Valerian: Why helps, can children give? How many valerian can be drunk at a time, how much per day? How to take valerian: before meals or after eating? How long can you drink valerian?

Valerian: Why helps, can children give? How many valerian can be drunk at a time, how much per day? How to take valerian: before meals or after eating? How long can you drink valerian?

Medications are often in their composition healing plants, and people are good about folk medicine. Therefore, valerian is used without fears and give it to children to calm. However, not everyone is useful, for example, its effect on the body of children, future mothers is not fully studied. Let's find out how to drink valerian and who better not use it.

To drink valerian to children or not, it is better to solve a pediatrician. After all, there are no unambiguous recommendations on this issue. Yes, and the drug should be consumed according to a certain scheme not only for children, but also to adults. Before you begin to be treated with a drug, you should study the instructions well. It turns out there are contraindications of this drug, because in order not to harm your health, read how to drink valerian, which dosages are suitable for the treatment of a particular pathology.

Valerian - forms of release

To improve sleep and calm the nervous system, they use sedatives, one of them is valerian. Many believe that this is a weak pharmacy, therefore, without fear give it to children, they also buy pregnant women to calm their nerves. But the drug is not so safe, it gives an effect only after prolonged use. The plant contains flavonoids, lignans and sesquiterpenoids - these substances have a sedative effect on the patient's body. To get the desired effect, you should know how to drink valerian correctly, how long to use the product. It is also important to know the intricacies of using different forms of pharmacy. Valerian is produced by three types.

The use of valerian
The use of valerian

There are several types of valerian tablets:

  1. So-called black Valerian - Pill without membranes have a large dosage of the drug.
  2. Tablets yellow color - Piluses have yellow, as they are covered with a shell. The dosage of the drug is not the same as the first tablets.
  3. Alcohol tincture of valerian - This is an infusion on the alcohol of the roots of valerian.

Since the dosage of the drugs is different, they have different effects of effect on the body, and this should be taken into account. So, if you want the drug to help you as quickly as possible, it is better to drink a tincture of valerian. Classes of black valerian are still suitable, they have a large number of active component, and yellow in the last place, but they will not have such side effects as the first two drugs.

In terms of exposure to the first place, alcohol solutions of the root of the valerian, since you do not have to wait until the tablet is dissolved in your body. And alcohol also soothes the nerves well. Dark pills act a little slower, they have no membranes and they have a large dosage, so urgently to calm the nerves and get rid of stress better than them, and not yellow pills. The yellow valerian again gives up its position, you will feel its effectiveness only after time.

If you choose a medicine for safety, feel free to buy yellow pills. After all, they have neither alcohol nor a large amount of valerian. They are unlikely to cause side effects in patients. Dark pills are not as well cleaned as the first tablets, have a stronger effect on the body and can cause a side effect even after a one -time administration. And in the last place in the safety of the use of valerian - alcohol tincture, not only is there a saturated solution, but also contains alcohol.

Valerian: Why helps, can children give?

The vegetable drug is taken to calm and sleeping pills. In addition, after its use, antispasmodic, choleretic effects are also noticeable. It is interesting that Valerian is considered a sedative drug, but there are other effects on the body, such as painkillers, anti -stress. Despite the fact that the panacea is made of natural raw materials, there are many contraindications that need to be taken into account, and to give children valerian or not, the doctor should decide. Only a pediatrician can say how to drink valerian to a child.

The product has a cumulative effect. Therefore, if you give a tablet to the child, then immediately its action will not be noticeable. And tablets with high dosage and tincture are not at all advised to give children. And in the instructions, manufacturers do not recommend taking pills to children who have not been for another twelve years old. And at this age, valerian is already used as adults. Yellow tablets have an effect after a ten -day technique, a sedative effect and improving sleep is observed. They advise you not to give children a medicine on an ongoing basis. With alarm, two weeks of use are enough, then breaks.

Vitamir Valerian Extract
Vitamir Valerian Extract

IMPORTANT: If there is no improvement and anxiety in the child remains, then stop giving valerian to get rid of ailments, consult a doctor, because there are other drugs that remove anxiety and establish a dream.

In most cases, pills help children cope with disorders of the nervous system - many cases are known. But in this regard, no research was conducted.

Judging by some parents' reviews, Valerian did not help all children. In a child, the nervous system is at the stage of formation, not as in adults. Therefore, the body does not always adequately perceive the use of this drug, it happens that the opposite effect is manifested. Instead of calm down the child, on the contrary, it feels a surge of aggression, irritation, excitement occurs. Moreover, this does not happen in all children what no one knows with it.

Therefore, they take the drug under the control of a pediatrician. The specialist will take into account all the individual characteristics of the child's body, will establish whether to opt for this plant tool. The dosage of the product is also important, because due to taking pills, the baby may experience lethargy, drowsiness, not perceive information.

