“In general” - a comma at the beginning of the sentence, is it put? How is it “in general” standing out in the text?

“In general” - a comma at the beginning of the sentence, is it put? How is it “in general” standing out in the text?

In our article, we will tell you how to highlight the phrase “generally” in the sentence with commas and whether they are needed at all.

"All in all" The proposal can be either a full -fledged member, or just an introductory word. To understand whether the comma is placed, it is necessary to determine in which context it is used. In fact, "all in all" In any case, is isolated.

"All in all » - When is a comma placed on both sides?

If a "all in all" Without problems, it is allowed to discard and put in another place without loss of meaning, then it will stand out on both sides. This is possible when the phrase is in the middle of the sentence.

- On this note, in general, we will finish

- There is nothing to boast of, we live, in general, like the rest

“In general” - when is the comma put in front of the phrase?

When is the comma put?
When is the comma put?

Before “generally” a comma will be put if the word is located at the end of the sentence and acts as an introductory word.

- If there is a desire, then you can learn everything, in general

- I thought, tried to remember everything, tormented, in general

“In general” - when is the comma put after the phrase?

If the proposal begins with this phrase, then it will be introductory. Therefore, it is always distinguished by a comma.

- In general, now I have become his bride and he took me to another city

- In general, he walked around the bush, but he could not say anything

"All in all"  - When the comma is not needed?

In some cases, a comma is not required at all. This usually happens if the preposition and adjective are combined, as well as the word acts as a secondary member.

- Once in the common room, I was amazed at his beauty

- In the common lobby, a meeting of residents of the house No was held5

Video: Introductory words. Appeals. Direct speech

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