The topic “Always tell the truth is courage or stupidity, or cowardice”: arguments for composing

The topic “Always tell the truth is courage or stupidity, or cowardice”: arguments for composing

How to write an essay on the topic "Always tell the truth - courage or stupidity or cowardice"

  • Can a lie be a necessity? Is it stupid to confess in your mistakes?
  • We offer to consider this issue in more detail, because among school works the topic of truth, courage and cowardice remains relevant today.

The topic “Always tell the truth is courage or stupidity, or cowardice”: arguments for composing

  • Speak or not to speak? Pure conscience and avalanche problems or silence and troubled sleep at night? Often such a dilemma does not give rest and makes you rethink your own behavior, look for flaws in your words and actions.
  • Is it worth it to admit that it will invariably lead to trouble? After all, this is stupid: putting your own sticks in the wheels. In some situations, the person said by a person is true fraught with consequences, which for a long time will have to be remembered with an unpleasant weight in the soul.
  • But there are daredevils who are able to tell the truth in such moments when the other would be scared.
  • Classical literature is rich in such examples. Reading the work of M.A. Sholokhov “Fate of man” we are convinced that lies can be used for good purposes.
The main characters of Sholokhov's work is the fate of man
The main characters of the work of Sholokhov M. A. "The fate of man"
  • The protagonist Andrei Sokolov is left without a family by the time of returning from the front. However, fate does not leave him alone. The man learns about the boy Vanyusha, who also became an orphan during the war.
  • The boy dreams that his father will find him and they will forever remain together. Andrei considers the adoption strategy, in which the boy could not find out about the death of his father.
  • Sokolov seems to Vanyushka his dad, happy the orphan. For both, this was a difficult time, and Sokolov made a decision that radically changed two lives: his own and Vanyushkin.
  • After reading the work of Sholokhov M.A. We can conclude about the use of lies for the benefit.

But there is another line of such actions: only incredible courage is able to move a person to tell the truth and take responsibility for all the arising consequences.

  • In the novel by Dostoevsky F.M. “Crime and punishment” after a committed double murder, the protagonist experiences the torment of conscience for a long time. Analyzing the incident every minute, Rodion Raskolnikov comes to the conclusion that he was ready to accept the punishment, subsequently after the confession of his guilt for the acts committed.
  • Throughout the novel, the main character does not express his feelings, gloomy and taciturn. In his reasoning goes so far that it seems to the reader heartless and indifferent to what is happening.
  • However, after recognizing Rodion, one can talk about a person who committed a bold act, being ready to answer for a crime.
Student Raskolnikov gloomy and taciturn
Student Raskolnikov gloomy and taciturn
  • Courage and wisdom manifests itself in situations where at the right time there are no doubts and a person instead of bitter truth changes reality, does not stupid and does not allow his inner “I” to influence his own actions, finding himself in the eyes of others.

What qualities do we give an intelligent person? Of course, this is an honest person, because we all want to hear the truth from others exclusively. However, few are able to act according to generally accepted moral standards. There are thorough reasons for this. Let's try to figure it out and answer the question, is it worth it with everyone and in any situation to remain extremely honest? Will it be courage or others will consider the truth stupidity?

Video: “Courage and cowardice” Example of composition analysis of topics.

Choosing between the injured truth and pleasant hearing a lie, it is worth considering the problem from two sides.

Side first:

  • The courage in this context is something that is associated with enormous responsibility to yourself and others. It can be difficult to tell the truth, to defend your opinion in any situation is not very simple. But it is the courage and hard inner rod that allows a person to remain faithful to himself, not to be afraid to say what he really thinks.
  • True, sometimes turns into serious consequences. In the work of Sholokhov M. “The Fate of Man”, the protagonist Andrei Sokolov showed great masculinity and showed that love for his homeland could be strong and sincere. Knowing his faithful death, the protagonist, being in the camp, refuses to drink with a ruthless German Müller for the victory of Germany.
  • Andrei is not limited to the rejection of treats, but he still finds the courage to express his opinion on the trial of the war, to say that Russia in this battle will be the winner. Opponents appreciated Sokolov’s sincerity, realizing his readiness to die for the truth.
Sokolov and Miller: a work of Sholokhov M.A. The fate of man
Sokolov and Miller: a work of Sholokhov M.A. "The fate of man"

