Cake from money with your own hands for a wedding, anniversary, birthday with congratulations: ideas, scheme, description. How to make a cake from cash bills with your own hands: step -by -step instructions

Cake from money with your own hands for a wedding, anniversary, birthday with congratulations: ideas, scheme, description. How to make a cake from cash bills with your own hands: step -by -step instructions

Step -by -step instructions on how to make a cake from banknotes yourself. We will also bring to your attention a few original wedding congratulations, birthday and anniversary.

Almost everyone has a holiday associated with fun, joyful smiles, pleasant words, and, of course, original presentations. With the help of the right gift, you can express your love and respect for the hero of the occasion, and show him how dear he is to you. Unfortunately, a modern person is quite difficult to surprise with something, because we live in a world where everyone can buy everything that they wish.

Therefore, recently, people stopped bothering and began to give each other money. And although such a gift has the right to exist, he will not leave a pleasant trace in the life of the anniversary. For this reason, if you want to give money to the hero of the occasion, but strive to do it as original as possible, then try to make a beautiful money cake for him.

How to make a cake from cash bills with your own hands step by step?

Instructions for making a cake from money

Money in a gift envelope is already unmalous and uninteresting for a long time. In view of this, if you want your present to be remembered for a long time, then spend a little of your time and make a cake out of money.

In this case, you will only need to decide what size your masterpiece will be and change the money in advance, for example, with a face value of 100 rubles. In addition, stock up on scissors, soft cardboard and stationery.


  • Take the cardboard and cut out circles of 25 and 15 centimeters from it. These blanks will be the basis of our cake from money.


  • Next, measure two more strips and glue a circle from them, the diameter of which will coincide with the diameter of the cardboard base. When the glue is helped, fasten these blanks among themselves and set aside to dry.


  • At the next stage, we begin to engage in the preparation of banknotes.

  • We take and carefully turn them into a tube and fix them in this position on the cardboard frame of the clerical paper clip. We continue to attach cash tubes to the paper frame until they are closed by all our cardboard tiers of our. . Podorous cake. After getting into this lesson, cut out another circle and close it the top of your presentation.


  • Next, we take our blanks and fasten them together with glue. This must be done very carefully, because if you stain the blocking substance, the birthday man is unlikely to be able to use them for their intended purpose. Give the cake from the money to fix well and proceed to decorate it.


  • You can decorate such a gift in different ways. Here everything will depend exclusively on your imagination. You can use satin bows, fresh flowers, balloons, chocolate figures.

DIY cake for wedding

Money cake for a wedding celebration

The wedding is a fairly important event in a person’s life, so the cake from money in this case should be as large and beautifully decorated. If two tiers are enough for a regular holiday, then in this case you simply must do at least three.

If you are not embarrassed in finances, you can use the bill of a large face value or, in general, dollars to create your masterpiece.

Production recommendations:

  • We begin, like the previous time with the manufacture of a wedding presentation frame. To do this, cut out three circles with a diameter of 10, 20 and 30 centimeters from cardboard.
  • We put off these blanks for a while and begin to measure the height of the banknotes that will be used to decorate the cake.
  • We cut out a sheet of measured width from paper and glue it into a circle. The diameter of this ring should be slightly smaller than the radius of the round base.
  • We fasten all the blanks with each other (you should get three of the cakes different in size) and begin to attach money to them.
  • You can do the same as in the previous version, twist them into tubes and attach them to a cardboard basis, and you can try to create a more original decor in the form of cash bows.
  • To do this, you first need to put the bills in an accordion, and then bandage them in the center with a steel wire or a thin satin ribbon.
  • Further, you will only need to straighten the ends with the bank and, using the same paper clip, attach them to a cardboard basis.
  • When with decorating a cardboard base it is finished, we cut out the top of our cake from money and carefully connect all the details among themselves.
  • The cash present for the wedding is best decorated with swans, satin ribbons, bright scarlet hearts of different sizes.

Congratulations for a cake from money for a wedding

Original wedding congratulations

It is clear that even such an original gift as a cake from money must be handed to the newlyweds as solemnly as possible. Therefore, it will be better if you think in advance words and parting words that tell the culprits of the celebration.

