The essence of raw food diet, benefits and harm. Recipes for raw food diet, menu for a week, for every day

The essence of raw food diet, benefits and harm. Recipes for raw food diet, menu for a week, for every day

A raw food diet is not just nutrition, it is a kind of spiritual practice. It is aimed at healing and cleansing the body. Surrounded by toxins, slags and heavy foods by the body is filled with energy and vitality.

What should be a healthy raw food diet?

A raw food diet, as a special diet, took its beginning not so long ago. In the late 80s, dietitian doctors, observing how raw apples coped with such a disease as jaundice came to the general conclusion that a raw food diet is a great way to heal the body. A raw food diet involves the exclusion from the diet of absolutely all products that are amenable to heat treatment.

Of course, not everyone will decide to switch completely to this method of nutrition and learn to limit themselves to literally in everything. In addition, a completely natural question arises, which concerns the calorie content of food. Where to get energy for a full life and not to feel flawed, as well as eat delicious food?

Healthy diet, raw food diet
healthy diet, raw food diet

Raw food can be divided into four main and most popular diets:

  • Raw food diet No. 1- A popular diet that involves the use of only cold raw foods. You can eat only fresh fruits, berries and vegetables. You can drink them only with raw water, natural freshly squeezed juices. You can dilute the diet with fruits and berries dried in the sun and air, as well as cereals and cereals that are insisted in cold water and cold pressing oils. This diet is very similar to veganism (strict vegetarianism, built only on plant products), except that products can not be applied to temperature treatment
  • Raw food diet No. 2 -it is very complex and strict, since it is based mainly on fresh fruits, vegetables, water and juices. It excludes cereals and allows you to eat only sprouted grain. In addition, sauer products and oils are prohibited. Such a diet is very complicated and not everyone is able to benefit, so it needs to be adhered only to a medical recommendation
  • Raw food diet No. 3 -it is very similar to the diet that was described in the first paragraph, but it is more diverse in the number of products. It allows you to eat natural raw milk, as well as a number of products obtained not by heat treatment: sour cream, fermented, yogurt, serum. Eat foods that are produced industrially - prohibited. You can also include sauer vegetables and fruits, cold pressing oils and even raw eggs in food. It is not rarely called such a way of raw food diet “omnivorous”, but this does not imply eating meat and fish - they are prohibited in any raw food diet (cases when people eat raw meat and fish are not considered “proper raw food”)
  • Raw food diet No. 4it is considered the most loyal, as it includes several products that are excluded from the previous three power modes. In this case, it is allowed to consume dairy products: milk, kefir, yogurt, sour cream, raw eggs and even bread, but only the one that bakes from whole grain and is involved on a nonsense test
Food of raw foodist
food of raw foodist

It’s not easy to be raw food, because you constantly need to try to observe the harsh diet and limit yourself literally in everything. Most often, raw foodists communicate with people close to them in spirit, because if he is alone in his environment, it will be extremely difficult for him to fully enjoy life.

Raw foods have several basic rules that they regularly adhere to:

  • Eating fruits, raw foodists necessarily eat them completely: with a skin and even seeds. This allows you not to violate their strict food complex and receive some beneficial substances. For example. Apple seeds are saturated with iodine, which they cannot get from other products
  • Raw foods do not eat too often and in large plentiful portions. For them, it is considered correct to eat tight only once a day, a maximum of two. They believe that constant eating food is harmful to health, including snacking and food on the go
  • Raw foods eat very slowly, they carefully chew every piece of food. This happens not only because everyone wants to feel the maximum taste, but also because getting into the stomach, not chopped food provokes a lot of unpleasant sensations: from bloating to a strong disorder
  • Raw foods avoid salt and seasonings. Firstly, this allows you to feel the natural taste of food, and secondly, salt does not delay moisture in the body and thereby decreases the very feeling of thirst. In addition, fruits and natural juices and so contain a sufficient amount of water that can satisfy the needs of the body

Video: “Raw food. How to cross? Where to begin?"

Is a raw food diet? What are the benefits of raw food diet?

