Toasts of the newlyweds for the wedding in their own words: the best selection. Wedding toasts of the newlyweds are the most beautiful, with meaning, about love, cool, short, wise, interesting, cool, creative, touching and spiritual from the parents of the bride and groom, friends: words, text

Toasts of the newlyweds for the wedding in their own words: the best selection. Wedding toasts of the newlyweds are the most beautiful, with meaning, about love, cool, short, wise, interesting, cool, creative, touching and spiritual from the parents of the bride and groom, friends: words, text

In the article you will find only the most interesting ideas for writing beautiful and touching wedding toasts.

A wedding is an important event in the life of a couple in love. This is proof of love, fidelity and devotion. This is a sign that they love a friend very sincerely and are ready to spend a life together. As a rule, the wedding is this holiday that is celebrated magnificently, “on a scale”, with a large number of guests, relatives, gifts and pleasant words.

An important tradition at the wedding is to speak greeting toasts. It can be poems or prose, just spontaneously expressed thoughts. The main thing is to wish the newlyweds strong love from the whole soul and bless their union.

So that you do not have an unpleasant and uncomfortable situation during the pronunciation of toast (and all, including the bride and groom, will listen to you extremely carefully) important to prepare your speech in advance. It is not at all necessary to have handwritten cheat sheets or to teach poetry by heart, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the already prepared cliches and templates in order to already “start” from them and form a thought.

In this article you will find a lot of ideas to compose your “wedding” toast so that 100% express exactly what you have in your soul and congratulate people close to you.

The most beautiful wedding toasts for newlyweds in their own words: words, text

The words:

  • Dear newlyweds! Today you set foot on the right path. To you Love and happiness accompany, because, having loved very much, you decided to create a family - and this is a joy! I wish that on this path you have never met problems, disappointment and resentment. You are so beautiful and good today that I admire you and bless for a hundred happy years!
  • Dear newlyweds! Let me praise for daring you Tie your lives, inspired by one feeling and one dream. Let your house be happy, let it be a complete bowl. I wish you that all your desires become reality! Look into each other's eyes and remember this magical wedding day!
  • Our beloved! I want to admire you forever! How confident you went to your goal and how joyful you are now, having reached it! Thank you for the most beautiful example of human love and fidelity. Let love fills you up from the feet and to the head, soak every hair on the body and every thought of your thought be filled with love to each other all your life!
  • Newlyweds! Let me raise a glass of this delicious, sparkling wine For your health! Let health fill you and allow you to live in good health for many years so that you can delight each other for more than a dozen years together. Thank you for such a wonderful, colorful and beautiful holiday! You are well -deserved well done and each in this hall is certainly equal to you and your love! Do not lose her! Keep it and take care of each other until old age!
Ideas for wedding toasts
Ideas for wedding toasts

The best wedding toasts of newlyweds with meaning: words, text

The words:

  • Our dear! Today, many will tell you beautiful words, wishes and compliments. Take them all, like gifts, save them in memory and be sure to carry them through your whole life. Know, love is a big feeling, it pleases and fills the heart. But at the same time, it looks like a balloon and if it is not stored carefully, it is able to “burst” or fly away into the wrong hands. So, be attentive to each other, attentive and never deliberately injure with sharp words.
  • Our beloved children! Today I want to compare you with the angels. Same way You are beautiful, bright, joyful and, looking at you, you begin to believe in a miracle. I wish to stay the same for you all your life and not to lose this thread of fidelity and sincerity in your relationship that appeared once. Remember that it can turn into a powerful rope, helping you cope with complex life problems or in a thorny metal wire that can hurt and give pain. All in your hands! Love!
  • Newlyweds, love each other strongly! Love each other beautifully! Give each other smiles, flowers, sweets and gifts! You will have no one closer than your wife’s husband and my husband’s wife. Support and help each other, the only way you will overcome the most difficult life situations and can feel happy!
  • Newlyweds! Now you are young, beautiful, even rich. Now you are Ideal! But I wish you to love each other not now, but in deep old age, in "Black Days" and illness. I wish you to love each other when others turn away, when there is nothing and nobody around ... then true feelings are checked. I wish you to withstand any check if this happens on your way!
The most beautiful toasts for newlyweds
The most beautiful toasts for newlyweds

