Tress - overhead hair on hairpins. Hairstyles with overhead hair, tails, strands and curls

Tress - overhead hair on hairpins. Hairstyles with overhead hair, tails, strands and curls

How to make beautiful hair with tress?

Tress first appeared at the end of the 19th century. Are an analogue of Shignon. They give perfect volume and length to the hair. Very convenient and easy to use. If necessary, you can easily attach and remove.

Artificial and natural overhead hair

Artificial and natural overhead hair
  • Falled hair is from 35 to 100 cm long
  • Distinguish between artificial and natural tresses
  • Advantage artificial The fact that you can increase hair of any length of them. Much cheaper than natural ones.
    But in view of a strong difference in structure and appearance from natural hair, they are not suitable for constant extension. Visually, this difference is striking. In addition, they are not subject to staining and eventually lose their original appearance
  • Natural Hair is very heavy to find more than 70 cm long. Quite expensive. They require care, as behind their hair.
    The advantage is that it is possible by staining, to choose the natural color of the hair, identical to the natural hair of the housewife. With proper increase, it is practically impossible to distinguish from natural, even with close examination. It has a long -term nature. Only occasionally should be adjusted the mounting

How to fix the overhead troops?

Removable method

  • The best option, so, if desired, the overhead strands can be quickly put on and removed, each time gaining a new image
  • Donor hair is attached to its hair using mini hairpins. Light, metal hairpins are located on the wrong side of the tape. When wearing is comfortable and not noticeable.
  • With thick hair, the hair is simply attached to the roots of the hair
  • If the hair is rare, first we make a basal pile, which is fixed with varnish


  • Combing our strands
  • We take one strand just below the parting, from the occipital part
  • Raise up and a little to the side
  • We fix with the clamp. It turns out the second parting
  • We attach the donor strand to the parting
  • We cover with our curl with the invoice
  • We do the same manipulations with other curls, rising gradually towards the crown
  • Gently mix both curls, making the transition more smooth

Non -removable (sewing)
Used for long -term wearing.

  • Lubricate the hair a little wax
  • We weave a thin transverse pigtail (“spikelet”) from our hair. We make 2-3 braids. The number of braids depends on the density of natural hair
  • We sew the trusts, applying to the pigtails, a sailing needle, along the entire length
  • Having finished one row, we go to the second. And so on

Video: How to fix the overhead troops?

How to properly align or curl of trusts?

For artificial The hair is not recommended to use hair.

Therefore, a slightly wet shinion, wrap it on curlers.

Natural hair:

  • Before curling or straightening, we process with special protective air conditioners
  • The temperature of the iron, the curves can withstand no more than 170 degrees
  • For fixation, you can use any means
  • The only warning is to use the comb

How to care for the bresses: wash, dry hair, strands and curls

Tress from natural hair:

  • Comb the soft comb
  • Start with the lower ends of the hair, gradually rising up
  • To facilitate combing, we use a spray for dry hair
  • Before washing, comb the strands
  • Wash with shampoo for damaged hair
  • The strands are not three and do not click. Dry with a dry towel
  • Dried in a horizontal position for about 12 hours

For artificial Hair care is identical. Just do not color them

Coloring overhead hair

If you need to dye hair:

  • After washing, do not dry them a little
  • Choose you like
  • Apply to the hair in accordance with the instructions, along the entire length
  • Reduce coloring time by 10-15 minutes
  • We wash well with water
  • We apply balm for dry hair

Options for hairstyles and testing with tress

False hair
  • Tress are ideal for everyday wearing. After a short training, it turns out to be very easy to fix the hair on its own.
  • Adapting to a new volume of hair, we proceed to the design of a variety of hairstyles. You can make a variety of curls, even chemical. You can align the curls and iron
  • Volumetric overhead hair looks great. But if you wish, you can visit the salon and make any styling from the master
  • Particularly popular overhead strands for wedding hairstyles
  • The choice depends on the imagination of your master and your preferences: curling and styling in a festive hairstyle, horse tail decorated with rhinestones, elaborate braids with a variety of weaves. All the possibilities of long hair can be used when performing a hairstyle

Hairstyles with natural and artificial hair

It is very simple to perform and help the original ordinary pigtail will help if a smooth braid is weaved from new curls - this is a daily option, then

False hair
False hair

a free braid, and even with jewelry - more solemn.

False hair
Tress are very popular for wedding hairstyles.

Hummailing hair in wedding hairstyles
At home, without resorting to outside help, you can make any hairstyle you like

Lush hairstyle made of overhead hair made with pigtails

Halfish hair easily wrap.
Very simple, romantic styling with overhead hair
A little fantasy will turn any hair into an original hairstyle decorated with a beautiful scythe.
Paved hair will help spectacularly and simply decorate any hair
Three simple pigtails, using overhead hair, will add severity and confidentiality to the whole image.
A good version of hairstyles, using overhead hair, for a business meeting
Another romantic image with false hair.
A little will have to work hard to make such a chic hairstyle with overhead hair
A very impressive one will help a very easy -to -make hairstyle made using overhead hair
Original pigtails will add the piquancy of hairstyles made using overhead hair.
Great classic hairstyle with overhead hair

There are a huge number of options. Having false hair can be fantasized as much as you like. All in your hands.

Hairstyles with overhead tails

A beautiful decorated tail looks very natural and spectacular. Suitable for both a business meeting and for the festive situation.

  • Collect our hair in the tail
  • We fix it with an elastic band
  • Combine with a tail-donor hairpin
  • We wrap the hair with a lock of the hair at the root of the tails to hide all the flaws of the compounds
  • We fix it with invisibility
  • For a more festive option, the locks can be twisted, decorated with decorative flowers

False hair

Hairstyles with overhead curls

The tenderness and finest chic of hair will give chic curls with curls of different volumes. Flawlessly selected curls with secret clamps lengthen the hair to the desired size.

We leave the curls dissolved.

Hairstyles with overhead hair
Hairstyles with overhead hair

We collect a low tail to the side.

Hairstyles with overhead hair

Hairstyles with overhead strands

  • Hair with beautiful strands looks great and without styling
  • Natural tresses can be wound, but there are no artificial
  • You can diversify if you make strands multi -colored

Hairstyles with overhead hair
Or add contrasting strands, you get classic highlighting

Hairstyles with overhead hair
You can weave strands into a pigtail, you get a very simple and original hairstyle.

Hairstyles with overhead hair
  • Easy and harmless regulation of the length and volume of hair gives cds to have great popularity for more than a dozen years
  • To stay for a long time with a long -haired hairstyle is a good opportunity for any woman. After all, you can wear the selected culmets without correction up to two months

Video: Simple hairstyle with tresses

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