Fox tattoo: image, meaning for girls, guys, places of application, style, details. Fox tattoo on the arm, leg, wrist, forearm, thigh, side, back for girls, guys: photos, ideas, sketches

Fox tattoo: image, meaning for girls, guys, places of application, style, details. Fox tattoo on the arm, leg, wrist, forearm, thigh, side, back for girls, guys: photos, ideas, sketches

Today, the tattoo is of particular importance, it has long been not a sign of belonging to the criminal world, not a symbol of protest and not even a tribute to fashion. And in this topic we will consider the symbolic meaning of a tattoo in the form of a fox.

Almost every young man or girl, especially at a young age, thought about the method of self -identification. And then the symbols that someone created in his imagination were born, someone found in the appropriate talismans, and someone decided to portray on his body in a tattoo. And this, perhaps, is the most brave decision, akin to ritual, as a kind of oath of fidelity to ideas and at the same time - a message to the world of his life credo. Moreover, each sketch has its own peculiarity, and we propose to consider what the fox tattoo means.

What image does the fox tattoo bearing?

It is believed that a tattoo can not only tell about the inner world and values \u200b\u200bof a person, but also significantly change his fate. Therefore, before deciding to apply some kind of symbol to your body, you should think very well about whether it is really the personification of your ideas and goals. And the fox tattoo also has a little controversial opinions about its significance. It should be borne in mind that not only the symbol itself determines the person’s self -identification, but also the option of his image, as well as the place of tattoo.

  • Consider an example with a fox whose image In Russian folkloreit was always associated with cunning, deceitful and insidiousness. It is hardly possible to recall the Russian folk tale, where the fox is portrayed as a victim. Usually its role is always to leave the "dry from the water."
    • In those days when tattoos were considered the privilege of the criminal world and determined the status of criminal elements, the image of the fox most often “decorated” the body Card shuler or killer of his beloved.That is, a cunning, vile and dangerous person, whom even the cellmates were afraid of.
Each nation has its own interpretation
Each nation has its own interpretation
  • In Scandinavian mythology, the fox was a symbol of fraud, the Egyptians considered it the personification of hypocrisy and viciousness, the Romans - the messenger of the devil on Earth.
  • But not everywhere the image of a fox caused such associations. In the eastthis animal has always been considered a symbol Chinese longevity, Japanese prosperity and protection, as well as Korean sexuality.Although there there is a belief that foxes are able to turn into beautiful women and beg men, taking energy from them.

Important: but there is a Chinese proverb that is based on choosing a place of housing depending on the habitat of the fox. If such a cunning animal did not build a single hole in the selected place, then it is worth fearful of trouble and not to build your housing here.

  • Also adherents of red -haired beauty were indigenous Americans - Their fox carries good luck and profit!
  • Most nations Due to the bright red-colored fox, they associate it with the elements of fire, as well as the earth.It is worth paying attention to this when applying a tattoo to those born under the signs of these elements. But water or air personalities should choose another color for the fox and generally apply this symbol with caution.
On the back
On the back

What does a fox tattoo mean for a girl?

More often, the fox tattoo is like girls. This is not surprising, because some of them are attracted by the image of a cunning, insidious and sexy hunter for men.

On the caviar
On the caviar
  • Although, far from always the girls endow the tattoo with this meaning. Often the fox is associated with them with the image of a "cunning rogue", Easy to get out of different life situations.
  • Or with the image of a "red beast" capable of To captivate men with their attractiveness.
  • Many give this image a symbol of mystery, mind, rebirth, tendency to self -development and improvement. In any case, the image of the fox in the tattoo is more impresses narcissistic natures that are not afraid to stand out from the gray mass!
  • Again we turn to the opinion of other peoples about the tattoo of the fox:
    • the Japanese in the modern tattoo of the fox see Promotion on the career ladder.Such a symbol gives the owner strength and resourcefulness to advance or develop in terms of business. Moreover, for both sexes;
    • in Egypt, the value of the fox as a tattoo for a woman spoke of her windiness and inconstancy.
  • But in any case, such a tattoo says About the desire to show your independence!This image is chosen exclusively strong and confident women. But do not forget that the style and color palette plays a big role.

What does a fox tattoo mean for a guy, men?

In our culture, the fox tattoo has more a feminine, so for men it is a double symbol.