You can try to rehearse your speech and intonation at home, which you will pronounce it. Be sure to beat the theme of the cake from the money and present it as a small starting capital for a young family.

Examples of congratulations:

  • Dear newlyweds! From our entire large family I want to congratulate you on This joyful event in your life. I would like to wish you all the best and most beautiful what is on our huge planet. At this moment, your feelings are the most important value of your little family. Therefore, carefully store them, and even when you will sulk a friend on the arc, remember what you experienced on your wedding day. Take care of each other, love forever and always strive for so that comfort, peace and joy reign in your house. Even the smallest difficulties do not arise on your life path. Remember that from this moment you are one, so in any, even the most difficult situation, you must be supporting each other. Let your love overcome all difficulties and hardships and will live forever. Bitterly!
  • The main secret of family happiness is mutual understanding andrespect for each other. Happiness is pleasant words, minutes spent together, sweet kisses, warm smiles, light compliments like butterflies. Try that all this is always present in your life. And since love needs support, we give you this money cake and wish you that our financial infusion in your family budget brings you a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive and joy. We congratulate you on marriage and wish your union to be strong and happy!
  • Dear bride and groom on this significant day I want You will wish you great happiness, financial prosperity, mutual understanding and, the final, the most important, the fruits of your love. Try not to waste those feelings that led you to the altar and make your family nests cozy, warm and hospitable. In no case do not be upset if difficulties appear on your life path. Always remember that you have a friend with a friend and, in case of failure, substitute your shoulder to your loved one. I wish your young family a billion of rainbow sunny days filled with warmth and love of your hearts!

DIY Money Cake for Birthday

Cake from bills in the form of bows

Money cake may be a great gift for birthday. In this case, you can afford even a single -haired present, everything will depend exclusively on the amount that you will give. The more money you are going to present the birthday man, the wider and higher your surprise should be.


  • Prepare cardboard, scissors, paper, paper clips and bills in advance in advance
  • Cut the blanks from paper under the base and sides (do everything as we told a little higher) and glue the frame from them to which the banknotes will be attached.
  • A little higher, we have already introduced you to information how to make a cake with cash tubes and bows. If these two methods seem very difficult for you, then try to decorate the present with a simpler method.
  • But keep in mind that your gift looks perfect, it is extremely important that the height of the tier perfectly coincides with the width of banknotes.
  • Carefully wrap the blanks in a circle with money and fix everything with decorative gift ribbons.
  • Next, take any small sweets and fill them with the top of the cake and those places where white cardboard is visible. If the cake of money is reassigned to a child or a sweet lover, supplement it with chocolate figures.

Congratulations for a cake from money for a birthday

happy Birthday
  • My dear man! On your birthday, I present you as The festive cake is this original monetary present. Although you are unlikely to be able to eat it, I know for sure that he will bring you a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive and good impressions. I wish you to always be given gifts that will make your wallet thicker, and your pocket is wider. I hope that my present will brighten up your workdays and give you funny and exciting weekends! Let all your undertakings bring you prosperity, and success in your personal life surpass all expectations!
  • Today you have become older for a whole year. And that means that you have The wisdom, patience and positive increased. I wish your life to be filled with the warmest and bright colors, so that you walk in life boldly, not being distracted by troubles and envious glances. Always stay young, beautiful and full of strength! Strive to conquer new heights, to be healthy and soul, and body. Let only the kindest and most funny people surround you through life, and your house will be like a complete bowl. Take this money cake from us as a gift and delight yourself with the most long -awaited surprise!
  • On a birthday, it is customary to wish for health and a joyful life. Since all You already have this, then I wish you that this year all your innermost dreams come true, and your financial condition allows you to think about new and new ones. So let's raise the glasses for ensuring that happiness, luck and love are always present in the life of our beloved friend. Let Fortune will be favorable to you in everything and always. Always stay so sweet, kind, cheerful and hospitable. We are very pleased that in our lives there is such an open and sincere person. We wish you never to lose the positive aspects of your character and always remain for us the closest and most beloved friend!
  • My closest, dear and loved one, I congratulate you on the day Birth! I want to say that you are like the sun for me, only with you I feel like the most beautiful woman on earth. Always be so kind, attentive and caring. And I, for my part, are always generally and in everything to support you and be a reliable rear for you. I sincerely wish you to be healthy, successful and confident. Dear guests, let's drink for a real man!

