Dry mouth: Causes. What diseases cause dry mouth? Which doctor will make a diagnosis with dry mouth?

Dry mouth: Causes. What diseases cause dry mouth? Which doctor will make a diagnosis with dry mouth?

Dry mouth is familiar to many. Usually it is not considered a separate disease, but serves as a signal of serious disorders and a symptom of the onset of many diseases, including extremely serious consequences.

The causes of dry mouth without thirst

In the medical language, dry mouth is called “Xerostomy” and is expressed as follows:

  • Thirst overcome you
  • Language and mucous membrane in the mouth seem swollen and sticky
  • It is difficult for you to make swallowing movements
  • A strong burning sensation in the nasopharynx may be felt
  • Strong hoarseness in the voice or its absence

Dry mouth. Causes

Why does a sharp dry mouth occur?

Xerostomy can be episodic. In this case, it is rather not associated with chronic diseases, but is a temporary or one -time salivation disorder. Also often dry mouth is observed in the presence of bad habits and violation of the sleep and nutrition mode. For example:

  • Excessive consumption of salt, acidic, fatty foods, caffeine and strong tea
  • Excessive drinking alcohol
  • Smoking
  • Improper breathing (at night during snoring or nasal congestion)
  • Side effects when taking some medications
  • High temperature for colds
  • Attacks of strong excitement
  • Hormonal bursts in the menopause and during pregnancy

If dry mouth is constant in nature and is accompanied by other disorders, it should be taken more seriously. Separate ailments are age -related and manifest only in adulthood, part of the diseases that cause dry mouth can also manifest in children.

Dry mouth. possible reasonsChest pain and dry mouth

  • Chest pain and dry mouth speak of heart problems, hypertension, stroke, ischemic disorders.

Pressure and dry mouth

  • Most drugs prescribed during treatment hypertension (increased blood pressure), as a side effect cause dry mouth

Lack of air and dry mouth

  • At cardiovascular diseases systems are also observing air lack, shortness of breath, weakness in the limbs and dizziness

Dry mouth and raid on the tongue

  • Dry mouth in combination with a coating in a tongue, heartburn, nausea talk about diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Noise in the ears and dry mouth

  • Dry mouth and dizziness, ears, pallor of the skin, weakness - faithful signs anemia and vitaminosis (lack of iron and vitamins in the body)

Headache and dry mouth

  • With hypotension (reduced blood pressure), in addition to dry mouth, weakness, dizziness, severe headaches and constant drowsiness are also observed

Headache and dry mouth

Runny nose and dry mouth

  • With rhinitis ( runny) of various etiologies, the nasopharynus mucosa occurs, which in turn leads to dry mouth. It usually takes place with the underlying disease

Bitterness and dry mouth

  • Xerostomy with a taste of bitterness signals about diseases of the gall bladder

Lack of appetite and dry mouth

  • In severe nervous disorders ( bulimia, anorexia, depression) dry mouth is usually accompanied by a lack of interest in food and loss of appetite

Stomach pain and dry mouth

  • Dry pain in the abdomen - signs gastritis or ulcers stomach

Dry mouth and lump in the throat

  • With acute thyroiditis ( inflammation of the thyroid gland) there is dry mouth, a sensation of a coma in the throat, difficulties in swallowing movements

Bloating and dry mouth with pancreatitis

  • Dry mouth, accompanied by bloating, stool disorder is a sign pancreatitis

Dry mouth and bloating

Constipation and dry mouth

  • At thyroid disorders, which affects the work of the digestive organs, various stool disorders can be observed. For example, with hypothyroidism, dry mouth is present in combination with frequent constipation

Dry mouth for diabetes

  • If dry mouth is accompanied by frequent urination, a sharp change in body weight, a strong thirst in the morning, sleep disturbances, constipation, you may have diabetes

Frequent urination and dry mouth

  • In chronic kidney diseases Inflammatory processes significantly violate the body's water balance, which leads to constant dry mouth