This method of nutrition over many years made it possible to study its pros and cons to the fullest. Raw food has its positive aspects in nutrition, namely:

  • Getting rid of the disease -it is the main reason for the transition to this method of nutrition. People resort to raw food diet as a kind of medicine that will save them from torment and give youth. There are cases when raw foodists were sprinkled with arthritis and arthrosis - inflammatory joint processes, hypertension - increased blood pressure and even regular migraine. Feeling a healthy lifestyle and good health, many do not want to return to the past diet.
  • A raw food diet "cleanses" the body and gives energy.Many raw foodists persistently argue that in this way they do not feel flawed and get a sufficient level of energy for the whole day. In the course of the day, a person feels an ascent and is happy to do his job. In addition, the head is enlightened and thoughts become more reasonable, voluminous and clear. Some even say that they feel how much their intuition is developed. The raw food diet cleans the intestines from accumulated slag and toxins, which favors an active and full -fledged lifestyle
  • A raw food diet is a great way to find a slender figure.In most cases, those who want to say goodbye to the extra pounds once and for all and lose their hated weight once and for all. The secret of losing weight in this case is very simple - a person loses weight because the number of calories in his body decreases and he spends what has accumulated in advance. In addition, raw food diet sets digestion, eliminates toxins and toxins accumulated in the intestines, normalizes the chair and does not delay excess moisture in the body. To raw food diet, as a diet, they often resort to temporarily, for example, for a day, a week or a month to improve their condition and lose weight
  • Raw food reduces sleep time.According to many raw foodists, they are quite enough for five hours to get enough sleep and have a good rest. The remaining time they are happy to spend on their hobbies, entertainment, rest and communication
The advantages of raw food diet
the advantages of raw food diet

Raw food has many advantages, as it saturates the body with the missing substances and trace elements, which he lacked in the previous diet. However, it is quite difficult to switch to this diet and it is unlikely to be able to everyone.

Video: " How much I eat per day, my raw food diet is 4.5 years old "

What are the disadvantages of raw food diets?

Since this diet is not perfect, it has many of its certain minuses and is allowed to observe far from every person. The main disadvantages of raw food diet are:

  • Deficiency of trace elements and nutrients in the body.Many raw foodists do not know how to properly balance their nutrition, that is, to include in it daily a set of microelements important for life. Most often, a person lacks magnesium and calcium. It is for this reason that not experienced raw foodists feel numbness of the arms and legs, headaches, stomach pain, intestinal disorders and notice how their wounds are slowly healing on the body. Many say that such symptoms should last only the first three months when you decided to switch to a similar diet. And to know about products compatibility is also useful, this will not lead to unpleasant consequences
  • Aggressive emotional state.This is due to the fact that raw foodists, especially beginners, feel frequent hunger, impotence and fatigue. This leads them to a state of dissatisfaction and they drive their anger at others. The “Raw District” path should begin from the most loyal diet, so that the body B vitamins are entered into the body - important components of “good mood”. A raw food diet must be accepted voluntarily and rejoice at the fact that you have switched to this stage of your existence, which you chose for yourself is not a prerequisite for your lifestyle
  • Limited social communication.This happens by the fact that raw foodists most often choose to communicate those people who would share his views on nutrition and lifestyle. For the same reason, raw foodists may not visit certain stores, cafes and restaurants, clubs and bars. Raw foods spend free time in specialized institutions created specifically for them with a special menu
  • Problems with infertility.This is another consequence of the fact that a person does not receive a sufficient number of minerals from food and, as a result of this, he has problems with fertility
Cons of raw food diet
cons of raw food diet

Of course, these are purely personal characteristics and each to raw food diet reacts differently, but if you think about raw food diet during pregnancy, then here this diet is a huge minus.

Video: "Frankly about all the disadvantages of raw food diet"

An effective transition to a raw food diet, the secrets of raw food diet

The transition to a raw food diet involves a fully voluntary decision of a person to abandon food prepared using heat treatment in favor of natural and healthy raw foods. You should not choose a similar way of life only because it is fashionable or many of your friends have already managed to switch to it. Before switching to this stage, you need to study this lifestyle in the smallest details and weigh for yourself all the pros and cons ”

Experienced raw foodists argue that in order to switch to such a lifestyle, it is necessary to spend a lot of effort and time. This is completely forbidden to do sharply and so that the body is accustomed to this method of Poultry, the most optimal time is a whole year.

