Dry and hard skin around the nails on the arms and legs: reasons - what to do, how to soften the skin?

Dry and hard skin around the nails on the arms and legs: reasons - what to do, how to soften the skin?

This article lists the reasons why the skin around the nails and cuticle dries, bringing discomfort and discomfort.

Why the skin around the nails dries strongly, rudes on the arms and legs: reason

Do your hands dry? Does the skin are rude around the nail plate line? These are all the reasons for the disadvantages of moisture in the skin! In addition, too many keratinized “dead” cells gathered around your nails.

What affects the appearance of too rough and dry skin?

There are several factors on it:

  • Aggressive household chemicals
  • Not very high -quality soap
  • Skin diseases
  • Excess sun
  • Pregnancy
  • Natural aging processes

Dryness can be of different intensities and, depending on what reason has served as the development of the problem, treatment should be planned.

Important: depending on the state of health, age and lifestyle, you can also vary in the treatment method.

If you want to get rid of unpleasant sensations, tenacious burrs, a groomed type of hand and that the skin around the nails dries, you should first turn to a dermatologist so that it diagnoses the cause.

The reasons can be like that:

  • The presence of bad habits.First of all, we are talking about the habit of biting pieces of hard skin around the nails and the nails themselves.
  • WEATHER.For example, climate change or too long stay in the sun.
  • Diseases.Such as yeast fungi, attacking fingers (on the arms and legs), as well as diseases, are akin to psoriasis and eczema.
  • AVITAMINOSIS.Those. Lack of certain vitamins in the body. As a result, the skin dries, exfoliates, cracks and rude.
  • The abundance of moisture.Extremely long stay in water, plus the effect of soap, detergents, aggressive chemicals.
How to deal with dry skin around nails?
How to deal with dry skin around nails?

The skin around the nails dries: what vitamins are missing?

Lack of vitamins is the most common problem why the skin around the nails on the fingers dries. Not only children, but also adults can face such a problem.

How to understand that you have this problem?

By these signs:

  • The thinning of the skin
  • Skin detachment
  • Significant visual impairment at dusk
  • Frequent allergies
  • Frequent respiratory diseases
  • Weak immunity

Treatment consists in consulting a general practitioner and replenishing the deficiency of vitamins by correction of nutrition and taking medications.

Dry skin on fingers and nails
Dry skin on fingers and nails

The skin around the nails on the arms and legs dries: Reasons

Yes, if the skin dries around nails - it brings physical discomfort and aesthetic disorders. But, you must understand that this sign is just a signal of your body. You must accept it and eliminate the problem.

In addition to the skin, you should examine the health of the nails. You should only worry when you notice your nails:

  • Impaired form
  • With growths and "humps"
  • With stripes
  • Excessively thin
  • Excessively thick
  • Yellowed
  • Blue
  • Brittle

In many cases, the nails do not “talk” about diseases that affect the fingers, but signal the disorders of the work within the body:

  • Problems of the thyroid gland.Characteristic features: the nails are very fragile and often lay down.
  • Dry or loose fungus. The appearance of growths, solidification of the skin, change of the color of the plate.
  • Dehydration of the body. Not only the skin around the nail dries. She can peel off all over her body. Nails whiten, covered with stripes.
Dry cutter
Dry cutter

The skin around the nails dries and peels off: diseases

If you notice that the skin around the nails dries and peeling appears on your body and hands, which are sometimes even accompanied by unpleasant itching, this may indicate:

  • Climate change
  • Change of lifestyle
  • Age -related changes
  • Leaking of the skin
  • Excessive stay in the sun
  • Exposure to chemicals
  • Dermatitis

What to do about it:

  • Change habits
  • Use moisturizers more
  • Drink more fluids
  • Exclude potential sources of negative effects on the skin
  • Turn to the dermatologist

Dry, rough, cracked skin on the cuticle and around the nail may indicate the presence of dermatitis.

Dermatitis on the hands:

  • On the basis of allergies. It differs in itching, redness of the skin, unpleasant sensations.
  • Seborrhea.The same as psoriasis.
  • Atopia.Skin inflammation. It is not rarely leading to the appearance of painful cracks, which worsens the course of the disease.
The skin and cuticle on the fingers dry
The skin and cuticle on the fingers dry

The cuticle and the skin around the nails dry hard: methods of treatment, moisturizing

To treat dry and rough skin around the plates should be based on the causes of the problem and diagnosis of a doctor.