Dry mouth and nausea

  • If irritability, sweating, decreased appetite, trembling of the extremities and attacks of fear are added to nausea, you should undergo an examination Endocrine system

Dry mouth and menopause

  • With the offensive menopause In women, the drainage of all mucous membranes begins, so dryness will be felt not only in the mouth, but also in the eyes, throat, in the vagina. Other characteristic symptoms will also be present: tides, chills, increased anxiety

Dry mouth with menopause

Dry mouth after alcohol

  • Pronounced poisoning of the body is the hangover syndrome, in which the body, in particular the liver, is trying to hardly cope with excess ethyl alcohol and its decay products

Itching and dry mouth

  • With a lack of vitamin A in the body, dry mouth is accompanied by itching, dryness and peeling of the skin, dull color and brittle hair and nails, and inflammation of the eyes. Long vitamin A deficiency can lead to severe disorders of epithelial tissues with irreversible consequences

Red tongue and dry mouth

  • At candidiasis (fungal lesions of the oral cavity) Along with dry mouth, light plaque will be observed in the tongue, burning and itching on the mucous membrane of the mouth and surface of the tongue. Some forms of candidiasis in the absence of plaque stain the oral cavity and tongue in bright red. Candidiasis can be an independent disease, or develop against the background of other diseases due to a decrease in immunity

Dry mouth after eating

  • With functional violations of the salivary glands Dry mouth is observed directly during meals. This can be provoked by tumors, neurolgias, mechanical damage during operations

Heartburn and dry mouth

  • Gastroesophageal reflux diseaseor GERB, causing an casting into the esophagus of gastric juice, gives heartburn and dry mouth as the main symptoms.

Dry mouth and SARS

  • At inflammation of the respiratory tract, viral infections, dry mouth is usually accompanied by difficulty when swallowing, a small cough, a feeling of heaviness and burning in the larynx

Dry mouth and SARS

Temperature and dry mouth

  • With bacterial infections ( tonsillitis, pneumonia, pertussis) dry mouth can be the result of a high temperature characteristic of these diseases

Dry mouth in the morning

  • The feeling of dry mouth in the morning, which goes by itself, suggests that during sleep, the breathing regime was disturbed ( snoring, breathing through the mouth with a laid nose) or a humidity mode in the room ( too dry air)

Dry mouth after poisoning

  • One of the initial signs poisoning of any kind It is dry mouth in combination with abundant sweating, convulsions, a sharp change in complexion. In the future, stools, vomiting and gastric cramps may appear. Any type of poisoning requires urgent medical care

Diarrhea and dry mouth

  • At rot-viral infections, accompanied by abundant diarrhea and vomiting, there is a strong dehydration of the body, and as a result - dry mouth. Long -term dehydration can cause dysbiosis and irritable intestinal syndrome

Dry mouth when smoking

  • With smoking Dryness in the mouth can be caused by functional violations of the respiratory system and chronic inflammation of the mucosa, since tobacco resins have a destructive effect on the respiratory system and the oral cavity

Dry mouth in older people

  • Increased dry mouth may indicate serious autoimmune violations In the body: systemic scleroderma, Shegrin, Parkinson and Alzheimer. In such diseases, a sequential lesion of various organs and systems occurs. Autimomune diseases can manifest itself at any age
  • The list of ailments that accompany dry mouth can continue for a long time. It is very important to distinguish ordinary thirst from the symptoms of a serious chronic disease in time
  • With timely seeking a doctor, you will solve two problems at once: firstly, suspend the development of the underlying disease, secondly, prevent the diseases of the oral cavity caused by excessive dry mouth (gum inflammation, rotary ulcers and the like)

Dry mouth and various diseases

Dry mouth in a child

Dryness in the mouth of a child is most often caused by rotary breathing. If the baby suffers from adenoids, sinusitis, violations of the nasal septum, he cannot breathe his nose. In this case, the oral cavity quickly dry out and there is a lack of saliva. The first symptom of dry mouth in a child is the appearance of smell.