Transition to a raw food diet
transition to a raw food diet
  • First of all, the transition to the raw food diet requires a detailed consultation with his doctor. The human body is individual and each has its own characteristics, unfortunately raw food diet is a contraindication to those who have serious diseases
  • Nutritionists recommend gently to switch to the diet of raw foodist and first adhere to food, which includes cereals and hot, as well as warm drinks. Only after a while should these products be completely excluded
  • The first step in the transition to this power regime is the restoration of water-salt balance in the body, which is easy to make a drink of water per day-at least two liters
  • Moving to a raw food diet and still completely abandoning all products, you should include the maximum amount of fiber in your diet - there are a lot of it in fruits and vegetables. Fiber in large quantities allows the body to get used to plant foods as quickly as possible and rebuild
  • It is best to become a raw food in the summer period of time, when seasonal fruits, vegetables and berries are represented on the shelves of stores in the maximum quantity. Winter is the most insistent time for raw foodists
  • Carefully balance your diet so that all important trace elements, vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates are enough in it

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What can be eaten on a raw food diet? The diet of raw foodist

Each raw foodist in advance determines for himself the method of nutrition and chooses the diet that is useful and permitted to it. Basically, as the name implies, raw foodist eats:

  • raw fruits
  • raw vegetables
  • berries
  • seeds
  • nuts
  • honey
  • cold spill oil
  • licking and fruit juices
  • herbal infusions
  • smoothies
  • propheted grain

Only some raw foodists dilute this list of products such as:

  • raw milk
  • drowned milk
  • sauer vegetables
  • raw eggs
  • croats infused in water
Food of raw foodist
food of raw foodist

Raw foods are not rare called their diet “living” because it contains only fresh plant products.

Each raw foodist strictly complies with the rules for eating foods:

  • A raw foodist never mixes fatty and sweet foods together. This can cause fermentation product in the intestine, so they rarely eat dried fruits with nuts or nuts with honey, avocado with other sweet fruits or the addition of coconut to fruit salad
  • Raw foods combine acidic fruits with a fat product. For example, oranges that are characterized by increased acidity can be safely eaten with nuts or avocados. The acidity of fruits increases the acidity in the stomach and improves digestion, helping to break down nuts
  • Raw foods try to avoid a combination of sour product and product containing starch. The fact is that any acid inhibits the splitting of starch and because of this there are unpleasant consequences: gastric pain, indigestion, cramps, disorders. An example of this combination is an orange and banana
  • Many try to avoid a combination of different fatty products, because this invariably leads to a slowdown in digestive processes. So, it is better not to eat nuts with avocado or coconut, as well as with any oil
  • It is customary to combine greens with absolutely any products, whether it be vegetables, fruits or even nuts
  • Raw foods are always focused on the taste of the fetus, if the berries are sweet - they can be combined with sweet fruits, if sour, then with acidic
  • Raw food vegetables are combined only with vegetables
  • Cereal and sprouted grain raw foodists are eaten only separately, because these foods are heavy for the stomach. The same rule should be followed when eating legumes
  • If cereals, cereals or nuts that are soaked in water for a certain time should be eaten separately from other products

Video: "Raw food, an approximate diet for three days"

Simple recipes for raw food diet, what to cook a raw foodist?

The raw -eater menu, though meager, has recently appeared more and more interesting recipes that will diversify it and make it tastier. For raw foodist, you can prepare many interesting vegetable salads that are saturated with vitamins and fiber, delicious fruit salads and even cold soup.

Vitamin green salad

For its preparation, you will need:

  • Fresh juicy cucumbers - about 3 pieces, but you can even more
  • Leaves of green and red salad (Lolo-Rosa)-one or two bundles
  • A bundle of cilantro or a bundle of parsley
  • A small bunch of fresh dill
  • A feather of green onions
  • Blue onion
  • Cold push -up seeds oil
  • Flax seeds

Cucumbers are cut with neat rings and folded in a high dish, the salad should be washed under running water and torn to pieces, added to the dishes. Blue onions are cut into thin rings and also folds into the dishes. Greens are washed out, chopped finely and added to the salad, the onion is cut finely: the green and white part. The salad is seasoned with several tablespoons of linseed oil and sprinkled with flax seed. If desired, you can slightly salt the salad.

