Fidelity and treason in relation to himself, his principles, homeland, in the love sphere, friendship. Fidelity and treason, betrayal in fiction: literary examples. The problem of moral choice. There is no sadder than betrayal in the world than betrayal to yourself: is it so?

Fidelity and treason in relation to himself, his principles, homeland, in the love sphere, friendship. Fidelity and treason, betrayal in fiction: literary examples. The problem of moral choice. There is no sadder than betrayal in the world than betrayal to yourself: is it so?

A very deep and versatile concept of fidelity to oneself, the Motherland. Even the classics described it, let's consider this aspect in more detail.

Fidelity - lives in the heart, it does not endure betrayal and betrayal. Fidelity in relation to oneself is the departure from vain companies, where there are many temptations. Fidelity is messages at night, even if you are distracted by a circle of noisy friends. Fidelity is a concept and adoption that you are in the very place where you should be. Fidelity is in her head and heart.

Fidelity is your victories experienced in the past. This is a smile, a little touched lips, it is a huge irresistible desire to keep the subject of their passion in their arms. Fidelity is a complete life of a decision, confident, internal, you cannot realize him, but all the more true.

Not falsity and suffering pronounced aloud - in words, but quiet and therefore true. Fidelity is integrity, peace of mind, it is a complete internal holiday. Fidelity is alienation from piquant situations. Only loved ones can be true, only happy can be true.

Fidelity and treason, betrayal in fiction: literary examples in the problem of moral choice

In the story of Bunin, “Dark Alleys” is fully revealed by the concept of fidelity and treason. Fidelity to a beloved woman, and treason of her love.

  • In his life, the protagonist of the story Nikolai did very poorly with his beloved woman Nadezhda. He refused to marry her because she was a different social level. When Nikolai and Nadezhda lived, such marriages were not welcomed in society, because hope was a servant.
  • Nikolai chose a quiet calm life, in which he, however, did not find love, he betrayed his love and could not get anything in return. His wife also treated him, like him, once with hope.
  • Nikolai chose between love and peace, and chose the last. And Nadezhda, because Nicholas loved very much, still could not forgive him for treason. The elevating internal force turned hope from servants into the mistress. Storing loyalty is dignity, knowing fidelity is an honor.
Dark Alleys of the Human Soul
Dark Alleys of the Human Soul

In the story of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin “Olesya” an example of fidelity and treason is described in full. The story tells about the young Barin Ivan Timofeevich.

  • Barin arrives in a remote village, he is bored and he heals the peasants, teaches his servant to literacy and goes hunting. Once a servant told Ivan Timofeevich about a witch and a sorceress Manuilich, who lives in the forest and spoils the crop.
  • When Ivan Timofeevich lost his way on the next hunt, he accidentally gets into the house of Manuilich, where he is met by the forest beauty Olesya. The young master falls in love with Olesya, and, despite the protests of Manuilich, they meet and communicate.
  • Ivan Timofeevich invites Oles to marry him and get married in the church. To which she replies that he cannot go to church, because the sorceress. The young master was leaving the village for a while, and upon arrival he learns that the peasants beat a witch who dared to come to church.
  • This Olesya wanted to make a pleasant beloved, and went to the temple. However, she was beaten. Ivan Timofeevich runs into the forest hut, where only the red beads of Olesya finds. He could not protect his beloved from the attacks of the crowd. And therefore he lost his happiness.

The story of I.A. Kuprina "Pomegranate Bracelet" is based on the events of the time that occurred in the life of the heroes. The story tells about enormous love, but without the answer of a simple official George Zheltkov.

  • On her birthday, Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina receives a rare grenade bracelet from a stranger. Since she is a married woman, the princess considered it impossible to accept such a gift. The princess’s brother and her husband find a man who sent such an expensive gift, this is an ordinary official Georgy Zheltkov.
About unrequited love
About unrequited love
  • Once on the performance in the circus, he saw Vera Nikolaevna and immensely and hopelessly fell in love with her. Sometimes, on big holidays, he allowed himself to write her a letter. When the brother and husband of the princess find Zheltkov, they return the grenade bracelet to him, mentioning that they can turn to the authorities.
  • The official asks for a call to the princess. Vera Nikolaevna tells him that she would live calmer without his harassment. Zheltkov listens to Beethoven's sonata. He asks the apartment mistress to take the bracelet and hang on the icon of the Mother of God.
  • He closed in the room and shot himself so that his beloved would live calmly. The suicide note says that he did this because of the embezzlement of state funds.
  • Vera Nikolaevna understands that true love passed by her and grows bitterly. Princess Vera Nikolaevna, due to the fact that she was already married, could not accept Zheltkov's courtship. She changed love, in favor of a calm life. Well, I think we are not entitled to judge her for this.

