Brov care at home. How to draw eyebrows at home?

Brov care at home. How to draw eyebrows at home?

The article reveals the basic principles of eyebrows at home. Rules for the correction of eyebrows, design, extension and tattoo.

How to care for eyebrows at home?

To create a finished image, beautiful eyebrows are important. Therefore, they must be expressive and well -groomed. If you devote only 10 minutes to care for eyebrows every day, then the result of efforts will not be long in coming. You will be surprised how much you will become more attractive without much trouble.

Many women are sure that eyebrow care is only in regular correction and tinting if the eyebrows are light. This is fundamentally erroneous. There are several very effective and simple rules in order to give their appearance an additional charm with elegant well -groomed eyebrows.


In order for the eyebrows to be beautiful, thick, grow well, you need to adhere to some rules in the care of them. Firstly, the care should be regular.

  • Be sure to wash makeup every evening from eyebrows

There are special remedies for demacky, you can use natural oils, which is even better. Wet a cotton swab in warm water, then dip in olive oil and wipe the eyebrows from the nose to the ear. This procedure will not only wash cosmetics, but also strengthen the hair and moisturize the skin.


  • Buy a special brush for combing eyebrows with a hard pile

A brush must be combed with eyebrows twice a day on the growth of hairs - from the nose to the temples. In the morning, such a procedure will give them a complete, neat look, and in the evening it will also be healing in nature: such a massage will cause a rush of blood and provide food for hairs.

  • Twice a week, combine the evening combing with the procedure for additional eyebrow nutrition

An hour and a half before bedtime, apply a cosmetic oil brush on them, after 30 minutes, remove it with a dry cotton pad. This procedure will turn your eyebrows into velvet and they will be very beautiful.


  • Be sure to massage your eyebrows - once or twice a week

Perform massage movements with your fingers on the growth of hairs, stroke for several minutes, lightly pat the pads, pinch your eyebrows, make circular, vibrating movements. Literally in a month, your eyebrows will look much better.

  • Arrange spa treatments once or twice a week: pamper them with nutrient masks

To do this, use oils, vitamin solutions, herbal infusions, apply prepared material on the eyebrows for half an hour, remove with a dry cotton swab. The effect of such careful care will not be long in coming.

How to make eyebrow correction at home? Video

Correction of eyebrows is aimed at giving them a beautiful correct form by removing unnecessary hairs. This procedure is the basis of the basics of eyebrow care and it is quite possible to spend at home independently. However, it is recommended to visit a specialist monthly for competent adjustment of the form. In the intervals between trips to a professional, adjust your eyebrows yourself.


This procedure is carried out every 2-3 days.

  • Use a special tweezers with a sharp and flat edge, this form of the tool will allow you to get to the smallest hairs
  • Make correction before bedtime or a couple of hours before leaving the house and applying cosmetics
  • Correct the correction at the source of daylight, so you will not miss anything, not a single hair

The correct choice of eyebrow shape is of great importance. In order to facilitate your task, use pencil rule.


  • Apply any pencil (pen, felt -tip pen) to the wing of the nose vertically. At the intersection point of your tool with the nose, an eyebrow should begin. All excess can be safely deleted
  • We determine the top of the bend: press the pencil to the nostril and visually draw a line through the pupil to the eyebrow
  • The last point is where the eyebrow tail should be, its ending. We lay a pencil from the nostril to the outer edge of the eye

In order not to retreat from the perfect line of your eyebrow, before starting the struggle with unnecessary hairs, draw the desired shape with a black pencil, and orient yourself along its line.

Having plucked an eyebrow, gradually narrow the line by the end, but do it smoothly so as not to distort the natural shape and the eyebrow line harmonizes with the oval of the face.


