What is the difference between latex and acrylic paint: the main characteristics. What is the difference between acrylic paint from latex: which is better?

What is the difference between latex and acrylic paint: the main characteristics. What is the difference between acrylic paint from latex: which is better?

What is the difference between latex and acrylic paint?

When you have repairs in your house, you want to do everything at the highest level. And sometimes an important issue is the correct choice of materials for finishing work, namely paint. In the modern market, many of its types and classes are sold. Sales leaders have been considered latex and acrylic paint for not a single year. But not everyone thought about their differences. Therefore, in this material we propose to draw a comparative analogy and find out which product is better.

What is the difference between latex and acrylic paint: features and characteristics of latex material

The main advantage of latex paint is the presence of rubber in its composition. True, it is not always natural, but more often use material created by artificially.

  • The presence of a synthetic or natural rubber guarantees the maximum stability of the painted surface and in many situations gives the product a more complete look.
  • The use of rubber in the paint makes it extremely in demand and has a large sphere of application. In addition, polymers are added to the composition of latex paint, which also make it more resistant to environmental influences.
  • Advantages of latex coating:
    • this paint guarantees the resistance of the coating and durability;
    • a large palette of bright, rich colors is presented, which, thanks to their composition, do not lose their characteristics even under the influence of direct sunlight;
    • manufacturers focus on the fact that latex paint is absolutely non -toxic;
    • thanks to rubber, the paint is extremely elastic. This makes it possible to apply it even on the most embossed surfaces;
    • the paint after complete drying becomes waterproof.
  • Latex paints are traditional for internal or external works (that is, for a house or street), and are also divided into a group of matte or glossy class.
  • The main plus of latex paint - despite its 4 varieties, the main properties remain the same for each species.
Latex paint allows you to paint off even uneven surfaces
Latex paint allows you to paint off even uneven surfaces

What is the difference between latex and acrylic paint: the advantages of acrylic coating

Acrylic paints are made on the basis of copolymers, which, in turn, are represented by polyarilats. Often in their composition is silicone, styrene and vinyl.

  • The main difference between acrylic and latex paint is a higher resistance to the effects of the outside world and a relatively high cost. However, despite the price, few paint can compare with this material on the quality of the coating.
  • It is impossible not to notice that the scope of acrylic paint, in general, has much in common with latex paint. The spectrum of use is very wide. But the color scheme has even the brightest solutions that can create real masterpieces on the walls.
  • Both paints are produced on a water -based, which makes them moisture resistant. However, despite the general similarity, the quality of the coating is still significantly different. The product, covered with acrylic paint, looks more expensive and exquisite.
  • Also, do not forget about the resistance and durability of the coating. The components of acrylic paint are more hardy and manifest themselves well with any external influences, which cannot be said about the artificially created rubber, and natural too.
  • Probably the most important plus of acrylic is the lack of a need for applying a basic or soil layer. Also, which is especially important for facade work is complete independence from temperature fluctuations. Although at minus temperature it will be simply inconvenient to paint.
  • It should also be noted that the brightness of the coating does not burn out, does not wash off and does not even erase from mechanical friction for a long time. And when painting in the room, the poisonous smell is not heard. Yes, and it dries for 5, a maximum of 30 hours.
Acrylic paint dries quickly, has no smell and is very resistant to various influences
Acrylic paint dries quickly, has no smell and is very resistant to various influences

Comparison of latex and acrylic paint: What is the difference?

As you can see, the main physical properties of latex and acrylic paint coincide. But their main difference is the composition, because acrylic itself is more persistent than rubber.

  • Typically, paints are distinguished by the quality of the painted surface. Acrylic paint looks more presentable and externally strengthens the surface. While latex paint allows you to cover the most embossed surfaces. In color, acrylic and latex paint are practically not inferior to each other.
  • But the pricing policy is significantly different - latex paint is many times cheaper than acrylic products, and this cannot but attract the buyer.
  • In addition, most manufacturers focus on a wide color palette, which is obtained as a result of mixing two colors, so often in the modern market you can find a hybrid based on a copolymer, but with the addition of rubber and styrene.
  • Although there are similar moments between acrylic and latex paint - they are similar to each other in many physical properties. After all, both colors are designed on a water -based, which makes them resistant to moisture.
  • True, latex and acrylic paints are distinguished by their resistance to external factors. The last material turned out to be more durable, albeit with a slight margin.

In conclusion, I only want to add that everyone should choose the right option for themselves, starting from the ratio of price and quality. After all, the main difference between acrylic and latex paint is the cost. The first coating due to its physical characteristics and composition is much more expensive than latex material. But it is considered a very persistent budget option.

Video: What is the difference between latex and acrylic paint?

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