TOP-10 best dishwashers: review and names of models, advantages and disadvantages, reliability and quality rating, manufacturers, photos, choice of choice

TOP-10 best dishwashers: review and names of models, advantages and disadvantages, reliability and quality rating, manufacturers, photos, choice of choice

In this article, we will consider which dishwasher to choose. Consider the positive aspects and disadvantages of each machine.

When choosing a dishwasher, you need to rely on a number of criteria. The most important requirement is durability and reliability. The beautiful design and fame of the brand does not always talk about the quality of the device. But in this material information will be provided for which dishwashers should pay attention to, as well as what you need to consider when buying such a product.

TOP-10 best dishwashers: rating for reliability and quality, advantages and disadvantages of models

A completely perfect machine, and any other device does not exist. When choosing an assistant, take into account those aspects that are necessary specifically for you. Some nuances should be taken into account.

  • Decide on the dimensions. Dishwashers can be narrow and wide. Basically, they have a width of 45 or 60 cm. Also take into account the height and depth of the product.
  • Assistants can be in the form of separate devices to which all the necessary pipes and plums are connected. Or they integrate into the kitchen itself, leaving only the control panel and loading openly. They can be partially or completely accommodated in the kitchen.

Important: there are models that relate to desktop devices and can even be placed in a hinged cabinet. But they have a very small spaciousness and are suitable only for small families.

  • Functionality is the most important criterion, on which the basis of price depends. But 4 programs should be distinguished that are often used and must be in the dishwashers:
    • a quick sink, which will take no more than half an hour. Suitable for a small amount of dishes and for not strong contaminants.
    • the standard cycle of each machine takes different times - in some it covers only an hour, while others “splash” 2.5 hours.
    • intensive sink - takes at least an hour. Again, it all depends on the model. It works at the maximum temperature and with the maximum pressure of water.
    • soaking - helps eliminate dried dirt.

Important: when choosing a dishwasher, take into account the noise level - its indicator should not exceed 54 dB. Although in the market there are models mainly from only 45 to 49 dB.

  • Keep in mind that the design, fast drying and other “bells and whistles” are significantly reflected in the price.
  • Be sure to consider the power consumed. This nuance seems insignificant and many do not pay due attention to it. But it is better to pay a little more at once than paying for a round amount for utilities.
  1. Bosch, model SMV 88TX03E

This dishwasher can be safely put on the first and honorable place. The manufacturing company itself has been in the leading places in the sales market for any household appliances for more than a dozen years. She united and herself not only high quality, but also a chic design.

  • The country manufacturer is Germany, which already says a lot. This is a built -in, full -size model. It is considered an energy economic model, referring to the class A +++. Its power consumption is 0.73 kWh.
  • It provides for complete protection against leakage of water and protection against inquisitive children, a delay of up to 24 hours.
  • In terms of capacity and water consumption, it is very economical - for 13 sets of dishes, only 8 liters of water will be enough.
  • It has an “intensive zone”, night. Also, manufacturers also provided an economical sink for poorly chopped dishes. There is a soaking mode. You can also choose the half program.
  • They note a convenient basket for dishes, internal lighting, as well as the “Ray on the floor” function. It has 8 programs and 6 temperature conditions. There is a display.
  • The machine is relatively quiet - up to 44 dB.
  • She copes even with strong pollution and does not leave stains on the dishes.


  • It has a relatively large width - 60 cm, which seems to many a minus. It is necessary to place it relatively a lot of space. It also has considerable weight - 44 kg.
  • Long -term mode of ordinary washing - 225 minutes. This is the merit of high -quality washing, and you can also choose a shorter cycle, but in comparison with other models - this aspect could be slightly reduced.
  • And in such a functionally spacious machine there is no program of automatic rigidity adjustment.
  1. Siemens, model SX 678x03 TE

Another company that requires special attention to itself. Cars have established themselves as reliable assistants in the kitchen. This company can be called the standard of strength.

  • Another full -size model that requires complete built -in.
  • It differs in the same large capacity - 13 sets of only 7 liters of water.
  • It also has 8 programs and 6 temperature modes.
  • Of the pluses, a mode for delicate and fragile dishes are also distinguished. And of course there is a quick mode, soaking and a delay in the start.
  • This model has an indicator of “Water purity”, as well as “Ray on the floor”.
  • Also relatively quiet - 44 dB for the weight of 45 kg. The display is available.
  • Economy in consumption - 0.67 kWh, referring to the class A +++.
  • This machine in normal mode covers only 175 minutes.
High -quality assistant
High -quality assistant

From the shortcomings:

  • Weight and large size belongs to the minuses of such a machine. If you have little space in your kitchen, then this option is not suitable.
  • There is also no automatic installation of water hardness.
  • Some also note the duration of the work, but this is an intermediate characteristic, which depends on the compared models.
  1. HotPoint-Ariston, LFD 11M132 OCX model

This brand is part of Indesit Company and occupies a leading position among the Russian consumer. The main products are made in Italian factories, but after 2005 some are produced in Russia.

