TOP-10 of the best and useful herbs for rinsing oily hair, to eliminate oily and a healthy shine: a list with names, benefits, method of application, photo before and after, reviews

TOP-10 of the best and useful herbs for rinsing oily hair, to eliminate oily and a healthy shine: a list with names, benefits, method of application, photo before and after, reviews

This article will talk about what ten herbs will help to cope with the problem of oily hair, improve their condition, give natural shine? Find out how to make a solution for rinsing the head from these herbs and much more.

It is very important that the hair always looks beautiful and well -groomed. And what to do when the curls are quickly polluted and glistening, how to deal with such processes? There are many cosmetics, but they almost all contain chemical additives that negatively affect the human body.

Their effect affects not only the hair and skin, they can over time cause various pathological processes in all body systems. Therefore, now it is so popular to use recipes from natural raw materials. In particular, healthy herbs for oily hair are much more effective and safer than the same balms, masks and other products produced by well -known cosmetics firms.

Useful herbs for oily hair: a list of plants, recipes for rinsing

Many are skeptical of natural gifts, not believing in their effectiveness. However, herbs for oily hair exist, not without reason our ancestors used nature recipes and women had excellent, well -groomed hair. The value of the natural potion is that in plants there are different beneficial substances, vitamins, essential oils and acids. It is these components that nourish the hair, normalize the fatty balance of the skin.

Bold hair care
Bold hair care

Top 10 of the best and healthy herbs for rinse oily hair

  1. Field horsetail- A decoction is brewed for rinsing: 3 tablespoons of the plant are added per 1 liter of boiling water, after it is infused, for 25 minutes, filter and can be used.
  2. Ordinary hops - A solution for rinsing consists of 975 ml of boiling water and 70 g of hops. They prepare it like this: boil on small gas for ten minutes, give it 25 minutes, then use it, previously strained.
  3. Medile iron-In the pharmacy, two packages of grass are bought, after it is poured with hot water in the amount of two liters, they are allowed to boil on weak gas for about 25 minutes, when they stand, filtered. You can wash your hair without store shampoos, but it is better to rinse after such a procedure with a decoction with oak bark or medicinal chamomile.
  4. Plantain- You can cook separately at the rate of 3 tablespoons per 975 ml of boiling water, or you can prepare a whole collection. This fee may include: St. John's wort, plantain, coltsfoot, nettles, lover. It is enough for all herbs to take 10 grams for 800 ml of boiling water and brew them on small gas, then let stand, use after 25 minutes to use. Knowledgeable herbalists to improve the condition of oily hair also used a mustard solution after washing the hair. Only after that they rinse the hair with herbs.
  5. pharmaceutical camomile- favorably affects the structure of strands in general, but it is still better to use in combination with other means. In particular, a solution of chamomile with lemon for such purposes is well suited. You should take chamomile flowers of 65 g in 1 liter of water. After strain. To add lemon juice here about 25 ml. Rinse hair with a solution.
  6. Sunflower - An excellent tool for rinsing oily hair. It acts softly on the scalp, the hair after it acquires a natural shine. For the solution, 4 dessert spoons of plant petals are required for 1025 ml of hot water.
  7. Grass grass - Pour 6 tablespoons of grass into 1 liter of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes on a slow gas, then cover the decoction, let it stand. After 25 minutes, strain, rinse your head after washing with shampoo.
  8. Wormwood with chamomile- They prepare a decoction according to the following scheme: first they take equal portions of pharmacy grass and chamomile in the amount of 4 tables. tablespoons, then pour them with boiling water (975 ml) boil for 10 minutes and allowed to stand for 20-30 minutes. Then they filter and rinse fat curls.
  9. St. John's wort - Not only normalizes the fat balance, but also gives the hair strength, the structure of the hair improves, the brilliance appears after the regular use of the decoction with lemon juice.
  10. Sage- A beautiful natural doctor of damaged hair, gives a pleasant aroma and saves the hair from fat. Boil him, both separately and in combination with wormwood, mint, lavender, calendula. Such a tandem of herbs only increases the force of exposure to fatty strands. The grass should be added in equal quantities so that the total ratio of the solution is equal to: 65 g of grass per 1 liter of boiling water.
Calendula for oily hair
Calendula for oily hair

By the way, removing the greasy shine from the hair is just half the work, each woman wants her hair to look like curls of ads from advertising, also flowing in the wind and naturally shone. For such cases, it is good to add such natural potions to the above decoctions as:

  • nettle, thyme, Melisa
  • sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn, sage, aloe, calendula
  • linden flowers, rosemary

IMPORTANT: Before you start applying certain decoctions, you will need to test allergenic reactions. Just lubricate the back of the hand with a decoction. Wait at least thirty minutes. If you have redness, small rashes, itching, you can’t use this tool. Otherwise, you can only aggravate the situation.