The most beautiful wedding toasts for newlyweds about love: words, text

The words:

  • Bride and groom! You have a great opportunity - to love a friend Friend! This is a magic that does not fall into every heart. You are cool lucky to find true, true, true love! I am madly happy for you! I wish God to guard your love! So that every day you do not lose it, but increase, increase, increased! I wish that when love will become too much in your house and she will fill every corner, you began to give it and give it ... to your children!
  • I want to wish you discoveries! I want time not to catch up on you Boredom, but only gave the opportunity to suddenly make a friend of the discovery every day! This is necessary so that life and love do not bother you, so that every day of your day, a year is interesting, gives positive emotions and memories. I want you to remain so inspired and unpredictable in 30, 40, 50, 80 years. Live for the sake of the family! Appreciate your family! Give children to this world! Collect memories!
  • Favorite children! You gained love and today have tied your lives with a friend with A friend forever before us, your close people, in front of society and God. Your union is blessed and I wish it to be happy with all my heart. Remember that finding love in this world is not enough! It is important to save it, not lose and carry it through good and bad years. It is important to scatter her into children and grandchildren, to teach them to love and appreciate their loved ones. Dear, you have a lot of time ahead to understand all this, so do you cherish each other and in no case lose!
Wedding toasts and congratulations
Wedding toasts and congratulations

The most cool wedding toasts for newlyweds: words, text

Sometimes with your toast you can add a “drop of humor” and positive for the holiday in order to cheer up yourself and guests.

The words:

  • Newlyweds! I look at you and I want to cry. But not from grief! And from Joy! You look so good that I even envy! Well done! Wow, I would like to visit your place again! I wish you to achieve the peak of your happiness in marriage! And you, the groom, I want to say, remember that marriage is a fire and you constantly need to follow it! Therefore, do not forget to periodically throw sticks into the fire so that it burns well! And you, the bride, I wish you not to forget that you are the most spark that is inciting the flame. Therefore, do not rotten, Gray and bewitch!
  • Beauty and handsome! I can't call you otherwise, because you are so Beautifully beautiful today! I wish you not to lose your attractiveness and after decades! Attract each other, excite, excite! Smile each other, give compliments and praise! This is the only way you can enjoy the marriage. Let the young husband always run home from work, and his wife is waiting for him, full of feelings, with a parade and with a hot dinner!
  • Young! Today you are completely different, not the way you knew you Earlier, much more serious, much closer to each other, more dear. Today you set foot on the path of the family and on this interesting path I wish to meet you happiness. Do not divide your marriage, store your marriage, grab in your palms like a treasure! Let you accompany success in any business and let no one dare to intervene in your idyll!
  • Expensive! You smile in the heart of every guest present It becomes warm. You laugh and we are joyful. You kiss you and we are pleased. Continue in the same spirit to go hand in hand in life, together and next to each other. I wish that your “family ship” would float around the warm and calm ocean, so that the bad weather bypass your course and you always reach the set route! Be excessively happy and in love!
Funny and touching wedding congratulations
Funny and touching wedding congratulations

The most wise wedding toasts for newlyweds: words, text

The words:

  • Expensive! Only over the years you will understand and comprehend the value of your marriage. I wish you wisdom in marriage so that you can competently act in any situation so that you can appreciate each other so that you spare and understand each other. Giveled in difficult and conflict situations! Cherish each other's attention, because it is more valuable than gold!
  • We wish you the newlyweds to know the happiness of a faithful and sincere feeling in marriage! Be tender and attentive to each other! Do not exchange for trifles and never try to deliberately offend each other. Remember that your marriage is not only a marriage certificate, but the gift that is not given to everyone.
  • Smile the newlyweds happily and very easy! See confidently in Your bright future, dream, plan! Everything will definitely be good for you, because I am not stupid and I see that very special spark in your eyes, which speaks of love, which testifies to the miracle!
  • I am a person with extensive experience behind and therefore I will tell you completely Confident: I see love in you! Keep it, guys, do not let anyone claim her and do not give her to strangers. There should be only two of you! And only when you become enough for you for love, I wish you children who will become support and meaning of life!

