Barrow from zucchini with orange and lemon: recipe. How to cook jam for the winter on a ducan, with dried apricots, ginger, apples, pumpkin?

Barrow from zucchini with orange and lemon: recipe. How to cook jam for the winter on a ducan, with dried apricots, ginger, apples, pumpkin?

Traditionally, jam is prepared from fruits and few people know what original taste it has a zucchini jam. Try and you prepare such an original dessert - all the recipes of the treats are provided in our article.

From the zucchini You can cook a lot of delicious dishes, combine it with meat, potatoes and other vegetables. But did you know that from zucchini can I cook jam? If not, it's time to find out the details from the article.

Zucchini jam with lemon and orange through a meat grinder

For cooking zucchini jars with citrusand you will need: 1 kg of zucchini and sugar, half as many oranges and 150 g of lemon. Such jam is juicy, and a light citrus aroma will add a piquant note to the finished product.

Even from zucchini you can cook jam

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • Clean the washed zucchini and pass through the meat grinder, it is better to take a little more vegetables so that the weight of the crushed product is 1 kg
  • Wash the orange and lemon and cut into half rings, you can choose a combination of grapefruit and orange or lemon. You can also add one of the citrus fruits, but then, depending on the choice, you will have to increase the amount of sugar
  • Grind citrus fruits in a meat grinder and mix with zucchini
Citrus-lemon jam
  • Add sugar to the mixture, wait until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved
  • Cook the mixture 20 minutes After boiling, constantly stir so that the jam does not bother
  • Leave cool, and then cook the jam again 20 minutesstirring constantly
  • Repeat the same actions for the third time, then pour into pre -sterilized banks and roll up

Of these ingredients, you will get 1.5 l finished jam. This is a fairly budget dessert option, so you should try to cook at least such a amount of delicious jam. Although in winter it will seem enough for you 3 half-liter jars goodies.

Video: jam of zucchini with lemon

Zucchini jam with apples

A very interesting combination of zucchini and apples for jam. But it tastes just a wonderful dessert for which it is necessary: 1 kg of zucchini, 800 g of apples, 2 kg of sugar and 2 medium lemon:

  • Clean vegetables and fruits, remove seeds and core
  • Grind zucchini in a meat grinder, apples - grate on a coarse grater
  • Mix the ingredients and add sugar to them, mix well
Before preparing jam, remove the core in apples and clean the peel of the zucchini
Before preparing jam, remove the core in apples and clean the peel of the zucchini
  • Put on fire and cook after boiling 30 minutes
  • At this time, remove the seeds from the lemon and grind with a blender or in a meat grinder
  • Add citrus to the rest of the ingredients and cook 15 minutes

Lemon in jam is necessary, since it is in this case used as a preservative And thanks to him, the jam does not throw

  • While the jam is cooked, sterilize jars
  • Pour the finished jam into jars and roll
  • Store jam in a cool room

Zucchini jam and apples Very unusual in taste if you prepare baking for guests, but many will think that pineapple jam. Such an unusual taste.

Jam jam from zucchini

Delicate homogeneous jam from zucchini can be prepared at home if you stock up 1 kg of zucchini and sugar, 1 lemon, 300 g of dried apricots. You will not take much time for cooking, the process includes the following stages:

  • Soak the dried apricots in warm water for 2-3 hoursso that the fruits are softened and nourished with liquid
  • At this time, peel the zucchini and cut in medium pieces, leave to let the juice
Zucchini must be finely chopped
Zucchini must be finely chopped
  • Когда овощи пустят сок, слейте лишнюю жидкость и засыпьте кабачки сахаром
  • Cook sugared zucchini 30 minutes
  • Wash the lemon and cut into half rings
  • Add citrus and dried apricots last, cook 15 minutes
  • Grind the ingredients with a blender to the consistency of jam
  • Lay hot jam into banks

Such a treat will be a real find in winter evenings. Tea drinking will not do without such an exotic miracle plant.

Ducan zucchini jam: recipe

Pierre Ducan - The famous French doctor and nutritionist, who also did not miss the opportunity to provide his own recipe for zucchini jam. For him You will need:

  • Zucchini - 1 pc
  • Water - 250 ml
  • Lemon - 1 pc
  • Sugar substitute
Zucchini should be chopped with cubes
Zucchini should be chopped with cubes

Already in the composition of the jam it can be seen that due to the lack of sugar, the finished product will be dietary and small-calorie. The nutritionist recommends to be guided such rules when preparing:

  • Peel the zucchini and cut into small pieces
  • Leave for 1 hour
  • Когда с овоща сойдет лишняя жидкость, слейте ее и залейте кабачок водой
  • Cook 10 minutes After boiling
  • Add sucrotor, determine the amount individually
  • Add lemon juice and zest, cook after boiling 30 minutes

Tasty dietary jam is ready, you can harvest it for the winter or use immediately. If you follow your figure and prepared low -calorie jam, then most likely you will not use it with buns and pies. But also as an independent dessert It is extremely good.


