What is the essence of the destructive effect of HIV on the human body? Infected HIV - through what you can: ways of infection. What needs to be done to reduce the risk of HIV infection? How many people and children with HIV live as much as possible, taking therapy and without treatment?

What is the essence of the destructive effect of HIV on the human body? Infected HIV - through what you can: ways of infection. What needs to be done to reduce the risk of HIV infection? How many people and children with HIV live as much as possible, taking therapy and without treatment?

Ways to prevent HIV and AIDS infection.

HIV is a virus that deprives the human body, since immunity is destroyed. People learned about this disease in the last century. At that time, scientists were able to find out that an adult, a patient with an HIV infection, weakened immunity.

Currently, the disease has spread so much that it has become considered an epidemic. According to statistics, approximately 50,000,000 people around the world are now ill. A drug that can restore the body's immune system has not yet been invented. Therefore, the only method of combating the disease is preventive measures.

What is HIV infection and AIDS: what's the difference?

By nature, a special protective mechanism is laid in the body of each person - immunity. Thanks to this mechanism, immune cells produce antibodies that resist foreign microorganisms. After antigens or viruses enter the body, lymphocytes begin to actively function. These cells recognize the "enemy" and destroy it. This is how immunity works.

However, when an HIV virus penetrates into the body, the protective barrier of the immune system is destroyed, as a result of which a person can even die some time after infection occurs. Those. With an HIV infection, a person lives almost without immunity to viruses, diseases.

Now there are such cases when the sick HIV was able to live for about 30 years, because the infection itself, in fact, is considered a “slow” virus. Its symptoms can appear after 10 years or more. Therefore, a person may not even suspect what is happening with his body and health.

After the virus penetrates the body, its cells join the blood cells and spread due to them throughout the body, while infecting the lymph system, since it is in the lymph nodes that are located immune Cells in huge quantities.

Immunity cannot adequately respond to the attacks of foreign bodies, because the virus does not recognize. Because of this, HIV gradually kills immunity and its cells.

And after their number of immune cells becomes much smaller, the virus develops into AIDS.

HIV cells in the blood
HIV cells in the blood

What is the difference between HIV from AIDS? We will try to figure it out in more detail.

Many people do not even know how the HIV infection from AIDS is different. There are those who claim that this is one disease, but they are wrong. These two diseases differ significantly from each other. If the HIV virus start treating in time, you can, of course, avoid AIDS.

To begin with, you should know how the abbreviations are deciphered. So:

  • HIV The infection is deciphered like this - aIDS virus
  • BUT AIDS deciphered like this - acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

HIV infection, like many viral diseases, tends to occur in several stages:

  • Initial stage. The infection in its own symptoms is very similar to ordinary flu
  • The second stage. Symptoms and manifestations disappear. At this stage, find out whether the virus is present in the body or not, you can only find out after blood donation
  • The third stage. The immunity decreases. This stage, as a rule, occurs several years after the penetration of the virus into the blood of a person
  • The fourth stage. HIV grows into AIDS. During this state, the human immune system is completely destroyed

What is the essence of the destructive effect of HIV on the human body?

During the period of the disease, when the virus is completely introduced into the patient's body, a person feels a malaise resembling flu. In the subsequent stages, unless, of course, to proceed with preventive measures, there is an inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Destructive action of HIV
Destructive action of HIV

Since HIV has a negative effect on the body, there is a gradual decrease in the performance of each organism.

  • Lungs, the entire respiratory system are inflamed
  • The performance of digestion and all organs of this system is violated
  • The protective functions of the skin and mucosa are reduced
  • The bone-muscular system is weakened

HIV also has a negative effect on the nervous system. From the very beginning there is an inflammation of neurons and dendrites. Because of what the pain may intensify. At the final stages, pathogens affect the cells of the brain - a person becomes demented, his coordination is disturbed, and vision drops.

Infect HIV - through what you can: ways of infection

Let's calm you down at once - an infected dose of HIV is very high. What does that mean? You can get infected only with a huge amount of infection agent.

Only some fluids can become a transmitter of this disease. In order for the transfer of the virus to be transmitted, the liquid must contact directly with the injured tissue and mucosa, or penetrate directly into the blood. The mucous membrane, which is most susceptible to infection, is located in the intestines, vagina, as well as in the oral cavity.

