Morning by March 8 in kindergarten: a scenario of a holiday for the middle group. Competitions, songs, poems, dancing, games, riddles of scenes for the matinee on March 8 in kindergarten in the middle group

Morning by March 8 in kindergarten: a scenario of a holiday for the middle group. Competitions, songs, poems, dancing, games, riddles of scenes for the matinee on March 8 in kindergarten in the middle group

Information to help the organizers of the matinee on March 8 in the middle group of kindergarten.


On the eve of the holiday on March 8, children's kindergartens educators begin to look for special, non -banal scenarios for the matinees, so that both the kids and guests are able to rejoice and feel the warm touch of spring.

From this article you will learn how to prepare a wonderful holiday for children, taking into account the useful experience of teachers, inspired by new ideas.

You can use one of the ideas you attracted in preparing the program of your holiday or recreate the proposed script in full. It depends on you whether the festive atmosphere will reign on March 8 among pupils and guests who came to the matinee!

Cocenery Mornsnik on March 8 in kindergarten for the middle group in the form of a fairy tale

We offer you to prepare the script based on the fairy tale "Fly of the Tsokotuha." Before proceeding with the creation of a festive mood among pupils, the organizers and educators should think about the distribution of roles, distribute poetry, songs to children.

The holiday of March 8 in kindergarten should bring only positive emotions to both children and adults
The holiday of March 8 in kindergarten should bring only positive emotions to both children and adults

You will also need time to analyze dance compositions and manufacturing attributes, costumes of heroes. Some games can also be held only if there are certain attributes.

For educators and parents, it is important that the children are glad at the festival and revealing talents sleeping in them. And the joint training of children during rehearsals will become a serious experience in teamwork.

Preparation for the holiday begins with the search for suitable interesting numbers and the script itself. Details, such as musical accompaniment, scenery in the hall, other little things are also important.

Before the holiday, children prepare gifts for mothers and grandmothers
Before the holiday, children prepare gifts for mothers and grandmothers

What should you pay attention to when choosing a script:

  • The program should not be overloaded with numbers so that the children do not become scattered by the end of the celebration. Organize a short but memorable action.
  • The script can be invented yourself, taking as a basis a fairy tale in which there are many characters: after all, each child of the group should be involved in the preparation of the holiday and not stay aloof.
  • The rooms should be changed along the chain. The following scheme is the most optimal: mini-performance, contests and games, short poems and dance compositions.
  • Think in advance what role is best for the child. Do not load the shy child with a large number of verses, but offer him a short text. So the performance in public will not bring him a moral injury and will not become for him in the future.

Do not demand the impossible from children, but approach each, taking into account its individual characteristics.

  • Ask your parents to help you at rehearsals. With their support, praise and prompts in children, everything will turn out better than in the company of only educators.

Decorate the hall where you will spend the holiday, together with the children. Offer to prepare “invitation” for mothers and grandmothers, as well as small crafts as gifts.

The participants of the holiday can become both mothers and kids
The participants of the holiday can become both mothers and kids

The characters of the tale of the matinee:

  • Leading
  • Fly Tsokotukha
  • Bee
  • Butterfly
  • ladybugs
  • Beetles
  • Spider
  • Ant

Boys appear on the stage to the music “Sweet Spring”.


March plays icicles loudly
The sky umbrella opened blue
Happy holiday: both affectionate and sonorous
With new happiness, with joy, with the spring.

1 boy:

Days are fine
On the holidays are similar
And in the sky the sun is warm
Fun and kind.

Do not demand the impossible from children: a shy child is better to choose a short poem so that the public performance does not injure him
Do not demand the impossible from children: a shy child is better to choose a short poem so that the public performance does not injure him

2 boy:
The time has come for the spring
The time for flowering has come
And then the mood
All people have spring!

3 boy:
Our guests took their places, but where are the girls? After all, the holiday already needs to start! Let's call them guys? Girls! Run here, hurry!

The continuation of the song sounds. Girls appear on the stage. They dance, involving in dance and boys.

1 girl:
Spring, spring! Do you feel her breath? The rivers and birds began to cheer up for a long time!

