Supradin: Instructions for use, composition, contraindications. Supradin hissing: Features of the reception, reviews

Supradin: Instructions for use, composition, contraindications. Supradin hissing: Features of the reception, reviews

Description of vitamins of suprain, instructions, side effects.

Supradin is a vitamin preparation and is used to replenish the deficiency of vitamins in different season season, as well as among certain categories of patients. In this article we will tell you how to take this drug.

The composition of the suprain

It is worth noting that this medicine refers to multivitamin preparations. It contains vitamins of group A, B, C, folic acid, vitamin D, as well as a huge number of trace elements and minerals. It is mainly prescribed to pregnant women who are on a diet, athletes during drying, as well as children. Or all categories of patients in the autumn-spring period, when an insufficient amount of vitamins into the body gets along with food. To replenish them, it is necessary to take vitamin preparations. It is worth noting that the medicine is not absolutely safe, and there are a large number of contraindications for taking.


  • vitamin A (retinol)
  • vitamin b 1(Tiamina hydrochloride)
  • vitamin b 2(riboflavin)
  • vitamin b 6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride)
  • vitamin b 12 (cyanocobalamin)
  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
  • vitamin D. 3 (Kolekalciferol)
  • vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol acetate)
  • bIOTIN
  • calcium pantotenate
  • folic acid
  • nicotinamide
  • calcium
  • magnesium
  • iron
  • manganese
  • phosphorus
  • copper
  • zinc
  • molybdenum
Sawing tablets
Sawing tablets

Supradin hissing: indications for use

The medicine in the form of sparkling tablets is being implemented. In order to accept it, you need to dissolve one tablet in a glass of water and drink a liquid. This is done once a day. Please note that the drug should not be taken in such cases when there is an ulcer or gastritis, during an exacerbation of the disease. It is also worth being careful for people who suffer from kidney disease, liver, and also for certain reasons use a large number of products with a high content of vitamin A.

For example, products containing liver or a large number of eggs. The fact is that the composition of these substances contains a huge amount of vitamin D. What can be harmful to the body along with the intake of suprain. Because it also contains vitamin D. This substance in large quantities is very harmful, and can cause a lot of side effects and diseases. Therefore, if you currently take vitamin food, then you should not eat vitamins in capsules.


Indications for use:

  • It is best to take the drug in the second third trimester of pregnancy
  • Children (chewing form)
  • People who are sparingly eat or monitor their weight, as well as bodybuilders during drying
  • When a huge amount of meat and animal proteins is taken, but few vegetables
  • In addition, it is recommended to take for prevention in spring and autumn, so that there is no vitamin deficiency

Side effects and features of the use of suprain


  • Please note that the drug also has side effects, which usually manifest when the amount of vitamins in the body or vitaminized food is exceeded.
  • When taking these drugs, there may be dizziness, rash, a variety of allergic reactions. In children, rashes in the form of atopic dermatitis or ordinary diathesis, on the cheeks, on the elbows are most often possible. If you continue to take medicine further, weeping wounds may occur.
  • Do not take the drug to people who have problems with blood coagulation. You can not take vitamins for children who use Vitamin D. That is, these are children who are sometimes prescribed for aquadetrim, in order to prevent rickets.
  • In this case, suprain should not be taken. This drug is used only when you do not take any other drugs containing vitamin A or D.
  • You can not drink suprain when taking calcium D3 nicemo. This will lead to an overdose of vitamin D and CA, and possible disorders in the body.
  • In no case should you take more than indicated in the dosage. That is, one thing per day, because this will also lead to the development of the accumulation of some vitamins and minerals. It is also worth considering that Supradin contains sodium salts. This is important for those people who sit on a salt -free diet, with a restriction of the use of sodium chlorine in food. Therefore, suprain can stop the process of losing weight and elimination of fluid from the body.
  • Do not take suprain to people who drink retinoids and products containing a large amount of vitamin A. Because it can cause hypervitaminosis. It is necessary to consider that some drugs containing calcium contain vitamins that improve the absorption of trace elements. Therefore, in this case it is impossible to take suprain.
  • In addition, the tablet contains sucrose. Therefore, people who suffer from diabetes need to take care of these tablets carefully. Please note that some vitamins that make up Supradin can accumulate in the body. An overdose is especially common if you use special food, additional vitamins and trace elements.
  • The drug is not prescribed for children under 12 years of age.


  • Card, diarrhea or vomiting may be observed. If you use the drug in high doses, more than indicated in the instructions, there may be intestinal irritation, as well as the stomach. What will lead to hyperglycemia, increased pressure, as well as impaired renal function.
  • An overdose is possible, but only if you additionally take vitamins, as well as calcium preparations. Signs of an overdose is the instant appearance of headaches, inhibition, relaxation, pain in the stomach.
  • Dryness of the palms and feet can be observed, as well as seborrheic rashes.
  • Most often, the drug is tolerated well, but pain in the stomach can be observed, as well as a udrowns, rashes, redness of the skin. Urine can be painted in bright yellow, do not worry. Because this happens due to the presence in the composition of vitamin B2.
  • From the side of the immune system, violations were very rarely observed. Usually the drug is tolerated quite well.
Chewing vitamins for children
Chewing vitamins for children

It is worth considering that vitamin E in the composition of the drug very negatively affects the absorption of certain types of antibiotics. If you take antiviral drugs or antibiotics, be sure to consult your doctor. Because suprain can reduce the concentration of some of the types of drugs in the blood. That will not have the proper therapeutic effect and treatment will be treated for much longer.

Supradin: reviews

Usually the drug is well perceived, but there are people to whom it is not suitable. Reviews about the drug in most cases are positive.


Olga, Yekaterinburg. I bought vitamins for my son for 12 years. It is difficult to learn and remember information. The pediatrician prescribed vitamins. I chose suprain, since the price is affordable and there are trace elements in the composition. The son really improved the memory, and in general it became more fun.

Oleg, Omyacon. Twice a year I steadily accept vitamins. This time I chose suprain, since the price is one of the most affordable. Satisfied, the chronic fatigue passed, somewhere the forces took on visiting the gym.

Alexey, Moscow. He sat for a long time on drying, preparing for competitions. Indeed, Supradin helped get rid of many unpleasant symptoms. Now I will buy it constantly.


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