The most interesting wedding toasts for newlyweds: words, text

The words:

  • Our dear! Everyone wishes you happiness, health and good days. I am I want to wish you friendship. Do not lose this warm feeling that once brought you and allowed you to survive love. If the husband will be a friend of her wife, she will be able to trust him, will be able to count on him and not melt her secrets.
  • Favorite young! You have a big life ahead, as if bright I want to paint this white canvas with paints, giving him life and rainbow. Let it be as easy, like a colorful kaleidoscope, your family days will be! Live easily and give each other a fairy tale! Full dreams! Come close to the miracle and perfection in marriage!
  • Our relatives! You gave each other a symbol of love - engagement Ring and I want this symbol to surround your life. Let health, luck, money and simple, such pleasant joys rush in a circle!
  • Expensive! Personally, I want to wish you to live beautifully! Each He understands this in his own way, but I want your every day to be filled with paints of impressions, sweet aromas of memories and warm touches of pleasant people! I wish that the house was always filled with voiced childish laugh, so that there were simply no place, and there would be no time to look at the sorrows even out of the window! Be healthy, confidently look ahead and achieve your goals! Live in pleasure and joy!
Different toasts for a wedding
Different toasts for a wedding

The coolest wedding toasts for newlyweds: words, text

The words:

  • Like it or not, guys, but today you are winners! You won An incredible prize, the largest is a happy family! Keep your gift tightly and do not divide it with anyone! Let everything be fine with you and you confidently go ahead, knowing that you have each other.
  • Happy wedding day! This is not just a “hearty” and cheerful holiday, this is that The warmest and most fabulous memory that you will carry through your whole life! Try to love each other all your life, just as sincerely and just as hot that your children, looking at you, take an example and be inspired!
  • Smile, young! See how many people have come today congratulate you! You are great fellows, you are enviable handsome people and just beautiful people! May your children and grandchildren be as good as good as good -hearted people like you!
  • I wish you to live a long life! So that diseases and troubles are scared of your At home and ran away from him. I wish that long -awaited children be born, so that they be beautiful and kind. May this spark of love never rotten in your eyes, that over the years, the flame only flare up: bright, hot, tall!

The most creative wedding toasts for newlyweds: words, text

The words:

  • Lovely! How two bright diamonds you shine to us, sitting at the table! So glad Look at you! How beautiful you are in your costumes, with your smiles and satisfied faces. But for the sincere love of this is really little! Therefore, increase the feeling every day and every year!
  • Expensive! You, like the sun, shine every native and close Man at this holiday! I wish you not to go out to you, but to flare up with every day lived, lighting a spark in every close and dear person! Let today's blessing pass with you a long life!
  • Newlyweds! Stop a moment! Remember every smile on this Feast! Let it be imprinted in your memory and everyone, even the most “black” day warms you, inspires you, gives life energy and strength. Live with pleasure, relishing every day and the presence of each other!
Toasts for a wedding celebration
Toasts for a wedding celebration

The most touching and sincere wedding toasts to the newlyweds: words, text

The words:

  • Lovely young! May your family nest always have a place For respect and understanding. This is the only way to achieve harmony and joy to be a husband or wife. I wish you to breathe each other, like air, drink each other, like water and not be able to live without each other, as if without food!
  • Our dear! For us, your love is inspiration. This is a way Find joy in life and the reason to move forward. Let your hearts be calm and so big that the love of all children, grandchildren, relatives fit in them.
  • Beautiful newlyweds! Your love is a magnificent and colorful bouquet flowers that consists of many elements: violent red roses (like symbols of passion), delicate aromatic wildflowers (as a symbol of joy), sensitive and delicate violets (as a symbol of fidelity) and riot of daisies (your loved ones and relatives).