Why dries in the mouth during pregnancy

  • During pregnancy, the usual biological processes in the body of mothers undergo changes, and as a result lead to various impaired well -being
  • Dry in the mouth in the early stages may be a result of toxicosis, which through various nutritional disorders causes dehydration
  • If pregnancy has significantly influenced a change in taste preferences, dry mouth can be caused by excessive consumption of salt or spicy food. In this case, it is necessary to bring the water-salt balance to normal and monitor your nutrition
  • At a later date, dry mouth may result in a lack of vitamins and trace elements, especially when other symptoms are present: redness of the skin, extraneous flavors in the mouth, burning and itching on the skin. A detailed blood test will help to determine the problem.
  • It is also extremely important in the last trimester to observe the correct drinking regime, since at this time the fetus reaches the maximum size, compressing the internal organs and changing the usual metabolic processes

Dry mouth during pregnancy

What to do with a constant feeling of dry mouth?

In order to get rid of dry mouth, it is necessary to eliminate its causes first of all, that is, change your habits, balance the diet and medication, contact the doctor for full diagnostics.

  • Refuse harmful addictions: smoking and frequent use of alcohol. Avoid overeating, limit yourself to taking fatty, spicy and salty foods. Drink at least 1.5 liters of clean drinking water per day
  • Follow the condition of the air in the room, more often ventilate it and do wet cleaning, eliminate possible sources of allergies and strong odors.
  • If you take medications, discuss the dosage with the doctor or ask them to replace them with others

Which doctor to contact with dry mouth

If dry mouth is accompanied by symptoms described in the article, sign up for an appointment with an appropriate specialist:

Immunologist allergies and violations of the immune system
Otolaryngologist ear, throat, nose
Gastroenterologist digestive system
Dermatologist diseases of the skin and mucous membrane
Gynecologist genitals and genitourinary system in women
Urologist the genitourinary system
Cardiologist heart disease and blood vessels
Dentist diseases of the oral cavity
Neurologist pathology of the nervous system
Endocrinologist thyroid gland, metabolism

If you find it difficult to choose a specialist, contact the therapist who will give you the corresponding direction after the initial diagnosis.

Which doctor to see the priest in the mouth

Dry preparations in the mouth

If you are sure that dry mouth is not associated with serious diseases, you can try to eliminate it yourself.

  • Medicines that stimulate salivation or replacing saliva: Bioxtra, Oralbalance, Bromelaine, ACC, BIOTENE
  • Some manufacturers are produced for patients suffering from xerostomy, special lines of means for the care of the oral cavity, such as lacalum
  • Dryness in the mouth causes increased reproduction of bacteria and microorganisms in the oral cavity, so it is important to take care of the proper brushing of the teeth and surface of the tongue with daily hygiene, as well as use drugs that prevent fungal infections and caries, for example, fluorine -containing agents

Treatment of dry mouth with folk remedies


  • Solonia is promoted by acute red pepper, sugar louds, chewing gum without sugar
  • Lemon juice, papaya and grapefruit causes increased salivation
  • Rinsed tinctures of antiseptic herbs help well: echinacea, chamomile, sage, calendula
  • Do not use mouth rinse products containing alcohol. You can use such a folk recipe: half a teaspoon of salt and soda on a glass of warm water

Video. Why dries in the mouth during sleep

Video. Dry mouth for infections

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Comments K. article

  1. I did not even know that dry throat could be the cause of many diseases. Usually, when I catch a cold and the throat begins to get sick, I feel dry and discomfort. I absorb the Trakhisan and everything goes away. More than once she treated her sore throat.

  2. Yaroslav, I just a few days ago began to be taken from pharyngitis. Today, the throat no longer hurts even almost not red, so I am satisfied. At work, it is convenient to absorb them, but in order not to miss the time, I put reminders on the phone during the day.

  3. She herself suffered from dry mouth for a long time. I went to the doctor, it turned out that it was because of the beginning menopause, the doctor advised cyclic, I also decided to drink the decoction of chamomile. Dry has gone and the general condition improved. So do not postpone a visit to a specialist.

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