Wedding make-up. Beautiful wedding makeup of the bride

Wedding make-up. Beautiful wedding makeup of the bride

Wedding makeup is best done with the master. After all, different nuances that need to be taken into account are important.

Fabulous, charming, enchanting, enchanting, beautiful, unique ... You can endlessly list adjectives belonging to the image of the bride. For every girl, a wedding day is a long -awaited and exciting moment.

She tries to make the image perfect in order to overshadow all the people around him with her beauty. A luxurious dress, a unique manicure, a beautiful hairstyle, a small and delicate bouquet, and of course, impeccable makeup.

Wedding makeup for the bride
Wedding makeup for the bride

Wedding eye makeup - which one to choose?

Eye wedding makeup
Eye wedding makeup

Wedding eye makeup is a real masterpiece of visiting skills, because the bride should have harmony between the natural beauty and the brightness of the shades. It is necessary to think through all the details, since Make-UP should be suitable for registering a marriage that takes place during the day, as well as to celebrate the celebration held in the evening. When creating a make -up for a girl in a white dress, such important aspects are taken into account:

  • hair color, shade of the rainbow shell of the eyes, skin tone and girl type
  • the color of the dress and veil (plain outfit or combination of colors)
  • season
  • age
Makeup for a bride with dark hair
Makeup for a bride with dark hair

To take into account all the nuances and only a professional can make the perfect Make-up, so almost all the brides turn to the centers of beauty.

Important: earlier it was necessary to sign up in advance in the beauty salon, and go to make makeup at the appointed time. You can currently invite the master to your home.

So, how to choose eye makeup for the bride to look at the evening for newlyweds perfectly and stylish?

Wedding makeup in the Venetian style
Wedding makeup in the Venetian style
The image of the bride in the Venetian style
The image of the bride in the Venetian style

You can choose to makepe in the Venetian style. The main thing is that he creates harmony with a generally newlywed.

Makeup for the bride in the Greek style
Makeup for the bride in the Greek style
Greek style of makeup for a bride with blond hair
Greek style of makeup for a bride with blond hair

Greek style  make-apa It helps to focus on the eyes - large and fluffy eyelashes, "fat" arrows and light lips. Such a Makeup is suitable for both brunettes and blondes.

Roman makeup style for the bride
Roman makeup style for the bride

Roman style - This is sculptural conciseness in the look, the royal greatness of the image and the elegant simplicity in the lines. Brows of light tone, lips of the color "nude" and natural eyelashes.

Arrow in the style of Audrey Hepburn
Arrow in the style of Audrey Hepburn
Makeup for a bride in the style of Audrey Hepburn
Makeup for a bride in the style of Audrey Hepburn

Make-up for the newlywed with arrows in audrey Hepburn style. The emphasis is on the eyes - the eyeliner is drawn, which visually increases the eyes and makes the image of the girl bright and spectacular.

Barbie style wedding makeup
Barbie style wedding makeup
Wedding eye makeup with rhinestones
Wedding eye makeup with rhinestones

If a girl is a sophisticated and tender nature in life, then she can choose barbie image And decorate your make-up rhinestones.

Do you need a makeup artist for a wedding?

Makeup artist performs makeup bride
Makeup artist performs makeup bride

Many girls are sure that they can do perfect makeup. For a daily image, this is acceptable, since every woman has a beautiful ability to be beautiful from birth. But when performing wedding makeup, it is necessary to take into account important nuances and a girl, without professional experience, it will not be able to do this correctly. Therefore, the services of a make -up artist for a wedding are simply necessary.

Important: say the cost of services in advance with the master. Make an advance payment that will be the key to fulfilling services in full and in the agreed time.

Cosmetics before the wedding
Cosmetics before the wedding

The master will offer to do a trial makeup to check if the future bride of allergies to cosmetics has. Testing during the day will show how makeup behaves - whether mascara is spreading and whether the powder is sprinkled.

Important: if the master uses high -quality cosmetics, then an allergic reaction will be absent, and makeup will remain impeccable for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to do trial makeup, first of all, the bride itself.

What should the bride look like? Makeup photo

Tender eye makeup for a wedding
Tender eye makeup for a wedding

To focus on the tenderness and uniqueness of the image of the beauty, it is necessary to perform a natural make -up. But at the same time, it should be rich and expressive so that in the photo the girl does not look tired and pale.

Natural eye makeup for the bride
Natural eye makeup for the bride

Important: large sequins are not used for the wedding Make-up, since in the photo they will turn into ugly points on the face. Only rhinestones are permissible.

