Tibetan Ji Beads - how to wear it correctly: value according to a horoscope, varieties, description, photo

Tibetan Ji Beads - how to wear it correctly: value according to a horoscope, varieties, description, photo

Famous Tibetan amulets and their incredible power are already known around the world. Let's learn more about the incredible power of beads.

If you are looking for a reliable talisman, protection against unkind eyes or an additional source of confidence and energy, then the mysterious Tibetan bead is ideal for you. But how to choose your original talisman?

In the physical sense, these are oblong products, tubular in shape, 2-5 cm long, rarely larger, from chalcedon, with applied, method of chemical persecution, geometric figures.

Tibetan beads of Ji: origin

In Tibet, the meaning of the word Ji is interpreted as "radiance, brightness, clarity, shine."

  • But too many secrets and mysteries are hidden in themselves the ancient Tibetan amulets, their strength and protective power leave no doubt about the magical action. Many people are wondering where these artifacts came from?
  • However, to date, a reliable answer to this question could not be obtained, since any historical research is prohibited in the territory that is considered modern Tibet. Therefore, we got only legends. Some of them are very likely, while others, on the contrary, are obviously untenable.
  • Each of Tibet's provinces live its own legends about how they appeared beads Ji.
  • One version says that in time immemorial, the gods and the flying divine creatures lived in the mountains of Tibet. They flew with dark nights next to human settlements, and once, one of the people, in order to catch a divine creation, threw a lump of dirt into it.
  • The creation lost its purity and fell to the ground, turning into a Ji bead. BUT eye drawing - This, a kind, is the memory of ephemeral creatures about the former appearance.
  • According to another version, the beads belonged to the gods before, but when the beads were bored with them, they were simply thrown to the ground, which explains their imperfection and ancient appearance.
  • Also, there are references to the fact that the stream of Ji continuously erupted on a mountain slope near the Ngari area. One embittered woman “with a bad eye” looked at the mountain and the stream of Ji instantly froze. That is how the characteristic black and white stripes turned out.

What Tibetan beads to buy?

  • The number of original ancient beads is quite insignificant, and demand that exceeds the supply by several times. Ancient beads cannot be openly buy, they are mainly stored in museums, temples and private collections, their price is fabulous.
  • Beads, age, about 100 years, are found more often, they were made by skillful hands of ancient monks, their market value ranges from several thousand dollars. However, they are more appreciated as rare decorations than as reliable talismans, since often their energy field is weighted by previous owners, and they should be worn very carefully so as not to damage the fragile stone.
  • Therefore, in the modern world, Feng Shui masters recommend purchasing more affordable, modern specimens made in Tibet churches. Such beads are energetically clean and will become a reliable assistant.
  • The material from which is now being made Tibetan Ji Beads for Bracelets -Agate, they get in the province of Shangri-la, according to legend, it is here that the point of contact of the sky and the earth is located. The ancient technique of applying patterns is transmitted from the master to the master, and carefully protects.
  • Minerals, of which beads were made, were part of the mountains for many hundreds, or even thousands of years, they absorbed the insurmountable wind power, the inexhaustible energy of the sun and the wisdom of speed time. That is how the soul arose in the stone, the boundless and devoted wisdom of centuries -old amulets, for which they are highly appreciated all over the world.

Tibetan beads of Ji: Value according to the horoscope

There are several ways to choose a talisman suitable for you. The first way is the selection of beads according to the horoscope.

Choose your year of birth and see the recommendations:

For the year
For the year

As you can see from the table, the eastern horoscope is divided into 4 groups, which is similar skipping a European horoscope into the elements.

  • However, this method, according to professionals in the field of energy amulets, is not quite complete, it covers only a small number of types of beads and does not fully meet the needs and desires of their owners. Although, one cannot deny the fact that this table can serve as a kind of guideline when choosing a protective talisman for the first time.
  • The most reliable way to select beads, accurate and effective, is an intuitive choice. A person must slowly look at the proposed amulets and turn to the one for which he will catch a look. As practice shows, it is this talisman that reflects hidden desires or patronizes precisely the area in which a person needs help, protection or support.
  • You can carefully read the list of existing types of Tibetan beads and choose what needs to be strengthened or protected at the moment.
  • Let's see in more detail what kind of views exist Tibetan beads Ji And what does this or that pattern mean.

Tibetan beads of Ji: the meaning of beads with eyes

It is known that beads, which depict a lot of "eyes" are designed to detect evil intentions and suppress them - on tibetan Busin Ji You can see many different combinations of the eyes, and each of them has different values.

