“Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness”: Who said, whose words, who is the author? The meaning of the proverb is “learning - light, and ignorance - darkness”: meaning, decoding. “Learning is light, and ignorance - darkness”: how is it written correctly?

“Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness”: Who said, whose words, who is the author? The meaning of the proverb is “learning - light, and ignorance - darkness”: meaning, decoding. “Learning is light, and ignorance - darkness”: how is it written correctly?

Each proverb or saying has its own unique history of origin. The proverb “Learning is light, and ignorance - darkness” for more than two centuries affects the culture of the Russian people.

The Russian people have long known about the benefits of training. The minimum, children were taught crafts and the basics of worship. Along with this knowledge, children often also mastered reading and writing skills. The children of the nobility were taught by teachers prescribed from abroad. At the same time, there were various schools, schools, gymnasiums.

Already in medieval Russia there were "schools" that the historian of the 19th century Daniil Lukich Mordovians was able to prove. He refuted the fact that the education in Russia began only with the rule of Peter I. Reliable sources - the decisions of the Stop Cathedral, the book "Stoglav", published during the rule of Ivan IV in the mid -16th century, had sections about education.

Commander Alexander Suvorov
Commander Alexander Suvorov

Learning is light, and ignorance - darkness: who said, whose words, who is the author?

The winged expression belongs to Suvorov Alexander Vasilievich, the Russian commander. The future founder of military art had a frail physique in childhood, so his parents oriented him on the civil service. He reached for knowledge, received a good versatile education, which he constantly improved.

Thanks to his knowledge and skills, the Prince of the Italian, Count of the Rymnik and the Holy Roman Empire was able to become generalissimo of the Russian army, Field Marshal of the Austrian army, have a significant impact on the outcome of wars, and teach troops. Seeing how great a scientific approach, the development of a strategy and a set of knowledge from different fields have a huge impact, A.V. Suvorov had a deep respect for knowledge.

Knowledge allows you to achieve more global goals
Knowledge allows you to achieve more global goals

How to explain the meaning, meaning of the proverb “Learning - Light, and ignorance - darkness” for children of the 1st grade of the school?

  • A person with meager knowledge, as if in a dark unfamiliar room. Moving, he stumbles upon objects, stumbles, he is hard for him to find a way out, he cannot determine exactly what to do and where to go. In the illuminated room, it is easy and simple to move, like an educated person in life.
  • People with a great baggage of knowledge can quickly find a way out in any situation. They see more options for resolving issues and choose the best. In addition, they are not so afraid to solve complex issues, because they know what to do correctly. That is why educated people more often realize their dreams and become astronauts, doctors, researchers, pilots, businessmen.
  • Previously, poorly educated people were called "dark", "crazy in the darkness."
Savior beam
Savior beam

The origin of the proverb is “learning - light, and ignorance - darkness”: description

  • The author of the proverb is Suvorov A.V. But for the first time it was published in 1862 in his collection "Proverbs of the Russian People" V.I. Dal. In the future, many Russian writers used the proverb in their creations.
  • But for the first time, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe value of knowledge was expressed much earlier. In the Old Testament Book of the Bible, Ekklesiast, written 1000 years ago, great importance is given to wisdom and its knowledge: "And I saw that wisdom is better than stupidity, like the light is better than darkness." And it is added that the wise man - he sees clearly, is stupid surrounded by darkness.
  • The book "Ecclesiast" was popular, translated into many languages, so it was preserved not only in Hebrew. Similar proverbs have various countries around the world.
It is more difficult to live by touch
"To the touch" to live more difficult

“Learning is light, and ignorance - darkness”: how is it written correctly?

Correct spelling: "Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness."

  • the word "learning" is a conversational version of the word "teaching", but in this case it is written through "b", since it is phraseology;
  • in the word “ignorance”, a particle “not” is written together, since this is a noun and it does not have a contrast with particle “A”.
  • in the sentence of the word, learning, ignorance is subject, and the words are light, darkness - the predicate. In cases where the subject and predicate are expressed by one part of the speech, in this case, a noun, a hyphen is set between them, which plays the role of the verb-binding.

Learning - light, and ignorance - darkness: is this a proverb or saying?

This phrase is a proverb, because it has all the signs of the proverb that distinguish it from the saying:

  • this is a complete expression;
  • the phrase consists of two parts;
  • is generalizing instructive;
  • it has a specific conclusion, and not just a characteristic expressing an emotional state.
Knowledge does not crush the shoulders
Knowledge does not crush the shoulders

What drawing is suitable for the proverb - “Learning - Light, and ignorance - darkness”?

Each person in childhood has some kind of dream. To achieve it, you need to work hard and know a lot. The nuclear physicist needs accurate sciences, a doctor-biology, genetics, lawyer-arches of laws, tractor driver-traffic rules, mechanics, etc. In any field, high -class experts are valued.

To see more, you need to find out something new
To see more, you need to find out something new

The main thing is to know the goal and stubbornly comprehend knowledge in the right area. It is better to be high -class shoes, sew a beautiful, comfortable, stylish shoes that will like people than a mediocre economist who hate work.

Learning - light, and ignorance - darkness: which antonyms are suitable?


  • by the way, learning - ignorance, ignorance, non -education.
  • by the way, ignorance is learning, scholarship, education.
  • by the way, light - darkness, darkness, darkness
  • by the way, darkness is light, reality.

Only thanks to knowledge can you achieve the desired goals in life, to become a holistic person. Good performance at school in subjects guarantees literacy, but, unfortunately, does not guarantee the acquisition of life wisdom. Only holistic self -sufficient individuals can become an example to follow. It is necessary to improve all your life, to comprehend your essence, to educate in yourself resistance.

Video. VideoMotivator: learning - light, and ignorance - darkness

Video. Learning is light

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