2 Girl:
Frosts receded for a long time, and the winter left. Now in the forest you can find small snowdrops!

So that the kids do not get bored, prepare the program according to this scheme: mini-performance, contests, poems, songs and dancing
So that the kids do not get bored, prepare the program according to this scheme: mini-performance, contests, poems, songs and dancing

3 Girl:
The spring sun is warm, spring streams run!
From young spring, hello convey to us all of them!

Song song »Spring drops"

Video: Spring drops

1 boy:
Spring does not come alone: \u200b\u200bshe brings us a holiday for us. And so that the guys are not bored, we offer to learn songs for mothers. Let our children's choir perform them together in the way.

2 boy:
But in many votes
Mom hears - mine.
The voice of her child
The most expensive!

3 boy:
Today for mom all the songs,
All dances, smiles and laughter
You are more expensive and more wonderful
Native, golden man!

4 boy:
Let your every day be clear,
Let the birds sing today.
About the most wonderful in the world,
I sing about my mother!

Video: Song to mom is very beautiful

One of the girls: We thought for so long which gifts would most please our mothers. After all, on March 8, there should be the best present! What could be better than a “jacuzzi” or a ticket for Cyprus? Only we cannot give this, and we can’t buy Mercedes for mothers. But what to give? What to stop on? And so, having collected all opinions and suggestions, we decided to give mothers one ticket to the theater. And we will play the roles in it ourselves!

All children should take part in the festival
All children should take part in the festival

In chorus:
Sorry for inaccuracies and deviations from the text!
We are only learning the acting craft.
Theater sends you hello
And mom calls for a performance!

Children They leave the stage, sitting on chairs.

He runs to the stage to the stage Fly Tsokotukha:
What would I buy this? Maybe the dress is blue?
Maybe shoes? Maybe a skirt? So, I'll think about a moment ...
No, I’ll go to the fair, I will buy a samovar for myself!
Because, I will celebrate the women's holiday today,
To treat all the bugs, the cockroaches with sweet tea! (quickly leaves the stage)

Leading: Do you think the fly has a birthday? Not! She is preparing for the women's holiday. I already called the guests, but she doesn’t have a samovar!

Enters Fly With a samovar. Put it on the table:

And I am a fly - a basement, gilded belly,
It's time to tell a fairy tale, spring is already in the yard.
I'm spinning at the mirror, I will take care of my beauty,
The table has long been covered, the samovar is already boiling.
On my table cheesecakes and with a jam pies,
Soon there will be girlfriends here - bees, butterflies, beetles.
We will have fun together, sing and dance songs,
You, our dear mothers, will congratulate you.
-Well, and why are you sitting? Dance all go out!

Poems are better to choose short so that the child, despite the excitement, copes with his performance
Poems are better to choose short so that the child, despite the excitement, copes with his performance

Children perform dance with mothers: "get on a circle soon"

The doorbell is heard. Fly: Here are the guests on the threshold! Come in, quickly!
Ant: Hello Mukha Tsokotuha. They say you called friends for entertainment. Hold it - a present from me.
(gives a postcard)
Fly: Oh, thanks, ant! Have you forgotten to congratulate your grandmother on the holiday of spring?
Ant: I congratulated it in the morning as the sun got up!

Today on the day of the spring,
Let's do it together
Thanks, let's say grandmothers
Thanks, let's say mothers
For chores, for caresses,
For songs, for fairy tales,
For delicious cheesecakes,
For new toys!
Sounds a song about grandmother

Video: Song about grandmother

They call the door again.
Fly: Someone is still in a hurry to us.

A butterfly appears in the doorway, holding a rope and a box filled with pasta. Wipes tears.

Butterfly: I am a beautiful butterfly, hurried to you for a holiday, but was in a hurry that the beads that I prepared for a gift were torn. (Raises taller torn beads so that the audience can see)

Fly: Do not cry, butterfly! All the beads now we will collect!

The host invites the children to play the game "Collect beads."

Dance with hearts
Dance with hearts

You can weave new, unusual scenes into the script for the holiday, according to a famous fairy tale

Video: The game is collecting beads to grandmother!

