TOP-20 simple and interesting tricks for beginners: ideas for adults and children

TOP-20 simple and interesting tricks for beginners: ideas for adults and children

Focuses can be very simple at home, but how - we will tell in the article.

Interesting tricks attract attention, make everyone dream of how to master this complex art. But most people on the way to the cherished dream stop some problems, since it is almost impossible to repeat certain tricks, without props, experience and years of training. Be that as it may, there are simple tricks, which even a beginner and a child can easily cope with.

Focuses for beginner magicians: TOP-20 protozoa

Have you suddenly become a participant in a boring party? For some reason, all the guests began to be silent sharply? Perhaps you have a great desire to surprise all the guests present at parties? Then fall some trump cards in the sleeve and you can start magic.

  1. Focus: How to cut an apple without a knife?

Do you still use a knife to cut fruits? In order to divide the fetus, use not entirely spectacular, but, of course, a cool method. Take the fruit in both palms so that the fingers are on top of the apple. Squeeze the fruit using sliding movements in a circle. The fruit will neatly decay into 2 parts in the middle.

Focus with apples
Focus with apples
  1. Focus: magnetized coin

Put the card on the tip of the index finger. Place the coin on top of the card. Suddenly knock out the card from your finger. She should fly freely, and the coin itself will remain in the same position.

  1. Focus: an egg that jumps

Place the egg in a glass so that the wide base is below. Put another glass near the glass. Get very strongly on the top of the egg, after which it will simply jump out with another glass, but will land with a narrow bottom inside the container.

  1. Focus: Fairytale fire extinguisher

Mix white vinegar with baking soda in a glass. Then cover the cup until the sound of hissing disappears. Then, as if you pour out the air from the tank above the spark of a candle. She will go out herself, you only have to play along.

  1. Focus: Magic lighter

Turning every candle with the magic method, you will have to light them again. While the smoke comes from the wick, bring the flame to the haze. The light will go down to the candle along the smoke path, as a result of which the wick will light up again.

Light from the haze
Light from the haze
  1. Focus: whiskey from ordinary water

Pour water into one glass, in another glass - whiskey. Cover the container with water with a credit card, turn the glass, place it above the container with a strong drink. Move the card and see how quickly whiskey and water change places.

Whiskey and water
Whiskey and water
  1. Focus: Who stole a light?

Do you have an old, worn lighter? Then you will be able to the next trick. Take a regular pen. Select the filter from the position to the side. Light a lighter, draw a palm over the light, thereby creating the feeling that you are “struggling” the flame. So you just block the oxygen stream in the fire, but the filter will continue to burn inside the pocket after it has been moved.


It will take air in order to re -light the flame. Just light a little on the lighter or with the movement of the palm above the wick, create an air stream.

  1. Focus: Bank on the edge

When you drink half of the carbonated drink in a metal jar, show your friends the next trick. Put the container with the bottom down, tilt the jar a little so that it feels that it can fall on its side. Carefully remove your palms in the banks, so that you do not accidentally hurt the capacity and stop balancing the jar. The container will remain in this position until you pick it up again.

  1. Focus: How to drown a packet with ketchup?

Find such a bag with a ketchup that can calmly come up. Lower the bag into a plastic container with ordinary water, cover the bottle with a lid. Press a little on the walls of the dishes. So you can control the packet with ketchup.

  1. Focus: How to play a piano masterly?

The play on the piano is beautiful and impressive. However, in order to learn how to control the tool, you need to spend a lot of time. Do not worry, you will definitely become a professional musician, spreading only randomly with your hands. Try to play octaves using a little finger and thumb. Keep in mind that the fingers should concern only the dark buttons. By pressing both a little finger and a thumb on the dark keys, sort out with other fingers, creating extraordinary sounds.

We play virtuoso
We play virtuoso
  1. Focus: How to fantastically twist the eggshell?

Wet a plate with ordinary water. Look, so that the entire surface of the container is wet. Place the shell on the plate, thoroughly twist the shell. She will begin to spin quickly along the bottom of the plate. Also change the trajectory of the shell of the shell, tilting a slightly container.