Side second:

  • The above truth can be regarded as stupidity. Yes, we do not want to be deceived and allow situations when others build another reality around us.
  • But after all, there are also such straightforward and tactless people who allow themselves to say everything they think. For this category of people, it is not particularly important what the interlocutor thinks and feels, whether he likes to hear the truth about himself. To offend, injure, lose confidence - these are the likely consequences of the truth, said not to place!
  • A well -educated person will not “broadcast” about his interlocutor everything that he thinks, because he is not indifferent to other people's feelings. And the truth may sound like a typical tactlessness. There are times when I want to convey to others the truth unpleasant for them. In this case, it is worthwhile to think about whether it will be better to embellish what has been said, or at all - to remain silent.
  • The own opinion expressed in a negative way about a person can not only offend him: the words will leave the wound in the soul, it can be difficult and painful from words. This happens if they talk about appearance, about the past that a person is trying to hide or forget.
It is not always possible and should tell the truth about others
  • The works of writers have many similar examples. One of them is described in the children's fairy tale of Wilhelm Hauf "Dwarf Nose". The boy so offended the old woman with an ugly appearance that she decided to take revenge on him. The protagonist was turned into a dwarf-hawk and is forced to adapt to a new life.
Little Longnose
Little Longnose

Everything has its own boundaries. Honesty is no exception. There are situations in life when the truth is not perceived as courage, but as stupidity.

How to properly regard honesty, and when is it appropriate?

  • When the truth is voiced for the benefit of others, or defending their principles.
  • If the truth is spoken not with care of others, but for any personal reasons, then such honesty is considered stupidity.

The timidity characteristic of some also complicates life, because you have to constantly agree with what others impose on you. In the absence of courage, it is difficult to say no, refuse.

  • As a rule, there are more and more requests and requirements over time, and a shy person cannot fight back and begin to openly oppress him. A similar situation, however, brought to the point of absurdity, is described in the story of A.P. Chekhov "Prophet".
  • The main character is silent even when she is unfairly deprived of the money earned. Courage should be shown not only in emergency situations. Everyday life also requires the power of the spirit from us to stand up for ourselves.
The main character of the story A.P. Chekhova is not able to stand up for herself
The main character of the story A.P. Chekhova is not able to stand up for herself

Video: A.P. Chekhov - "spread"

You need to be a brave person to recognize your own wrong. But the concept of courage can be replaced by excessive self -confidence, risky, bordering on short -sightedness and lack of a rational view of what is happening.

What does false courage mean and whom do we usually call a coward?

Importable consequences await the one whose courage takes on the form of excessive self -confidence. We take courage exclusively to the positive qualities of character. However, it is possible to speak in such a vein only on condition that this quality is associated with intelligence. The danger is the courage of the fool.

The main character of the novel Hero of our time
The main character of the novel "Hero of our time"
  • An example of false courage is shown in the novel by Lermontov M.Yu. "Hero of our time". From the head of Princess Mary, the reader learns about the Junker Grushnitsky, for which external manifestations of courage are of great importance.
  • To produce an effect on people, to talk with ornate phrases, to excessively take care of your military uniform is what bothers him first. Its manifestations of courage are rather ostentatious, which are not used in conditions of a real threat.
  • Confirmation of this is the duel of Pechorin and Grushnitsky. Grushnitsky acts meanly, without charging the enemy’s gun, and is in a difficult situation.
  • Pechorin puts forward an ultimatum: ask for forgiveness or being killed. Grushnitsky is not able to step over his own pride, and confess, therefore ready to die with false courage. Do you need courage from which no one has benefits? Indeed, in life it is sometimes important to have the courage to admit your mistake.

Video: "Courage and cowardice." Final composition No. 14 (arguments)

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