Drinking alcohol during breastfeeding. What is the danger of alcohol for the baby with breastfeeding?

Drinking alcohol during breastfeeding. What is the danger of alcohol for the baby with breastfeeding?

In the article you will find answers to questions: is it possible to consume alcohol during lactation and in what quantity? Will this harm the child?

Drinking alcohol during breastfeeding. What is the danger of alcohol for the baby with breastfeeding?

Nine months of waiting for the baby and about a year of breastfeeding, a woman is surrounded by various kinds of deprivation and restrictions. The temptation to relax with friends with a glass of wine or enjoy a glass of beer is very great. Many know about the dangers of alcohol during the period of gestation. Is it possible to afford an alcoholic drink after the birth of a baby during lactation?

Alcohol during breastfeeding: consequences


Important: systematic drinking of alcoholic beverages can cause violations in the work of hormones responsible for lactation.

For a nursing woman, alcohol consumption can cause a reduction in the milk produced:


  • angol dehydrates the body, which negatively affects the amount of breast milk
  • according to 1988 studies conducted on lannes lactating females, an inhibitory effect of alcohol on the production of prolactin was found. Oxytocin, which is responsible for the reflex of milk excretion, also depends on the intake of alcohol. During the 1992 study, in response to several grams of ethanol, a significant decrease in milk emission was recorded
  • slow down the reaction. Caring for a child requires vigilance and maximum concentration. Alcohol is obviously capable of depriving a woman of these qualities

The effect of alcohol on the baby with breastfeeding

With an abuse of a woman, alcohol in a child can be observed:

  • non -rack of weight
  • increased drowsiness
  • impaired mental function
  • sleep disturbances
  • lag in motor development
  • addition of alcohol

In 1989, the United States conducted a study on the effects of alcohol on intellectual and physical development of one -year -old breastfeeding.

Among 400 children who took part in an experiment whose mothers drank alcoholic drinks in small quantities, and whose did not drink alcohol at all, no difference in the development of infants was found.

Important: the reverse situation was observed in children regularly exposed to alcohol. In the motor development of such children, significant differences were noted.

In another study on the consequences of alcohol exposure on cubs of lactating rats, the lack of cellular immunity and the central nervous system were noted in the long run.

How much can you drink alcohol during breastfeeding?

The same amount of alcohol has an unequal effect on the state of intoxication of different people and on the rate of elimination of alcohol from their organisms. The following factors should be taken into account:

  • the age of the child.The baby’s liver is underdeveloped in the first weeks of life. The rate of excretion of alcohol from the baby’s body is twice as lower than that of his mother. Therefore, it is better to abandon any amount of alcohol at least until the infants reach a three -month -old age
  • mother's weight.The lower the body weight, the greater the temporary interval to cleanse the body of ethanol
  • food.The speed of alcohol entering milk depends: whether alcohol was drunk on an empty stomach or during lunch

Important: food, especially with high fat content, complicates the penetration of alcohol into the body.

Is a glass of beer with breastfeeding?

Some experts advise limiting the amount of alcohol in two portions per week. A glass of beer probably can afford without prejudice to the crumbs. But the more the amount of alcohol you drink, the longer your body will be restored, and the more difficult the baby will resist intoxication, and therefore the risk of adverse effects on the weak body of the baby above.

What kind of alcohol can be used with breastfeeding?

It is permissible to afford a couple of fuepers of wine or champagne. As for the strong types of drinks, the breastfeeding should not be resumed to the final sobering.

There is no safe dose of alcohol drunk. Regardless of the type of alcoholic drink, it is wiser to wait for the complete cleansing of breast milk from alcohol.

Alcohol during breastfeeding: Table

To navigate the time that is necessary to restore breast milk after alcohol will help the following table. In calculations, the growth of a nursing woman was 1.62 m, ethanol metabolism - 15 mg/dl.

*One dose is equivalent to 12 ounces of 5% of beer (340 grams), or 5 ounces of 11% wine (141.75 grams), or 1.5 ounces of 40% of the drink (42.53 grams).

Breastfeeding after alcohol

If a woman with a body weight of 54.5 kg drinks 3 doses of wine (425 g) for an hour, breastfeeding after alcohol will be possible after seven and a half hours, for a woman with a weight of 79 kg who used the same amount of alcohol, after 6 hours .

How to drink alcohol during breastfeeding?

Alcohol enters the mother’s milk and the circulatory system of a woman in almost the same volumes (about 2% of the drink drunk). The concentration of ethanol in milk reaches its maximum value approximately ½-1 hour. The term varies depending on the weight of the woman, her metabolism, the percentage of fat in the food consumed and other factors.

Important: alcohol is not inherent in the ability to accumulate in milk. Alcohol from it is excreted simultaneously with how the blood system leaves the body.

In other words, neither decomposition of milk, nor strong coffee or shower will accelerate the process of cleansing milk from alcohol.

Several recommendations:

  • If you intend to relax at the upcoming party with alcohol, form the “Bank of Calcated Milk” in advance
  • If you drank a glass of champagne or wine at dinner, wait for at least two to three hours until the next breastfeed
  • Milk should be dedicated if there is a need to relieve tension in the chest. This will not help to remove alcohol from breast milk
  • As an option, at a wedding or other festive event, you can do with non -alcoholic cocktails, the choice of which is now quite diverse

Is it possible to breastfeeding beer?

The point of view that beer is able to increase milk production is not confirmed by scientific facts. Studies indicate that after the alcoholic drink drunk by the mother, the child more often requires breasts and eats longer.

It may seem to the woman that there is more milk, but in reality, the child eats 20% less. Whether this is associated with a deterioration in the smell of milk or with the suppression of the reflex of milking is reliably unknown.

Important: in the preparation of beer, natural components are involved: hops and barley that are not allergens.

Moreover, beer contains valuable vitamins B. Therefore, from time to time to afford a small amount of beer is quite acceptable. However, when choosing a beer, preference should be given to light varieties and bottle beer without the content of preservatives.

How much beer can beer with breastfeeding?

Despite some positive moments of beer, alcohol is still present in it, so it should not be abused. But a glass of beer, obviously, will not cause any harm to the child.

Is it possible for non -alcoholic beer during breastfeeding?

Beer without alcohol content is an excellent alternative if a nursing woman unbearably wanted to taste this drink. A component that can cause harm, namely, alcohol is absent, which means that only the positive properties of beer remain.

Drinking alcohol during breastfeeding: tips and reviews

  • Dr. Jack Newman From the international organization La Liga, he believes that he should not impede the rational consumption of alcohol with nursing mothers, due to the fact that alcohol, like some drugs, penetrates milk into a non -essential volume
  • A similar point of view of alcohol during breastfeeding adheres to pediatrician E. Komarovskyopposing categorical prohibitions
  • Dr. Thomas Hale, recommends to mothers who moderately drink alcohol, breastfeed, as soon as normal well -being returns to them, referring to the fact that on average metabolism of woman’s alcohol is 30 ml in three hours

Harm of alcohol during breastfeeding

The dangers of alcohol can only be approved in cases of regular drinking in significant volumes. Refusal to breastfeeding will be a greater loss for the baby than the existing risk of episodic consumption of drinks with alcohol content.

But the nursing woman should make a decision on her own: should she experiment with alcohol -containing drinks during lactation. For confidence, it is better to prepare in advance of the combined milk and resume breastfeeding after eliminating ethanol from the female body in full.

Video: alcohol during breastfeeding Komarovsky

Video: breastfeeding - Komarovsky School

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