  1. Focus: Bright drinks

Drive the food dye of various shades in glasses. Carefully cover the drops with pieces of ice. Pour transparent drinks into the container, for example, ordinary soda water. The liquid will instantly purchase bright shades.

  1. Focus: How to pour wine in a glass inverted upside down?

In order to pour wine into an inverted capacity, perform the following manipulations:

  • Pour the drink into the plate.
  • Place the lit candle in the center.
  • Cover the candle with a glass container, continue to follow. When the light goes out, the wine will begin to pour a little into an inverted glass container.
  1. Focus: Magic table setting

Each person, perhaps, once saw a trick using a tablecloth when a magician tears a tablecloth from the table, and after that all the cutlery remains. But, if you tried to try to fulfill this trick, he without a doubt ended just terribly. The whole focus is as follows - the material must be pulled down.

We remove the tablecloth from the table
We remove the tablecloth from the table

Put the fabric so that on the other side of the table the tablecloth does not have a hanging edge from you. Then the opposite side of the tablecloth will be from the edge of the table, it will be easier for you to perform a trick.

  1. Focus: soaring rings

Stretch between the palms of the elastic band, passing the ring into it in advance. Click a little elastic band in a fist with one palm, so that it becomes invisible. Pull the part that is noticeable so that the palm with a hidden elastic band is lower. It is to this part that the ring will slide. Little the hidden elastic band, as a result of which the ring will rise to the second palm with it.

  1. Focus: How to instantly carry out freezing?

Place the container with water in the freezer for a while. Then carefully pull out the bottle without disturbing the liquid inside, trim it strongly. Follow how ice will instantly spread inside the container.

  1. Focus: Walk of grass

Turn into the clearing even grass. Put it in your hands, as in the image.


With an effort, squeeze the thumbs so that a small hole between the fingers is formed. An unusual whistle is already ready for use. Want to surprise your family with this whistle? Just blow into the hole.

  1. Focus: Fairytale knot on a napkin

Put the usual fabric napkin on the surface of the table. Then offer someone from friends to tied a knot from the fabric, without letting out the tips from his palms. Surely a friend will not be able to do this. You can do as follows:

  • Cross your palms on your chest before taking the tips of the napkin.
  • Place one hand on top of the elbow, the other hand - from below.
  • Place your palms in opposite directions, the knot will contact yourself.
  1. Focus: a penny standing on the edge of the bill

Place any bill on the surface of the table. On the edge of the banknotes, set a penny so that it stands freely without additional help. Drink the ends of the banknote a little to form a small angle. Slowly pull the bill in a straight line. A penny will also stand on the rib of a banknote.

The coin can be placed with an edge
The coin can be placed with an edge
  1. Focus: Bubbles on disks

Wipe the paint from the disk so that its surface becomes completely clean. To the purified side of the product, bring the light. When the disc begins to melt, immediately start blowing on it. A large plastic bubble will occur in that place.

Video: Coin on the edge of the bill

Interesting tricks for children: ideas

In the world there is no such person who does not like the tricks and tricks of illusionists. Have you decided to surprise your family and friends with interesting tricks? Then you should get acquainted with simple and affordable tricks, which even the child can handle.

  1. Focus: self -adhesive scissors

  • Take 2 paper strips. Show them to the audience.
  • Fold the strips together, remove a small tail.
  • Lower one strip, and raise the other to the top high. You should form one single strip.

It turns out that the scissors were able to glue the paper. Just lubricate the paper in advance with glue, only the tips of the strips. When the glue dries, sprinkle it with flour in order to hide the glue. Having then placed the stripes of each other with glue to each other, scissors in the canvas areas of paper will begin to press the pieces tightly, forming a whole strip.

  1. Focus: Magic bottle

For a focus, you will need to take:

  • Dark glass bottle
  • Long rope 1 m

Place the container so that its bottom looks up. Place the tip of the rope in the neck of the bottle. Then lower it so that she could not slip. If one of the guests wants to try to do such a trick, he will not be able to do this. Since the audience does not even suspect that you put the tip of the rope in 3 layers in advance, as in the image.

