Mendeleev table with a solubility table in chemistry: print for the exam

Mendeleev table with a solubility table in chemistry: print for the exam

In this article you will find a Mendeleev table and a solubility table.

At the school, in each office of chemistry there is a table of Mendeleev. These are the great scientific works of the famous scientist, which are the basis of the knowledge of our contemporaries about chemistry. In this article you will find and can print a table with chemical elements for the exam and the solubility table of salts and other substances.

Mendeleev table: print for the exam

The first table appeared in 1869 and there were only 60 elements in it. Then it was expanded and placed in it 118 elements that are known to us today. The entire table is systematized and consists of periods (rows) and groups (columns). Therefore, now such a plate is called "Periodic system of Mendeleev".

It seems that the idea of \u200b\u200bMendeleev’s table itself is deceiving, because it is simple to streamline the elements to increase the weight of their atoms. In addition, the chemical and physical properties of many series of atoms are similar to previous in the same table.

  • Such a natural similarity is manifested in all rows of atoms with the same core charge, except for the first, since they do not have other rows in front of them.
  • Thanks to this discovery, the possibility of a sequential location in the table, which outwardly resembles an ordinary wall calendar.
  • This discovery of a great scientist helped combine a large number of elements in one table.

It is important to remember: The system invented by Mendeleev not only synchronizes the elements, but also their properties. All chemists use such a table to find the correct answers to many scientific questions.

Below is the Mendeleev table. Print it to prepare for the exam and find all the answers for yourself.

Periodic table
periodic table
Mendeleev table - lantanoids and actinoids
Mendeleev table - lantanoids and actinoids

Solubility table in chemistry: print for the exam

The solubility table allows you to determine how the substance will behave in salts or acid, and whether there will be a precipitate as a result of this reaction. To check the indicators of the solutions, look for the place of interchange of the column and the line, and you will see which sign is depicted there.

Remember: Dolubility is an indicator of the ability of a particular component to create uniformity with other components, namely a solution in which these components are in the form of atoms, molecules or particles.

The expression of the indicators of solutions can be described as a concentration of the dissolved component in its solution or as a percentage. Also, solubility can be expressed in the form of a weight or volume attributed to 100 grams or 100 centimeters of a cubic solvent - a gram/100 grams or cm³/100 cm³.

Soluble expression:

  • Gaseous substances It is directly related to temperature or pressure.
  • Liquid and solid substances associated only with temperature.

Below is a table of solubility of acids, bases and salts in water. Print for use on the exam, use and get ready for the exam.

Soluble of substances
Soluble of substances

Thanks to the tables that are above in the text, you can easily solve chemistry problems. You will not be able to predict what tasks you will have in examination forms. But, having decided many different tasks, you can practice well and already on the exam you will easily do any work without problems. Good luck!

Video: Periodic table D.I. Mendeleev - the best chemistry chemistry

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