 3 "Mobile Tariff"

Send a SMS number from an unknown friend, a classmate or colleague: “The balance of your account is less than 1 kopecks. You are automatically transferred from the Balabol tariff to the tariff "Close". "

Draw "for husband"

Immediately after sending your spouse to work, send SMS to his room: “Dear, mine is gone. Waiting for you! Kisses". Wait for your husband's reaction.

For this joke, her husband should have a healthy sense of humor.
At night, when he sleeps, paint his nails with a bright varnish. And transfer the alarm alarm alarm alarm so that he wakes up later, and, going to work in a hurry, does not notice the manicure. The whole joke will happen at work!

SMS - jokes for April 1

SMS: Transfer of money from your card to the account of LLC “Shelter for stray dogs is successfully completed! Thanks for the payment!

SMS: Visit a new pharmacy network! Today, a remedy for hemorrhoids - at half price!

SMS: Attention! Archaeological excavations will be carried out at the site of your house. Timely notify relatives or friends about your move!

SMS: You have received a unique opportunity to win Mercedes-Benz R-class. Start rolling your lip now.

SMS: Tomorrow we all go on a subbotnik in the zoo! For failure to appear, a fine of 5000 rubles!

SMS: Your girl does not hurt your legs? Not? Strange - and you didn’t leave my head all day!

SMS: I am looking for a wife, girlfriend, mistress and mistress in one person. I do not mind if all four come.

SMS: Attention! Opening this message, you automatically become infected with dangerous sex virus!

SMS: Cute! I just insured you from the fire. Oh, maybe we also need to flood?

SMS: Do not cut your legs on your feet, promise ice!

SMS: Do you want your eyes to be large and expressive? Make up!

SMS: News from MTS. The new tariff “Stop Treking” is a chill tariffing.

SMS: I will save from menstruation for 9 months. The warranty is provided.

SMS: The first SMS: “You have run away with your milk! Emergency." And the following SMS:

“Milk was found !!! TV show "Wait for me"

SMS: You forgot to turn off the water! Repair of a neighboring apartment will cost you in five days of correctional labor!

SMS: Urgently appear in the 5th office of the district clinic. Today, vaccinations from cat flu are made for free!

SMS: Urgently appear in the interview! You have issued a manual for the care of two children.

SMS: Device with your home is an unforgettable holiday! Take 01, 02, 03 and 04!

SMS: Pay a conversation with Germany 8000 rubles! In case of non-payment, your SIM card will be blocked.

SMS: Dear employee! Tomorrow we are closing to quarantine. There is no need to go to work!

SMS: Congratulations! You won a little girl in the lottery! If you do not take the prize for 14 days, then we will send a whole camp!

SMS: Your account for a call to the Sex by phone was $ 26.

SMS: The battery and keyboard are exhausted. Buy a new phone urgently!

SMS: The request to stay at home today. In your apartment they will stain cockroaches!

SMS: We haven't met you? You are not in the sobering -up?

SMS: The main files are damaged in your smartphone. It will be disconnected during the day! All certificates by phone 03.

SMS: All -Russian action of the fight against scam. Send to number 34521 SMS with the text "NOT LOX". The more you send SMS, the more you are not a sucker. The cost of one SMS is 5 y. e.

SMS: You received a super -secret SMS. Delete before reading

SMS: 450 rubles were withdrawn from your personal account for landscaping the moon. Thank you for your help! Lunatici.

SMS: Dear subscriber! You call the XXXXXXXXXXX phone too often and send SMS. The operator has already faded to serve you! Unfortunately, we are forced to block your number. With love, your company

SMS: Send you now or by fax?

SMS: You are put on a criminal investigation department! Your location is determined by the satellite. Stand where you stand before the arrival of the operatives.

SMS: Son, come home immediately. A large thick belt awaits you there

SMS: Thank you for reading this SMS message! 300 rubles were withdrawn from your account. \u003d First April Figure \u003d

SMS: Dear subscriber, you are disabled for the squandering of state secrets on our network.

SMS: Dear, I'm already in the elevator. Do not kiss me, I am with my wife.

SMS: Your debt for using hot water exceeded the permissible limit. Now you will wash in cold water!

SMS: Now paying for housing and communal services it has become even easier. Put the money in your mailbox, and we will do everything for you! Your bank

SMS: Listen, what about your phone? I’m calling you, but they tell me - “The subscriber is currently having sex, wait for your turn!”

SMS: You forgot your documents in our store! Let's return for a reward!

SMS: Today until 23.00 a sofa and a bed will be delivered to you at the address. Delivery - 10,000 rubles. Rise to the floor - 7000 rubles.

SMS: A new medical center has opened on the ground floor of your home! The first reception of a gynecologist or urologist is free!

SMS: Engage in the workplace of any garbage. This strengthens the hearing, develops lateral vision and increases vigilance.

SMS: Please reduce the sound volume of your alarm clock! In the morning you will wake the whole staircase.

SMS: Dear comrade! Please screw the bulb in the entrance. Your turn! House manager.

SMS: Dear subscriber, you were disconnected for non -payment. And also turned off the light, gas, water in your house

SMS: Hello, I am SMSKA !!! What are you looking at me like that? Do you like me ??? Well, okay, I'm leaving !!!

There are periods in the life of men when they are absolutely indifferent to women. These are 1, 2 and 3 periods of hockey.

One word in the registry office - and you are married. One word in a dream - and you are divorced.

Kiryuha, no lessons tomorrow,
The whole school burned up to the ground
Sleep calmly in the morning, friend,
Such are we doing!

Well, do you smile? Happy April, 1! 🙂

No, this is not recognition
And not a promise at all ...
SMS-ka-that's all,
Find out, try from whom.

Young woman
Well, do you smile? Happy April, 1! 🙂

I am silent ....... ..
I love…………..
Now relax!
I'm kidding

Video: drawing toilet

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Comments K. article

  1. Everything is very cool and original. We must take it into service! Playing relatives and friends, one must be careful and tactful in order not to offend someone inadvertently. And take into account their sense of humor. And then ruin everything.

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