Adults often intersect with problems such as the excessive activity of their child, whims, etc. That is why some think that the situation can be saved by Valerian. It is undesirable to use a solution of valerian. Alcohol will not calm the baby, on the contrary - thanks to the hot, allergenic reactions, digestive problems are manifested in children. If a child does not have such problems as nervous tick, regular insomnia, anxiety, etc., then no drugs should be given to the baby. It is enough to simply distract attention and calm the baby with words, deeds. Go out into the street, take a walk, play, run.

When taking the medicine is simply necessary, then for treatment, select tablets covered with a yellow shell. The course of therapy should last about 10-14 days, sometimes this is not enough, then the treatment is extended for a month.

Valerian is prescribed by a doctor in combination with other means. It is also used for diseases of the heart, vascular system, pathologies of the digestive system, chickenpox. The use of the medicine is carried out strictly under the control of the pediatrician, it is impossible to drink tablets more set deadlines. Valerian has a cumulative effect, an overdose may occur.

How to drink valerian for children?

The approximate dosages of valerian in drops and in tablets for children represent the following proportions:

  • From year to three - Some pediatricians advise drinking other plant extracts, but if valerian helps, it is allowed to use one drop, or rather, if the child is one year, then one drop per day, if two, then two droplets, etc. The drug is added to juices, food and other liquid components.
  • Children from four to six years old Give also drops, the number of drops from 4 to 6 pieces, add to water, juices. Children of this age are often subjected to disorders of a nervous nature, they can sleep poorly, and the oster. If this happens constantly, then treatment is necessary. And when everything is not critical, it is better to refrain from using all kinds of dosage forms, including valerian.
  • Children up to twelve years You can take valerian in tablets to avoid stress. Indeed, when the kids become schoolchildren, many are restructuring the body, which threatens with psycho -emotional disorders, breakdowns. That is why valerian will not interfere with schoolchildren, but you do not need to drink it in large volumes, they drink on a tablet. Over time, the accumulation of the active substance in the body and excitement occurs, the experiences fade into the background.
  • When the child is 12 years old, then the medicine can be drunk in the same quantities as adults.

Is it possible to take valerian to everyone - contraindications?

The drug under the name of Valerian is known to almost everyone. Patients know that it is used to calm down and in violations of the sleep regime. Valerian is a natural product of plant origin. But how few who think about drinking valerian. After all, the medicine has a number of contraindications, and it is not so safe. If you use it uncontrollably, you can harm your health. It does not hurt to study, nevertheless, what are the contraindications for the drug. Further more about when you do not need to use the medicine.

Tincture of valerian
Tincture of valerian

The influence of valerian on the body, as already mentioned, is not so weakened. The drug is also able to affect the digestive tract, and can cause not only a sedative effect, but also all sorts of adverse reactions that patients do not even think about. Everyone thinks that this is the most harmless sedative. It is able to have a spasmolytic effect on the organs. Inhibits the rate of food processing, this is what provokes unpleasant sensations in the stomach, causes vomiting.

Who is not recommended to drink valerian:

  1. Patients with allergenic reactions to the main active substance
  2. The instructions for the drug say that you can not drink the remedy for children until adulthood.
  3. With manifestations of diseases of the digestive tract, namely problems with the gall bladder, and with caution use the product to patients with chronic enterocolitis.
  4. Pregnant women do not recommend drinking valerian in the first trimester, and then allowed after the approval of the doctor.
  5. If an overdose is noted, then inhibition is observed, the patient is drowning in sleep, and when valerian is drunk for a long time, blood pressure may increase, anxiety disorders may appear, migraine, constipation, allergenic reactions may occur.

IMPORTANT: If you took too much a dose of valerian, then you should rinse the body and drink sorbents.

How many valerian can be drunk at a time, how much per day?

Typically, valerian preparations are used for diseases of the heart and blood vessels to calm the nervous system. In a pharmacy, valerian in any form can be bought without recipes from doctors. That is why, the first thing customers use to calm down is valerian. And indeed, tablets and drops act well with disorders of this type, you just need to know the exact dosages of the drug. No need to use medicine in increased dosages. This can only be harmful. After all, everyone has individual characteristics of the body.

According to the instructions, you should drink adults no more two tablets for one reception and three times a day. BUT liquid valerian They drink 20-30 drops before eating three times a day. Kids are recommended drink one drop, if the child is one year old, 2, if two years old, etc. Per for a day to adults you can drink no more than 200 milligrams, this is the same as ten pills.

How much can you drink valerian?