Ruchest jam with dried apricots also resembles pineapple. And the beautiful amber color in combination with an unusual taste will definitely conquer the love of your household. You need the following ingredients:

  • 3 kg of zucchini
  • 0.5 kg of dried apricots
  • 3 kg of sugar
  • 1 lemon
If the peel on the zucchini is not cleaned, then the jam from it will not be so gentle
If the peel on the zucchini is not cleaned, then the jam from it will not be so gentle

A detailed method of cooking below:

  • Choose young zucchini, peel them and cut them in medium pieces. If the vegetables are overripe, then all seeds should be thoroughly removed from them
  • Pour the dried apricots with boiling water and leave on 2 hours, Dry on a cotton towel
  • After that, grind the above ingredients using a meat grinder, you should get a homogeneous mass
  • Place the mixture in the enameled container and fill it with sugar
  • Cook jam before boiling over medium heat, stirring regularly
Zucchini for jam need only young - thick vegetables with large seeds for dessert will not work
Zucchini for jam need only young - thick vegetables with large seeds for dessert will not work
  • After boiling, reduce the fire and cook 30 minutes
  • Pour the lemon with boiling water and grate the zest
  • Pour the zest into jam, squeeze the lemon juice there
  • Roll hot jam into jars and leave to cool at room temperature
  • After cooling, transfer to a cool room
    The zucchini jam is suitable as an independent dessert for tea or the filling to the pants, rolls or any other baking.

Video: Zucchini jam in a slow cooker

Ginger jam

Another piquant addition to the zucchini jam is ginger. In winter, it will be unusually useful, as it has the ability to strengthen immunity. Therefore, prepare: 1 young zucchini, 3 lemon, 500 g of sugar and ginger root no more than 5 cm long. The jam recipe is as follows:

  • Cut the peeled zucchini with medium pieces
  • Pour the citrus with boiling water, clean the zest and cut the fetus with cubes. Be sure to remove all the seeds from the lemon
  • Peel the root of ginger and finely cut or rub on a grater
Cook jam in several stages
Cook jam in sugar syrup for at least 35-40 minutes
  • Fold all these products in an enameled container and cook 15 minutes
  • Add sugar and continue to cook 40 minutes
  • Constantly stir the jam so that all the ingredients are evenly nourished by sugar syrup
  • Cool the jam and lay out the banks

In winter, such jam can be consumed daily as a means to maintain immunity.

How to boil jam from zucchini and pumpkin?

To prepare a bright amber jam from zucchini and pumpkin, you need to cook in advance products from the indicated list:

  • Zucchini - 1 kg
  • Pumpkin - 1 kg
  • Kuraga - 200 g
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Lemon - 1 pc
Zucchini and pumpkin go well with each other, and in jam they will create an unforgettable harmony of taste and aroma
Zucchini and pumpkin go well with each other, and in jam they will create an unforgettable harmony of taste and aroma

Jam is preparing according to the following recipe:

  • From vegetables, select the pulp and cut into very small pieces. Pulp of both zucchini and pumpkin should be at least 500 g, therefore, if you have less pulp out of 1 kg of the fetus, let's say when the peel of the vegetables is too thick and takes a lot of weight, then add the number of vegetables
  • Pour the dried apricots with boiling water and leave to infuse 60 minutes
  • With the help of a blender, chop the dried apricot, you should get a puree consistency
  • Mix the ingredients and pour sugar
  • Cook 60 minutes, not forgetting to stir the jam regularly
  • Lay out for banks and roll up for the winter
  • Store in a cool room

With the help of such simple products as pumpkin and zucchini You can prepare a very tasty jam that all family members and guests will like.

And when you tell Simplicity of the recipe and ingredients, then all housewives will line up to you for information about the delicacy.

Kabachki jam calorie content

Calorie content of zucchini jam - 196 kcal for 100 g. For comparison of 200 g of chicken, 60 g of boiled sausage or 200 g of potatoes, there are the same number of calories.

Zucchini jam - high -calorie product
Zucchini jam - high -calorie product

But, but jam from zucchini is not only very fragrant and tasty, but also contains a lot of beneficial substances. There is a significant amount in the zucchini vitamin C, B1, B2, as well as calcium, phosphorus, iron and other essential components. And if you combine zucchini and citrus fruits in jam, then this is just a find during a cold in winter.

Substances contained in zucchini normalize the work of kidneys, liver, heart and regulate cholesterol.

Relice jam - A rather unconventional product, but having tried it, you will forget that zucchini is a vegetable and usually does not make jam from it. The taste of the dessert will seem unusual, fruit, bright - from such a delicacy it is difficult to tear yourself away.

Video: zucchini jam

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