  1. Focus: Tower received from eggshells

You must demonstrate to the audience an ordinary chicken egg. Invite the guests to build a tower from the egg, placing in an upright position.

Everything is quite simple. In advance in the egg shell, make small holes on two sides, and gently blow the contents. Place the egg in horizontally, sharply tighten the egg so that it turns towards the clockwise movement. When the devastated egg begins to spin quickly, it becomes vertically, remaining in this position and continuing to spin.

  1. Focus: How to twist a knot with one palm?

Fold a piece of the rope in 2 equal parts. Place both ends in one palm. One tip, at the same time, click with his thumb and index finger. Click the remaining tip with the index finger and middle finger. The tip 2 must go outside for 1 tip.

Lugg it with a rope so that the central part goes up. Instantly throw 1 tip of the rope into the resulting loop using the thumb and index finger. 2 The tip remains in the palm of your hand. You should get a knot.

  1. Focus: air, light scarf

Take a regular handkerchief. Spectators must see him. Then collect the ends of the product in the hand, and then blow in the palm of your hand. Without a hurry, straighten the scarf. It will increase slightly, ultimately becoming a ball. Show the scarf that you puffed up, and then just pierce it using the needle.

A handkerchief
A handkerchief

Prepare in advance for this trick. Take 2 identical scarf so that their size is 30 cm by 30 cm. Fold the scarves together, then sew them on each side. Make a small slot in one corner. Place an inflatable ball in it, stretching before that. The neck of the ball, which will peek out of the hole, secure using the threads. When you show the scarf, cover the corner with your palm.

  1. Focus: How to light a light bulb?

Turn on an ordinary desktop lamp. Press the power button a couple of times. For some reason, the light does not want to burn. Unwind it, show the audience that the light bulb is whole. Screw in the lamp again. By clicking on the button again, say: "Gori bulb." And at this moment she will light up.

Nobody can guess the secret of the trick. You just get a little light bulb from the lamp in advance, therefore, it will not burn. Before twisting the bulb, put the button in the “off” position. Show everyone that the light bulb is really working. Then screw it to the end.

  1. Focus: Unusual glass

Pour water into a plastic transparent glass. Lower the spoon in the dishes so that the handle looks down. Try to get it. The glass seems to be glued, begins to rise with the spoon itself.

The secret of the focus is like that. In the central part of a plastic glass from both opposite sides, make 2 small holes. Pass the thin fishing line into these holes, pull it, fix it from the outside. On the very spoon, make a small slanting burr. Demonstrate the trick by hooking by the burrs on the fishing line when you stretch the spoon.

  1. Focus: Magic handkerchief

A regular scarf is tied in the form of a ring. In front of the audience, untie the knot. Comple the product in your palms. Expand your hands, show people that the scarf is tied again.


2 opposite ends of the product in advance tie in advance. Turn the scarf in the form of a tube, which is why the knot will be invisible. Even other tips related together will not be noticeable. When you untie the second bundle and combine the product, the audience will simply see a knot hidden from them.

  1. Focus: Where did the water come from?

Show the audience a transparent vase, which is completely empty. Then show your palms, they should be completely empty. Run the palm into the container, splashing water inside.

From nowhere
From nowhere

The trick is quite simple. The liquid will be poured into the vase using a rubber pear and a tube located under the sweater in the sleeve. Putting your hand to the side, press the pear with the liquid a little so that it begins to shimmer into the container.

  1. Focus: A match that can lie evenly

Place the usual match on the index finger vertically. Try to hold a match with your thumb. Then you need to remove the thumb, while the match will stand vertically.

This trick is suitable even for kids. In order for the product to stand, wet your fingers a little, press the match itself to the index finger very much with the thumb. Removing the thumb carefully, the wand simply sticks to the lower tip to the other finger, maintaining a certain time its original position.

Video: Focus: evaporation of a scarf in a fist

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