  • In one case, applying a fox tattoo, strong representatives see in this image A symbol of fidelity,since in nature these animals create constant, devoted pairs to each other. By the way, the same opinion is the Egyptians! They have just a masculine tattoo, which still speaks of the courage and firmness of character.
  • But there is a reverse side - This is a symbol of freedom.T.K. It is known that getting into the trap, the fox would rather bite off his paw than to wait for his own death. But this freedom also speaks for such qualities as Intelligence, determination and the ability to stand to the last!
  • Especially if there is a threat to family members. For men, the image of a fox always carries Living mind, good dexterity and the ability to adapt.
On the foot
On the foot
  • The image of a little fox, which young guys sometimes choose for themselves, says About a high degree of self -esteem.And also that being at the initial stage of the life path, they believe in their special purpose in this world.
An experience
An experience

Fox tattoo and application place

To apply tattoos of the fox, men most often choose the forearm, neck or lower leg:

  • Fox image on the forearm More associated With fidelity.In this place, a man wants to show pride in his family and a persistent struggle for it if necessary;
  • On a leg or neck, On the contrary, the fox tattoo is connected With independence and ambition.In such a man, he is more worried about himself and his freedom. And perhaps he simply did not find that only partner.

Girls often apply a fox tattoo:

  • on the hip, as a symbol of attractiveness and sexuality;
  • a small pattern of a fox applied on the wrist,speaks of the mystery of nature;
  • large drawing on the back, Augered by bright elements - an ornament or flowers, mature women most often choose. After all, he says that his owner was able to adequately overcome all life hardships and go out the winner;
Without color
Without color
  • stomach or lateral part of the ribs- This is a place for sexuality and attracting the attention of men;
  • on the shoulder, lower leg or foot The tattoo will tell you about the courage and desire to change his life, bring bright colors and even extremely to it.
On the hip
On the hip

Fox tattoo: drawing styles and accent on details

Today there are many styles of tattooing - from realism characterized by natural features of the image, to stylized paintings in which the image is blurred or barely guessed. All of them, of course, have the right to exist, and each of them finds its admirers. But still it is worth highlighting what value the fox tattoo and her pose are given:

On the chest
On the chest
  • if a close -up is portrayed The grown face of the fox- This is an emphasis on aggression or willingness to defense;
  • sweet muzzle And the emphasis on it is curiosity;
  • squinted eyes - cunning and cunning;
  • pressed ears - insidiousness;
  • white fox, Only his muzzle, which is seriously looking - this is a desire for business growth;
  • image Plastic bodyfox speaks of sexuality, playfulness and attractiveness;
  • rolled into a ball Or a sleeping fox demonstrates loneliness, a desire for warmth and comfort.
Smart fox
Smart fox

Important: the color palette should be within the orange-red ring. But you should not choose too bright colors, since red color can cause irritability and even aggressiveness. But faded colors are not suitable for such a bright character, the fox loves attention to herself.


Accent on additional details:

  • the fox goes well with almost any Forest animals.But you must understand that aggressive drawings will and you will cause these qualities. Therefore, animals should "be friends";
  • they are a great addition Flowers and plants.The fox with a rose is especially well combined, as a symbol of wisdom and great courage, determination;
  • if you decorate the tattoo intricate patterns and smooth lines,then this speaks of great love for freedom;
  • original fox or in the style of "watercolor" He speaks for the great creative potential of her carrier, which she will help him reveal;
  • black and white fox - This is a desire to show yourself, to convey your importance to others;
  • realistic picture He speaks for great courage and courage.

As you can see, the fox tattoo has a lot of meanings that sometimes even contradict each other. But there is one rule - you should not just like the picture, you must be related to him with his soul!

Fox tattoo on different parts of the body: ideas, photo for inspiration

On the foot
On the foot
In the Japanese style
In the Japanese style
With humor
With humor
Black and white
Black and white
Fox tattoo
On the hand
On the hand
In details
In details
On the foot
On the foot
On the wrist
On the wrist
On the back
On the back

Fox tattoo: sketches for different parts of the body, for girls and guys

With a sword
With a sword
Fox tattoo
Fox tattoo
In full height
In full height
With details
With details
Girl, fox, fox tail
Girl, fox, fox tail
A glomerulus
A glomerulus
Little sketches
Little sketches

Video: Fox tattoo - meaning

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