Top 5 best salon procedures against dark circles under the eyes. Which procedure to choose?

Top 5 best salon procedures against dark circles under the eyes. Which procedure to choose?

The article tells in detail about the 5 most effective cosmetic procedures in the salon against dark circles under the eyes. Indications and contraindications are described.

Dark circles under the eyes are a common problem that can be difficult to hide even with makeup. In order to get rid of bruises under the eyes, the first thing you need to deal with the causes of their occurrence. Reasons that can provoke the appearance of bruises under the eyes:

  • Fatigue and lack of sleep
  • Bad habits (smoking, excessive alcohol use)
  • Improper nutrition
  • Dehydration
  • The use of poor -quality cosmetics
  • Chronic diseases (renal, endocrine systems)
  • Natural aging processes
  • Excessive stay in the sun without protecting the skin around the eyes.

Each of these reasons should be eliminated. However, if this did not help, then, most likely, bruises under the eyes are the cause of a genetic predisposition. Home procedures rarely help in this case. Therefore, it makes sense to contact the cosmetological salon.

How to choose a beauty salon? What should you pay attention to?

Good cosmetic procedures that really help to cope with the skin problem can only be done in a professional salon where real specialists work and there are appropriate equipment. In order not to make a mistake with the choice of the cabin, it is necessary, in the beginning, to check it for some qualities:

  • Positive reviews. You can ask those who have already carried out such cosmetic procedures with success, about the location of the salon. If there are no people, you can find reviews on the network
  • You need to call the salon and find out about the set of services, the cost of procedures. The staff must answer politely and provide complete information. You can find out about the experience of the cabin in this area, find out what equipment the salon has
  • When visiting the salon, you need to pay attention to the cleanliness of the room, ask the education and experiments of the cosmetologist who will carry out the procedure. Also, learn about the hygiene of tools and devices. Personally assess the accuracy of a person who plan to entrust your appearance

Sometimes, the search for a good salon takes a lot of time. If, in the salon, an oppressive, repulsive atmosphere, and the staff is lazy, you should not use its services. The main thing is that the interior workers love their work and make it efficiently.

What are the salon methods of getting rid of bruises under the eyes?

When the salon is found, you need to ask about the procedures that are used in it to remove bruises under the eyes. The most effective procedures are:

  • Salon masks
  • Mesotherapy
  • Lymphodrenazh
  • Biorevitalization
  • Peeling

Sometimes, cosmetologists use a course of several listed procedures to improve the effect. Consider each procedure in more detail.

Salon masks against dark circles under the eyes. Use of algae extracts and caffeine

Salon masks operate in several directions. They remove excess leather liquid, which relieves swelling. Masks bleach the skin, make the capillary mesh less noticeable. Usually, several sessions of therapy are used to reduce bruises under the eyes. Masks, as a rule, fight with inconspicuous bruises. In difficult cases, additional procedures will be required. The composition of the salon masks includes such active components:

  • Algae extracts. They relieve swelling and remove excess fluid
  • Caffeine extract. Copes with the capillance mesh and reduces redness
  • Cucumber extract. Has a cooling effect, fills the skin with moisture
  • Fruit extracts. Bleach the skin around the eyes
  • Nutritious and softening oils that do not allow to dry the delicate skin around the eyes

Before using any new cosmetic mask, it is necessary to check the skin to an allergic reaction.

A cosmetologist will help you decide with the choice of mask. He must provide information on the composition of the proposed product and the spectrum of its actions.

