Valerian in tablets: instructions for use, composition, form of release, indications for use, contraindications, side effects, interaction with other drugs, reviews, video

Valerian in tablets: instructions for use, composition, form of release, indications for use, contraindications, side effects, interaction with other drugs, reviews, video

The article refers to how to apply valerian. You will learn about its benefits and harm.

Valerian is a famous drug among doctors and patients. It is prescribed for nervous disorders, stressful situations, insomnia. True, in small dosages, the product has not a very large sedative effect. In addition, it does not appear immediately, but after a thirty -minute period of time after taking the pills. The effect of the dosage form is preserved for a fairly long time. Next, we will study this drug in more detail.

Valerian in tablets: Composition, what do the pills look like?

Tablets act on patients due to the expansion of coronary vessels. The process occurs due to the exposure of the components, which are in pills. Also, the drug produces secretion in the digestive tract and has a small choleretic property. But valerian has also disadvantages, it cannot be consumed for a long time. Persistent hypotension may develop. That is why it is necessary to consult with your therapist before using pills.

The composition of valerian
The composition of valerian

Pharmaceutical factories produce a product in the form of a solution and in the form of tablets. The main active substance of the drug is the extract obtained from the plant of valerian. The composition of the medicine includes gelatin, essential oils, hathinin, sodium cruscarmellose (NF), starch, Na2CO3, sugar, C36H70CAO4 (calcium stearate), magnesium carbonate.

IMPORTANT: To achieve the maximum effect of the drug on patients with nervous disorders, it is better to use valerian in the form of infusion. She has a stronger therapeutic effect.

Valerian in tablets - instructions and indications for use: when to apply?

To get rid of pathology, you must first establish the correct diagnosis, only then therapy will be effective. Unfortunately, they drink valerian for any disorders of the nervous system, even when it is not particularly effective. Therefore, you need to follow the instructions and consult a doctor about its use.

Valerian must be taken after a meal and washed down with water. The tablets swallow without chewing one-time dosage-one or two pills three to four times a day, Starting from the age of twelve. The duration of therapy can only be determined by the attending doctor.

The product will be effective if it:

  • Take it with nervous excitationthat proceed within normal limits. With strong experiences, the product will not be very effective. You can also not drink a medicine for prevention or in order to relieve slight excitement. If your nervous system does it independently with irritation, then in such cases it is also undesirable to abuse pills. A habit may be developed, and the medicine will cease to act on the body. It is better to relieve excitement with breathing exercises, in the form of deep exhalations, breaths, meditation in the fresh air in a pleasant environment.
  • Use in case of sleep disturbances. However, if insomnia accompanies the patient for a long time, the patient may have a causeless chronic fatigue syndrome. With such manifestations of the disease, it is urgent to visit a specialist who will prescribe complex therapy. Taking one valerian in this case is not effective.
  • Drink  tablets at migraine. A person’s headache is due to many factors, in particular, if you have a headache after the stress experienced, then valerian will be an effective medicine. When migraine is a consequence of other diseases, then the drug can no longer cope with the treatment of ailment, you will have to use other drugs for complex therapy.
  • You can accept  valerian extract from manifestations vegetative-vascular dystonia,only the dosage of the drug can differ slightly from the usual norms. Still, VSD is a complex pathology and its manifestations in different patients may differ, so in addition to valerian, other tablets should be used to stop the symptoms of the disease. They should be appointed by a competent specialist.
When is the tablets are used?
When is the tablets are used?

IMPORTANT: The tablets of this drug are effective in manifestations of gastrointestinal spasms and heart diseases, blood vessels.

Valerian in tablets: how does the drug work?

In an extract of natural origin, there is a high content of essential oils. If the panacea enters the patient's body, then the processes of sedative will appear. This occurs due to exposure to nerve ending receptors. The following factors also arise after using valerian tablets:

  1. Sedative effect - It appears due to a decrease in the activation of neurocytes in the cells of the brain, the severity of synapses is still reduced. It is such a manifestation of the action of the product that helps to calm patients during the period of nervous excitation.
  2. Normalization of the work of internal organs (heart, gastrointestinal tract, etc.), which helps to enhance the activation of the parasympathetic parts of the nervous system.
  3. Insomnia passes -the tablets eliminate the high activation of neurocytes, which are the components of the materials of the cerebral cortex, due to the process, the patient falls asleep, and the condition of sleep improves.
  4. Antispasmodic effect- Thanks to the current component, relaxation of the wall of the smooth muscles of internal organs is manifested. They have a kind of effect - strain in stressful situations and work in high tone. The tablets block it.
  5. Is happening decrease in heart muscle contractions Also due to the sedative influence of natural panacea.
  6. Tablets reduce blood pressurebecause the arterial walls relax, as a result, the lumen in the vessels increases.
When is the valerian shown?
When is the valerian shown?