  • One -eyed bead Ji - This is a bead of light, it improves the process of thinking and increases wisdom.
  • Double -eyed Ji It is designed to ensure harmony in pairs; It helps to build a happy union, a successful career and good relations with others.
  • Three -eyed bead Ji presents three components of good luck: happiness, honor and longevity. This is an amulet of wealth and health, bringing a constant fart.
  • Four -eyed beads It helps to overcome negative forces, removes obstacles, increases the weight of merits and prolongs life, helps to fight with their own internal demons spoiling human life. Protects against negative energy influences, evil eye, other negativity.
  • Five -eyed Ji It is considered a magical element and is in great demand. It contributes to a person in obtaining what he wants, this is a very welcome talisman of boundless happiness.
  • Six -eyed Ji He will relieve sadness, suffering in life and lead to meet Fortune. It can help find what is the root cause of happiness and directs to improve the karmic conditions, through the development of 6 degrees of existence, the way out of misunderstandings and observance of paradigms of happiness.
  • Seven -eyed Ji It helps to get well -deserved glory, to step on the path of spiritual perfection, to achieve take -off in career, wealth, strong relations, health and long life.
  • Eight -eyed Ji Protects from troubles and disasters. Helps the owner find and stay on the right track. At the same time, a person achieves the calmness of the mind, is not distracted by pondering small difficulties, but carefully makes decisions associated with the implementation of important life tasks.
  • 9th-eyed bead Ji Helps the owner of the talisman to accumulate or increase material well -being, achieve good health, quick achievements, get a source of internal power, learn compassion, expel evil from his soul.
  • Ten -eyed Ji It will help to successfully overcome any obstacles to the development of a career, helps to get positive reviews about you from others and portends a happy relationship with your husband/wife.
  • Busina Ji 11 eyes Helps get rid of evil or unkind intentions and reduces the craving for various kinds of negatives - negative thoughts or feelings, leads to the peace of heart and mind. Often it is such a talisman that people who want to move spiritually choose.
  • Twelve -eyed Ji It will help to find hidden opportunities in a person and surpass any expectations, achieve glory and recognition. It is suitable for people of power professions - police officers, emergency assistance services, army servants, and athletes in all types of struggle.
  • Thirteen -eyed Ji - It has mystical properties, allows you to learn how to communicate with ancestors or with other dimensions and realities. Strengthen the ability to astral travel or conscious dreams.
  • Busina Ji 14 eyes Helps protect the mind from disorder and deal with the problems of karma.
  • Fifteen -eyed Ji will strengthen the wisdom of the owner, facilitate human suffering and bring general luck to human life. Develops a person’s ability to be convincing in any conversation, through the removal of blocks of the throat chakra.
  • Busina Ji 16 eyes Returns fun to life. It reminds that thanks to a positive attitude and sincere joy, you can get everything. It helps to reflect sadness, depression, melancholy, sadness.
  • And 17 eyes It can help improve self -esteem. This allows others to see you the way you see yourself in your subconscious. It has the ability to create a peculiar cocoon of protection against negativity, will help learn to better understand human nature.
  • Eighteen -eyed Ji It can help protect his owner from obsessive ideas and coercion, from the adoption of personality traits. Alcoholism, drug addiction, sexual dependence, gambling and all other dependencies.
  • Nineteen -eyed amulet Enhances the owner's ability to show and materialize the necessary things in his life.
  • The twenty -eyed bead Ji Helps in purification. This Ji can speed up the process of preparing the owner to complete the rebirth cycle, which is quite rare among other amulets. In fact, this bead helps to get rid of all karmic sins and completely clear karma.
  • Busina Ji 21 eyes. The main power of the talisman is the strengthening of magical power, it realizes what you want. In combination with other beads, their strength increases significantly. Due to such properties, this amulet is very popular.

Tibetan beads Ji: Catalog

And now a more detailed description of the "free" beads.