Usually, HIV is transmitted by the following ways:

  • Through sexual intercourse
  • Through blood transfusion
  • Through injections that were conducted intravenously
  • From pregnant to the fetus or a born child
  • Through a random injection with an infected syringe
Ways of infection HIV
Ways of infection HIV

There are some factors that significantly increase the risk of HIV infection. These include:

  • The presence of a disease that is transmitted through an intimate relationship
  • Titra HIV virus
  • The presence of small cracks, ulcers, erosion on the cervix
  • Sexual intercourse through anal passage for the receiving
  • The representatives of the female half of the risk are much higher

Is it possible to get an HIV through saliva with a kiss, screaming, at the dentist, with a manicure, scratch, wound, mosquito bite, razor?

Let's figure out how much it is likely to become infected with a dangerous illness in various contacts and in different situations:

Oral connection:

  • With such sexual intercourse, the probability of infection is very small. For example, under a minute, a chance to become infected is approximately 0.03%
  • But this is only if open wounds are present in the mouth of a woman
  • With cunnilingus, the risk of infection is the smallest if the man does not have wounds in the oral cavity, since saliva cannot contain virus cells
The chance to infect orally small
The chance to infect orally small


  • Doctors argue that during a kiss it is impossible to infect HIV infection. Saliva, as we wrote a little higher, cannot contain the cells of the virus. During a kiss, the risk of infection is almost zero
  • But you should know that the disease tends to be transmitted through blood. Therefore, if both partners have damage on the lips or mouth, the chance is significantly increased

Mosquito bite:

  • Parasites that feed on human blood are pretty annoying people in nature. They are considered carriers of infectious diseases, parasites, dangerous diseases. However, HIV is never transmitted in this way.
  • A mosquito, biting a person, does it once. Then he puts his larvae and dies. The second contact does not occur, since the mouth of the insect after the first bite to deteriorate, therefore, hesitates to function.

At the dentist:

  • Never such cases have been recorded. How HIV can be transmitted, we all know. In the blood, the cells of the virus live well, but outside the human body they die very quickly.
  • The disinfection of each tool, their sterilization in a special cabinet, plus the dentist gloves give a complete guarantee that living pests are completely absent and there is no probability of transmitting a deadly disease.
With proper sterilization, HIV infection is excluded
With proper sterilization, HIV infection is excluded

With manicure:

  • Do not be afraid that you can get an HIV virus during manicure. The molecules of this disease quickly die in the open air, and the tools are sterilized before each client.
  • In all the practice of manicure, there has never been a case that the virus was transmitted precisely during this process.

Through a razor, wounds, scratches

HIV infection through a razor machine is minimal. But through the wounds, scratches and cracks of the virus cell, of course, they can enter the body.

Is it possible to become infected with HIV if there was unprotected contact 1 time?

You have sexual intercourse with an infected person, then the consequences can be terrible. The probability of infecting this disease in this case is quite high. But most often, the virus is infected during blood transfusion or through breast milk.

With unanimously unprotected sexual contact, there is a risk of infection, but it is minimal
With one unprotected sexual contact, there is a risk of infection, but it is minimal

Scientists argue that the risk of infection with the disease after a single unprotected sexual intercourse is still minimal. But never risk. If you do not have factors that can increase the chance of infection, then the probability is only 1%. But in the presence of abrasions, inflammatory processes of the mucosa, as well as during menstruation, the risk increases significantly.

How much does the HIV virus live outside the body, in the air, at what temperature does it die?

The cells of the virus are unstable and outside the human body live for a short time. Most of the scientists are debated about how much the virus lives in ordinary household conditions. Some say that the cells of the disease can live within a few hours. And there are those who prove that HIV in the open air behaves actively only a few minutes.

Another thing is when HIV is jointly with DNA (in human blood, in sperm). In this case, some factors affect the life expectancy. For example, the number of DNA or the temperature regime of the external environment. Under ideal conditions and stable temperatures, the virus cells can live up to 2 days. Consequently, the non -sterile tools of the surgeon, dentist and manicure master, on which there are remains of infected blood, can infect a healthy person for several days.

The life of the virus
The life of the virus

Now we will figure out what kind of temperature the virus can die. HIV does not resist elevated temperatures. The cells of the disease die if they are warmed up for 30 minutes. at a temperature of 56 ° C and above. But this indicator is not considered critical, because the most stable particles will live and will begin to revive again.