The active substance of the product penetrates the body through the smooth walls of the intestine. Then, after complete absorption, the drug begins to work. Unfortunately, there is no reliable information about the metabolism of essential oils, the rest of the components of valerian.

Valerian in tablets: contraindications, side effects

The tool is equally well tolerated by adults and children thanks to the natural component of the drug. However, like any dosage form, valerian has a number of contraindications, in particular:

  • allergenic reactions to the components of the pharmacy drug
  • the presence of negative reactions to fructose
  • pregnancy, especially in the first trimester
  • lactose deficiency, fructose, liver problems
  • glucose-galactic species
  • gastrointestinal diseases - enterocolite
  • rejection of a pronounced aroma of pills
  • you can not use babies up to three years of age.

Doctors do not recommend using valerian in tablets to drivers, persons who have professions requiring increased concentration. Do not use a tool with strong drinks. Still, tablets are not very effective with strong tea, espresso, energy drink. The listed drinks completely block the action of valerian extract.

What are the contraindications of the tablets?
What are the contraindications of the tablets?

Side effects of the product are manifested during an overdose. In such cases, a decrease in activity, weakness, oppressed state, drowsiness may occur. Another symptoms may also appear, characteristic of the oppressed state of the Central Administration.

When a severe form of an overdose occurs, the symptoms of bradycardia, arrhythmias appear. In this case, the patient uses large dosages of valerian, sometimes doses can reach 15-20 times more recommended. Moreover, the action of the pills on all people is different, much depends on the individual characteristics of the body systems.

There were no deaths from the use of valerian tablets. Although, based on studies of medical specialists, an overdose of the drug can cause such a risk.

In the case when the patient feels the symptoms given above more precisely - an overdose, the use of the medicine, and drink activated carbon, magnesium sulfate should be canceled urgently. You can prevent the process of intestinal absorption with these actions. In medicine, antidote does not exist to the drug.

Side effect

Even with the correct use of the tablet form of the drug, side effects can occur. To these can be classified:

  • reducing human performance
  • skin irritation, other manifestations of allergenic relapses
  • arrhythmia, heartburn, sleepy condition, nausea, even vomiting
  • the weakened state of muscle tissue (it is difficult to even raise your hands up)
  • constipation, speech disorders, tightness, inhibition.
Valerian - harm
Valerian - harm

No matter how sorry, this symptoms are a frequent phenomenon among valerian users. In this situation, one has to switch to other drugs that give the same effect to you the doctor. Do not experiment on your health yourself.

Valerian in tablets: how does it interact with other medicines?

The tablets, which include a natural panacea, can enhance the effects of other sedatives. Also, valerian in tablets improves the effect of sleeping pills, antispasmodics. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly control the amount of these drugs.

Sedding pills - valerian
Soothing pills - valerian

Valerian in tablets: user reviews

To improve the effectiveness of the medicine, it is necessary to individually select the amount of tablets used to each patient. You should also take into account the patient's health, a possible pregnancy of women, etc. Otherwise, the risk of side effects on the body is possible.

Barbara, 42 years old:

My grandmother, grandfather, also used sedative pills. The drug helped them cope with excitement, insomnia, they were always, practically, quiet and calm. I also wanted to use valerian, especially since I am very often in stressful situations due to problems at work. My therapist recommended drinking two pills, twice a day. At first I did not notice anything, it feels like they do not act. However, after a while two weeks later, anxious states passed, a dream was established. The tablets give a good sedative effect, no side effects were noticed. And most importantly, the tablets are very inexpensive and available in all pharmacies without any recipes.

Alexey, 34 years old:

I always keep valerian tablets in a home medicine cabinet. It is more convenient for me to take this drug in the tablets, since the smell is not as resistant as that of valerian tincture. As soon as I feel the alarm, I am nervous, I overexcase, then I begin to drink pills with the course. I drink two times a day and everything is getting better. I calmly calm down, the flock is not so sharp. I never noticed side effects, the only thing that the smell is a bit like. And so the price and effect of tablets is completely satisfied. True, it seems to me that they have a cumulative effect, because I do not feel their action immediately. And only after a week. I advise everyone, be healthy!

The tool in the form of pills is consumed for pathogenetic, symptomatic therapy of a large spectrum of diseases. The composition of the tablets is vegetable, so they are not dangerous for the health of patients, if patients have no adverse reactions to valerian.

Video: Valerian Extract - Indications for use

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