Tan and Ayran: What is the difference between drinks? Which is better, more useful from drinks: Tan or Ayran? How to drink a drink and ayran: tips correctly

Tan and Ayran: What is the difference between drinks? Which is better, more useful from drinks: Tan or Ayran? How to drink a drink and ayran: tips correctly

Useful information about sour -milk products of Tan and Ayran.

More recently, the range of sour -milk products was replenished with drinks of Tan and Ayran. Let's get acquainted with them in this article.

What is it, and what do you make a drink and ayran from a drink?

These two drinks are fermented milk products.

  • The basis of the tana is Matsoni obtained by fermentation of boiled milk. For the starter culture, streptococci with a Bulgarian stick are used. Next, it is diluted to the desired consistency with water and salt. If carbonated water is added to the drink, it turns out soda.
  • For the preparation of Ayran, two main products are needed: lactic acid and alcohol. In warm milk, they put the leaven (katyk), salt. Water is not added or very little.

What is the difference between tan and ayran: comparison of drinks, difference

A simple layman, using these tonics occasionally, is unlikely to notice the difference. For real lovers of these products, these are completely different products.
In fact, Ayran and Tan have differences:

  1. In production technology
  2. In appearance
  3. To taste
Ayran Tan
Raw materials for manufacturing
  • Milk of cows, goats, sheep sometimes adds katyk
  • Milk and camel milk
Preparation method
  • With the help of sourdough, bacteria and yeast, with the addition of a roller, water and a small portion of salt to milk.
  • Katyk is made of boiled milk and lactic acid bacteria.
  • The fermentation process is carried out by a Bulgarian stick, streptococcus thermophilic and yeast.
  • Milk is given to stand in a warm place until sour, until it becomes like a kefir.
  • Prepared by a non -exposure way.
  • The basis is the sourdough of Matsun, which is poured into milk, then diluted with salt water.
  • Matsoni is very similar to yogurt.
  • For its manufacture, a Bulgarian stick and streptococcus are thermophilic.
  • Can be liquid or thick
  • Always liquid
Taste additives
  • Has not
  • Cucumbers or greens
  • Soft, practically not salty.
  • Carbonated water is not added.
  • It is the optimal basis for cold summer soups.
  • Due to its slight -salt, it goes well with fruits.
  • A thick consistency of the drink helps to quench hunger.
  • If you dilute it with water or milk, you can successfully use it to quench thirst.
  • Saturated, salt is strongly felt.
  • It may be both not carbonated and carbonated. In connection with what is optimal for cooking okroshka
  • It is impossible to prepare ayran from Tana, and from Ayran a great sour-milk product is obtained-Tan

Video: Tan and Ayran: What is the difference

Which is better, useful - Tan or Ayran: the benefits of drinks and harm

Having significant differences in both sour -milk drinks are very useful. The bacteria available in the sourdough contribute to the production of various vitamins.
The unique composition of products contributes to:

  • Improving intestinal microflorah
  • Fat splitting
  • The conclusion of toxic substances from the body
  • Cleansing the body of intermediate products of metabolism
  • Increased tone
  • Removal of muscle fatigue syndrome
  • Normalization of appetite
  • Activation of digestive and metabolism functions

Having many useful properties, there are some contraindications to the use of fermented milk drinks.
Do not take products in the presence of:

  • Hypertensive diseases
  • Increased acidity of the stomach
  • Pathology of the kidneys
  • Individual intolerance

In addition, exclusively fresh and correctly prepared drinks should be consumed. Otherwise, the reaction of the body may be unpredictable

Tang and ayran drink: chemical composition, calorie content


  1. calcium
  2. phosphorus
  3. proteins
  4. vitamins
  5. amino acids
  6. lactic acid
  7. bacteria of fermentation

The traditional composition of drinks:

  • Water - approximately 90%
  • Fat, protein - about 2%
  • Lactic acid - at least 1%

Have a minimum calorie content from 20 to 100 kcal per 100 ml/

Which drink is soda: Tan or Ayran?

  • The technology of preparing a tan provides for dilution with water, sometimes carbonated
  • Ayran never is soda

How to drink a drink and ayran: tips correctly

  • Before consuming the dairy drinks in question, shake them. This is done to connect the protein base and the separated serum
  • Take the cocktails fresh, preferably no later than a day from the moment of preparation
  • When consumed for the first time, make 2-3 small sips to check the reaction of the body
  • To strengthen the encouraging, tonic taste, pour pieces of ice and herbs:
  • basilica
  • dill
  • cins
  • parsley
  • mint, etc.
  • Do not drink a tonic at night, as it has diuretic properties

Tan or Ayran: which is better from a hangover?

Both drinks perfectly normalize water-salt metabolism in the body, which helps to fight a hangover syndrome.

The considered drinks are used by most inhabitants of mountainous areas and deserts for many years.

  • They are satisfying and nutritious
  • Do a great thirst
  • Saturated with a huge amount of vitamins, trace elements and amino acids

Thanks to this, it is currently becoming increasingly popular among modern residents of megacities.

Video: Ayran: Benefit and Harm

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  1. All information is posted very honestly and without water

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