Wrong joint bruise: causes, symptoms, treatment

Wrong joint bruise: causes, symptoms, treatment

Methods for treating a bruise of the wrist joint.

The bruise of the wrist joint is a fairly common injury. Most often appears after falling on the palm of your hand or during a strong blow with a wrist. In this article we will tell you how to cure this pathology.

Symptoms and causes of the bruise of the wrist joint

As noted above, the main causes of the bruise are just blows and fall on the palm of your hand. That is, when the entire weight of the body drops and exerts pressure on the palm. It is then that a bruise is observed. It is worth noting that the bruise is diagnosed quite simply, you need to try to twist your wrist in a circle.

If severe pain occurs, as well as the stiffness of movement, the doctor can send you to the X -ray in order to determine the degree of bruise. With a bruise, a tumor is rarely observed, hemorrhage can be observed in this place. Therefore, a bruise or red veins may appear in the wrist area, this area rarely swells.

The condition of the wrist
The condition of the wrist

The bruise of this area is usually characterized by severe pain. This is due to the fact that it is in this zone that there are a large number of nerve endings, which are compressed during a bruise, respectively, the pain can immediately be pulsating, burning, stops for a while, then it grows again.

In addition, swelling is often observed in this area. It is located not at all like a hematoma, a separate large knot, but spreads quite widely and has a relatively flat character, without a pronounced relief. This swelling is due to the fact that in this area there are many fabrics with a checkered structure, very loose.

Thanks to this, edema quickly spreads and occupies a large area. The bruise of the wrist joint on the right hand passes most quickly. This is due to the mobility of this limb and the constant work of the wrist. With the left hand, things are somewhat worse, because in most cases it is non -working. Accordingly, the tasks that are assigned to it are not as intense as on the right hand. Therefore, rehabilitation takes place a little longer than with a bruise of the right hand.


Treatment of the bruise of the wrist joint

The fact is that the main task is to reduce swelling and reduce pressure on the nerve endings in this area. Accordingly, an ideal option is to apply ice or cold fabric moistened in water to the bruise immediately after the bruise.


  • It is necessary to keep for half an hour in order to reduce swelling, you can use cooling ointments that are purchased in a pharmacy. They mainly contain menthol. Next, it is necessary to ensure a complete rest of the arm of the hand. For this, the wrist area is usually fixed with an elastic bandage. If the bruise is strong, apply Langetka. The choice of a fixing agent depends on the severity of the disease and the purpose of the traumatologist.
  • After about three days, they use a completely different technique and begin to heat the joint area. Immediately apply warming ointments, bandages on a sore joint cannot be. This will provoke an increase in edema. If three days have passed, then you can safely apply a compress with warming ointment. It will stimulate the resorption of edema, as well as hematomas in this area. Among the warming ointments, the finalgon can be distinguished.
  • Please note that the wrist should be slightly above the elbow, respectively, the bandage must be applied at an angle of about 90 degrees. If the bruise was strong, then about a week you need to walk with this bandage and completely limit the movement of this hand. During this time, blood circulation in this area can be violated. Therefore, massage and physiotherapy exercises, warming may be needed.
  • From time to time you will have to develop a brush in circular movements, drive it, and also massage from the fingertips to the elbow itself. If there is a very severe pain, you can lubricate the zone of the wrist joint with diclofenac. Funds such as Ketorol are suitable. These means help reduce pain and quickly penetrate the area of \u200b\u200bthe affected joint. 3 days after the bruise, you can use warming compresses.
  • They can be done with a conventional bag of salt, which is warming up in a pan. Compresses from Novocaine will be useful. To do this, one part of the novocaine is mixed with four parts of water, wetted with a bandage, applied to a sore spot, wrapped with an elastic bandage. Such a compress must be kept for no more than an hour. Also quite effective is a compress with vodka or alcohol. To do this, the fabric is wetted with alcohol or other strong alcohol. You can use dimexide, and attach to a sore spot for an hour, fixing with an elastic bandage.

First aid for bruise of the wrist joint


  • First you need to immobilize the joint. If there is a wound, in this case it is necessary to treat with any antiseptic. A great option would be chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide or ordinary alcohol. If there are no these products, you can just rinse the wound with soap water.
  • Next, a sterile bandage is applied, and the joint is immobilized. If there is constant pain in this place, it is allowed to drink painkillers, such as ketanol, applying a dense bandage.
  • Please note that the bruise of the wrist joint is a relatively easy injury that is perfectly treated at home. The only thing that at the very beginning is mandatory to consult a doctor to make an X -ray and decide on the severity of the lesion.
  • It will depend on the effectiveness of treatment how quickly you will recover. If you do not consult a doctor in the case of a heavy bruise, this will lengthen the recovery period, and also worsen the healing of the joint. In addition, in the future, problems of a neurological nature or a decrease in the mobility of this joint may be observed.

To treat the bruise of the wrist joint, it is necessary to limit mobility and non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs that will help relieve inflammation and reduce the joint tumor. In order not to compress the nerve endings and do not provoke neurological disorders.

Video: wrist bruise

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  1. i always spray myself with a sports frost Frost Frost Losyba, very quickly relieves pain and prevents the appearance of hematomas

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