If you take the virus, which it is present in the blood, then the destruction of the virus takes a greater period of time. The disease has a protein shell, and therefore can completely die at 60 ° C. If you hold the virus cells at this temperature regime for about 40 minutes, they will finally die.

How many people and children with HIV live as much as possible, taking therapy and without treatment?

HIV is a very serious and dangerous disease. But you can’t find out exactly how much an infected person can live. There are not even approximate data. Since each human body is considered individual. Some patients die after a disease after 5 years, and there are those who have been living for more than 10 years.

The life of HIV infected
The life of HIV infected

The life expectancy of the patient cannot be accurately called for many reasons:

  • Firstly, many of the first infected people live to this day. That is, approximately 30 years. But this period is not the limit. How much the patient can live can only show time.
  • Secondly, our medicine, as well as science annually invent all kinds of methods and medicines. Effective drugs were previously invented, which allow you to stop the growth of HIV cells. With proper drug therapy, one can significantly extend the life of an infected person.
  • Thirdly, the period of life expectancy of a patient may depend on his rhythm and lifestyle. It is necessary to regularly check the number of T lacocytes, introduce a healthy lifestyle, and abandon bad habits. When the immune system is reduced, it is necessary to undergo appropriate therapy. Even with mild malaise, you need to be treated.

Is HIV treated in the early stages?

The question of whether it is possible to cure the virus at an early stage, worries many people who have already become infected. All, without exception, people are required to know that infection with this disease can, of course, be prevented by a short time. With any type of contact with the liquid that was infected, urgent prevention is needed.

That is, a person should drink special antiviral drugs for a certain time to prevent infection. Treatment is carried out in a specialized medical institution, but from the moment when HIV got into the blood, it should pass a maximum of 24 hours.

If we talk about the therapy of this disease, then it is only aimed at reducing the reproduction of the disease and prolong the life of the patient. A person can live normally, like everything thanks to special medicines that do not allow the virus to develop.

Do they take the army, are they given disability with HIV infection?

During the passage of the medical commission in the military registration and enlistment office, each draftee is issued directions for the test of tests. The main one is a blood test for the identification of HIV infection. The result of this analysis is examined at the military registration and enlistment office itself. Consequently, it is concluded on it - to take a guy for service or not.

Important: a patient with an infection belongs to the category of D. That is, he is generally excluded from the accounting of possible draftees for the rest of his life.

As for disability, then it is issued to the patient only if his state of health worsens greatly. This mainly applies to those patients who have an acute stage with the presence of a secondary disease.

What needs to be done to reduce the risk of HIV infection?

If you want to avoid infection with this disease, you should follow some precautions:

  • Always protect yourself during intercourse. This is especially true of the case if you still know your partner and are not sure of him.
  • Never use drugs using a needle. And in general, give up this bad habit. Thus, you generally exclude the risk of infection, since drugs, moreover, poison the human body.
Reducing the risk of infection
Reducing the risk of infection
  • Do not drink alcohol, since it is under alcohol intoxication that a person can perform all kinds of nonsense, for example, to enter into an intimate connection with a stranger.
  • Make sports, use only healthy products. So you can strengthen your own immune system. And if your immunity is strong, then the chance to become infected with the disease will be minimal.

Criminal liability for human infection infection

HIV infection is dangerous and can threaten other people. Many infected people understand this, therefore, they lower their own contacts to the smallest, so as not to become a pedagogical focus of a new infection.

  • The deliberate supply of a second person in the risk of infection is punishable by this - a person is losing his freedom up to 3 years, or his arrest is being arrested for a period of 3 to 6 months, or a person loses freedom up to 1 year.
  • An infection of a second person by a person who knew about his disease is punishable by this - a person is deprived of freedom for up to 5 years.
  • The act that was committed by 2 and a large number of personalities, or was committed in relation to a minor is punishable by this-people lose their freedom up to 8 years.
  • Infection of a second person due to improper performance by a person of his own professional duties is punishable by this-a person loses freedom for up to 5 years. He also loses the right to occupy a particular position, as well as to engage in a specific position for 3 years.

A person who infected another person who did not know about his illness is not punished. Criminal liability is assigned only when such an act was intentional.

Video: HIV and AIDS facts

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