  • When adjusting the eyebrow, make sure that its ending is not lower than the starting point, so that the facial expression is not too sad
  • Remove only the hairs overgrown below the main line of eyebrow growth.
  • Plucking excess hair is a rather unpleasant and painful procedure. To facilitate the process, pre -make a steam bath. If there is no time for this, just attach to the eyebrows the disks made of cotton wool, moistened in a very warm infusion of chamomile
  • The final stage of eyebrow adjusting will be tinted with their pencil of a suitable shade
  • Color the eyebrow from the head to the tail, the most intensively color the body of the eyebrows, the “head” and do not shake the end too much. Cover the width, drawing the hairs above the edge arc

Video: eyebrow correction

How to make eyebrow tattoo yourself?

  • Permanent makeup is an indispensable thing, just a find for an eternally busy modern woman. It is best to entrust the procedure for a professional master. It is worth noting that experts do not recommend engaging eyebrow tattooing on their own
  • There are several methods of eyebrow tattooing. At home, it is easiest to use the shading method. Pencil effect and hair method are complex procedures, and you should not use them yourself
  • If you decide on an independent tattoo, then you should find out what you need for this


You will need:

  • special paint that is most suitable for you in shade
  • permanent tattooing device and thin needles
  • pinzet for preliminary adjustment
  • brush (the thinnest) for makeup
  • fatty nutritious cream
  1. Before manipulation, conduct thorough cleaning and degreasing the skin.
  2. Put a layer of cream around the procedure area
  3. Make sure that the shade of paint suits you: a small amount of it is blended on the back of the hand and compare with the shade of your hair.
  4. Before the procedure, the skin is treated with an antiseptic
  5. Gently paint the contours of the eyebrow to finally make sure the correctness of the chosen tone
  6. Lower the needle inserted into the device in the paint, dial the right amount.
  7. Gently advance from the wide part to the narrow, filling the entire drawn outline
  8. The ends of the eyebrows "draw" the thinnest needle

After completing the procedure, apply a special healing cream with panthenol to the skin. This tool must be applied within a few days after tattooing.


Unfortunately, permanent makeup does not preserve the initial effect for a long time and in the future its correction will be needed.

How to remove eyebrow tattooing at home?

The procedure for independent removal of eyebrow tattooing is as risky as applying. There is a risk of getting burns and even scars, so you should carefully weigh the pros and cons. If you decide to act yourself, then you can use several options.

In any salon, a tattoo can be purchased a special bleaching liquid. This method will not give a complete guarantee that you can get rid of the tattoo, the only thing that you can be confident is that the paint will brighten and the clear circuit will become blurry.

You can use it 5% iodine solution. True, this tool also does not guarantee complete getting rid of permanent makeup, besides, if you overdo it, you can get burns.


The method is as follows:

  • apply a fat cream or petroleum jelly on the skin around the skin
  • wet a cotton wool in iodine
  • gently draw along the contour, no more than two times.

The procedure must be carried out three times a day for a month. A crust should form at the tattoo site, it cannot be removed on its own so that there are no scars. When the crust begins to dry out and move away by itself, the eyebrows must be lubricated with any healing ointment or cream, for example, a bepanthen that accelerates tissue regeneration.

Another method for breeding tattooing - chemical peeling. However, this method also does not guarantee that you will completely get rid of the pigment, since the peeling exfoliates only the upper layers of the epidermis. The eyebrows can be significantly brightened, it can already be a good result. The procedure is best done in the salon with a professional.

How to build eyebrows at home?

We strive for the ideal and want to improve what nature has given us. Therefore, the extension of the eyebrows has long been the same familiar procedure as the extension of nails, eyelashes or hair. Special buildings for building are quite affordable. Hales for building can be natural or artificial and sold complete with glue. The main thing is not to be mistaken with the choice of a shade of eyebrow extended.


Eyebrow extensions have contraindications:

  • infections
  • damage to the skin
  • outlooked skin diseases
  • allergic diseases
  • chemotherapy or antibiotic therapy

Before the procedure, test the glue on the inside of the forearm. If redness or swelling has not appeared within half an hour, you can proceed to build -up.