The doorbell is heard again.

Fly: Someone else came to our holiday! We will meet the guests!

Children in the costumes of God's cows appear on stage:

1 ladybug:
This festive day
In March, the brightest is.
We will give a fly
Fashion magazines. (transfers magazines)

2 God's cow:
Dress, we wish you
It is fashionable, like from a picture.
Very fashionable will be in March
Carries and boots!

Fly: Oh thanks, God's cows! I will order a cane and shoes by mail to be the most fashionable fly.

God's cows perform a fun dance composition.

The costume of God's cow
The costume of God's cow

Leading: Fly, do not we have a competition! Let grandmothers and mothers draw the most beautiful outfit for themselves.

Competition: "Beautiful outfit for a fly"

For the competition you will need:

  • two sheets of A3 paper format with the image of a fly of the basement in a dress
  • colorful outfits cut out of fashion magazines
  • glue stick

The host explains the terms of the competition: it is necessary to stick your favorite blanks from the magazines on the dress of the fly of the basement. The child whose outfit the audience will appreciate with great applause wins.

Leading: The fly seems to be calling the door again! Open it soon!

Beetles appear in the doorway.

Spider costume
Spider costume
A variant of a very spectacular costume for a beetle
Another version of a very spectacular costume for a beetle

1 beetle:
We are overseas beetles
Rich men.
We are great guys
Though foreign.

y2 beetle:
From the overseas distant countries
Avocado and banana
Mango, kiwi, pineapple
They brought here for you.

3 Beetle:
They have glucose and lactose,
Sucrose and fructose.

Well, do not list, just start dancing soon!
Beetles in hats perform a dance composition.

Dance of beetles in hats.

Video: dance beetles

Video: bug dance

Leading: The bell rings again, someone is in a hurry to visit us!

Running Bee:

Eh, tea, tea, tea, you, Kumushka, meet!
In this joyful day we will drink floral juice -
Fragrant, sweet, fragrant, and so pleasant tastes!
- And for all we baked such cods
They sprinkled with poppy, watered with honey.
Enough of the codlovs for everyone, we will treat them all!


Bee sing ditties:

1 bee:
Sprinkle ditties now
You are completely short.
We will call ditties,
Z-Z-Z, bee.

2 bee:
Bee, cute girlfriend,
We will fly together.
Yes sit on flowers,
To chat a little.

3 bee:
The bee sang songs
The green linden:
Why I'm not a star
I don't shoot in the clips?

4 bee:
I want to warn
Tolya, light, Valya:
You will come close to the hive,
I can’t stand it, I sting.


Fly: Thank you, bees, for beautiful ditties! It's time to the table, and the samovar was drunk!

(Sinister music sounds and spider enters the stage)

Leading: But suddenly, as if a spider suddenly appears. The guests flooded with their feet. Guests slammed with his hands.

Fly: Oh, save, help!

Spider: Gentlemen, do not be afraid.
Ladies calm down
I'm not angry at all
I don't eat flies of beauties!
I am treated from me
Well, just a schedule.

(Holds out sweets on the tray) to the guests)

Fly: You scared us, Spider! We did not think that you were also glad to the holiday.

Leading: Boots creak, heels knock,
It will be, the kids will have fun until the morning!

Children in chorus: Do not get tired of dancing-
Congratulations on women's day!

Children perform the dance composition "Samovar".

Video: Dance for children "Samovar". Simple moves

Leading: We tried not in vain. The fairy tale ended perfectly.

Let not always end with a women's day,
Let the streams sing in your honor,
Let the sun smile at you,
And the boys give you flowers.
With the first drop, with the last blizzard,
Happy early spring
Congratulations to you, we wish you heartily
Joy, happiness, health, love!

Reb: Mom, dear, I love you!
All spring flowers I give you.
The sun smiles, looking from a height,
How cool it is, I have you.

Children perform a dance composition for mothers.

Video: "Mommy, dear, I love you ..."

The holiday ends under the song for mom. Children give gifts to all mothers and grandmothers.