Tip: Alternate the mother -of -pearl texture of the shadows, as the photo foster absorbs 50% color, and the mother of pearl has a different shade in the photo. In addition, he can crumble on clothes, and the outfit will have an inaccurate appearance.

Beautiful image of the bride with impeccable makeup
Beautiful image of the bride with impeccable makeup

Wedding makeup is applied in a well -lit room so that the light falls on the face evenly. Each girl must decide for herself how the bride should look in her understanding. Photos will help see how the bride’s makeup can be.

Original eye makeup for the bride
Original eye makeup for the bride
Simple eye makeup for the bride
Simple eye makeup for the bride
Stylish makeup for the bride
Stylish makeup for the bride

Wedding makeup for blue eyes

Makeup for blue eyes in blue tones
Makeup for blue eyes in blue tones

The blue -eyed beauty always attracts attention. There is something perfect and clean in it, and her eyes resemble the endless sea and a cloudless sky. There is no wide -universal wedding makeup for blue eyes, which is suitable for every girl with such a shade of eyes. After all, there are not even two people who have an identical shade of hair and skin, and also does not have the same color of the eyeball.

Makeup for a wedding for blue eyes
Makeup for a wedding for blue eyes

Beauty With blue eyes For a solemn make -up, you can use different tonality of shadows. Dark Make-up will look spectacular, especially if the girl has brown or brown hair. This will help make the look more expressive.

Makeup for a bride with green-blue eyes
Makeup for a bride with green-blue eyes

Bride with green-blue eyes It should use light colors to decorate the eyelids. Blondes with such a shade of eyes need to make bright lines in the inner corner of the eye, highlight the line of eyelashes and the upper eyelid in the form of a carcass and a light arrow.

Makeup for a bride with blue eyes
Makeup for a bride with blue eyes

Purely blue eyes It is better to emphasize with pastel colors, with a small dark accent outside the eye.

Luxurious makeup for gray-blue eyes
Luxurious makeup for gray-blue eyes

Girls With gray-blue eyes Surely they know that their eyes are called chameleons. This is due to the fact that the eyeball changes its shade depending on what color the dress is placed on the beauty or blouse. Therefore, Makeup is selected when the bride is in the image - she puts on a wedding outfit and a hairstyle is made. For a white dress, cold tones of a make -up are suitable.

Wedding makeup for gray eyes

Wedding makeup for gray eyes
Wedding makeup for gray eyes

A festive make -up for a newly -shaped grace can be of any tone, saturation and brightness. Almost all tones of decorative cosmetics are suitable for girls with such a color of the iris. Makeup for gray eyes should create perfect harmony with an outfit, hair color and girls' accessories. The newlywed can choose one of several options for a make -up for brides with gray eyes.

Expressive makeup for gray eyes
Expressive makeup for gray eyes

Expressiveness in the look. Such a Make-up emphasizes the eyes of the eyes, visually increasing them and attracting the eyes of others.

Makeup with blue shadows for the bride
Makeup with blue shadows for the bride

Blue weightlessness. This type of make -up is ideal for fair -haired brides. He will make the look deep and catchy.

Makeup for a bride with golden shadows
Makeup for a bride with golden shadows

Golden chic. This type of make -up is suitable for girls with red hair. The gaze gives warmth and radiates positive.

Easy accent in makeup
Easy accent in makeup

Neutral transparency. Simple makeup that any girl can do. The emphasis is either on the eyes or on the lips. However, this does not mean that if juicy and bright lipstick is applied to the lips, the eyes will remain colorless. For the bride's gray -eyed, this will be ugly, so the eyes will have to tint a little in mascara or make thin arrows.

Wedding makeup for green eyes

Wedding makeup for green eyes
Wedding makeup for green eyes

A girl with green eyes is a bright nature who wants passers -by men and admire her beauty to look at her. Wedding makeup for green eyes should be performed using contrasting colors to highlight a rare color of the rainbow shell and the image of a beauty.

Tip: Use the light texture of the shadows to make the appearance delicate. Shades of decorative cosmetics should be in unobtrusive and natural colors.

Wedding makeup for blonde with green eyes
Wedding makeup for blonde with green eyes

Green -eyed blonde The delicate and muffled tones of the palette, proofreaders and lipsticks are suitable. The eyebrows should be tinted with beige eyeliner.

Wedding makeup for a brunette with green eyes
Wedding makeup for a brunette with green eyes

Bright brunette with green eyes You can decorate the face with rich colors, creating an enchanting image. The dark colors of the palette with silver, coral blush and lipstick of the color of the “ripe cherry”.