  • Clean the skin where you will stick the hairs
  • degrease it
  • with a pencil, put the places to be corrected
  • with tweezers with stupid tips (so as not to damage)
  • pick up the hair
  • apply to the base of the hair
  • attach to the designated place, easily press, wait 10 seconds
  • glue the eyebrow to the tail


You can use artificial eyebrows - ready -made strips with hairs, which are also glued to transparent glue. The technique of building such strips is similar to a hairbuilding.

  • before gluing the finished stripes, your eyebrows must be plucked
  • treat the skin with a degreasing agent, draw not a dark pencil line of marking
  • apply glue to the strips, wait 30 seconds while it is absorbed
  • easily pressing your fingers, gently stick the strips, glue excess glue with a napkin
  • after the glue dries, powder the eyebrows with a fixing powder

Such overhead eyebrows can last two weeks, if they do not rub them, do not wet, do not scratch, do not pull. If you need to remove the eyebrows earlier, just soak the napkin with warm water, put on your eyebrows, wait a bit while the glue soaks. Then remove the strips with tweezers.

How to accelerate eyebrow growth? Eyebrow masks at home

Today there are quite a lot of means for rapid growth of hair and eyebrows. But if you prioritize folk natural means for you, then you can use the "grandmother's" tips.

The most popular folk remedy is castor oil. The recipe is very simple: apply oil a couple of hours before bedtime, before bedtime, remove the remaining napkins. The result will surprise you after 14 days.


  • Other oils are recommended for use - peach, burdock, almond. Herbal decoctions (chamomile, mint) are very useful for eyebrows, the hairs will be silky and shiny, skin irritation will pass if this was available
  • Eyebrows, like hair, require a rational nutrition. Fast-food or monodieta, depleted by vitamins, adversely affect their beauty. It is important to eat, including protein dishes in the diet, products with a high content of vitamins of group B and A
  • Compresses from a mixture of nutrient oils will heal your eyebrows. You can mix castor, camphor, olive oils in the same proportions and rub in the eyebrows
  • Another rubbing mixture: take 5 drops of petroleum jelly, castor and bee wax, mix well, rub with massage movements twice a week

For the beauty of the eyebrows, prepare special masks.

Mask with carrot juice

  • 1 tbsp fresh carrot juice
  • 10 drops of an oil solution of vitamin A

Illume with a mixture of a cotton pad folded in half, attach to the eyebrows, leave for 20 minutes, remove the remains with a damp cloth.

Mask with figs

Fill the figs in milk, put the gruel in hazee flagella, put on your eyebrows, put pieces of compressed paper and napkins on top. Leave for an hour.

Mask with calendula

Insist the dry flowers of the nails on vodka (1:10) within a day. Dilute the resulting tincture with water in the same proportions, moisten gauze napkins, apply for 30-40 minutes. The mask can be done 2-3 times a week.


Roma mask

Mix 1 spoonful of rum with the same amount of castor oil, heat in a water bath. In a warm mixture, moisten the discs of cotton wool, put, fix it with a bandage or a napkin. Remove in 15-20 minutes.

You can cook special eyebrow cream.

Mix the lanolin cream with olive and castor oil (1 spoon), add vitamin E and vitamin A, 15 and 30 drops, respectively, to the mixture. You can use the cream daily.

How to paint eyebrows and henna at home? Video

You can paint your eyebrows yourself with special paint for eyelashes and eyebrows or Iranian henna.

Before the painting procedure, make eyebrow correction. The paint must be used immediately after preparation according to the instructions.

  1. Lubricate the skin around the place of application of the paint with cream or petroleum oil
  2. Gently apply the paint on the hairs by means of a special brush (you can use a cotton swab)
  3. Wait 10-20 minutes depending on the desired coloring intensity
  4. After this period, remove the paint with a dry cotton swab
  5. Then wash off the paint using soap, rinse thoroughly with running warm water
  6. Comb the eyebrows, you can apply a little castor oil
  7. In the event of paint from the areas around the eyebrows, grease them with cream, massage and remove them with a damp tampon.