  • A separate machine with full and standard dimensions.
  • Classes A.
  • Insanely quiet, of all the models she wins - 42 dB.
  • Very roomy - 14 sets and only 9 liters.
  • Moreover, super economical - 0.83 kWh.
  • The average cycle has average indicators - 190 minutes.
  • There is a delay, complete protection and 11 programs.
Italian-Russian assembly
Italian-Russian assembly

From the shortcomings:

  • There is no automatic adjustment of water hardness.
  • And there is no Ray on the floor indicator.
  1. Beko, model DW 80323 W

The Turkish company, which not only gave customers a high -tech product, but also durable household appliances.

  • This is a full -sized, separate machine, class A, but with energy consumption on A ++.
  • It has 8 programs with 6 temperature conditions.
  • Turbosushka and fast, high -quality washing, depending on the intensity of pollution.
  • There is also protection against leaks, but partial and half regime.
  • Designed for 13 sets with water consumption up to 10 liters.
  • Quiet - 44 dB.
  • The average indicators of time and energy consumption are 171 minutes and 0, 92 kWh, respectively.
To help the hostess
To help the hostess


  • There is no automatic rigidity installation.
  • Light weight - almost 50 kg.
  1. Gorenje, model GV 53311

The brand that was founded in Slovenia quickly received fans and entered the 10 best world brands. The main credo is to make life with the help of household appliances easier!

  • A fully built -in, narrow model related to class A.
  • It is for 10 sets, while you need a little less water - 9 liters.
  • It consumes only 0.83 kWh, which makes it energy -econon and relating to the rank A+.
  • Light - 35 kg and small -sized.
  • There are 8 programs, 5 temperature control modes.
  • You can postpone the start, soak and wash intensively or quickly.
  • There is a complete protection against leaks.
Closes the five leaders
Closes the five leaders


  • There is no “Ray on the floor” indicator.
  • The capacity of some seems small.
  • There is no protection against children.
  1. Candy, CDIM 5756 model

Italian assistant who has a chic design and high quality products.

  • Full -size, fully built -in and fully class A. Truth, in terms of energy consumption - class A +++.
  • Very quiet - 43 dB.
  • Economical - 0.83 kWh energy per cycle and only 10 liters of water. Yes, keep in mind that these are 13 sets of dishes.
  • It has as many as 12 programs with 7 temperature modes.
  • Therefore, there is a delay, and a fast sink, and an intensive laundry.


  • Unfortunately, there is no half program. Such a machine is only for large volumes of dishes.
  • And there is no “ray on the floor” indicator.
  1. Electrolux, ESF 9451 Rox

A brand whose emphasis is in price. It is of the middle class, especially if you look at the aforementioned brands. But more than one generation pleased with its quality. And it is worth noting that the product corresponds to their price category.

  • This is already a narrow and separately standing model. This attracts most of the hostesses, because there is usually not enough space in the kitchen.
  • Class A, in a small weight - up to 37 kg, and with a width of up to 45 cm.
  • It has slightly lower program indicators (6) and temperature conditions (5).
  • It has a beautiful design with a silver color.
  • There is a fast and high -quality sink of dishes. The function of soaking is provided.
  • There is a complete protection against leaks, and it is also possible to remove the start.
  • It has average indicators for its size in capacity - 9 sets per 9 liters of water.
  • Average noise - 47 dB.
Class a
Class a

But there are also disadvantages:

  • There is no protection against children.
  • The “Ray on the floor” indicator and automatic adjustment of water hardness is not provided.
  • There is no opportunity to use a half washing, since there is no such regime.
  1. Whirlpool, ADG FD model

The American brand, which has existed in the Russian market for about 20 years. This huge company has already absorbed several brands, including Indesit.

  • Full -sized machine, which is built completely and belongs to class A.
  • Quiet - only 44 dB.
  • And also economical - only 0.83 kWh consumes energy.
  • It is designed for 13 sets, consuming only 10 liters.
  • It introduced as many as 10 programs, as well as 8 temperature conditions.
  • There is a complete protection against leaks, a delay, a half and intensive sink, as well as steam processing.
Built -in technique
Built -in technique


  • There is no protection against children.
  • There is no water purity sensor.
  • And the time of ordinary washing takes 200 minutes.
  1. Hansa, ZWM 407 WH model

Another German brand that has a sophisticated design and excellent quality. There are various price categories, but in an acceptable framework.