Loyalty To himself, his ideals rises in literature. How to be true to yourself and not change your friends ? How to save loyalty your ideals and always be on top? So Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy describes this topic in the novel « War and world».

  • Maria Bolkonskaya follows her principles, she takes care of the sick father. He suffers his rude attitude towards her and does not throw his father even when the army of Napoleon approaches. Maria devotes her life to people close to her. This is loyalty to itself.
  • Andrei Bolkonsky is a very honest person, in a conversation with Pierre Bezukhov he completely tells everything as it is: about the problems in the family, about the unnecessary and emptiness of life in the light. During the Battle of Borodino, the prince remains on the battlefield, as he believes that every Russian should become defending the Fatherland.
  • By this, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky shows loyalty to his principles and his ideals. Count Pierre Kirillovich Bezukhov becomes a victim of circumstances, he falls in love with Helen, and thinks that she also loves him. However, all this is pretense from Helen.
  • In marriage, Pierre Bezukhov feels unhappy, the idea that his wife is cheating on him haunts him. And he calls to the duel of the alleged lover of his wife - officer Dolokhov.
  • Pierre falls into the duel Dolokhov in the stomach. After that, Bezukhov returns to his wife and declares her about her desire to part with her. With his behavior, Helen leads Bezukhov as a rage. He writes to her most of the inheritance and leaves her alone. He leaves for Petersburg and at one of the stations meets with Mason. He persuades Pierre to join their ranks. Pierre agrees and even leaves the Freemasons a large amount of donations.
  • However, the more he recognizes his friends, the more he is disappointed in them, considering them mercantile. Pierre Bezukhov falls into depression. After the war ended, Pierre's life is getting better.
  • He marries Natasha Rostova, making the girl happy. After all, she was very worried about the death of Prince Andrei Bolkonsky and her father. Pierre Bezukhov managed to defend his principles and make another person happy. So, on the example of the life of their heroes, Leo Tolstoy shows loyalty to the Motherland, and loyalty to his ideals, and loyalty to himself.
Fidelity in the work
Fidelity in the work

Fidelity is described in the play by Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky “Thunderstorm". The work describes the life of the family of Tikhon Ivanovich Kabanov and his mother.

  • The main character Katerina lived in full love and care in her parental house, she knew love and affection. But, when she married Kabanova, her life changed. The mother -in -law mocked her in every possible way.
  • Quiet Katerina falls in love with Boris Grigoryevich, and he answers her inborrowing. Young people meet secret. But Katerina, by nature, cannot hide her infidelity from her husband. She tells him everything with her mother -in -law.
  • After that, Katerina's life becomes unbearable. She decides to commit suicide, rushing into the Volga, and her beloved goes to Siberia. Katerina preserved loyalty to herself, her principles and ideals, so she did not make a cruel attitude towards herself.
About the unbearable of life
About the unbearable of life

Bunin in his story “Pure Monday” describes a young man who is sincerely in love with the heroine of the story, however, the hero does not see and does not notice many things in the life of his beloved woman. He does not see how devoted she is.

On the first day of Great Lent - the pure Monday called the people, the heroes become close. Then the girl leaves a worldly life and goes to the monastery. She remains true to her principles and in her soul the image of only one, loved one, lives.

Essay on the topic: "Where there is no fidelity, there is nothing there"

Loyalty - The indicator is highly of the nobility of a person. You can always rely on such a person, entrust him with important and secret. When you were betrayed, this is the same as breaking your hands ... «You can forgive, but it is no longer possible to hug » - wrote Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

IMPORTANT: People who are characterized by such quality as treason are not constant, they evade obligations, often young people are inherent not to take responsibility for a loved one, not to build and develop relationships, but simply to cohabit. And very often the result of such a relationship becomes betrayal.

We do not want to say that everything is in marriage cloudlessly and cleanly, but if two hearts are able to survive adversity, then, then, the antipopolis - fidelity comes to the fore. If we consider fidelity from a philosophical point of view, then you will definitely have to pay attention to a person’s dedication in relation to another or to himself.

