Your handmade business. Where to start business needlework, how to find the first customers, how to become a recognizable brand?

Your handmade business. Where to start business needlework, how to find the first customers, how to become a recognizable brand?

Hend Made Business from scratch: where to start, what to do to find customers, business errors.

Do what you love and you will not have to work a single day in your life! A winged phrase that flooded social networks, a business book and even self -development training attracts and scares away at the same time.

It would seem that I love needlework, I can just engage in them around the clock, but how can I not earn it? In this article you will find answers to all your questions, and if not, write in the comments and we must answer them

Needlework. Business at home

To begin with, you should understand some questions and understand whether you are ready for such a step in life:

  • You can make money on needlework without much difficulty if you find a mediator, who already has a recognizable trading platform and regular customers. The intermediary provides you with an order and raw materials, you send finished products. All communication with the client, force majeure situations, etc. In this case, lay down on an intermediary, which greatly facilitates the life of a creative personality, but at the average 50% of the income will depart the intermediary, and the brand recognizable will not do so
  • The opening of your own business is a very laborious process. The first time (it can be a year and five years) will have to work all the time. It should be prepared in advance that orders will not be poured from a cornucopia. Therefore, if your income is the main in the house, at first, you should not leave a permanent place of work, but combine. Or temporarily find an intermediary in those moments when there are no orders, pick up orders of the intermediary

  • Profantly master the type of needlework on which you plan to earn. As soon as you feel like a professional, begin to master the nearest directions of your needlework. For example, if you specialize in embroidery, set the maximum number of techniques, especially rare and impressive
  • Remember, communication with clients is art. Didn't work in sales? Visit the appropriate trainings, or at least read the thematic business literature. If the soul does not lie at all to communicate with the client, hire an intermediary. After all, 90% of the sale depends on contact with the client and only 10% of the goods itself
  • Be prepared that the client is always right. In case of customer dissatisfaction, the work will have to be redone. There are also frequent cases of urgent orders. In this case, it is necessary to work almost without sleep, but the payment of urgent orders is usually 10-15% more

Home business: needlework from scratch

So, you still decided. We will immediately assure you that you are not alone in this undertaking, at this very moment in many corners of our large planet, wrapping in cozy blankets, thousands of women and men plan the same as you are your own business. Some of them are handmade business. The main mistake of many novice homegrown businessmen (but they don’t teach this at school, so mistakes are quite acceptable in this case) is silence. Do you know what the power of sales on social networks? In the notorious sundress radio. And you can only launch it by declaring yourself. No need to offer friends and acquaintances to buy something from you.

Just boast of your work! And supplement the fact that you do this work, both for the soul and to order. Also show activity in social networks, lay out your work, both on your page and in thematic groups. Be sure to have watermarks with your name or logo on all photos and videos.

Now let's go by mistakes in social networks:

  • Many are registering another page (fake) for promoting their brand and this is the number one error. You are the face of your brand, you have a living page filled with friends who know you (and this increases the likelihood that they will make a repost of your creation, advise you to their friends, etc.). Fake pages are deprived of this
  • One social network is not enough. Alas and ah. Want a recognizable brand, a large flow of customers and orders? You need to work hard. The main social networks in the CIS: Instagram, YouTube, VKontakte, Twitter, Facebook, classmates. It is also advisable to lead the pages in LinkedIn, Pinterest (the most important opportunity to be noticed from any corner of the world), Google Plus+. Difficult and hard? Instagram makes it possible to automatically export to most of the social networks. You also need to either study on your own, or hire a professional and entrust him with promotion of accounts

  • A photo. See what photos you like most often yourself? Clear, bright, saturated. Make sure your photos are attractive, otherwise the rest of the efforts will come to naught

Your creations are goods. Most will be made to order, but if there are finished products, it should not gather dust on the shelves in your house. Find shops in your city, art cafes ready to take your goods for sale. Previously, take a picture and remove the measurements. This is useful in order to put up for sale on social networks and to trading platforms.

Exhibitions and Fair Hend Meid

This is a great opportunity to declare yourself. It is necessary to prepare for such an event in advance. Work on your counter should be enough so that there are no empty places on the window. In addition to your creations, prepare yourself. You are the face of the brand - you have to look accordingly.

It is necessary to take business cards with you, which will indicate the type of activity, your data, as well as links to your web resources. Today it is more important than the phone. Want to facilitate the task of the client and stand out from the crowd? Place the QR code on the business card. A small nuance will attract a young audience.

Handmade's handmade fair will not only declare themselves and sell their work, but also find new acquaintances, get acquainted with the works of other participants, may be drawn new ideas.

If this is a third-party type of needlework, you and the master of each other are not competitors. Pretend to you want to purchase. Check the price, and you can analyze at home, you may also be worth creating such work.

Shop for needlework

The brand must have its own site. Especially the brand of needlework. Depending on the budget, the site can be ordered from a profile company, or created by independent. WordPress is one of the simplest and most popular sites designers. Initially, it is absolutely free, but there are also paid functions.

An impressive budget is needed for the promotion and recognition of the site. When opening your business, most often the budget is very scarce and there is no way to qualitatively promote the site. In this case, begin to take the first steps on the boards of ads, auctions, on trading platforms oriented on handmade.