Songs for the matinee in kindergarten for March 8 for the middle group

The first children's impressions of the holiday of spring are those that they will experience in the matinee. Therefore, the educators depends on how bright this event will become for children and how it will be remembered for life.

The organizers of the holiday and educators cannot do without songs with songs. This section contains simple funny songs that can be used in the morning program for March 8.

It depends on educators and organizers how the children will remember the holiday on March 8
It depends on educators and organizers how the children will remember the holiday on March 8

Song "Vyosnushka-Sveta"

Oh, you, Vyosnushka-spring,
We are glad that you came!
Oh, Lyuli Lley,
Oh, Lyuli Lley!
2. You have warmly brought us
White snow melt.
Oh, Lyuli Lley,
Oh, Lyuli Lley!
3. Small birds fly,
They scream about spring.
Oh, Lyuli Lley,
Oh, Lyuli Lley!

Song-Tanets "Waltz for Mom"

Mags behind the white window of the blue.
The sun is spinning with us.
His first waltz.
Your best waltz
I will give a sweet mother.
2. I will dance a waltz more than once.
There are a lot of them ahead.
Just now
His first waltz
I'll give you, mom!
3. How I want my mother.
You have never been sad
Be always
Be always.
My mother, you are happy!

Song "I sing a song"

I get up with a song in the morning,
La la la la la la!
I sing a song to my mother,
La la la la la la!
2. Mom gets up before everyone,
La la la la la la!
He leads me to kindergarten,
La la la la la la!
3. And when we come home,
La la la la la la!
Together, sing a song,
La la la la la la!

Ment for guests
Ment for guests

Song "Spring mood"

Xin, blue, blue - sings April,
Dinh. Dinh, Din - rings drops.
Bright glare of carousel on the water.
Top, top, top - I'm going to the garden
Through the flood and droppad,
In the morning, Sunny is glad and spring.
1. The brook runs after me
On the washed pavement,
He smiled at the trace in the wake.
Slap, slap, slap-from under the legs
Sang boots.
All the roads of the road to me at the age of six.
2. Already because of fences
Kind of kindergarten seemed -
To me (us) he is always very happy, an old friend.
And my soul sings:
How good it is.
How good it is
Life around.

Video: "There is mom"

Video: "Everyone has mom"

Video: Friendship Song

Poems for the matinee in kindergarten for March 8 for the middle group

The choice of poems for the matinee in kindergarten needs to be approached seriously! After all, the event is very exciting for children, and for the organizers of the holiday, and for those who came to admire the small artists of their parents.


Therefore, all kinds of force majeure are possible: someone can confuse words, someone completely forget the text. Educators secretly hope that their pupils will be able to show out the guests with a magnificent pronunciation of a congratulatory poem.

This section contains a selection of short but capacious poems that the kids will quickly memorize to please mom with a well -rehearsed performance of poetry about mom, grandmother and spring!

Poems about mom
Poems about mom

In the spring we are very happy!

Let the snowdrifts in the yard
And the snow almost does not melt,
Today is March in the calendar -
Spring enters into rights!

We are ready to jump to the sky we
And twitter like birds, -
The last day has passed winter
The pages are torn!

It became warmer on the soul
There is no obstacle to the fun
Our smiles are up to the ears -
In the spring we are very happy!

Angry snow

All winter
White snow
And in March
He took and blackened.

Spring gives songs

Gives songs Spring,
Gives out smiles
And to meet her from the bottom
Fish floats.

Poems about spring

Snow is now not the same -
He darkened in the field
The ice cracked on the lakes,
As if split.

The clouds run faster,
The sky has become higher
The sparrow scored
More fun on the roof.

Everything is blacker every day
Pitches and paths,
And on the verbs silver
Earrings glow.

Scatter, streams!
Sminted, puddles!
Get out, ants,
After a winter cold!

The bear makes its way
Through the forest valernik,
They began to sing birds songs,
And the snowdrop blossomed.


Tears fall from the roof.
White snowflakes melt.
The sun jumps along the roof.
And winter sits and cries.


They sing drops.
Singing a starling.
In fact
Winter end!