Useful herbs for oily hair - what is their benefit?

Hair can be oily for various reasons. Depending on them, the care of them should be special. Every woman can choose options that are suitable for her case. After all, there are many recipes for rinsing strands. It is very difficult to find a suitable one. Not all herbs for oily hair equally affect different organisms of people. An individual selection is important here.

Hair rinsing infusion
Hair rinsing infusion

If you are lucky, you will find your potion, then the effect of such procedures with natural potions will be amazing. You will immediately notice the benefits from plant cosmetics:

  • After the use of herbal infusions, the sebaceous glands will normalize.
  • Natural drugs will contribute to strengthening the hair follicles, cure the peeling of the skin (dandruff), grass - excellent antiseptics.
  • Due to the content of essential oils in many herbs, the hair will begin to shine, become magnificent, cease to be seized.
  • Even herbs are perfectly treated with the scalp, you will have itching, seborrhea and due to the natural feeding of hair roots, their growth will increase.

All of the above herbs for oily hair are better than their other relatives. They can not only rinse their hair after washing, but also prepare masks, tinctures, decoctions from them. It is enough to boil them a little to cook cosmetic mixtures, and then you can mix with other ingredients.

Useful herbs for oily hair - a way of applying

To be able to choose useful herbs for oily hair is not all. They also need to be treated correctly. According to the rules, only two or three procedures per week should be done, then you will achieve a good effect.

Frequent use of drugs can not only not solve the problem, but also aggravate hair problems.

How to get rid of the problem of oily hair with herbs rinsing?
How to get rid of the problem of oily hair with herbs rinsing?

Ways to use grass for oily hair:

  • Infusions, decoctions of herbs are recommended to be used in two to three days. Unfortunately, even trichologists do not advise to wash even oily hair daily. In extreme cases, no more often than in a day.
  • The infusion should be prepared immediately before use.
  • And before rinsing, make a trial test to an allergic reaction of the skin.

Do not forget that to improve the condition of the hair, it is necessary not only to use cosmetics, but also to change the regime and diet. After all, the causes of this condition of the hair can be precisely due to improper operation of the gastrointestinal tract, poor nutrition.

IMPORTANT: To completely eliminate problems with oily hair, you should look deep into the problem. In addition to the use of medicinal herbs, it also does not hurt to undergo a medical examination. Bold hair is in people with hormonal imbalance, violations of the central nervous system, after the infections and lovers of drink and smoke.

Useful herbs for oily hair - photo before and after

Various factors can affect the condition of the hair, but do not despair because of this. At home, you can deal with this problem and without special cosmetics. It is only necessary to stock up with useful herbs, look further than the photo, clearly see how healthy herbs for oily hair eliminate the problem.

Photo of oily hair before and after using rinse decoctions from herbs
Photo of oily hair before and after using rinse decoctions from herbs

Useful herbs for oily hair - reviews

Pay attention to the reviews of girls who have already experienced healthy herbs for oily hair. Rinsed with decoctions from them.

Tatyana, 32 years old:

After frequent stressful situations at work, hair began to grease. I had to wash my hair every morning, but it did not help either. For a long time I was looking for means to rinse my head so that the hair did not look constantly dirty. The searches were unsuccessful. Once I found information on the Internet that after washing the hair, they should be rinsed with a decoction of hops and nettles. There was already nothing to lose, I decided to try. And the result was not long in coming, after a month of procedures, I felt a noticeable improvement. My head is now my time every three days. I noticed that the hair began to comb and did not split easier.

Ekaterina, 26 years old:

A decoction of wormwood and a mask of blue clay make miracles. My hair became healthy and the balance of oily skin was normalized. Only a hair mask I did two times a month, and rinsing a decoction of wormwood after almost a day. Prepare the mask simply should be added clay (2 tbsp) to the strong tea (2 cups) and add the yolk of one egg there. Wash off this whole thing from the hair after thirty minutes with a warm decoction and water until the hair becomes clean.

Karina, 29 years old:

As I remember myself, I wear so much fat hair, and even dandruff permanent. A natural rinse aisle with plantain, nettles, St. John's wort, mother-and-mother, a love of I came up as best as possible. Thanks to these drugs, the hair began to dry, dandruff ceased to pour. I felt self -confidence.

Video: Grassing and essential oils rinses for greasy hair

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Comments K. article

  1. Thanks for the advice. Also periodically rinse my hair with different decoctions. And from fat content, I also recommend a pharmacy shampoo Berestine, which I helped a lot to cope with the oily hair and dandruff.

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