Patients achieve the therapeutic effect in different ways, one is enough to take only two pills and feel calm, while others have to go through the entire course of taking valerian. Therefore, how to drink valerian should decide by the doctor, observing the condition of the patient. Liquid valerian begins to affect a person faster. The action is felt already ten minutes after drinking drops. The tablets must be washed down with water, and drops are dissolved in 50 milliliters of water.

Maximum doses of the drug:

  • Valerian extract is consumed from one to five pills at a time. With neurasthenia, it is allowed to use tablets more often than three times a day. Or rather, until six times, until a sedative effect appears.
  • If the patient is overcome by insomnia, then the doctor can prescribe from one to five pills one hour before bedtime, in the evening. If there is no effect, then it is better to use other tablets.
Valerian - Bad
Valerian - Bad
IMPORTANT: With an overdose of the drug, there is a violation of the digestive tract, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, tremor, pupils expand, the head dizzy, overexcitation or weakness, inhibition, apathy and even strong depression, which can lead to deaths. Therefore, with all the suspicions of an overdose of the pharmacy medicine, you should consult a doctor and stop using it.

How to take valerian: before meals or after eating?

If you look at the instructions for the product, then there is written on the body to reach a quick effect on the body, take valerian before meals - both pills and alcohol tincture. In order to calm down faster, they advise you to drink either tablets without a shell or a tincture diluted in a quarter of a glass of water. If we consider in detail how drink valerian, it looks like this: two to three hours after eating and 20 minutes before eating.

The drug acts quickly on the empty stomach, if you drink tablets or an infusion of food, then you will have to wait a long time. It should also be borne in mind that valerian affects the psychomotor reactions of the body, weakens the concentration of attention, relaxes. You should drink the drug with caution to persons who get behind the wheel of a car or people who are engaged in different activities, which requires pure mind and bright memory.

How long can you drink valerian?

In order not to be nervous and sleeping calmly, the first thing doctors prescribe is Valerian, it is considered soft sedative, has a sedative effect. Most often advised to use the product for a long time. As Greek doctors said, that the root of valerian is able to clarify the mind and strengthen the soul. How to drink valerian to get rid of anxieties - we will find out further.

Thanks to the vegetable composition, the product is considered harmless, and most importantly, the valerian is not addictive. Therefore, you can use it for quite some time. If the drug is suitable for the patient, then you can drink it until a persistent remission appears. If you look at the instructions of the drug, then it says that it is enough to drink the product for about 10 days. But the doctor can increase the duration of the intake after studying the patient's condition.

How to drink valerian - reviews

Marina, 32 years:

I took pills without a membrane with a dosage of 200 milligrams. At work, there was a blockage, in the family problems with my husband, stress and wild excitement pursued me periodically, it got to the point that I could not fall asleep in the evenings. It was no longer possible to do without a sedative. I decided to try valerian tablets. How to drink valerian read on the package. I tried to drink one tablet, it seemed little, after two I felt complete calm.

These pills have a specific aroma and when you drink them, you also feel the taste. Many do not like it, but on the contrary. Moreover, they have an excellent effect on my body. Yellow pills do not affect me at all.

The only negative is that such pills cannot be bought in pharmacies that are located next to my house. One pharmacist said that he didn’t even hear that there were such. These pills are even more suitable for me than tincture, so I advise you to try if you have stress and anxiety.

Sergey, 29 years old:

First, the nervous system was shaken, then the nervous tick began, the eye twitches at the most inappropriate moments, uncontrolled. It was very annoying me very much, my work is responsible, I have to communicate a lot, but here it is. The doctor told me to drink Valerian with a course. I did not immediately believe that an ordinary valerian is able to eliminate this disease. But then he began to use, and it helped me a lot. True, drank tablets with a yellow shell for about three weeks. After the cancellation, I forgot about the disease for many years.

Nikita, 30 years:

I have a very serious VSD disease. Symptoms are unpleasant. Panic attacks, shortness of breath, sharp jumps of blood pressure, palpitations are haunted. Sometimes it seems now I’ll turn off at all, there is still a trembling throughout the body. Exacerbations occur when the weather changes, the temperature rides on the street.

I tried a lot of sedatives, including valerian in the yellow shell and drops - it did not help. After all, I do not need weak pills to abruptly calm down and prevent the attack of panic. And I tried pills without a shell with a dosage of 200 milligrams. When I drank one pill of such a valerian, all the symptoms began to leave after 10-15 minutes. The quality of life has improved.

Some symptoms do not bother at all, I myself began to feel more calm and more confident, because I know how to control the situation. Before you perform some responsible events, it’s enough to drink a pill ahead of time and that’s all, I am calm, I think well, panic attacks retreat. It is a pity that such a good drug, and not everywhere in pharmacies.

More read the articles on our portal on a similar topic here:

  1. Is it possible to give children a valerian?
  2. Valerian in tablets, how to drink, indications for use.

Video: How to take valerian?

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