The best wedding toasts to the newlyweds from the parents of the groom: words, text

The words:

  • Dear children! Thank you for deciding on this responsible step and I am delighted with your wedding. We believed for so long and hoped that our son would choose the chosen one and are incredibly happy that she turned out to be (the name of the bride). Let your marriage be perfect and fruitful, let him give us many grandchildren and your love will be eternal, as our world, as a universe, as time!
  • Dear children! Looking at you, dad and I are incredibly proud that They were able to grow and educate such a responsible, kind and confident man who made the proposal of “arms and hearts” to his beloved woman. Let, son, everything comes true exactly as you wish and make it. And you, dear bride, we want to feel in the hands of our husband confidently and happily!
  • Newlyweds! Look at each other again. Today you are a groom and The bride, the doves in love, and tomorrow you will be real: husband and wife. Appreciate what you decide to do for each other - to tie lives. Always goodbye, always give in, always understand, always think a friend about the consequences and never lose each other!
Words and toasts for a wedding
Words and toasts for a wedding

The best wedding toasts of the newlyweds from the bride's parents: words, text

The words:

  • Lovely children! I would like to tell you "thank you" for the fact that you are so Serious and responsible that they decided to tie their lives together. Thank you for giving us the joy of the waiting for the grandchildren and a lot of pleasant moments that are only waiting for us. We wish you a good marriage! Let a good feeling permeate you and fills your every cell, let everything be sweet today in life and only today is bitter!
  • Dear bride and groom! I want to wish in your cozy house It was always cramped from laughter, joy, children, loved ones, holidays and pleasant moments! Let love and prosperity literally stick to you, may he never leave health!
  • Newlyweds! Look forward with your head proudly raised, confidently knowing that only the best will be ahead. For happiness, you have everything. Know how to use the help of loved ones and friends, share with them and each other not only troubles, but also joy.
  • Dear daughter! You are beautiful and so good today! We are solemn We hand you into the hands of your beloved man. Let him keep you like a delicate flower and protects you from cold wind. Keep your love in a strong embrace, do not let it out of your palms and divide it between the children, like a sweet fruit, rejoicing, enjoying it, relishing it! Be the happiest in the whole world!

The best wedding toasts of newlyweds from friends: words, text

The words:

  • Our beloved friends! Today you have become an example for us. You - Beautiful, kind and perfect ideal. It’s good that from real friends you were able to become strongly loving “doves”. We promise to always help you, protect from evil and give our support. Know that you are just wonderful!
  • Expensive! Thank you for invited us to this wonderful event! Know, we respect you so much and love! Such as you can no longer find in the whole world. Let your parents are proud of you, let everything develop in your life as you will not even expect it. Let the days of family life be sweeter than honey and softer a feather!
  • Newlyweds! Today, the chariot of your family has become a start of life. Let her rush forward without sparing strength. Let only beautiful landscapes, fascinating paintings, kind people and great opportunities meet you along the way! In difficult times, support each other, give warmth, hug a loved one on a “rainy day” and always, even when there is no strength, say “I love you”. You are well done!
Different congratulations and toasts for a wedding
Different congratulations and toasts for a wedding

Short wedding toasts for newlyweds: words, text

The words:

  • Lovely! You look so good that even the Higher Forces now They are watching you, wishing happiness. Do not lose this spark, catch it, fingering the flame in the fire! Appreciate the marriage, value them, because it is more expensive than money and wealth!
  • Expensive! Today you have known the secret of happiness. Rejoice, now it is you! Pass this secret through your whole life so that evil eyes do not envy, evil hands could not take it away. Love and be loved only to each other!
  • Newlyweds! You are two boats that came together in one, becoming strong and fast ship. You can overcome any river and the ocean if you confidently hold hands and help each other.

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