Mesotherapy - beauty injections. The benefits and harm of the procedure

Mesotherapy is a set of procedures that eliminate bruises, swelling and wrinkles under the eyes. The mesotherapy procedure for the skin around the eyes is injections with a mixture of beneficial substances and active components. The composition of injections is usually as follows:

  • Hyaluronic acid. This is a substance that is part of human tissues. Hyaluronic acid can moisturize the skin and maintain water balance for a long time
  • Useful trace elements: magnesium, zinc and kolbat. All these substances are usually in a healthy young skin. But, as a result of aging, they become smaller. These substances give the skin a healthy, radiant look
  • Vitamins B1, B6 and N. Each of these vitamins have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin: B1 anesthesia and improves blood circulation, B6 - eliminates swelling and moisturizes the skin, vitamin H (biotin) - fills the skin with radiance and gives a well -groomed look
  • Collagen and Elastin. These substances fight wrinkles

The composition of injections is selected individually, depending on the condition of the patient's skin. Mesotherapy is carried out in several sessions. This is a rather painful procedure. With incorrectly made mesotherapy, traces of injections may remain, hematomas or swelling may appear. Therefore, the procedure can only be trusted with experienced cosmetologists.

How the lymphatic drain acts. The benefits of the procedure

Lymphatic drainage is a salon procedure that improves blood circulation in the problem area. Lymphatic drainage is used when clogging of blood vessels, edema and accumulation of lymph under the skin. This procedure improves blood circulation and circulation of subcutaneous fluids.

Lymphatic drainage is a massage of the area around the eyes. It is manual and hardware. Each species has its own characteristics:

  • Manual lymphatic drainage. From the name it is clear that such a massage is done with the help of hands. The cosmetologist massages the eyelids using cosmetics. Presses on special points, which can improve microcirculation and relieve swelling. This procedure can be carried out at home if you master the skills
  • Hardware lymphatic drainage. There is a vacuum massage of the area around the eyes and the effects of microcurrents. Hardware massage has its contraindications

Massage against dark circles Paul with eyes - safe salon procedure

Undoubtedly, massage is the safest salon procedure. If there are concerns, you can use manual massage services. In this case, the likelihood of harming the skin is impossible. The massage of the skin around the eyes has a therapeutic effect on the entire facial zone, relaxes the clamped muscles, prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

Biorevitalization is hyaluronic acid against bruises under the eyes. The benefits and harm of the procedure

Biorevitalization is one of the types of mesotherapy. According to cosmetologists, biorevitalization is more effective than ordinary mesotherapy. For its use, injections with a more concentrated composition are used, which allows you to reduce the amount of the procedure.

Biorevitalization has disadvantages. It is precisely due to the concentration of active components that this procedure is more often causing allergic reactions. Injections should be carried out with caution and taking into account the characteristics of the skin.

Any procedures associated with the use of injections for the skin around the eyes have contraindications:

  • Skin tendency to the formation of keloind scars
  • Pain intolerance
  • Allergic reactions
  • The presence of infectious diseases (including herpes)
  • Pregnancy and lactation period
  • Some chronic diseases.

Before injections, you need to find out their composition. After that, you should consult a doctor about the possibility of using the substances used.

Skin peeling procedure around the eyes in the cabin

The peeling procedure can remove dead cells from the surface of the skin. Pilling brings the benefit:

  • Prepares the skin for the application of cosmetics
  • Smokes the surface of the skin
  • Four the skin color

Such a procedure should be carried out with caution, because the skin around the eyes is very delicate. Usually, fine peeling is used, which does not injure the cover around the eyes. Also, use chemical peeling based on fruit extracts. Chemical peeling is suitable even for sensitive skin.

How to care for skin after salon procedures?

If the salon procedures have coped with the problem of bruises under the eyes, then it is worth making sure that it no longer arises.

  • You should consult with a cosmetologist about the possibility of using cosmetics at home, to prevent bruises under the eyes (creams, emulsions, masks)
  • Set sleep and nutrition
  • Drink enough water
  • Carry out a full set of procedures assigned by a cosmetologist
  • Use only high -quality decorative cosmetics.

Removing bruises under the eyes in the beauty salon: tips and reviews

On the forums you can find many reviews about how the salon procedures for the condition of the skin of many women have influenced.