Cash cake for the anniversary

Cake from money for the anniversary

The anniversary is a special date, therefore the gift in this case should emphasize the status of a person. If you are going to present a “piece of capital”, then forget about paper envelopes and please the culprit of the triumph with your own hand made of money. How to make this original present we told in detail in the first paragraph of our article.

And if you were attentive, you already know that in order to make this original present at first you need to make a cardboard frame for it, and only then attach bills to it.

Since you are not easy for you to have a festive event, and the anniversary, it will be better if you tinker and decorate the cardboard cake frame with monetary butterflies. How to do them correctly we will tell you now.


  • For the manufacture of one butterfly, you will need two bills of the same size. One of them will need to be folded with an accordion and subsequently give it the form of a bow.


  • First, put the other bill in a kind of triangle, which has the upper part is half the lower.


  • Then fold this workpiece with an accordion.


  • Next, connect the two parts of the butterfly together and fix them with an elastic band or wire.


  • If you want your butterflies to resemble live bugs as much as possible, then attach it to the antennae of wire. After fixing the money butterflies on the cardboard frame, decorate your present with satin bows, fresh flowers and sparkling artificial stones

Congratulations for the cake from money for the anniversary

The most beautiful-congratulations-Subilee-50-lute-college-woman
Congratulations to the anniversary
  • As a person who has passed a rather long life path you Surely you know that for normal life, in addition to health and happiness, you also need money. Moreover, there should be so many of them so that not only for food and payment of utilities, but also for entertainment and pleasant purchases for yourself a loved one. Of course, we will not give you a million, but our wonderful cake from money can still fulfill at least one of your dreams. In addition, we wish you to live a lot of happy years and always remain a young body and soul!
  • An anniversary is the same birthday, but decorated with a round solid number. So it is in our world, but we attach special importance to round dates. On this day, we seem to summarize what we have already done, and, of course, we are making plans for a happy future. In order for your further life to be calm and financially secured, we present you this cash cake. And let it be impossible to buy an expensive car or a house by the sea, for some reason we are sure that he will help you conquer another height. Once again, we congratulate you on the anniversary and wish your life to continue to shine with bright colors and be filled with the cheerful laugh of your relatives!
  • Dear anniversary today you celebrate a fairly solid date - You are 50! We know you as a person who still remains young in the soul and seeks to know something new all the time. We want a youthful mood to be present in your life, and you could afford to do the most crazy actions. And in order for your dreams to always be embodied in reality, we give you a charm from poverty - a chic cake from money. Let our present make you happier and bring you to your life even more unbridled fun and warm memorable moments!

DIY cake and sweets

Ideas of cakes from money and sweets

Since sweets are more difficult than paper money, it is best to use foam for making the frame. If you do not have it, then just glue two sheets of cardboard, let them dry and only then cut out the blanks from them from which you will make the foundation of the cash present.

Recommendations for the manufacture of a cake from money and sweets:

  • Buy in any construction store the foam of the maximum thickness, using the circul, draw circles of the desired diameter on it and carefully cut them with a wallpaper knife. If the resulting height is still not enough, then glue two blanks of the same diameter together.
  • Then take a colored corrugated paper and glue the frame of the future cake. When the paper is completely dry, it will be possible to proceed to the collection of the structure.
  • In this case, first it will be necessary to first glue all the tiers of the cake with each other, and only after that put sweets on them.
  • Twist the monetary bill in a tube of the desired diameter, fix it with a paper clip and insert the candy inside. Continue these manipulations until the blanks of sweets and money will not be enough to close all the tiers of the cake.
  • After that, set sweets along the edge of the presentation frame and fix them with a tape.
  • The top of such a cake can simply be filled with chocolate icing or also decorated with sweets.

Video: How to make a cake from money with your own hands at home?

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