General recommendations of actions if the skin around the nails dries:

  • Do not twist your fingers
  • Try to ensure that your fingers stay as little as possible in a hot environment (bath, shower, sink).
  • Drink the norm of water per day
  • Moisturize the room in which you are
  • Do not injure dry skin even more (bite of burrs, etc.)
  • More often moisturize your hands with creams, lotions, oils
  • Take multivitamins
Dry skin - aesthetic discomfort
Dry skin - aesthetic discomfort

The skin around the nails dries, the cuticle is rude on the arms and legs - how to get rid of: tips

The main thing that you should do if your skin around your nails dries is to try to solve the problem by changing your lifestyle and vaccinating good habits:

  • Wash the dishes in gloves
  • After water procedures, apply creams and oils on your hands
  • In winter, be sure to wear warm gloves, socks (do not allow freezing of your hands)
  • Buy a special air humidifier for the house, or arrange water containers throughout the house
  • Do not use cheap cosmetics, give preference to natural or pharmacy
  • Get your hand oil at home (olive, linseed, pumpkin - it doesn't matter)

The skin hards and dries around the nails on the arms and legs: reasons - what to do, how to soften the skin?

Legated skin on the fingers, cuticle and around the nail is very often a cosmetic problem. Treatment should be safe so as not to give you even more unpleasant consequences.

It is best to contact Home Medicine. These are the very tips that were transmitted from generation to generation and gave the effect when the skin rushes mercilessly around the nails.

Does the skin hard and dry around the nails on the arms and legs? You can also soften the skin using special ointments that are purchased in pharmacies. As a rule, they have a base of petroleum jelly. Cosmetic gloves also give a good effect.

If you are not ready to eliminate the dryness of drugs, folk methods will help you.

What to do if the skin around nails dries: home remedies and methods

What means will help you avoid cases when the skin around your nails dries:

  • Wet towel.Be sure to be warm. They can moisten your fingers, making it easier for unpleasant symptoms. If the problem of dryness is not global, the softened skin of the cuticle can be cut into manicure scissors.
  • Honey. Able to relieve inflammation and remove itching. Maska should be made in the hands of 20 minutes, completely opening the "problem areas" with honey.
  • Aloe. This plant has a natural ability to relieve inflammation and soften the skin, as well as fight infections. It is good to use in the affected areas or completely on all hands.
  • Chlorine. Oddly enough, a weak solution of chlorine can be very positively affected by hands if a fungus has started in them or nail plates.
  • Olive oil. He qualitatively eliminates dryness and gives pleasant sensations of the skin.
  • Nail care and skin. An important component of your health, so try to always keep them clean and beauty.

What to do if the skin around the nails dries: reviews

The skin around the nails dries: reviews

Daria: “I have a stupid habit of hooking the skin with a fingernail and picking out a piece of dried skin. As a result, the case ends with wounds that heal for a long time and painfully. I will listen to the advice of the article and I will regularly smear my hands! ”

Tatiana: “A very good remedy is aloe concentrate. It helps not only heal the wounds, but also soften the skin. It can be bought ready -made or just tore a scarlet leaf from a living plant. Remember that scarlet is stored only in the refrigerator! In addition, cool liquid is very pleasant to the skin! "

Valeria: “After she began to go to the master for a manicure, she noticed that the skin is growing around the nail much more intensively and faster than it was before. The master said that this is quite natural, because the cuticle is essentially protecting the nail, and therefore clearly fulfills its purpose! So that this does not cause you discomfort, just lubricate regular skin oil for the cuticle! ”

Video: "The skin around the nails dries - how to deal with it?"

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Comments K. article

  1. Surprisingly stupid and worthless article. How to treat ? They did not answer the main question.

  2. About the lack of vitamins. If the skin dries strongly, then it is most likely that the lack of vitamin A. He is most absorbed by a person in the form of retinol palmitate. The very problem itself and the dermatologist prescribed this vitamin. I took it away, and the skin no longer rude and does not dry.

  3. The author of seborrhea does not distinguish from psoriasis, and there, he distributes advice.

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