Wedding makeup for brown -haired eyes
Wedding makeup for brown -haired eyes

Brown -haired should focus on the eyes. Gold tones of the palette, green eyeliner, cream corrector and lip gloss.

Makeup for a bride with red hair and bright skin
Makeup for a bride with red hair and bright skin

Red hair and green eyes. Owners with this color of hair and eyes are usually light skin. Therefore, you do not need to apply a lot of foundation. Facial sculpture is carried out by beige corrector and shadows, lips are decorated with lipstick of caramel color, and blush-light-peach tones.

Wedding makeup for brown eyes

Beautiful makeup for the bride with brown eyes
Beautiful makeup for the bride with brown eyes

Huge luck for the newlywed, if nature endowed it with brown eyes, as it can use almost the entire palette of decorative cosmetics. It is necessary to pay attention so that the make-up is harmoniously combined with the common chosen style.

Makeup for a dark -haired bride with brown eyes
Makeup for a dark -haired bride with brown eyes

Wedding make-up for brown eyes and dark hair color It involves the use of shades of juicy shades with a shimmering effect. It can be gold, brown, silver, black, pearl-blue, lilac and green. Dark -haired beauties with brown eyes are forbidden to use yellow ten, as the face will seem painful.

Blonde with brown eyes
Blonde with brown eyes

Blonde with brown eyes Nude, lilac, heavenly blue, bright sand, light green and pink shade should use. The pearl of shadows will give the image of tenderness. It is unacceptable to use a girl with such a color type of yellow-orange tones of the palette.

Smoky makeup for the eyes
Smoky makeup for the eyes

Blondes and brunettes with brown eyes Smokable make -up is perfect. Smooth color transitions, blurry contours - all this will make the wedding Makeup beautiful, and the image is enchanting.

Wedding eye makeup - photo

Blue eye makeup for a wedding
Blue eye makeup for a wedding

Every girl knows that only shadows, carcasses and lipsticks are not enough to create an ideal image for a celebration. Wedding makeup consists of such stages:

  • prepare the skin of the face. Clean your face with a tonic. Peeling of the skin will remove the scrub. Moisturize dry skin with masks, cream or other special products
  • apply the base for makeup. The tone of the face should be leveled with a corrector and tonalist. Apply a corrector for all available spots and pimples
  • draw your eyebrows with a pencil. Choose the tone, given the color of the hair
  • apply the shadows to the eyes, starting from light and performing transitions to dark tones. Draw arrows with an eyeliner or pencil. Paint the eyelashes
  • the color of blush is chosen depending on the skin of the face, the lighter the skin, the more tender the shade
  • the color of the lipstick is selected depending on the accent. If the emphasis is made in the eye, then the lipstick should be light if the emphasis is on the lips, then you can choose a rich and bright tone of lipstick
Emphasis on the eyes with the help of proper makeup
Emphasis on the eyes with the help of proper makeup

Important: if you are sure that you can do a wedding makeup yourself, get to work. If there is no such confidence, and you do not know the important nuances of making cosmetics, then it is better to contact a professional.

A few days before the wedding, you can experiment and select a wedding eye makeup. The photo will show how the eyes should look in the end. If you do the same, then go for and create your own unique image of the bride.

Beautiful wedding makeup for the bride. A photo

Makeup for a blonde for a wedding
Makeup for a blonde for a wedding

A wedding is an important event for every girl. She dreams of her since childhood, so the desire to be in the image of a fabulously beautiful bride is understandable. In order for this image to be really irresistible, it is necessary to take care of acquiring an ideal dress, shoes, veil, make a stunningly beautiful hairstyle and festive Make-Up.

Wedding makeup for a fair -haired bride
Wedding makeup for a fair -haired bride

Only a real master will be able to perform a beautiful wedding makeup for the bride. Photos will help choose the right makeup for their image. It remains only to copy the photo on the USB flash drive and you can go to the master to perform a trial make-up.

Bright makeup for blonde
Bright makeup for blonde
Makeup for a wedding for a dark -haired bride
Makeup for a wedding for a dark -haired bride
Delicate makeup for the bride
Delicate makeup for the bride
Bright makeup in the eyes of the bride
Bright makeup in the eyes of the bride
Beautiful makeup for a bride for a wedding
Beautiful makeup for a bride for a wedding

If you think in advance what makeup you want, sign up for the master on the wedding day, make a trial make-up, then on the day of the celebration there will be no unexpected surprises and you will have an irresistible appearance. Enjoy the preparation for the brightest day of your life, and everything will go well!

Video: Wedding makeup

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