  • “I carried out the first skin massage procedure around the eyes, when I turned 40. Swelling under my eyes, redness and unhealthy look of the skin became noticeable. The cosmetologist conducted a hand massage. Now, I regularly spend such procedures. In the gap, I use lymphatic drainage creams for the area around the eyes »Raisa, 45 years old
  • “I carried out mesotherapy to prevent the appearance of wrinkles. It was very painful. But, there were no terrible consequences. The edema passed a couple of hours after the injection. I am satisfied with the effect: the skin is smoothed and looks healthy. " Anna, 34 years old
  • “In the cabin I use only masks and peeling. I do not recommend any injections. I had no negative experience, but my friend had. After injection in the skin around the eyes, the face was swollen, and two huge hematomas appeared under the eyes. The cosmetologist only spread her hands. As a result: money spent and a terrible appearance for at least a week! ”, Tatyana, 36 years old

The reviews on the network are very diverse. They all teach that the choice of salon and a specialist should be approached as responsibly as possible. The procedures are carried out, only after a detailed consultation and clarification of contraindications.

Video: skin care around the eyes

Video: How to remove dark circles under the eyes?

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  1. In general, the article displays the correct procedures to improve the quality of the skin around the eyes. But alas, even excluding the reason to completely get rid of “cyanosis” is not possible! It will still appear, cosmetologist and aesthetist cosmetologists can only prevent. You need to do procedures with courses 2-3 times a year. Then visually the "bruises" will disappear.
    The article has many not correct points! Amateur author, not a professional. Since a cosmetologist or doctor dermatologist-cosmetologist would not write this, namely:
    *"With incorrectly made mesotherapy, traces of injections may remain, hematomas or swelling may appear. Therefore, the procedure can only be trusted with experienced cosmetologists. ”What kind of nonsense? You take blood from the finger, blood from the vein, make an intramuscular injection and that, there are no traces of the injection ????? If the patient has fragile vessels on the face, there are Teleangioectasia (expanded blood vessels-wreckle), then bruises of the blue will be !!! An experienced cosmetologist for consultation assesses the condition of the skin and immediately warns what consequences will be from certain procedures. Following injections, hematomas (no more than 0.5 mm because, if the injection intradermal at this level is only small vessels of the Cappilers and Venula, it is impossible to put a bruise with a bruise with finger. If this happened, the technique was not done correctly! Sometimes there are exceptions to the illness of blood about which the patient himself does not know-an anemia is one of the frequent. In this case, the cosmetologist is obliged to send you to the OAC+ blood for coagulation.) At the edema account, edema, Normally, edema can be, but not more than 2-3 days. More often for 1 day, usually under the morning under the eyes. Here again, the cosmetologist warns of drinking regime! Do not drink 30-60 minutes before bedtime, after injection! Often patients They themselves provoke swelling. Well, do not forget, the edema should not bring discomfort (a sense of bursting, heat in the field of edema, redness, blisters, soreness) if there is at least one of the listed signs, it is better to go to your specialist more than a sun Its is an allergic reaction to some component. A cosmetologist-doctor will prescribe treatment to you !!!! If you were not made by a cosmetologist, they are to blame for yourself. You will have to run to a paid appointment to a dermatologist.
    “Biorevitalization is one of the types of mesotherapy” is not, biorevitalization is one of the types of injection techniques! Meso and biorevitalization are the introduction of special substances by intradermal injection.
    *Biorevitalization has disadvantages. It is precisely due to the concentration of active components that this procedure is more often causing allergic reactions. There are only hyaluronic acids in the biorevitalization procedure !!! there are no other active components there. If there are hyaluron+vitamins, this method is called bioreparation. It is often caused by vitamins !!!!!!!!!!! And the hyaluron is protein! Eat chicken, eggs , cottage cheese? There is no allergy for these products? So there is nothing to be afraid!
    She could not leave this article without feedback, patients read everything in a row and absorb like a sponge. Then I get tired of prove them “illiteracy”, spend time on such trifles. I hope someone helped someone to deal with some moments.
    Sincerely, cosmetologist Natalia Valerievna

  2. It is difficult to remove dark circles with some kind of creams or lotions, I do not believe in it at all. Belousova Lyudmila Cosmetologist, works in the clinic Arbat Aesthetics, they do a cool procedure that quickly eliminates the problem, while there will be no edema or consequences.

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