  • A narrow model, which becomes separate and belongs to class A.
  • Designed for 9 sets and 9 liters of water.
  • Consumes only 0.78 kWh.
  • At the same time, the average cycle covers 178 minutes.
  • Average noise - 47 dB.
  • It has 7 programs and 5 temperature modes.
Narrow model
Narrow model


  • There is no “Ray on the floor” indicator.
  • It is not possible to use “3 in 1” funds.
  • The capacity and average cycle in many cause discontent, therefore, partially belong to the minuses.
  1. Zanussi, ZDV 15001 FA model

Mark, which also received many positive responses. This Italian brand struck customers precisely because devices serve their owners for a very long time. And one cannot fail to note the excellent design of the company.

  • The machine according to the parameters of washing, drying and energy consumption belongs to class A.
  • It is built completely, but has narrow dimensions - 45 cm.
  • Very small weight - only 33 kg!
  • It has a delay - up to 19 hours.
  • It has as many as 9 programs, including a fast, intense and delicate sink.
  • It has a slight energy consumption - 0.8 kWh.
Completes the top ten
Completes the top ten


  • There is no half mode, setting stiffness and protection against children.
  • The capacity is normal - 9 sets, but it requires as much as 13 liters.
  • Average noise - 47 dB.

Best dishwashers: rating, manufacturers, photos

Times are changing, and any technique of even the most famous and popular brand requires improvement. Therefore, every year ratings for dishwashers are changing. It should also be borne in mind that everyone will have their own requirements. Therefore, do not blindly believe the chosen indicators. Purish from personal preferences.

  1. Hansa, ZWM 416 WH model

The budget model, which “pleases” with its characteristics and is not inferior even to well -known brands. I still received a special merit thanks to a beautiful design.

  • Compact and small -sized - width 45 cm, with a weight of 34 kg.
  • The most economical - consumes energy 0.69 kWh!
  • For this size, good capacity - 9 sets per 9 liters of water.
  • It has 6 programs, including intense, delicate and fast washing.
  • It has complete protection against leakage and soaking function.

But there are shortcomings:

  • Noisy - 49 dB.
  • There is no sensor of pure water.
  • There is no protection against children.
  1. Gorenje, model GS53314W

Another model that attracts its price.

  • This is the most convenient and popular compact model of class A.
  • It has small dimensions - 45 cm wide, which is a wonderful solution for small apartments.
  • One cycle consumes energy only 0, 83 kWh.
  • Despite the small size, it contains as many as 10 sets and only 10 liters of water.
  • A regular program takes only 155 minutes and has as many as 8 programs.
  • It has a fast drying and half mode, a start of start and a delicate sink. Protection from children is provided.
Second place
Second place

And the disadvantages:

  • There is no “Ray on the floor” indicator and tasks of water hardness.
  • Only a partial lock from the leak - the case itself.
  1. Bosch, model Serie 4 SPV 40x80

Regardless of the non -fame of the brand, this model has become a real top of sales. And this is an justified explanation. Germany is really responsible for quality. Consider the following advantages:

  • Narrow, embedding class A.
  • It has a low energy consumption indicator - 0.78 kWh.
  • It has a half loading program, full protection against leaks and blocking the door from children.
  • Comains 9 sets per 9 liters of water.


  • Relatively noisy - 48 dB.
  • It has only 4 programs and only 4 temperature modes.
  • The start of the start is possible only for 3-9 hours.
  1. Siemens, IQ500 SC 76M522 model

She will become a reliable and durable assistant to you. There are disadvantages, but they are not so significant. More depends on personal preferences.

  • The machine is partially built -in related to class A.
  • It has a height of up to 60 cm, but the width also covers 60 cm.
  • The average capacity for such a size is 8 sets with a water consumption of 9 liters.
  • There is a complete protection against leaks and protection against children.
  • It has 6 modes, you can postpone the start and select a reduced mode, and also has 5 temperature conditions.
  • Quiet - 45 dB and energy economical - consumes 0, 73kw.
  • Relatively light - 29 kg.
Reliable technique
Reliable technique


  • Such height creates a little inconvenience when laying dishes in a basket.
  • Water consumption for such a volume is slightly overstated.
  • Automatic installation of water hardness is absent in this model.
  • It was also noted that the buttons are not as convenient to use as a sensor.
  1. Electrolux, ESL 94200 LO model

The only catchy minus of such a machine is noisiness. Although it all depends on your requests.

