Hair care with aspirin. Recipes for washing hair, rinsing, from dandruff, for damaged hair

Hair care with aspirin. Recipes for washing hair, rinsing, from dandruff, for damaged hair

Improper nutrition, environmental influence, stress, constant staining, chemical curls and other negative factors, make hair lifeless and dull. And at such moments, any girl loses self -confidence, because the strength and healthy shine of her hair is the key to her success and effectiveness. Someone to restore a natural look resorts to the help of beauty salons, and someone takes care of them without leaving home, using natural components or ancient grandmother's recipes. One of them will be discussed.

Aspirin or in other words acetylsalicylic acid has an anti -inflammatory and analgesic effect. It does not penetrate into the structure of the hair, but has its effect outside. Thus, gives shine, volume, smoothness, accelerates hair growth, restores a natural shade, fights dandruff, prevents loss and treats damaged hair. For regular use of aspirin, it is necessary to supplement with nutrients, for example, add it to shampoo or used as part of a mask.

Important: Owners of oily scalp are ideal for the use of aspirin, because He dries and normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands.

Aspirin in shampoo. Recipe

The easiest way to use aspirin. You can add it to all shampoos, but of course preference is given by natural, without adding parabens and fragrances. This composition gives the hair shine, volume and softness.

  • We take a tablet of aspirin, one or two, depending on the length of your hair.
  • Grind to the powder, for this you can drop a drop of water on a tablet
  • We knead and mix with one cap of shampoo, and not with the whole tube.
  • Apply evenly on wet hair, foam and wash off.

Important: use a recipe for such a shampoo no more than once a week!

Aspirin for rinsing hair. Recipe

The use of aspirin for rinsing hair gives them silkiness and obedience in combing. It is recommended to use an aspirin -based rinser twice a week.

  • We take 3 aspirin tablets, knead with a small amount of water and dissolve in 500 ml of warm water (you can use a decoction of chamomile or parsley).
  • Rinse the hair obtained by the solution.

Important: After the procedure, rinse your hair again with clean running water

Aspirin from dandruff. Recipe

Dandruff is the most unpleasant disease of the scalp that appears in case of metabolic disorders, nervous tension, lack vitamins a and AT, dysfunction and functions of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as improper hair care.

Important: when the “snow” crust (dandruff appears), the scalp does not receive enough oxygen, which leads to weakening the roots, loss and brittle hair.

As you know, our body consists of many microorganisms, some of them are yeast -like mushrooms of the type of PITYROSPORUM OVALE, inhabit the scalp, eating its fatty acids. When violating any processes in the body, they begin to multiply, which leads to the appearance of dandruff. Aspirin will help you here.


  1. The easiest recipe for cooking: Take 3-4 aspirin tablets, open them and dissolve them in the amount of shampoo that you use to wash your head. Apply the mixture to the hair, focusing on the roots, hold for 5-8 minutes and rinse thoroughly.
  2. Mask with honey and aloe against dandruff with aspirin: in 100 ml of warm water, dissolve 3 tablets of spiked aspirin, add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of honey and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of aloe juice. We apply the mixture to the skin and hair roots. We maintain for 25 minutes and wash off.
  3. Mask with calendula and castor oil against dandruff: you need to take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of castor oil, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of alcohol tincture of calendula and 2 interpreted aspirin tablets. Apply the mixture to the scalp for 20 minutes, then rinse.

Aspirin for damaged hair. Recipe

One of the properties of aspirin is to restore damaged hair and return their natural shade.

  1. Simple recipe: We take 5-7 aspirin tablets, depending on the length of the hair, knead and dissolve in a small amount of water to make a powder. Righten the mixture into the hair, hold for 10-15 minutes and wash off.
  2. Mask with almond and lavender: You need to take 5 aspirin tablets, grind, add 10 drops of almond oil and 5 drops of lavender essential oil. Mix until a homogeneous mass and apply to the entire length of the hair. Massage the scalp and wash off in 20 minutes.

Important: if the ends of your hair are dry, you do not need to apply this mask on them

3. Mask with egg and honey: We take 6 chopped aspirin tablets, one egg and 1 tbsp. spoon of honey. Mix and rub the resulting mass into the hair. After 20 minutes we wash off

Important: it is recommended to do therapeutic masks with aspirin for damaged hair 2-3 times a week.

Masks with aspirin. Recipe

In addition to all these properties of aspirin, it will also help you increase the volume of your hair, and blonde to get rid of yellowness that appears after staining.

  • Mask for volume: Take 9 aspirin tablets and dilute them in a glass of warm water, add one teaspoon of honey, stir. Apply to the hair and rinse after 15 minutes.

It is important: to understand that the one -time use of the mask will not give any visible effect, for this the procedure needs to be repeated within a month once a week.

  •  Blondes mask: We take 8 tablets crushed to powder, dilute them in a glass of mineral water without gas and apply to the roots and the entire length of the hair. We wrap our heads with cling film, wait 30-40 minutes and thoroughly rinse the hair.

Contraindications for the use of aspirin for hair

Aspirin is an acid that, with external use, is well absorbed by our body, in particular the skin of our head, so it should not be abused. Aspirin should not be used if the hair is thin, dry, hard, brittle or burned with paint - it will only harm it. Many masks are rubbed into the scalp, and here you need to be extremely careful - observe the proportions and time of its endurance so as not to burn the scalp.

Important: use as an additive to shampoo, in the form of a rinse aid and masks is contraindicated in pregnant and nursing mothers, as well as representatives with individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Tips and reviews on the use of aspirin for hair

It is not difficult to maintain the beauty of the hair at home, but it is impossible to say with complete confidence that aspirin will help at least one of the problems associated with them. Each person is individual. But since this drug is publicly available and cheap, it’s still worth a try. The main thing is to observe instructions for use, and your hair will again become strong, healthy and filled with life.

Video: What will save from dandruff, acne and calluses

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Comments K. article

  1. Aspirin? It seems to me that he can burn his hair ... No? I would not risk it)) and indeed, the external departure is limited to me only by washing. Basic-help from the inside. I accept the sea collagen from Evalar courses. He has a high dosage and bioavailability. +Vitamins, minerals ... this goes without saying. The hair is long, thick and silky. There is something to be proud of.

  2. There is a more effective remedy for dandruff than aspirin. Personally, I applied the Naftaderm shampoo with the course. I took it not in the store, but in the pharmacy. It gives an effective result due to the fact that it contains Naphthalan oil.

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