Kayma decoration hooks, napkins, scarves: patterns of patterns, description. How beautifully tie a handkerchief with a hook: diagram, photo, video

Kayma decoration hooks, napkins, scarves: patterns of patterns, description. How beautifully tie a handkerchief with a hook: diagram, photo, video

Option, schemes and instructions for strapping handkerchiefs with hook.

Often the question arises, what to give to loved ones. Or how to express your sympathy to a friend. In this case, a product made by yourself will be an ideal option. Embroidered or tied with your own hands is considered a rather symbolic handkerchief.

How to tie a handkerchief with a hook: diagram, description, photo, video

Traditionally, our grandmothers tied the scarves for their lovers. It was believed that such a gift would save the life of a soldier in battle. Indeed, many military people noted the magical power of a handkerchief donated to their beloved. Now such a scarf can be purchased in any store, but if you experience tremulous feelings, then tie a scarf yourself. This is done simply with a hook.

Crochet strain instructions:

  • Most often, the simplest elements are used for strapping. These are air loops, and crochet and without.
  • To begin with, it is well reward the handkerchief, its edges should be treated with overlock.
  • After that, stick the hook into the edge of the skin and make VP, close it with a dull loop.
  • Now tie a handkerchief with columns without a crochet in two rows. Now you can start openwork. To do this, dial 10 VP and closed their SBN.
  • Tie the entire perimeter of the fabric in this way. Now just tie the air loops of the SBN. This is the easiest option that is ideal for beginners. The pattern looks pretty and will complement a simple cotton scarf.

Below are the most popular schemes for the strapping strain.

How to tie a handkerchief with a hook: diagram, description, photo, video
How to tie a handkerchief with a hook: diagram, description, photo, video
How to tie a handkerchief with a hook: diagram, description, photo, video
How to tie a handkerchief with a hook: diagram, description, photo, video
How to tie a handkerchief with a hook: diagram, description, photo, video
How to tie a handkerchief with a hook: diagram, description, photo, video
How to tie a handkerchief with a hook: diagram, description, photo, video
How to tie a handkerchief with a hook: diagram, description, photo, video

Video: openwork kayma

How to tie a crochet napkin: diagram, description, photo, video

Tie a crocheting napkin is quite simple. You need to stock up on patience and the necessary materials. Ideal for the strapping of napkins and hooks are threads No. 10 or Iris. Thin threads and a thin hook are selected, if it is necessary for openwork and dense lace.


  • Tie a napkin is quite simple. It is necessary that the fabric is dense and the hook head is quite acute. This is necessary to just pierce the canvas.
  • At the very beginning, closed the deaf loop. The knitting begins with the corner of the napkin. Next, knit a row with columns BN.
  • After that, knit in a new row of SBN, and then stepping back a little, knit at one point 5 SN. Stitch 1 SBN and again knit 5 CN into one hole.
  • Continue until you knit the entire perimeter. It turns out a very interesting strapping, reminiscent of petals. She is also quite simple and even a beginner will cope with her. It is enough to own the main skills.
How to tie a crochet napkin: diagram, description, photo
How to tie a crochet napkin: diagram, description, photo
How to tie a crochet napkin: diagram, description, photo
How to tie a crochet napkin: diagram, description, photo
How to tie a crochet napkin: diagram, description, photo
How to tie a crochet napkin: diagram, description, photo
How to tie a crochet napkin: diagram, description, photo
How to tie a crochet napkin: diagram, description, photo

Sharp strands that resemble corners are very interesting. More options can be seen in the photo. More information about the execution of elements can be viewed in the video.

Video: Crochet volumetric border

How to crochet a scarf beautifully?

In general, for strapping the scarf, it is better to choose more voluminous options. Since the scarf is larger than the handkerchief, there should be more rows of strapping. Usually these are a variety of festons. A lace made using a hook is tied along the edges.


  • There is no need to tie the SBN scarf. Just pick up 15 VP and close their SBN. It will turn out the petals. Now they need to be tied.
  • When you fully knit the entire row with VP petals, you need to now work with these petals. Now, until the middle in each petal, knit 4 SN, and then 10 VP. Again in the same petal 4 SN.
  • After that, knit 4 VP and closed the mid -VP petal in the middle. Stitch 4 VP again and continue as with the previous petal.

More details can be seen in the diagram below. Apply a variety of lace options. The schemes are presented in the photo below.

How to crochet a scarf beautifully?
How to crochet a scarf beautifully?
How to crochet a scarf beautifully?
How to crochet a scarf beautifully?
How to crochet a scarf beautifully?
How to crochet a scarf beautifully?
How to crochet a scarf beautifully?
How to crochet a scarf beautifully?
How to crochet a scarf beautifully?
How to crochet a scarf beautifully?

Patterns for strapping handkerchiefs Crochet: diagrams, descriptions, photos

There are a lot of nasal shafts. Owning elementary knitting skills, you can independently tie a handkerchief. Such a product will be an excellent souvenir and a sign of attention.


  • This is a simple, but very nice option for lace for strapping a handkerchief.
  • It is enough to be able to perform VP and SBN. These are the main elements for this binding.
  • For work, you should use thin threads and a thin hook with a small head. It is necessary that the strapping is dense.
  • Tie around the perimeter the entire handkerchief with blocks of 10 VP, closing SBN. It will turn out petals.
  • Now you need to knit the second row. Only now, in the center of each petal, you need to knit SBN, every 15 VP.
  • The next three rows are knitted by analogy with the rest. Below are the schemes and photos of the finished handkerchiefs with a strapping.
Crochet handkerchief patterns: schemes
Crochet handkerchief patterns: schemes
Crochet handkerchief patterns: schemes
Crochet handkerchief patterns: schemes
Crochet handkerchief patterns: schemes
Crochet handkerchief patterns: schemes
Crochet handkerchief patterns: schemes
Crochet handkerchief patterns: schemes
Crochet handkerchief patterns: schemes
Crochet handkerchief patterns: schemes
Crochet handkerchief patterns: schemes
Crochet handkerchief patterns: schemes

As you can see, tie a scarf or a scarf with a hook is quite simple. In this case, it is not necessary to own the technique of performing complex elements. It is enough to be able to knit basic elements.

Video: Crochet scarf

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