Valgus deformation of the foot in children: installation, massage, exercises, shoes

Valgus deformation of the foot in children: installation, massage, exercises, shoes

Valgus deformation of the foot - Violation, in which there is a decrease in the height of the set of the foot and the deformation of its axis. This disease is very rare at the genetic level, basically it is acquired. With timely detection and treatment of this disease, it is possible to avoid irreversible consequences, such as: the formation of improper posture, curvature of the knee and ankle joints, the appearance of arthrosis and osteoporosis.

Important: only an orthopedist-traumatologist can determine this violation or pathological.

Installation of valgus foot in children

Important: do not try to make the child go ahead of time, until he himself begins to stand on his legs on his own.

The diagnosis of valgus foot in children is characterized by the following symptoms

  • between the internal ankles of compressed and straightened knees, in a standing position, a distance of more than 5 cm
  • the foot of the foot falls on the inside, and the outer is not in contact with the floor and raised, i.e. The heel and fingers look out, and the middle section is turned inside (the stops acquire a X-shaped shape)
  • a clumsy shaggy gait appears
  • at the advanced stage in the child, the sole is seized, 1 and 2 of the finger are deformed, so that the second is bent and the corn is always present on it
  • pain in the legs and swelling appear

The reasons for the formation of a valgus foot in children

  • dyplasia of connective tissue
  • excessive weight of the child
  • lack of vitamin D
  • violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism
  • incorrectly selected children's shoes
  • the defeat of the bones of the skeleton
  • genetic heredity
  • inactive lifestyle of the baby
  • the development of endocrine diseases
  • diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, rickets
  • stop injuries

Important: if the disease is not caused by heredity, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the legs of your baby during movement. A careful attitude will avoid the occurrence of foot deformation, because In the early stages, it is possible to cure this without surgery.

Massage as a method of treating valgus foot in children

With a valgus disease of the stop, one of the important treatment points is massage, especially for young children (up to 2 years). It strengthens the muscles of the feet, relieves tension in the legs, gives the muscles the tone and normalizes the blood circulation of ligaments and bones, thereby improves nutrition, normalizes the growth and development of the lower extremities. It is difficult to master the right massage technique on your own, but it is possible when the specialist is held. But still it is recommended to use the help of a professional doctor, because Treatment is carried out in combination with other body muscles: back, lumbosacral region, buttocks, inner and outer side of the thigh, knee and ankle joints, as well as the Achilles tendon.

Important: Massage course 10-12 sessions in 3-4 months

Easy daily massage up to 2 years:

  • put the child with a tummy down on a changing or massage table, so that his feet are located on the edge
  • under the lower leg, put a roller pad in the shape of a roller
  • start massage with light strokes of the back along the spine from the belt to the neck, on the sides of the back towards the axillary depressions and end with rubbing with your fingertips
  • then stir in a circular motion, rub and open the area of \u200b\u200bthe buttocks. Cut and stain
  • then go to the legs: stroke each whole, then the hips from the dimple up and outside. Apply shock acceptance- “chopping” with several fingers and stir
  • mash the muscles of the back of the thigh, turn the child - now the front part
  • row the skin
  • glue off your hands, then closed
  • complete massage by stroking

Important: do massage in the morning and evening for 10-15 minutes and do not be afraid that you can’t do it. Below is a detailed video course

Children's massage with Valgus in children. Video

Children's valgus shoes

As a result of the deformation of the foot, it is important for the child to choose the right comfortable shoes, which:

  • corresponds to the size of his foot
  • equipped with orthopedic even insoles
  • has a soft rubberized sole and heel of Thomas
  • high stiff heel and lateral parts
  • comfortable, tight-fixed fasteners
  • made of genuine leather

Such shoes removes excessive loads from the muscles, supports the foot in the right position and forms the correct gait.
Orthopedic shoes should be new, high -quality and for all seasons. It is advisable to buy it in specialized stores and orthopedic salons.

Important: you need to wear orthopedic shoes for a certain time, because Constant toe will lead to atrophilizing the muscles of the legs. How much it is necessary to wear it will determine the doctor, depending on the degree of deformation of the foot and age of the child.

Exercises for the treatment of valgus foot in children

To strengthen the muscles of the feet and maintain the flexibility of their joints, there are simple exercises that the child can easily do at home.
Exercise number 1: Take small objects, for example, pencils, and scatter them on the floor. Ask the baby to collect them with fingers
Exercise number 2: Put your child on a chair, put the ball in front of him and put his feet on him. Let him, pressing on the ball, roll it (instead of the ball, you can use old scores or a massage rug).

Exercise number 3: Perform squats with your child so that the feet do not come off the floor
Exercise number 4: Plant the child “in Turkish” and ask him to get up, with this rise, the support will be directed to the outer edge of the foot (as it should be). Change your legs alternately, repeat 4-6 times.

Exercise number 5: Pour into the bathroom warm water (34-36 degrees), pour pebbles there and lower the child. The water level should be slightly above its ankles. Hold the child, let him walk.

Important: exercises should be done without gross manipulations, they should be light and useful.

Useful tips for valgus foot

  • Take a hurry to teach your child to walk from 7 months
  • Visit an orthopedist regularly
  • Strengthen the child’s immunity
  • Prevent the appearance of rickets
  • In the summer season, walk with the baby on the natural surfaces barefoot
  • Buy the right shoes, not for growth, but in size
  • Offer your child more active games

The development of valgus feet in a child, like any other acquired disease, can be prevented. The main thing is to follow the development of the baby more carefully, and if symptoms appear, contact a specialist who will find out the cause and select the correct treatment.

Important: if this disease is not detected in time, in the future your child may have serious problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Video: gymnastics for valgus feet

Video: a set of exercises for valgus feet

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Comments K. article

  1. Mom, which of the children had such feet? They say I urgently start to start massage, but I can’t find a masseur in our Pavshin floodplain. No one will share contacts?

  2. Oksana, write down! 8 (916) 116-82-19-Alla Sukhotskaya. Personally I know this person, she did my two massage and one had a problem. And after Alla’s massage courses, this diagnosis was removed to us. She also works in Krasnogorsk in the Pavshinsky floodplain, she comes to home, which is very convenient. I know that it is very loaded, but ask, maybe it will take it.

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