You can paint your eyebrows with Iranian henna. This method is called bIOTARUAGE.


The principle of painting is the same as when painting with paint. There are some nuances when coloring henna.

Heat must first be prepared: combine with an acidic medium - lemon juice, kvass. Or just acidified with water.

To obtain different shades, add cocoa, coffee, bass. Diluted gruel should be insisted for 12 hours, the finished product can be kept in a cold place for up to 2 weeks.

  1. Having processed the skin around the eyebrows with cream, apply henno on the eyebrows as follows: first paint the tails of both eyebrows, then the middle parts, and then the head
  2. Keep the paste on the eyebrows for about 40 minutes
  3. Then carefully rinse with cool water without soap

Such a biotawell can stay from week to month.

Video: Brovy staining yourself

How to draw eyebrows at home?

The eyebrows can be decorated in two ways: using special shadows or painted with a pencil for eyebrows.

Thus, you can adjust their color, density, width and shape. The pencil is best chosen professional, which can be sharpened. Carefully choose the color of the pencil so that it harmonizes with your natural color.


The main rule: it is better not to make up than to overdo it.

  • First mark two points - the beginning and end of your eyebrow
  • Comb a special brush
  • Then apply short thin strokes, starting from the head and heading for the tail
  • Make thin strokes over the other
  • After the end of the “art”, carefully comb the eyebrows again
  • Maximize the efforts in staining in the middle of the eyebrow, and the minimum - at its end

Proper staining is always imperceptible.


You can emphasize the eyebrow line in tone in natural color. After the shadows are applied to the eyebrow, comb it to remove the excess funds.

How to cut your eyebrows yourself?

If the eyebrow haircut is made correctly, then this will only improve their appearance. Usually not the entire eyebrow is cut, but selectively only the most naughty and long hairs.

In order to make an eyebrow haircut, you need to cook tools:

  • trimmer
  • sharp small scissors (with straight blades)
  • eyebrow pencil
  • bracing
  • wax

Having determined the problem areas and the desired shape of the eyebrows, you can proceed.


  1. Submit the lower and upper lines with a pencil. Brushwo comb the hairs from top to bottom. Cut the ends that go abroad of the lower line, while you must keep the scissors blades strictly along the eyebrow line. String against hair growth. The trimmer is easier to perform the procedure, you only need a nozzle for a point haircut
  2. The second stage - the hairs are combed up. Those ends that protrude over the line by more than 1.5 mm are cut off
  3. With the help of wax after completing the procedure, give the eyebrows the desired shape

Home eyebrow care: tips and reviews

  1. Care should be regular
  2. Do not neglect the nutrition of eyebrows - do massage with oils, special eyebrows masks
  3. Correct eyebrow correction is as good as possible, without fanaticism, so as not to spoil the natural beauty
  4. Before you radically change, for example, shake your eyebrows and make a tattoo, think carefully again
  5. Contact only experienced specialists on the recommendation.

Marina: “I refused the tweezers in general. Lubricated her eyebrows with burdock oil every other day. At first, the overgrown hairs below terribly annoyed. But patience was worth it, now my eyebrows are envious! ”

Alexandra: “I sometimes use overhead eyebrows because they are growing poorly. She learned to do this herself - very conveniently, no one notices a catch. "

Yana: “I prefer homemade salon procedures. I just comb the eyebrows, rub the cream with sitamin A and tint with henna. And, I think, my eyebrows look gorgeous! "

Video: eyebrow care at home

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Comments K. article

  1. I take care of my eyebrows activator of the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes from Hors Force, a cool tool, and will compact hairs. Well, as necessary, I go to correction

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