Important: the post -Soviet space, unfortunately, is most often not ready to pay the worthwhile money for manual work. Therefore, your goal is a European and American client. To do this, study the conditions and capabilities of world trading floors and be sure to exhibit them. The coverage of the solvent audience is amazing. The best platforms: ebay, Etsy, Amazon, Zibbet.

Business plan for needlework store

Unfortunately, most beginner entrepreneurs do not pay due attention to business planning. Accordingly, the business is developing randomly, and as you know, such a business most often after a short time disappears.

If you do not plan to attract investments, then a full -fledged detailed business plan may not be appropriate. But still there are points that need to be designed in the written version and adhere to it.

Here are some nuances that should be arranged:

  • Inventory. Write what you have, what you need to buy. Thus, the investments will no longer be chaotic, but pre -planned
  • Raw materials. If you already have a novice business, and not a hobby in which you can invest as much money as you like, then you need to begin to deliberately purchase raw materials. Leave retail stores for lovers. Look for wholesale or small -optical warehouses and conclude contracts. Thus, with the same number of orders, you will raise profit by 10-30%

  • Planned income. Write real numbers, starting first of all from how much you can produce. For example, a knitter can tie a cardigan in 10 days. Accordingly, it is simply inappropriate to set the amount of profit per month than profit from 3 cardigans. Having received this figure, you really look at your business and finally decide whether you are ready for this amount to work without days off all a month. Not ready? Change the technique or type of needlework, the work of which is evaluated more worthy
  • Where you plan to make sales, how much are ready to spend on advertising, creating and maintaining a site, social pages. Remember, create little, you need to constantly support the resource and attract more and more new customers. There are no customers - there is no income. Implementation of hand -made goods is a very laborious process and it is necessary to approach it thoroughly

Business goods for needlework

Needlework in itself is a business. Found an excellent wholesale warehouse, but there is not enough turnover to cooperate with it? Think about the possibility of selling goods for needlework. You, as a master, can, like no one else to tell the buyer about the goods, recommend something and even unobtrusively offer related goods. Selling goods that you know absolutely everything is clearly a successful business.

Hend Made's ideas for business needlework

Types of needlework for business can be very diverse. It is not possible to say in advance whether this or that type of needlework will be in demand, because today individuality, uniqueness, and of course high quality are appreciated today.

Do not forget that to open your business first of all, you need to be a master of your craft, and also understand that the business process is very extensive, and for success you will need not only to create, but also to sell your creations professionally.

Bracelets Hend Made

Hend Meid goods are very diverse, one of the types of goods that are well sold - bracelets. The cost of such a product is affordable, the decoration is in demand in daily life and it is happy to acquire both fashionables and gifts by hand Made.

Toys Hend Made

Typically, any fair or exhibition of Hend Made is full of handmade toys. And you know what? Towards the end of the fair, the shelves are mostly empty for the sellers of toys, and a list of orders appears in the notebooks.

Toys can be very diverse. These are ethno-dolls, and keychains for phones, bags, and goods for children, and Hend Made dolls with your own hands, as well as an interior doll. Note that the interior doll is the most expensive of this row, but it also takes a lot of time to make such a doll.

Hend Made for the Home

This creative niche is regularly replenished with new and new types of work. It seems that we have already seen everything. But no, new types of needlework for business must appear. By the way, such goods are best purchased for presentations.

When developing a business in a niche of home goods, do not forget to mention gifts, exclusive gifts, etc. in advertising. Hend Meid Decor is in demand in thematic coffee houses, cafes and other thematic institutions. Do not discard excellent regular customers. Prepare a special proposal and send it to the directors of the institutions

Picture Hend Made

This type of creativity in recent years has suffered many changes. Ten years ago, the picture was associated either with landscapes made of straw and other natural material, or flowers and decor made of leather, or paintings drawn with oil. Today in the age of electronic technology, graphic design also relate to creativity. And the works of designers printed on the canvases are sold for very impressive amounts.

Wedding Hend Made

Here, in addition to the main business development, you can recommend the conclusion of contracts with wedding salons, with wedding organizers, toastmaster, etc. If you have a site during the conclusion of contracts, offer to post free advertising on your website, prepare offers with discounts for the organizers, etc. In general, your proposal should be much more attractive than the offers of your competitors.

Hend Made Skin

Handmade handmade is the highest quality products in a single copy. Do not make the mistakes of some masters - do not create two or more duplicate products. Only once customers will see their thing on another person, and your reputation will forever be spoiled. Handmade brand is an individual brand.

Hend Made flowers

This niche is crowded today, but if you are really a master of your craft, you can easily conquer your audience. But in it, as it is nowhere else, it will be necessary to create unique products.

And in conclusion, we add - it is always scary to start. We all heard how many businesses open, and how little it remains afloat longer than a year. But this is not a reason to give up and continue to do unloved work.

Video: My hobby is my business

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Comments K. article

  1. Good article. Foreign sites, of course, is good. But it is better to start with your own. From the same fair of masters or, it is reimbursing all the details and expanding the presence throughout the world.

  2. "City of masters" ( - a platform for Belarusian artisans and masters of Handmade

  3. You can start open your small online store, start a blog. So you will gradually develop and you can increase the scale of everything, and then you already decide for you)

  4. is the largest handmade trading platform in Belarus for the sale and purchase of copyright works.

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