Contained jewelry-how to do: step-by-step master class for beginners with a photo

Contained jewelry-how to do: step-by-step master class for beginners with a photo

Contained decorations: a master class for a beginner, tips and recommendations to a novice master.

Jewels stubbornly lose their positions, and their relevance remains only at celebrations. And there they are replaced by original jewelry. By the way, its cost increasingly catch up with gold and silver. Therefore, if you like to need to need to be needlework, it's time to master the suture jewelry, and we will tell you how to do them and introduce them into the main subtleties.

Contained jewelry: types of cords

In order to begin to manufacture casual decorations, you need to learn how to choose the right material, depending on goals and objectives. Beginning craftswomen are often looking for a middle ground and the answer to the question, which cord cord is the best?

We will immediately assume - there is no ideal solution. Depending on the goals set, you may need a more flexible or opposite a hard cord. Cords are classified by the country to the manufacturer.

Types of cord cords:

  • Chinese cord cord - 100% polyester, 3.5 mm wide. The cord has a satin structure, very soft and does not hold shape. On the other hand, thanks to the elasticity of the cord, with its help you can create the most intricate patterns. Due to its loose structure, the cord is ideal in sewing, since the needle passes through it without problems. The color scheme is gorgeous, but it does not have fashionable metallic. The working side is absent, so you can sew as you like, there are no creases, but there may be tights, if not very carefully work. The products come out soft and require fixation on the felt, if you need to keep the shape. Wherein the obvious plus is a low price;
  • Czech cord cord It is made of artificial silk (not to be confused with the present) with a splash of viscose. The color scheme is small, only 40 tones. The width of the cord is 3 mm. The cord looks, thanks to the composition, expensive and luxurious, but due to its excessive smoothness and slippery, working with it is very problematic. But the result is worth it! When working, the cord behaves perfectly - it contracts evenly, the beads do not fail, tightly pressed to the cord. The working side is more smooth, the second side with ribs is not suitable for work. The finished product is soft, but holds shape. Keep the cord carefully, as creases form. The price category is average, But you can find it far from all stores;
  • Greek cord cord 100% of viscose. Width 4 mm. The cord has a snow -white base and is covered with 40 shades on top. But in the black and burgundy shade, the cord is also made to the color of the fiber, so with bends this does not cause inconvenience. A huge plus - trend shades of metallic and fluorescent tones. The cord is brilliant, but it holds its shape well and not slippery in work. From this cord, the curls are difficult to form, but perfectly keeps the shape later. The needle is easy, there are no problems when sewing. The cord is dense, does not compress, does not deform when sewing, but can arise by the hall;
Contained jewelry: types of cords
Contained jewelry: types of cords
  • Turkish cotton cords They are fundamentally different from everyone else and primarily a matte structure. The width of the cord is only 2.5 mm, which makes it even more original. Shades are amazing - more than 70 species and are regularly updated. There are series with metallic and fluorescent. The cord is very elastic and it is a pleasure to work with it. It does not slip and holds its shape perfectly, creases are extremely rare. The weaving is not dense - this is its only minus, because you need to work carefully so that the base does not shine through. Metallized cords should be washed only in cold water with vinegar, as they can be diverted;
  • Belarusian cord cord consists of cotton with polyester. The width is thin 2 mm. In its series, the cord goes like a gloss, so there are matte shades. A little more than 30 tones are perfectly combined with each other, but there are no screaming colors. Good at work, smoothly lie down and do not slip. The curls are symmetrical and beautiful. But it is difficult to sew a cord and you will need some effort. There are creases and stretch marks, but only for beginner craftswomen. The price category is average.

Tools and materials for the manufacture of cassation decorations


In order to start making casual decorations, you do not need to buy a lot of a new tool, usually everything is on the household with a needlewoman. But the materials will need to be constantly updated, since fantasies and their solutions are very diverse.

So, a tool for work:

  • Blade/scalpel/stationery knife to choose from, they are interchangeable;
  • Scissors;
  • Kusachki (you can use the same as for trim cutting);
  • Durable, thin needles, sometimes rounded needles are required. We recommend choosing beads needles;
  • Lighter, or matches and candle.

If you are fond of needlework, then you can find almost everything at home.

Relative to the material. Depending on the product, you may need:

  • Beads;
  • Glass, beads, semi -busins, etc.;
  • Polymer cabins or natural stones;
  • Hot glue or glue for textiles;
  • Felt;
  • Cord in the assortment of colors and textures;
  • Threads No. 40 to match the cords.

Contained jewelry: step -by -step guide

Step -by -step guide

In order to start making casual decorations, you need to understand the principle of work, then make one or more blanks according to ready-made master classes, and then you can completely switch to the implementation of your projects. The principle of operation is simple, everyone can master it, but it is required to work carefully, since the quality of work depends on accuracy.