There is nothing where there is no place of fidelity
There is nothing where there is no place of fidelity

Psychologists argue that treason, on the contrary, speaks of the variability of mood, inconstancy and complete egoism of people to whom it is inherent. Who changed once will do it again.

  • Even in the Great Book, it is described how Judas sold Christ for thirty srebreniki. You can change yourself, only a lot, working on the features of your character with your goals in life.
  • Think about that you are more cute: to be faithful to your principles, loved one, homeland or betrayed by the weakness of your character and cowardice. Yes, yes, of course, people who adhere to fidelity, these bold strong personalities will not break them in a difficult, sometimes even desperately difficult situation.
  • But showing weakness of character, not prone to introspection and the ability to change their lives, people often become victims of treason. Change This is not only to whom you are changing, it is also a betrayal of yourself, your inner mira.

Fidelity to the Motherland: How is it manifested, is it important? Mention of love for the homeland in fiction

Fidelity to the Motherland implies a love of the Motherland. To the place where you were born and raised. So American psychologists argue that people who negatively speak out of their fatherland, its history, or culture are a kind of neurosis. Freud described this as "dislike in infancy from his mother."

  • Love and loyalty to the Fatherland as a whole begins with love for the small: to his family, the house where he was born, the river, which flows nearby.
  • Fidelity to his small homeland is very clearly traced in Ancient Russia. Rusichs reluctantly left their edges, only because of some trouble. And if they were removed from the place, then large communities.
  • And in a new place, people supported the loyalty to the traditions of their ancestors. So in Canada there are many immigrants from Ukraine, they speak Ukrainian and adhere to all the traditions that they absorbed with “mother’s milk”.
  • The Old Believers also do not change their faith and principles in a foreign land.
Fidelity to the Motherland
Fidelity to the Motherland

The film about the exceptional properties of water describes the case of how a person who lost his memory and dreamed of returning to his homeland found her completely unexpectedly. He wandered around the world and in one place drunk water from the source, suddenly he realized that this is exactly the place where his fatherland. A great desire, action and devotion to its principles helped a person return to his homeland. She helped him find peace in his soul, because he found, what he was looking for for so long, and what he did not have.

In fiction, a huge number of works devoted to fidelity to the Motherland:

We have already examined the work of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy “War and Peace”, and now let's analyze the loyalty to the Motherland in the work M. Sholokhov "Quiet Don." The work describes a very difficult period for our state - the time of the Civil War.

  • Grishka Melekhov is very difficult to experience the changes when the brother goes against his brother. He rushes about, not understanding what to choose: the White Guards or the Red Army. But he does this not from a weakness of character, but exclusively because of fidelity and love for the homeland.
  • He does not take revenge on his fellow villagers, as they do this punitive detachments. Fidelity to the Fatherland is very developed in Grigory Melekhov. He does not understand why loyalty to the Fatherland borders so closely on treason.
  • On the example of his life, Sholokhov describes the general situation in the country for that time. When, many had to give up their principles and kill their relatives.
About the faithful Melekhov
About the faithful Melekhov

The story of M. Sholokhov “The Fate of Man” describes the case in the concentration camp, where the protagonist of the driver Andrei got. He witnesses how the Germans are trying to calculate which of the prisoners Bolshevik - commissar.

  • Then the German invaders of the Bolsheviks did not capture, but shot in place to show their superiority. Among the prisoners is a traitor who persuades the commissioner to pass, fearing for his life.
  • Andrei kills the traitor and thereby saving his life to another person. He does this because of a great love for his homeland and fidelity to his principles.
  • Loyalty The motherland helps Andrei survive all the horror of the concentration camp and stay alive.

In the story of Valentine Rasputin "Live and remember" tells about life simple Village guy Andrei Guskova. During the war in 1944, he was injured And he got to the hospital.

  • He is completely sure that after recovery he will be given at least a vacation to go to his homeland and see his relatives. However, he is completely stunned by the news that he is sent to the front.
  • Andrei desertes and hides in a secluded place. His wife Nasten finds her husband and wears him all the most not circumvention. Andrei is afraid that the fellow villagers will find him and put him on trial, moves to a more distant wintering.
  • The war is over, but Andrei, fleeing, sits in his shelter. Nastena is crossing the hangar and understands that she is being watched. She rushes into the water and sinks, and Andrei everything continues to sit in her shelter.
  • Andrei's cowardice and lack of willpower do his black deed. This is how treason runs a native person to the homeland.
About treason to the homeland
About treason to the homeland

Vasily Bykov’s story “Sotnikov” is based on real wartime events. In the Belarusian forests, partisans, in order to hold out, need provisions that end.

