Teraflex for joints: capsules, cream, application, contraindications for use. How to find out that the joints fell ill? What is useful and harmful to the joints?

Teraflex for joints: capsules, cream, application, contraindications for use. How to find out that the joints fell ill? What is useful and harmful to the joints?

From this article you will learn what the Teraflex heals.

Joints are a connective tissue between bones in our body. Joints can hurt in children and adults. The reasons for this are different: stretching, injuries, joint wear. In adulthood, the Teraflex joints helps well. We will talk about this in this article.

How can we find out that the joints are sick?

When the joints hurt, they make themselves felt by the following sensations:

  • Pain in the place of one or more joints
  • Swelling and redness at the place of pain
  • Harden

What is useful for joints?

The most useful for the joints is movement

What is useful for our joints?

  • Movement
  • Products containing vitamin D (cod liver and tuna, fish, especially sea, and seafood, cream, sour cream, milk, all kinds of vegetable oils, nuts)
  • Products containing vitamin A (apricots and dried apricots, plums and prunes, black -bearing mountain ash, apples, raspberries)
  • Honey

What harms the joints?

And what harms our joints?

  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Raising large weights
  • Cold
  • Overheating in the sun
  • Frequent intestinal disorders
  • Extra pounds in weight
  • Transferred bruises, fractures and bone injuries
  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Smoking
  • Coffee and strong black tea

What is Teraflex?

Teraflex - medicine for sore joints. It is available in 2 types:

  • Capsules
  • Cream

Teraflex capsules: Description

Teraflex capsules

The main active substances of the Teraflex capsules are:

  • Glucosamine hydrochloride
  • Chondroitin

In addition, the medicine includes:

  • Sodium sulfate
  • Manganese sulfate
  • Magnesium stearat
  • Stearic acid

In addition to the above ingredients, different manufacturers add pharmaceutical supplements:

  • The Teraflex Advance includes Ibuprofen
  • In "Teraflex m" - Campara with mint

Capsules are produced by pharmaceutical factories of 30, 60 and 100 pieces. Capsules are taken inside, washed down with water.

Cream "Teraflex": Description

Cream "Teraflex"

The cream "Theraflex" is used to lubricate sore joints from the outside.

The main treating in the cream "Theraflex" is chondroitin and glucosamine. In addition, the cream includes:

  • Camphor
  • Peppermint
  • Aloe extract
  • Lanolin and others. Substances in small quantities

The cream happens in tubes of 28 and 56 g. It has a white color with a yellowish tint, with the smell of campara with menthol.

What is the action of the Teraflex?

The composition "Teraflex"

The main component glucosamineMogling in Theraflex helps:

  • Stop in the cartilage tissues of the joints further destruction
  • Helps to produce synovial fluid to lubricate the joints
  • Gives elasticity cartilage
  • Inhibits the aging of the joints

Component chondroitin applies as follows:

  • Does not allow pathogens to further destroy the cartilage in the joints
  • Makes cartilage fibers more durable
  • Supports the desired viscosity of the synovial fluid washing our joints
  • Makes the joints as mobile and flexible, which were before
  • Supports the best blood flow into the joints
  • Relieves joint inflammation

When taking orally, 25% of the active substance from the drug remains close to 3 days in the joints, kidneys, liver and muscles. It is excreted mainly through the kidneys.

Attention. The persistent effect of treatment with the drug "Teraflex" will be with prolonged use of the drug.

Indications for the use of "Teraflex"

The following diseases are treated with capsules and cream "Teraflex":

  • Joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis)
  • Spinal diseases (osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, spondylosis)
  • Further treatment after injuries and bone fractures, joint damage

The first 3 weeks "Teraflex" in capsules prescribes a doctor 1 capsule 3 times per day, take them regardless of food. Then treatment lasts 1 capsule 2 times a day. Fully the course of treatment lasts 3-6 months, then a break, and you can repeat the treatment again.

Cream "Teraflex" They spread on a clean intact skin with a thin layer, 3 times a day.

Note. If we take Teraflex capsules along with antibiotics (“tetracycline” and analogues), then the absorption of the antibiotic increases.
The action of antibiotics (“chloramphenicol” and analogues, “penicillin”), along with the Teraflex capsules, decreases, and anticoagulants (drugs prescribed for thrombosis) increase.

Contraindications to the use of Teraflex capsules and their side effects

Teraflex capsules cannot be treated with the following diseases:

  • Severe kidney diseases
  • Allergy to substances contained in the drug
  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding of a baby
  • Children have not reached 15 years of age
  • People predisposed to bleeding
  • With alcohol intoxication

Note. The cream "Theraflex" cannot be smeared with damaged areas of the skin. Carefully prescribe the Teraflex capsules to sick people for bronchial asthma and diabetes.

By side manifestations after the adoption of the Teraflex capsules may be the following:

  • Allergic reaction with redness of some skin areas
  • Swelling on the legs and arms
  • Manifestation of insomnia or constant drowsiness
  • Intestinal disorder
  • Constipation
  • Pain in the stomach
  • Headaches, in some cases of migraines
  • Cardiopalmus

So, we got acquainted with the medicine in capsules, and in the form of a cream - "thefter".

Video: "Teraflex" 3 months. It takes time to restore

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