  • Built -in narrow model, class A.
  • There is protection against children, half washing and delay.
  • There is a sound signal and complete protection against leaks.
  • It has 5 programs, which cannot be called a high indicator, as well as only 3 temperature regime.
  • It is designed for 9 sets, which is also not the highest rate.


  • It consumes a lot of water for such a volume - 10 liters.
  • There are few programs, and drying takes a lot of time. And often it is not very high quality.
  • Noisy - 51 dB.
  1. Kuppersberg, GLA 689 model

Not very critical disadvantages, especially when it comes to the indicator.

  • Full -size, fully built -in and belonging only to class A.
  • Relatively quiet - 46 dB.
  • It has 8 programs, including for brittle dishes and for half load.
  • There is a display and complete protection against leaks.


  • 13 liters of water are consumed on 12 devices.
  • There is no “Ray on the floor” indicator.
  • Consumes 1.09 kWh energy.
  1. Bosch, model SMS 40L02

Another model of the famous brand that covered store sales. She absorbed only the most necessary.

  • Class car a/a/a - that is, drying, energy consumption and washing, respectively.
  • There is protection against children and water leaks, moreover, complete.
  • A full -size and separate model, which also includes a quick and high -quality sink.
  • You can set a half mode and turn on the start of the start.
  • It is designed for 12 sets, but she also needs water, respectively - 12 liters. Therefore, this plus is a little comparative “quality”.
Your dishes will be clean-clean
Your dishes will be clean-clean


  • A few programs and modes - 4 each.
  • Water consumption for many also becomes a negative side when buying.
  • And it consumes a lot of energy for one cycle - 1, 05 kWh, although it is a comparative indicator.
  1. Beko, DFS 05010 W Model

The Turkish brand, which "takes" at its slight cost.

  • Refers to class A, separately standing.
  • Economical - consumes only 0.83 kWh.
  • Comains 10 sets, but also consumes 10 liters of water.
  • There are 5 programs, among which you can choose a quick or delicate sink.
  • There is a complete protection against leakage of water.


  • Noisy - 49 dB and has no sound signal at the end.
  • This machine does not have a water pollution sensor!
  • The deferment timer allows you to choose time from only 3 to 9 hours.
  • Relatively heavy - over 40 kg, and has considerable dimensions - 80 cm in width.
  • There is no display and vibration is possible during operation.
  1. Indesit, DIFP 18B1 A model

The slogan of this company is based on durability. And indeed this brand serves many housewives without complaints. It can be in different price categories, but this is a relatively inexpensive model, which attracted a lot of fans. But there are some flaws in it.

  • Another model that is fully built. It also belongs to class A and has low electrical consumption.
  • The number of programs is at least other in demand - 8, temperature conditions are also 6.
  • Spacious - designed for 13 sets. Water consumption is 11 liters, which is a relatively good indicator.
  • It has a soaking function, intensive and “light” washing, depending on the degree of pollution.
  • The display is available. There is a postponement of the start and half the mode. And most importantly - the complete "armor" from leaks of water.
  • The average cycle time is 190 min. We are talking about normal mode.
Will accelerate the cleaning process
Will accelerate the cleaning process


  • The large consumption of electricity (again, depends on which stamps and models to compare) - as many as 1, 04 kWh.
  • Noisy - 49 dB. It is especially noted that the most discomfort is the most discomfort.
  • There is no rigidity regulator, there is also no Ray on the floor indicator, and the ability to use 3 in 1 products.
  • There is no "protection against children"!
  1. Bosch, SMV 40L00 model

This model deserves great attention. It belongs to the middle category, but in its advantages it exceeds even the upper class models. Although there are their nuances that should be taken into account.

  • Class A typewriter, but in terms of energy saving, it refers to a little to the lower (compared to the above brands) category - also A.
  • It is built completely, but much more compact than its "relatives".
  • There is a half load, intense and economical mode.
  • Protection against leaks, a delay and an indicator "Ray on the floor" are provided.

But there are shortcomings:

  • There is no automatic installation of water hardness.
  • Large water consumption. Although the workload is relatively good - for 12 sets. But there will also be 12 liters of water.
  • A small number of programs - only 4 and, accordingly, temperature conditions are also 4.
  • Large energy consumption per cycle - 1, 05 kWh.
  • And a lot of noise delivers during work - up to 48 dB.

Video: How to choose a dishwasher?

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Comments K. article

  1. indesite in the top is definitely deserved, they are well done in washing.

  2. HotPoint is doing better now, it seems to me. Quietly, well launders, looks nice 🙂

  3. Indesit looks good, a little technique will take places, and the company has good reputation

  4. Well, in the parameter, the price/quality now the hotpone leads in the kitchen technique, this is for sure, the washing room pleases just no words))

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