  • 2 eyes of Phoenix - Assistant in love, the creation of harmonious unions in all life areas.
  • 5 bats - It is good for all aspects of the mind, but the most strong in the subconscious and unconscious, attracts longevity, and will provide the highest degree of protection.
  • Bodhi - Gives you a generous and condescending heart, reveals virtues, protects from misfortunes.
  • Big man - clarifies thoughts and improves memory, develops logic.
  • Diamond - In case of problems, be sure to use an amulet that helps to cope with obstacles and facilitates the path to achieving goals.
  • Lotus bottle - symbolizes the unsolved abilities that are inside and are ready for awakening.
  • Vajra - It helps to learn how to manage surrounding people and contributes to a better concentration of thoughts.
  • Wave - Promotes the achievement of the material state and balances the emotional sphere of life.
  • Universe (and other names that are depicted in the picture) - This is a source of happiness and positive karma. This bead of Ji can help overcome negative forces from enemies and competitors. It is believed that dragons live and, perhaps, are a source of life and a source of all physical strength.
  • Mountain peak (mountains) - Files internal forces, helps to focus on upcoming affairs.
  • Garuda - The magic bird of the Hindu religion, popular in most of Indonesia and other areas, where Hinduism and Buddhism mixed with each other. A symbol of enormous strength, speed and combat courage. It will help the winner from any life situation.
  • Guan Yin - This is a symbol of the goddess of compassion and mercy. She reveals in women all the facets of the female essence, helps to cope with the consequences of education and children's injuries.
According to needs
According to needs
  • Double tiger fang - this tibetan Busina Ji Helps to develop spiritual strength in itself, contributes to cleansing of negativity and overcoming obstacles. Very popular because of her spiritual qualities.
  • Money hook - Opening a gift of foresight, the owner will be able to more specifically see those areas of activity that will bring him maximum benefit.
  • The Dragon - It helps to eliminate vanity and rumors, cope with negative energy.
  • Star - Most often, it was this talisman that is chosen in order to accumulate material wealth, which is attracted as a magnet.
  • Green container - This extraordinary bead favors in getting rid of pain and suffering, is often used by women who want to become pregnant, and also extends life.
  • Golden Key - Used as a conductor for your dream. This talisman allows us to identify the true desires of the owner, to get rid of everything alien or imposed, to see your true purpose.
  • Tiger tooth - It eliminates fears, enhances self -confidence, lights inner power.
  • Wheel of Fortune - It attracts good luck in any spheres of human life, regardless of whether it concerns business, study or career.
  • Cubera - As a symbol of the god of wealth and abundance, it will help you preserve and increase capital, you will better control the expenses and do not lower the money for the nonsense.
  • Lotus - Give perfection and harmony.
  • Horse - And to be more precise, then the horse of the wind symbolizes endurance, beauty and freedom. Suitable for overcoming barriers in life, will help to balance the connection between the mind and heart.
  • Medicine - Helps everyone who is engaged in cure (healers, doctors) make the right decisions, purify and restore their energy, and promote the restoration of patients.
  • Lightning - A symbol of education. It contributes to the exit from the abyss of ignorance, favors the acquisition of new useful knowledge and skills.
  • Heaven and earth - The owner of such an amulet will be easy to find allies, it gives confidence in her abilities.
  • Nector Vascular abundance (longevity) - Protects from accidents, brings good luck and increases virtue.
  • Striped bead - It works for the benefit of its owner in any situation, allowing even in negative cases to benefit. Promotes the harmonization of life.
  • Birds - It is best suited to people of public professions (teachers, musicians, actors, speakers, etc.) to those associated with a symbolic expression of thought through texts, music, paintings, etc. Helps to find inspiration.
  • Rui - gives influence, strength and success in managing affairs.
  • Swastika (HO-TU) - This is an old symbol that indicates the light of the Buddha. This symbol helps to comprehend the laws of the universe. It will be useful to those who need victory in the trial.
  • Heart - A talisman who will help you find and reveal the sources of your inner life force.
Improvement and deliverance
Improvement and deliverance
  • mortar and pestle - as a symbolic image of labor associated with the manufacture of drugs and the treatment of patients. This bead helps the healer’s mind, affects the roots/sources of the disease rather than symptoms. This bead can help remove the roots of the disease and controls their growth.
  • Happiness (insect) - This amulet symbolizes wonderful blessings abundance, happiness, luck and longevity.
  • Hat dharma - Protects from the effects of superstitions and bad predictions, protects against spells and curses.
  • Ji Chakra - It is necessary for everyone who wants to increase well -being.
  • Ji Turtle - It is necessary for sick, as it perfectly strengthens the immunity and helps with various even chronic ailments.

Tibetan Ji Beads: How to wear it correctly?

Since the main purpose of the amulet is an energy exchange with the owner, with its magnetic field, several basic rules should be observed in order to get the maximum benefit from this exchange.

For good
For good
  • Tibetan Busina Ji should be located in direct contact with your body, on throat chakra level. It is also quite convenient to wear a bracelet with Ji beads, which are located on the inside of the hand, in contact with a pulsating point on the wrist.
  • Put your Ji as often as possible to ensure constant energy contact with the amulet.
  • When you do not wear a bead, carefully put it on a soft fabric, higher than other things, thus providing her due attention and respect.
  • Is always remove jewelry with ji before swimmingsince moisture adversely affects their condition.
  • Always take off your ji before you are going to do something disrespectful (smoking, alcohol, deception, etc.) so as not to nourish the talisman by pernicious energy.
  • Do not let anyone touch your talisman. The exception is only those beads that are designed to help a couple or family.
Personal talisman
Personal talisman
  • If you plan to take part in spiritual practices, be sure to put on your talisman, this will allow him to be fed with positive energy.
  • After staying next to the dead, even animals, your bead Ji needs cleaning. For this, special practices are used - aroma, singing bowls, reading mantras, breathing energy metabolism.
  • Sincerely take care of your amulet, and then it will serve you faithfully for a long time.

Video: What are Ji Beads?

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  1. How to contact you and where are you? I'm in St. Petersburg

  2. How can I find you?

  3. hello. Help me to choose which stones and which ji is sweating. Bead to Virgo, a man .14091973. I ask you!

  4. hello. Help me to choose which stones and which ji is to be sweat. In the sign of Virgo, a man. 14091973.

  5. hello. Help me to choose which stones and which ji is to be sweat. In the sign of Virgo, a man. 14091973.

  6. I am for nine -eyed Ji. I bought my charming bracelet by promotion

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