Scattered winter

They are still around
The trees are naked,
And drops from the roof
They drip funny.

Winter is somewhere
She ran away in a panic
And very bad
I spun the taps.


Spring is walking towards us
Fast steps
And the snowdrifts melt
Under her feet.
Black thawed
On the fields are visible.
It can be seen very warm
Legs of spring.


When winter was?
Such a Kuter began around
And so many troubles fell to the ground,
That in the morning, unable to stand it, the ice moved.

Congratulation for grandmother
Congratulation for grandmother

Spring and stream

I slept under the snow for a long time,
Tired of silence.
I woke up and rushed away
And with the spring he met:
- Do you want your song
Will I sing to you, spring? -
And spring:-Cap-cap! Cap-cap!
Broke, you'll not be jerking?
- No, not a bit, not at all!
I just woke up!
Everything rings, murmures in me!
I will sing! .. Snow melts.

Hurry up, spring!

Hurry, spring, hurry,
I am sorry for the bunny from the heart:
There are no oven in the forest,
Do not bake bread bread,
There is no hut - lock the door,
There are nowhere to warm your ears ...

Hurry, spring, hurry,
I am a sorry for the sparrow from the heart:
Grandmother has no grandmother,
Who will connect socks and vest?
Fingers in blue will be chilled.
I can't help with a sparrow ...

Hurry, spring, hurry,
The perch is sorry from the heart:
He walks and boils in cold water,
What to eat, he does not find anywhere,
Apparently, cries in the dark and silence.
Hurry, spring, hurry!

The choice of poems for the matinee in kindergarten needs to be taken seriously, because mothers and grandmothers came to admire the kids, and not worry about a good performance

Sprinking of spring minutes

Whatever day,
A minute
The day is longer,
In short, night.

We drive off the winter

Let the sun shine brightly bright,
Let the birds chirp outside the window!
So that not only the day of the eighth of March
- Every day it was considered your day!
Mom Gift

From colored paper
I cut a piece.
I will make it out of it
A small flower.
Mom Gift
I will prepare.
The most beautiful
Mom with me!
Happy March 8!
Happy Spring!
Let it pour everywhere
Right fun!
Let the sun shine!
Let the frosts leave!
Let him drive away the winter
A twig of a mimosa

Blutters ran away somewhere in the morning
Frosts disappeared somewhere in the distance.
Winter of Shubenka dropped in fright
And she ran away lightly with them.

And at night he returns after her
Sighs, tries among the darkness.
But something is shorter and closer
There is a fur coat in winter. \\

Congratulations to the grandmother
Congratulations to the grandmother


The snow slowly came down
And they laid
Everyone in the world
In the grove - bird flocks,
On the trees -
And odious,
In blue
Sky -
And flying.
The best
In the world to me:
On a raw path
I'm runing
Facing spring,
Having wetted

Finally spring came

Finally spring came.
Spruce, birch and pine,
Dropping white pajamas,
Woke up from sleep.

The sun whispers

Whispers the sun leaflet:
- Do not timid, darling!
And takes it from the kidney
For a green forelock.

Spring came

In the spring, the kidneys swelled
And the leaflets stooped.
Look at the maple branches -
How many spins are green!


On the trees -
You look, -
Where there were kidneys
Like green lights
Leaflets flashed.


Sparrow ruled
Foggy -
Alive, well
And unharmed.
Catchs the March
Every feather
His own.

A gift from a son

Spring Day March 8,
This is a holiday for mothers!
I prepared a gift
So I'll give it myself!
Glad Mom to a gift
From his own son,
Mom smiles at me
He will tell me: "Thank you!"

Mother's day
I go, I think everything, I look:
“Why will I give mom tomorrow?
Maybe a doll? Maybe sweets?
Not! Here you have, dear, in your day
Scarlet flower - light! ”

Mother's day

Mother's day! Mother's day!
Pour the best dress!
Get up early in the morning
Take it in the house
Give something good to mom.

Competitions for the matinee in kindergarten for March 8 for the middle group

Before holding a holiday in the kindergarten, work boils: the scenery is being prepared, poems, dances and songs are learned. But also educators pre -introduce parents and children with contests that will be included in the script.