So, the principle of work on cinema jewelry:

  • Draw a sketch of future jewelry;
  • We select the material, look and evaluate the structure of the material, the texture, the need to strengthen the felt, as well as a combination of shades;
  • Lay out approximately layers of the cord, as well as beads, beads, etc. between them. Evaluate the compatibility of the colors, and if everything works, take a picture. So it will be easier then to do the assembly;
  • Decide on the conditional center of the product. This is most often the largest detail in the decoration. Start sewing from this place;
  • Sew layer by layer until a whole product is formed. Do not squeeze the cord and do not stretch. In the end, he will become in place and deforms the entire product. It is best to leave it in natural tension;
Contained jewelry: Hjim
Contained decorations
  • Having finished the product, evaluate it for elasticity. For example, if you sew it on the product, then soft cinema decorations even win. But if it is a brooch, a hairpin, a necklace, then a soft product will have a less presentable look. In this case, it must be put on felt. This can be done with a needle and thread, but you can use glue;
  • Attach the fastener to the product and remember, you need to treat the decoration carefully, since the cord is very beautiful, but delicate. Wash with your hands in cool water so that the cord does not pour.

Contained jewelry: how to sew earrings?

For a newcomer, the edema decorations seem very difficult, and the technique is amazing. We offer to make earrings from a cord with us, and at the same time master the equipment.

Contained jewelry: Materials for work
Contained jewelry: Materials for work

For work you need:

  • Two types of cords of the same thickness;
  • Pearls or other beads with a size of 4 mm and 6 mm in 2 pcs each;
  • Crystals or transparent beads 2 pcs 6 mm in size;
  • Large beads 2 pcs with a diameter of 10 mm;
  • Faceted beads 2 pcs in size 7 mm;
  • Schwenzes and pins by a pair;
  • A piece of skin;
  • A piece of felt;
  • Thread and needle;
  • Glue;
  • Scissors.

Cut the cords of 15 cm: we have 2 pink and 1 gray. The edges must be treated with glue and let it harden.

  • So, we take a pink bead of 6 mm in size and around it wrap cords in a size of 15 cm in this sequence: pink, gray, pink. You can change colors from your wishes.
Contained jewelry: connect the bead and cord
Contained jewelry: connect the bead and cord
  • Pierce the cords and beads as shown in the photo and tighten the thread. Remember that you need to flash exactly in the center.
Contained jewelry: sew the cords among themselves
Contained jewelry: sew the cords among themselves
  • Having stretched out the needle from the second hole, go around the cords of the bead and sew it as shown in the photo. Again, it is necessary to sew strictly in the center of the cord, otherwise it cannot be avoided.
Sew another bead
Sew another bead
  • Seat tightly, fixing the bead, and add the next element, a small dark bead and again tightly fix the seam in the middle. Make a few stitches.
We fix the cords from the inside
We fix the cords from the inside
  • Make sure that the cord tights up the beads tightly, and the beads do not play between the cords. You make a curl like in the photo and sew the end of three cords from the wrong side.
In detail fixing the cords on the wrong side
In detail fixing the cords on the wrong side
  • Now take the second side. We string the faceted bead, circle the cords around it and again sew in several stitches tightly.
  • Please note that it is necessary to sew slowly and neatly, since the tattered cords give an ugly wrinkle, and the stretched cords - deform the product.
  • Get the second tip inside out and carefully fix it. Cut excess tails and fix it with glue.
Sewing the third bead
Sewing the third bead
  • We go to sewing the second element. It should be mirrored, as these are earrings.
Two sides of the workpiece
Two sides of the workpiece
  • Now we cut off the cords again, but 9 cm, 2 pcs of each color. We process the ends with glue.
Two blanks of earrings
Two blanks of earrings
  • We remove the needle from the wrong side to the front near the faceted beads as in the photo, and string the beads on the needle. Next, we string the pink cord in the middle, and behind it is gray. Do not forget to leave 1 cm of the tip of the cord so that it can be hidden from the wrong side.
Sew the beads and sheathe with two cords
Sew the beads and sheathe with two cords
  • We make a seam and return to the wrong side. And again we penetrate the needle with a displacement of 1 mm, piercing beads and two cords.
We continue to sew, sewing beads
We continue to sew, sewing beads
  • Thus, you should have 6 beads. And he sews a semicircle with a cord.
We finish sewing beads when the line rests on the cord
We finish sewing beads when the line rests on the cord
  • Wrap the cord as shown in the photo and sew another bead. Bring a cord around it and sew tightly.
We sew the penultimate bead
We sew the penultimate bead
  • We make another curl and sew the last bead. We start a cord around it, firmly sew and fix it on the wrong side.
Sew the last bead and fix the ends
Sew the last bead and fix the ends
  • Remove the needle with a thread near the outside of the beads and string on the outside of the bead row until you abuse the cord.
We sheathe with beads
We sheathe with beads
  • Repeat with the second element and check for identity.
The second workpiece is made mirror
The second workpiece is made mirror
  • Now, from the wrong side, insert the pins into both blanks and glue pieces of felt into the recesses.
We knock down the back of the felt and sit on glue all
We knock down the back of the felt and sit on glue all
  • Apply glue to the skin and glue the earrings from the wrong side. As soon as the glue dries, cut off the excess skin with a blade.
Glue the blanks to the skin
Glue the blanks to the skin
  • Now it remains to put on Schwenza pins and try on the product.
Ready earrings
Ready earrings

And in conclusion, we offer to see another master class on the manufacture of cinema jewelry.

Video: Containing equipment. Master class beginners

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