  • The commander sends a fisherman in search of provisions and gives him Sotnikov to help him. In the campaign, it turns out that Sotnikov is sick, he coughs, and the fisherman cannot understand why he did not say about his health to the commander.
  • During their operations, both partisans are captured. The fisherman tries to get out, invents anything all the time and offers Sotnikov to do the same. However, Sotnikov understands that they have one - execution.
  • He asks the Germans to release other detainees: a fisherman, Demchikha, Peter and the girl Basya. On the way to the place of execution, the Rybak understands that he can’t change anything and tries to hang himself, he does not work out.
  • The true essence of the fisherman is not revealed immediately, it gradually becomes clear that he betrayed his comrades and his homeland. The fisherman hopes that his comrade will die in German dungeons and he will not have to answer the partisans.
  • So the lack of an internal rod in a person leads to betrayal from which people die.

Gogol In the play " Examiner"It seems to be describing a peaceful life county town. However embezzlers Tearing their hometown. The people are imposed on the people, excessive fines.

  • Nothing to improve the lives of citizens is done. And all these officials and managers would live like that constantly, but the auditor is going to them. And they are trying to propitiate the auditor in all ways known to them so that they "do not fly their heads."
  • In his play, Gogol still hints that a real auditor on the way. But this was the disaster of all small cities of Russia, so the name of the city is not indicated, making it clear that this is a common situation in the country. And, it seemed, innocent theft could also become a betrayal of the Fatherland.
Theft as treason
Theft as treason

There is no sadder than betrayal in the world than betrayal to yourself: is it so?

Everyone knows that treason is a vile, low act, despise traitors. Cheating is the opposite of fidelity. There are many variations between treason and fidelity. And cheating in its pure form, exactly like, and fidelity is very little in our lives. Both of these concepts imply conventions.

  • I am a reliable, faithful friend, provided that ... (and add options further). We all thought or think , that we never betrayed or betray.
  • What about yourself? Have you cheated on yourself? To their principles, they did something to be praised, and this was amused by their sense of dignity.
  • You are used to enduring humiliation, because there are so many prejudices. Someone is ready to endure because of great love. Someone believes that treason is not even scary. Someone simply does not imagine that you can live differently.
  • But how can you endure betrayal , Even yourself? Cheating is betrayal. The point is in principles and moral principles. Change themselves for various reasons. Respect yourself, do not let yourself humiliate. Think about the consequences for yourself and your family.
Be faithful to yourself
Be faithful to yourself

Why are we cheating on ourselves? What makes us not be interesting people? Where is this border?

  • Sometimes we do not even notice how this happens to us. If you have changed yourself, do not despair, do not rush to blame the whole world. Try to figure it out.
  • Any mistake, in its own way, is the benefit of your life. How often people, due to mistakes, suffer despair and mental pain, they bring them to the desire not only to leave their house, but also this world. There is an exit. Even in the most advanced case, there are at least two of them.
  • The first and the main thing is to figure out the current situation. Competently, without a sense of doom, begin to change yourself. Do this in stages, create a plan for yourself that I would like to change in yourself, in my attitude to loved ones, to people in general, their views on the world. On the current situations, because there is nothing not corrected. Dare, create and change !!!

How often do you change, or lick yourself? We began to think about various forms of betrayal for ourselves:

  • he is to blame for himself
  • will pass
  • you need to wait
  • it is an accident
  • you need to understand and forgive
  • i'm not on purpose

It's time to stop changing or lying to yourself. Just think what is really important. Do not live in dreams. You need to correct yourself, make a choice and be honest with yourself. And we often make our personal desires or values \u200b\u200bfor the sake of anyone, if only they would say that you are a “excellent guy”?

IMPORTANT: You just need to periodically stop and ask questions. How do I feel now? Is everything calm in my soul? Are I happy? Is there a joy that I am doing now? Am I cheating on myself, my principles?

They answered positively, it is commendable, you are working on your life. They answered negatively, well, you honestly confessed to your mistakes. How important it is for you to listen to your inner world. Anyone who hears himself is already happy, everything is just wonderful in his life.