If you decide to hold a competition " My mother is a photograph“, Then for discussion in a close family circle should be issued questions:

  • what should be the form of the presentation
  • what tasks to the participants need to be included in the program (make a beautiful hairstyle, come up with an outfit from the proposed things, etc.)

If you decide to hold a competition " Pop star“, Think about costumes and phonograms for participants, as well as over family support numbers.

The script of the children's holiday must include competitions
The script of the children's holiday must include competitions

Girls, along with mothers, can depict a pop star under the phonogram. Participants replace each other one after another, transmitting microphones.

Only close cooperation of educators and parents will help to conduct competitions most vividly and efficiently.

During competitions, children learn to work in a team
During competitions, children learn to work in a team

Video: competition with mothers, matinee March 8, middle group

Video: incendiary competition with mothers, matinee March 8, middle group

Video: a very interesting competition for parents, matinee March 8, middle group

Riddles for the matinee in kindergarten for March 8 for the middle group

Solving riddles, children develop ingenuity, quick wit, logical thinking. In this section you will find riddles about spring, spring months, about mother and nature.

Riddles will help children think with images
Riddles will help children think with images

Riddles about spring

I open the kidneys
In green leaves.
I dress trees,
I water the crops.
The movements are full
My name is …

The snowball is melting
The meadow came to life
The day arrives.
When does it happen?

Streams rang,
Rooks arrived.
In your house - hive bee
The first honey brought.
Who will say, who knows
When does it happen?

It smells like a lilac, the sky is clear
The grass is gentle and green.
And in the sundress bright red
Walking on the ground ...

Lovet snow melts in the sun,
The breeze in the branches plays,
Bird voices ringing
So, I came to us ...

Green -eyed, cheerful
The girl is beautiful.
I brought us as a gift
What everyone will like:
greens - leaves, we are warm,
Magic - so that everything blooms.
Following her, birds flew -
Songs sing all craftswomen.
Guess who she is?
This girl -...

The beauty is walking
Easily touches the earth,
Goes to the field, to the river,
And on the snowball and the flower.

The scene design option for March 8
The scene design option for March 8

Suddenly the sparrow tweeted
After a winter cold,
The sun is brighter and warm,
On the paths of puddles.
All frozen nature
I woke up from sleep,
The bad weather retreats
It goes to us ...

Time has ended
Snow and ice.
Bank of the river
Summarizes water.
The day lengthens
The night is decreasing.
How is this time
Tell me, they call it?

Klens, linders and oaks
I give new leaves,
I invite cute birds
Return from the south
And I escorted to the north

In warm sun's boots,
With a light on fasteners,
The boy runs in the snow -
Snow scares, hut:
only steps - it has been snowy,
The ice split at the rivers.
The excitement covered it:
And this boy - ...

The sun shines brighter,
Snow loses weight, fleshes, melts.
The rook of throat flies.
What a month? Who will know?

Brokes run faster,
The sun shines warmer.
Sparrow weather is glad -
I looked to us for a month ...

I granted us to the yard
Windbreaker and wintering,
Pond and spring.
He called home rooks.
Who brought the spring to the start?
Have you guessed? It…

Wakes up forest, fields and mountains,
All clearings and gardens.
He knocks on everything,
Sangs by the water.
“Wake up! Wake up!
Sing, laugh, smile! "
The pitch is far heard.
It wakes everyone up ...

At night - frost
In the morning - drops,
So in the yard ...

Bear got out of the den,
Dirt and puddles on the road,
In the sky, a lark TREL -
I came to visit us ...

Under the window, it beats
A lively drops.
So, to visit us again
I looked around ...

The baby runs in the paws,
You hear him steps.
He runs, and everything blooms,
He laughs - he sings everything.
Hid happiness in the petals
The lilacs on the bushes ..
"My lily of the valley, smell!" -
He commanded the cheerful ....

The distance of the fields is turning green
Saws the nightingale
The garden dressed in white,
The first bees fly,
Thunder rumbles. Guess,
What is this for a month? ...