Salad for raw foodists
salad for raw foodists

Soup "Gaspacho" for a raw food table

To prepare the cold soup, Gaspacho requires a set of simple ingredients:

  • Several ripe and large tomatoes
  • Two or three small ripe cucumbers
  • Bulgarian pepper of any color-1-2 little things
  • A few cloves of garlic (quantity to taste)
  • Olive oil or cold squeezing oil
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • greens: cins, parsley, green basil
  • blue onion
  • pumpkin seeds

Preparing such soup is quite simple:

  • Wash the vegetables and cut into cubes: cucumbers, tomatoes, garlic, pepper
  • Grind vegetables in a blender to a puree state, if the mass seems too thick to you, you can add a little water and oil to it
  • Salt and pepper food to taste
  • Pour the mass into dishes for serving - deep plate
  • Finely chop the blue onion and herbs
  • The soup in the plate is sprinkled with onions, herbs, decorated with a twig of the basil and pumpkin seeds
Soup for raw foodists
soup for raw foodists

Raw food and healing starvation, is it useful to starve during raw food diet?

In addition to raw food, starvation is very often practiced. Healing starvation is a way to get rid of various diseases and health problems by means of food, even such as raw plant products.

It is noted that starvation existed always and everywhere and its presence is in any religion: Buddhism, Islam and even Orthodoxy (post). Fasting is necessary in order to “cleanse” the body and return the strength to it. Those who want to get rid of diseases often resort to starvation:

  • spine
  • hearts
  • allergies
  • asthma
  • skin diseases
  • intestinal diseases
  • cancer
Raw food and starvation
raw food and starvation

Fasting is not a simple process and it is necessary to carefully prepare for it. There are not small professional clinics that practice starvation and help people cope with a sense of appetite. If you decide on healing starvation at home, be sure to follow the conditions of “proper starvation”:

  • before fasting, take all cleansing measures, the enema will not be superfluous
  • during fasting, it is forbidden to drink juices, teas, drinks, suck sweets and chew gum
  • during fasting, you can drink water in unlimited quantities, clean and mineral
  • it is better to starve together, so find people "loved ones in spirit"
  • the first in your practice, make starvation for one day, then after a while three, even later for 5, then seven. Fasting cannot be practiced longer than ten days
  • do not start fasting if you have health problems
  • if you feel bad, do not continue fasting

Video: “Fasting 7 days. My impressions and weight loss "

Raw food diet: result - photo before and after

It's no secret that raw food diet is a way to lose weight and lose all overweight in a short period of time. The secret of this weight loss is very simple: fewer calories enter the body, excess sugar, salt and starch do not enter. All calories are immediately spent. A person spends those energy reserves in the form of fat deposits that were accumulated by him before.

Raw food is more effective than any existing diet and therefore gives the best results in losing weight. However, you should be attentive to raw food diet if you use it with the aim of losing weight. A sharp refusal of food and dishes can provoke poor health, stomach pain, gastritis, ulcer and other complications. It is best to switch to a raw food diet. It is also useful to arrange “raw food”, or “hungry” days if you want to lose weight quickly.

Raw food: photos before and after, after four months
raw food: photos before and after, after four months
Raw food: photo before and after, a year later
raw food: photo before and after, a year later

Raw food: reviews and tips on proper "live" nutrition

Anton:“Raw food is my spiritual choice. Once I decided for myself that human existence is too difficult due to daily problems, doubts and failures. I decided to try starvation and raw food diet and then realized that at a time when there is no food for the stomach - food for the brain appears. My thoughts became deep, the language is more eloquent, and my heart is free. A raw food diet is not nutrition, it is a way and lifestyle, your view of things and the ability to make decisions independently. ”

Zhanna:“A lot in my life I tried diets and all the time, all my life I try to drop these hated extra pounds. So, a raw food diet is an opportunity to facilitate and unload the body from accumulated severity. And even if I am not 100% raw -food, but I very often arrange for myself hungry and fasting days. This favorably affects not only my weight and well -being, but also on the mood! ”

Victor:“It is not difficult to start eating live foods if you want it. Perhaps this is affected by a certain life situation or injury. I chose this path for myself during a deep depression and surprisingly did not feel worse. My thoughts were streamlined, and life problems began to be solved. A raw food diet is not an obligation and everyone must voluntarily listen to their body. If it requires such a diet, give him such a wonderful opportunity to exist! ”

Video: "Where to start a raw food diet?"

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