  • What is the connection between these concepts? Then when a person is happy, he brings love and gratitude to the world, gives care and attention. And he gets the same back.
  • No need to change your principles. People do a lot, because they have to, because it is necessary, so it is accepted, everyone does it, which means I need.
  • Do not be afraid to stand out from the crowd. Do not enmity with yourself! Think, maybe you are lining yourself, deceiving your feelings? When you love yourself as you are, make friends with yourself, with your inner world, open yourself, stop trying to please everyone, be “convenient” for everyone - everything will change.
Do not be afraid to stand out
Do not be afraid to stand out

Of all the forms of betrayal, the most terrible treason is to yourself !!!

  1. This is allowed to master your life of something or anyone.
  2. Sell \u200b\u200byour life for material benefits (life in a golden cage).
  3. Give someone or something to be responsible for your life.

No form of betrayal can be compared with treason! Because any form of betrayal begins with treason. Why are faced with treason, people accuse anyone, just not themselves? After all, a changed person, or to whom they changed, somewhere the first thing he changed to himself, his principles for the sake of other people. Thus, he betrayed himself, and our internal state reflects the whole world. Cowardarity is perhaps the most negative thing that can be in a person.

  • If you are married or married, do not let your partner get without permission into your living space, do not sell life to another.
  • Mothers should not patronize their child all her life. Mother gave life, raised and that’s it.
  • A friend should not support suffering, should not listen to you and console you, even if it seems to you that you were offended. A friend should help a person not change his principles and himself.

Appreciate fidelity! Perhaps fidelity is the most important quality in love, in friendship, and in life. At the reception of the psychologist, a young woman, here is her story: “My father changed his mother and abandoned us when I was little. I did not know him all my life, he did not take part in my upbringing, my life and did not communicate with me. Now he repents and wants communication. But I can't forgive him. The injury remained for life. Why should I forgive him? For the fact that he did not give me his father's love and care? ”

Here is what a psychologist advised: in a person’s life there are situations that are difficult to forgive, and it’s hard for us to do this. But we must find the strength not to condemn a person, but to compare an important thing. We are all not sinless. But while we are alive, we can change everything.

We do not know what is happening inside another person, how he suffers, how hard he is. With our alienation and not a desire to forgive, we kill faith in a person. Therefore, it is better to forgive your father for yourself and your children.

IMPORTANT: Forging is very important in the life of every person. Keeping offenses, taking revenge is unacceptable. Condition poisons the heart and it is not known what will happen to us, and what we will do in life. Farewell to not happen, having forgiven it easier to let go of the situation, so that it becomes easy on the soul.

Look at the children, the children are easily forgiven. Children know how to enjoy life. Children do not want, it’s hard for them to live in a state of quarrel. Be a little, a little child and forgive your father. Stronger than all victories - forgiveness!

Fidelity can be traced in the very little things. Getting up every morning and making exercises, a person stubbornly strives for his goal. Mother, when he grows her baby, gives him love and care - this is loyalty and love for his relatives. A student who is conscientiously learning to succeed in adulthood is loyalty to himself. Fidelity is not a stretching concept, it is either or not. It is extremely simple.

Fidelity is important
Fidelity is important

If we consider, treason, as the opposite quality of fidelity, you can see that the heroes of Shalamov’s story “The Last Fight of Major Pugachev” That simple soldiers who became hostages of the morality of that time.

  • These are heroes during the fighting, showing courage and courage. But they were captured by German invaders. At that time, everyone who was in captivity was equated with the changer of the homeland.
  • Major was exiled to the camp for 25 years. Given the conditions in labor camps, this was equated with the death penalty. Major Pugachev and some soldiers decide to escape from the camp.
  • From the point of view of the authorities of that time, the military commandant’s office, they are traitors who changed their homeland. But from the point of view of a simple person who visited a military meat grinder, they are heroes. After all, they were not to blame for anything and did not betray their homeland, why should they be compared with criminals?

Today we have examined many examples of fidelity and betrayal. These opposite concepts. We hope that it will become clear to you that adhering to your principles, working hard on your habits, raising the willpower and through all this, gaining an internal rod. You will become a person for whom there will be no choice: fidelity or treason.

You will always be on the side of fidelity, because so mature people do this. Cheating is the destiny of a weak, faceless person. Fidelity is manifested in all aspects of human life, only you need to adhere to your internal principles. Live and rejoice at life in full.

Video: What does loyalty and devotion mean?

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