Riddles will help revive the atmosphere and bring additional funny notes during the holiday
Riddles will help revive the atmosphere and bring additional funny notes to the festival

The garden tried on white,
The nightingale sings a sonnet
Our edge dressed in the greens -
We meet us with warmth ...

Melting, melting white snow.
Bear, don't yawn!
After all, water from full rivers
Pours over the edge.
Can flood the den,
Village and road.
(Flood, flood)

The sun warms up
The ice on the river cracked.
The river was rumbling
The ice floes drives.
How is this phenomenon
Are they called spring?
(Ice drift)

Finally the river woke up
From side to side turned -
I cracked, breaking, ice -
So, soon ...
(Ice drift)

The snow melted and from the fields
The agile runs ...

I'm running like a ladder
Grinkly on the pebbles.
From afar on the song
You will recognize me.

Spring sings, rings drops,
The sparrow cleaned the wings.
He shouts to the starling:
- Do not timid! Go swim
Here …

A friend came out of the snow-
And suddenly smelled in the spring.

Appeared from under the snow,
I saw a piece of the sky.
The very first most tender,
Pure small ...

The rustle of inaudible petals
Snow -white pearls blossomed,
Freshly delicate tiny flower
From under the snow to the sun rushed.

I'm always friendly with the light,
If the sun is in the window,
I'm from a mirror, from a puddle
I run down the wall.
(Sunny bunny)

Snowstep at the square
He rejoices endlessly.
So that we have a mockingbird,
We made ...

Here's a house on a branch
No doors in it, no windows,
But the chicks there live warm.
The house is so called ...

She is beaten, cut, trampled, And she suffers everything and pays good to everyone.
( Earth)

The more you dig it, the deeper it becomes.
( Pit)

Dancing for the matinee in kindergarten for March 8 for the middle group

About what dances the children will be performed on the matinee, you should take care of in advance. After all, their learning will take a lot of time.

What dances will cheer up kids in the matinee of March 8, watch in the video.

Video: dance with mom's word Irina cold, muses of cherry

Video: dance for mothers, March 8, middle group

Video: Beautiful exit on the matinee of March 8, middle group

Video: incendiary dance “Sweet, funny, playful”, matinee March 8

Scenes for the matinee in kindergarten for March 8 for the middle group

This section contains a video that will help you when compiling a scenes for a matinee dedicated to the holiday on March 8.

Video: Very funny scene, matinee March 8, different aging group

Video: Very funny scene, matinee March 8, a different aging group

Video: "hostess" - a scene from the matinee

Games for the matinee in kindergarten for March 8 for the middle group

Immediately after a mini-performance, the presenter can offer mothers and grandmothers to participate in games.

The game "Who is the owner in the house"

  • The host calls the participants (a broom, toys, a belt, dishes, a sofa, a hammer, an iron, etc.), which is on the farm, and asks who most often uses it in the house.
  • The answers should follow quickly, without long thoughts.
Games in a circle
Games in a circle

Game "Merry Football"

  • The host brings a large ball to the center of the hall. Children participating are blindfolded.
  • They must go a few steps forward and get on the ball.

Game "daughter-mother"

  • The host divides players into couples: a girl-girl who will play the role of dad and mother.
  • Dolls, doll clothes and combs are laid out on the tables.
  • Task: as soon as possible “gather a child in a kindergarten”, dressing and combing.

Game "Collect mom to work"

  • On the tables, handbags, mirror, cosmetics, beads, light scarves, clips are laid out.

The host explains the conditions of the game: girls need after the sounding signal:

  • to paint your lips with lipstick
  • put on jewelry
  • everything that is on the table is hidden in a handbag
  • run to the "place of work"

Game "Find out mom"

  • Moms become a screen, showing children only hands.
  • The child must guess where his mother’s hand.
At the end of the holiday, all mothers and grandmothers receive gifts
At the end of the holiday, all mothers and grandmothers receive gifts

Video: Morning March 8, 2015 Middle Group

Video: “Ru-Do-Do-Do-Duh”, Morning March 8 in the middle group

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